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How Can a Smart Packaging Solution Market Your Brand?

Custom set up box


In the world of business, finding the right packaging solution is crucial for success, as it impacts product presentation, protection, and brand perception. From small startups to established enterprises, businesses across industries are constantly seeking innovative packaging solutions to meet their diverse needs and stand out in a competitive market.

Role of Packaging

Packaging solutions encompass a wide range of options, from simple cardboard boxes to custom-designed packaging tailored to specific products and brands. These solutions play a vital role in not only protecting goods during transit but also in communicating brand identity, enhancing product visibility, and creating a memorable unboxing experience for customers. Whether it is a sleek and minimalist design or an eye-catching custom packaging solution, the right packaging can make a significant difference in a business’s success.

One of the important considerations when choosing a packaging solution is product protection. The solutions must provide adequate protection to ensure that products reach customers in pristine condition, free from damage or breakage. This is especially important for fragile or delicate items that require extra care during shipping and handling. Businesses must assess the fragility and dimensions of their products to determine the most suitable packaging materials and design features to safeguard their goods during transit.
Moreover, packaging plays a crucial role in brand communication and marketing. The packaging is often the first point of contact between a customer and a brand, making it an invaluable marketing tool for businesses looking to make a memorable impression. Custom packaging allows businesses to highlight their brand identity through unique designs, colors, logos, and messaging, helping to differentiate their products from competitors and reinforce brand recognition.

Eco-friendly Option

In addition to protection and branding, packaging must also align with environmental sustainability goals. With growing awareness of environmental issues, consumers are increasingly seeking Eco-friendly packaging options that minimize waste and reduce environmental impact. Businesses can opt for sustainable packaging materials such as recyclable cardboard, biodegradable plastics, or compostable materials to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.
Furthermore, businesses must consider practical factors such as cost, scalability, and planning when choosing a packaging solution. While custom packaging may offer greater branding opportunities, they can also be more expensive and require longer lead times for production. Balancing the need for aesthetic appeal with practical considerations is essential for finding a package solution that meets both business objectives and customer expectations.

The Art and Impact of Custom Print Boxes

Custom tote box
In the dynamic landscape of packaging, the term custom print box has become synonymous with a unique blend of personalization and branding. These boxes transcend mere functionality, transforming into a canvas for businesses to showcase their identity and leave a lasting impression. Today, we delve into the art and impact of custom print boxes, exploring their characteristics, applications, and the diverse range of products that find their essence within these personalized packages.

Custom Print Box

A custom-print box is not just a container; it’s a tailored representation of a brand’s personality. Whether it’s a singular box or an entire set of custom print boxes, each one is meticulously designed to reflect the unique identity of the business it represents. These boxes go beyond the ordinary, utilizing printing techniques to incorporate logos, colors, graphics, and messaging that align with the brand’s vision.

Custom Print Box Physical Characteristics

The defining characteristic of custom boxes lies in their personalized aesthetics. These boxes are crafted from various materials, including cardboard, paperboard, or even more sustainable options, to create a canvas that captures the essence of the brand. The printing process involves high-quality techniques such as offset printing, digital printing, or even intricate designs through embossing and debossing.
Custom boxes can be tailored to any shape or size, allowing businesses the flexibility to choose packaging that complements the nature of their products. Whether it’s a sleek, minimalist design for a luxury item or a vibrant, eye-catching box for a product launch, the characteristics of custom boxes are shaped by the brand’s vision and marketing strategy.
The applications of custom boxes are vast, spanning across industries and products. These boxes serve as more than just a vessel for products; they become an extension of the brand experience.
In the realm of cosmetics and beauty, custom boxes are a staple. Luxury brands often invest in intricately designed packaging to elevate the customer’s unboxing experience. From custom-printed lipstick boxes to elegantly crafted skincare packaging, the aesthetic appeal of these boxes enhances the perceived value of the products they encase.
In the food and beverage industry, custom boxes play a crucial role in branding and marketing. Imagine a set of custom-printed gift boxes for a specialty chocolate collection or personalized packaging for a limited-edition tea blend. The visual impact of these boxes adds a layer of sophistication to the products within.

Shipping Box Essentials for E-Commerce

Custom shipping regular slotted carton box
In the intricate world of commerce, the boxes for shipping echo the importance of a seamless and secure logistical journey. These unassuming containers play a pivotal role in safeguarding products as they traverse the intricate supply chain. Today, we embark on an exploration to unveil the essentials of shipping box, delving into their characteristics, applications, and the vital role they play in ensuring that goods reach their destination intact and unblemished.
A shipping box is more than just a container; it is a guardian of products, shielding them from the rigors of transportation. These boxes are crafted with the explicit purpose of providing durability, protection, and ease of handling throughout the shipping process. Whether it’s a single shipment or part of a larger logistics network, shipping boxes are a fundamental element in the world of commerce.

Defining a Shipping Box

The defining characteristics of shipping boxes revolve around strength, resilience, and practicality. These boxes are typically constructed from sturdy materials like corrugated cardboard, ensuring that they can withstand the challenges posed by handling, stacking, and various environmental conditions during transit.
Shipping boxes are designed in standardized sizes to facilitate efficient storage and transportation. The dimensions are carefully chosen to accommodate a variety of products while optimizing space in shipping containers, trucks, and warehouses. This standardized design also streamlines the packing process for businesses, reducing the need for excessive filler materials and enhancing overall efficiency.
Many shipping boxes feature closure mechanisms such as flaps and adhesive strips, ensuring that the contents remain securely enclosed during their journey. This not only protects the products from damage but also adds an element of tamper-evidence, assuring both businesses and customers of the integrity of the shipped items.

Applications of a Shipping Box

The applications of shipping boxes span across a multitude of industries, providing a reliable means of transporting goods from manufacturers to retailers and ultimately into the hands of consumers.
E-commerce businesses heavily rely on shipping boxes to fulfill customer orders. From small boxes accommodating individual items to larger ones for bulk shipments, the versatility of shipping boxes caters to the diverse product range offered by online retailers. These boxes are often the first tangible interaction customers have with a brand, shaping their perception of the product and the company.
In the realm of manufacturing, shipping boxes are indispensable for sending products to distributors and retailers. The standardized sizing ensures compatibility with various modes of transportation, facilitating a smooth and cost-effective logistics process.

Small Shipping Boxes Reinventing Packaging

Mailer with built-in insert
In the dynamic world of logistics, small shipping boxes have emerged as unsung heroes, reshaping the way businesses approach packaging. Far from being constrained by their size, these compact containers are redefining convenience, efficiency, and the overall packaging experience.
Small shipping boxes might be diminutive in size, but their impact is anything but small. Businesses across industries are increasingly recognizing the allure of these compact containers. Their versatility allows for a wide range of applications, making them suitable for shipping, storage, and presenting products in a meticulously organized manner.
Whether you are sending out delicate items or optimizing storage space, shipping boxes offer a level of adaptability that larger counterparts may struggle to match. The appeal lies in their ability to seamlessly accommodate various needs without compromising on strength or security.

Customization Unleashed

One of the standout features of shipping boxes is their potential for customization. The ability to tailor these boxes to specific branding or product requirements is a notable change for businesses aiming to make an impression. From branding elements to personalized sizes, shipping boxes can be adapted to suit individual needs.
Customization goes beyond mere aesthetics; it is about creating a packaging identity that aligns with your brand’s personality. Small shipping box serve as a canvas for businesses to highlight their uniqueness and stand out in a crowded market.

Efficiency in Every Inch

Efficiency is a cornerstone of successful coordination, and shipping boxes epitomize this principle. Their compact nature translates to reduced material usage, making them an Eco-friendly choice. Moreover, their lightweight design contributes to cost-effective shipping, potentially lowering overall transportation expenses.
In a world where sustainability and cost-efficiency are paramount, shipping boxes present an elegant solution. Their size not only minimizes environmental impact but also streamlines the shipping process, benefiting both businesses and the planet.

Versatility Beyond Measure

The versatility of shipping boxes extends beyond their primary role as containers. These compact boxes are adept at housing a variety of items, from electronics to cosmetics, ensuring that products are snugly secured during transit. Their adaptability to different product types adds a layer of versatility that resonates with businesses of all scales.
From fragile goods requiring extra care to everyday items needing efficient packaging, shipping boxes prove their worth across diverse industries. Their versatility positions them as indispensable tools for businesses aiming to simplify their coordination.
Compact and customizable, small shipping-boxes have become the unsung heroes of modern packaging, carrying the weight of efficiency, sustainability, and brand identity on their diminutive shoulders.

Making the Right Choices with Packing Boxes

cardboard boxes
When it comes to moving or storing belongings, the importance of selecting the right packing boxes cannot be overstated. Smart packing begins with making informed choices about the type, size, and material of packing boxes.
A packing box comes in a variety of sizes, and selecting the right size is a fundamental aspect of smart packing. Overly large boxes may become too heavy or challenging to manage, while boxes that are too small can lead to inefficient use of space. Smart packers understand the importance of choosing packing-boxes that suit the items being packed.
Consider the dimensions of your belongings and opt for boxes that provide a snug fit. This not only maximizes space but also ensures that items are secure during transportation or storage. Smart packing starts with the right-sized boxes.

Different Types

Not all boxes are created equal, and understanding the diverse types available is crucial for smart packing. From standard cardboard boxes to specialty boxes designed for specific items like wardrobes or dishware, having the right type of boxes for various belongings is key to ensuring their safety and integrity during the packing process.
When embarking on a packing journey, assess your needs and invest in a variety of packing boxes. Wardrobe boxes are excellent for transporting clothes without wrinkles, while dish boxes with dividers keep fragile items secure. Having the right types of boxes simplifies the process and contributes to a successful move or storage experience.

Packing Boxes Material

The material of packing-boxes is another factor that smart packers consider. Cardboard is the most common material, offering a balance of strength and affordability. However, for items requiring extra protection, such as delicate electronics or valuable artwork, corrugated or specialty boxes may be more suitable.
Evaluate the fragility and weight of your items when choosing packing-boxes. For heavier items, opt for double-walled corrugated boxes, while delicate items benefit from specialty boxes designed to provide added protection. Smart packing involves matching the material of boxes to the specific needs of the items being packed.

Optimizing Efficiency

Smart packing is not just about the boxes themselves; it is also about optimizing efficiency and organization. Utilize labeling systems on packing-boxes to identify contents and room destinations. This makes unpacking at your new location a breeze and ensures that essential items are easily accessible.
Create a labeling system that works for you, whether it is color-coding, numbering, or detailed lists. This small investment of time during the packing process pays off significantly when it comes to the time to unpack. Smart packing is about setting yourself up for a well-organized and efficient transition.

Understanding the Dynamics of Display Boxes

corrugated display box
In the world of retail, the art of presentation is a science, and display boxes play a pivotal role in this strategic approach. Beyond mere containers, display boxes are dynamic tools that influence consumer behavior, enhance brand visibility, and contribute to the overall shopping experience.
A display box is a silent storyteller in a retail setting, capable of captivating consumers with their visual appeal. The science behind their design takes into consideration factors such as color psychology, typography, and layout. The goal is to create a visual impact.  Attract attention but also communicate the essence of the product or brand.
Understanding the dynamics of custom-display boxes involves recognizing the visual cues that prompt consumer engagement. Eye-catching designs, strategic placement, and cohesive branding contribute to an immersive experience that draws shoppers into the world of the product.

Display Boxes: Brand Presence and Recognition

Consistency in branding is a fundamental principle of effective marketing, and custom-display boxes are integral to reinforcing brand presence. The science behind these boxes involves aligning them with the overall brand identity using logos, colors, and messaging. This visual consistency contributes to brand recognition and reinforces the consumer’s connection with the product.
Custom-display boxes act as brand ambassadors, conveying the values and personality of a brand in a matter of seconds. The strategic placement of logos and brand elements on these boxes ensures that the product are quickly recognizable and it become an extension of the overall brand narrative.

Display Boxes: Strategic Placement

The placement of custom-display boxes within a retail space is a science that considers consumer behavior and shopping patterns. Whether positioned at eye level for immediate visibility or strategically placed near complementary products, the science of custom-display boxes involves maximizing their impact by understanding how and where consumers navigate the retail environment.
Strategic placement is not arbitrary.  It is a calculated decision based on consumer behavior studies. Custom-display boxes are strategically placed to guide the shoppers’ journey, encouraging exploration, and increasing the likelihood of product discovery.

Impulse Purchases

Custom-display boxes are designed to trigger impulse purchases, and this is where science becomes particularly intriguing. From limited-time promotions to eye-catching product arrangements, custom-display boxes leverage consumer psychology.  They create a sense of urgency and desire. Science lies in understanding the factors that influence impulse buying behavior.  It tailors the design and placement of these boxes accordingly.
The arrangement of products within custom-display boxes activates the consumer’s desire for immediate gratification. The science of custom-display boxes is about creating an environment where impulse purchases become a natural response.

Packaging as Art – The Aesthetic Appeal of Custom Boxes

custom suitcase box Patron
In the world of modern commerce, packaging is no longer just a practical necessity, it has evolved into a form of artistry. Enter the realm of custom boxes, where functionality meets aesthetic appeal, transforming the packaging experience into an art form.

Unique Canvas

Custom boxes are the unique canvas on which businesses can express their brand identity and captivate their audience. Beyond the standard cardboard confines, these boxes offer a tailored solution for companies seeking to stand out in a crowded marketplace. The ability to customize the size, shape, color, and design allows businesses to create a packaging masterpiece that truly reflects their brand personality.
Custom box is not just container, they are a visual representation of a brand’s values, creativity, and attention to detail. By choosing custom-boxes, businesses elevate their packaging to an art form, leaving a lasting impression on customers.

Crafting a Visual Symphony

The aesthetic appeal of customizable boxes lies in their ability to tell a visual story. Each box becomes a canvas for creativity, featuring eye-catching graphics, vivid colors, and unique textures. Whether it’s a sleek and minimalist design or a vibrant and playful illustration, customizable boxes offer businesses the opportunity to craft a visual symphony that resonates with their target audience.
Businesses can use customizable boxes to create a harmonious visual experience that extends beyond the product inside. The packaging becomes an integral part of the brand narrative, conveying a sense of professionalism, creativity, and attention to detail.

The Unboxing Experience

The unboxing experience has become a crucial aspect of customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Custom-boxes play a pivotal role in elevating this experience from mundane to memorable. The anticipation of opening a uniquely designed box adds an element of excitement and delight to the customer journey, fostering a positive and lasting impression.
With customizable boxes, businesses can turn the simple act of opening a package into a sensory experience. The tactile feel of quality materials, the visual allure of personalized designs, and the overall presentation contribute to a sense of luxury and exclusivity.
Custom-boxes serve as a powerful branding tool, allowing businesses to imprint their logo, tagline, and brand colors directly onto the packaging. This branding brilliance not only reinforces brand recognition but also communicates a sense of professionalism and attention to detail. The visual consistency across customizable boxes creates a cohesive and memorable brand image.

Enhancing CBD Oil Packaging with Dividers

Custom Box Divider
Within the dominion of packaging, the unacknowledged heroes that contribute to both the protection and presentation of delicate products are dividers. In the context of the growing CBD oil industry, specialized separators take center stage, ensuring that each precious bottle is cradled securely. Join us as we explore the significance of CBD oil dividers in CBD oil packaging, shedding light on the precision and care they bring to the process of safeguarding these valuable products.

The Role of Separators

Separators serve as the guardians of fragile items during transit, preventing collisions and breakage. In the world of CBD oil packaging, where the integrity of each bottle is paramount, separators play a vital role in maintaining product quality. These components, often made from sturdy materials, create individual compartments that keep each bottle secure and stationary, minimizing the risk of damage during transportation.
Precision for Precious Contents
CBD oil, known for its therapeutic properties, requires a packaging solution that reflects the delicate nature of the product. Specialized separators are designed with precision to cradle each bottle securely. Whether it’s a glass vial or a plastic container, these separators ensure that each unit is snugly nestled within the packaging, minimizing movement and potential damage. This level of precision is crucial to preserving the potency and quality of CBD oil.

Customization for Brand Excellence

Beyond their protective function, separators contribute to the visual appeal of CBD oil packaging. Customization options allow CBD brands to incorporate separators that not only secure the bottles but also align with their brand identity. From choosing materials that complement the brand aesthetic to incorporating logos and colors, separators become an integral part of the overall packaging design, enhancing the unboxing experience for consumers.

Navigating Sustainability

In an era where environmental considerations are at the forefront, CBD oil separators are adapting to meet sustainability standards. Many packaging companies offer Eco-friendly divider options, using recycled materials or opting for biodegradable alternatives. By incorporating these Eco-conscious separators, CBD brands not only protect their products but also contribute to reducing the environmental impact of packaging materials.
As the CBD industry continues to grow, the role of separators in packaging will likely evolve to meet the changing needs of consumers and regulatory requirements. Innovations in materials, design, and sustainability will shape the future of CBD oil separators, ensuring that they remain a crucial component in the journey from production to consumer.

Safeguarding and Enhancing Mail Tubes

mail tubes
In the world of packaging, where protection and presentation are paramount, one often-overlooked star emerges—the versatile mail tube. These cylindrical containers go beyond conventional packaging, offering a unique and secure way to transport delicate items. In this post, we will dive deeper into the wonders of mail tubes, exploring their significance in safeguarding and enhancing the shipping experience for a variety of goods.

The Magic of Mail Tubes

Mail-tubes, with their cylindrical design, are tailor-made for items that demand special care during shipping. From posters and blueprints to fragile documents and artwork, mail-tubes provide a protective cocoon that shields contents from bending, creasing, or damage during transit. The rigid structure of mail-tubes ensures that the enclosed items reach their destination in the same pristine condition in which they were dispatched.

Versatility in Size and Material

One of the key features that make mail-tubes indispensable is their versatility. Available in various sizes, diameters, and lengths, these tubes can accommodate a wide range of items, from small documents to large posters. Additionally, mail-tubes come in different materials, with cardboard and plastic being common choices. The selection of material depends on the nature of the contents and the level of protection required.

Customization for Branding of Mail Tubes

Mail-tubes offer more than just protection; they provide a unique opportunity for branding and personalization. Businesses can customize mail-tubes with logos, colors, and branding messages, creating a cohesive and professional look for their shipments. This not only ensures brand visibility during transit but also contributes to a positive unboxing experience for the recipient.

Eco-Friendly Initiatives

In an era where sustainability is a priority, many mail-tubes are manufactured from recycled materials, and they are often recyclable themselves. Companies are increasingly opting for eco-friendly options to align with their sustainability goals and meet the environmentally conscious preferences of consumers. Mail-tubes contribute to the reduction of packaging waste, making them a responsible choice for businesses committed to green practices.

Innovation for Added Functionality

Mail-tubes are not just static containers; they can be designed with added functionality. Some tubes come with end caps that provide extra protection and prevent items from sliding out during transit. Innovations such as telescoping tubes, which can be adjusted to accommodate varying lengths, further enhance the versatility and functionality of mail-tubes, catering to the diverse needs of shippers.

As businesses continue to prioritize safe and eco-friendly shipping practices, mail-tubes stand as a testament to innovation and adaptability in the ever-evolving world of packaging. Whether safeguarding artwork or ensuring the safe delivery of important documents, mail-tubes play a crucial role in enhancing the shipping experience for businesses and recipients alike.

Discovering the Versatility of Boxes and Cartons

boxes and cartons
In the complex world of packaging, the underappreciated items that encase and protect numerous products are the indispensable boxes and cartons. These versatile containers serve as the first line of defense for goods during transportation and provide a canvas for brand expression. Join us as we unravel the diverse roles of cartons boxes, exploring their significance in packaging and the impact they have on product presentation and protection.

The Essence of Boxes and Cartons

Cartons and boxes are the silent guardians of products, offering a secure haven during transit and storage. The terms “cartons” and “boxes” are often used interchangeably, but they can have nuanced differences. While boxes generally refer to a broader category of containers, cartons are often associated with packaging made from paperboard. Both, however, play a crucial role in the packaging ecosystem, offering a range of sizes, shapes, and materials to suit the diverse needs of industries.

Protection through Structure

At their core, cartons and boxes are structures designed to shield products from the rigors of transportation. Whether it’s the sturdy corrugated walls of a shipping box or the sleek design of a paperboard carton, the structure of these containers ensures that items reach their destination in pristine condition. The strength and resilience of cartons and boxes become particularly crucial when dealing with fragile or sensitive goods, showcasing their role in maintaining product integrity.

Versatility in Design

Beyond their protective function, cartons and boxes provide an opportunity for brand expression and product presentation. The design possibilities are virtually endless, allowing businesses to convey their brand identity through colors, logos, and innovative packaging structures. The visual appeal of a well-designed box or carton contributes to a positive consumer experience, influencing purchasing decisions and fostering brand loyalty.

Eco-Friendly Boxes and Cartons

In an era where sustainability is at the forefront of consumer consciousness, cartons and boxes are adapting to meet eco-friendly standards. Many packaging materials used in the production of cartons and boxes are recyclable, and companies are increasingly incorporating recycled content into their packaging. Biodegradable options are also gaining traction, aligning with the global push for more sustainable packaging solutions.

Innovation in Material and Function

As technology advances, so does the innovation in materials and functions of cartons and boxes. From anti-counterfeiting features to smart packaging solutions that provide real-time tracking, these containers are evolving to meet the demands of a dynamic market. Lightweight materials and easy-to-assemble designs contribute to cost-effectiveness in shipping while maintaining the structural integrity necessary for product protection.

The Art of Cardboard Packaging Companies

Software packaging box
When it comes to product packaging, the unassuming heroes that ensure the safety and presentation of countless items are the cardboard packaging boxes. Behind these essential containers stand the craftsmen of the packaging industry. In this article, we will investigate the artistry and significance of cardboard packaging companies, exploring the impact of their work on product integrity, branding, and sustainability.

The Role of Cardboard Packaging Boxes

Cardboard boxes are the unsung heroes of the shipping and retail world. These humble containers serve a dual purpose: protecting products during transit and presenting them to consumers in an organized and appealing manner. Their versatility allows for customization, making them suitable for a wide range of items, from delicate electronics to sturdy household goods. Packaging boxes are not just carriers; they are the first point of contact between a product and its consumer.

Craftsmanship in Cardboard Packaging

Behind the scenes, the artistry of cardboard packaging lies in the craftsmanship of the companies that produce them. These companies specialize in creating boxes that meet specific requirements, ensuring that products are not just shipped but presented with care. From the selection of high-quality materials to precision in cutting, folding, and printing, the work of packaging companies reflects a commitment to excellence.

Customization and Branding

Packaging companies understand that packaging is more than just a protective shell. It is a canvas for brand expression. Customization options allow businesses to showcase their logos, colors, and messaging on packaging, creating a distinct brand identity. In a crowded marketplace, the visual impact of a well-designed cardboard box can set a product apart, leaving a lasting impression on consumers.

Sustainability in Packaging

In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, packaging companies play a crucial role in promoting sustainability. Cardboard boxes are recyclable and often made from recycled materials, contributing to the reduction of waste. Many packaging companies are adopting Eco-friendly practices, such as using water-based inks and promoting minimalist designs, aligning with the global push towards more sustainable packaging solutions.

Future of Cardboard Packaging

As e-commerce continues to flourish and environmental concerns gain prominence, the future of packaging companies is dynamic and promising. Innovations in materials, designs, and manufacturing processes are shaping the industry. Additionally, packaging companies are increasingly adopting technologies like digital printing to offer more personalized and efficient solutions, meeting the evolving needs of businesses and consumers alike.

A Sturdy Secret – Unlocking the Power of Corrugated Boxes

corrugated boxes
A corrugated box, often referred to as a corrugated cardboard box, is a packaging marvel known for its unique construction. Corrugated boxes are crafted from a material consisting of three layers. The three-layered structure imparts exceptional strength and rigidity to the box while remaining lightweight.

The Many Faces of Corrugated Boxes

Corrugated-boxes are incredibly versatile and come in a myriad of sizes, shapes, and styles to suit a wide range of packaging needs. Whether you need to ship delicate electronics, bulky appliances, or fragile glassware, there’s a corrugated box designed for the task. Some boxes are crafted with double-walled or triple-walled corrugated material for added protection, making them ideal for heavy or valuable items.

Eco-Friendly Excellence

In an era where sustainability is a top priority, corrugated-boxes shine as an eco-friendly choice. Most corrugated-boxes are made from renewable resources, and they are fully recyclable. Using corrugated-boxes not only reduces the environmental footprint but also aligns with the values of eco-conscious consumers. The recyclability of corrugated-boxes ensures they have a second life in the form of new packaging, contributing to a circular economy.

Corrugated Boxes: Customization and Branding

Corrugated-boxes offer a blank canvas for branding and personalization. Many businesses opt for custom-printed corrugated-boxes to display their logos, product information, and brand messages. This not only enhances brand recognition but also elevates the unboxing experience for customers. Customized corrugated-boxes create a memorable first impression, enhancing the perceived value of the product.

Protection and Security

Corrugated-boxes are renowned for their protective qualities. Their sturdy construction acts as a barrier against external factors such as rough handling, moisture, and impacts during shipping or storage. The corrugated medium’s cushioning effect helps absorb shocks, reducing the risk of damage to fragile contents. When it comes to safeguarding valuable or delicate items, corrugated-boxes are a top choice.

Cost-Effective and Accessible

Corrugated-boxes are not only robust but also budget-friendly. Their affordability and widespread availability make them accessible to a broad range of users, from small businesses shipping products to individuals preparing for a move. The cost-effectiveness of corrugated-boxes ensures that quality packaging is within reach for all.

Corrugated-boxes are the unsung heroes of the packaging world, celebrated for their strength, sustainability, customization options, and protective qualities. Whether you’re a business looking to showcase your brand, a shipper safeguarding your products, or an individual in need of sturdy moving boxes, corrugated-boxes offer a reliable solution. Their robust nature and eco-conscious appeal make them a staple in modern packaging.

Cardboard Boxes – Anonymous Heroes of Packaging

Cardboard boxes
Cardboard boxes are the workhorses of the packaging industry, relied upon by businesses and individuals worldwide for their versatility, durability, and Eco-friendliness. In this article, we will investigate further the world of cardboard box and cardboard boxes, delving into their significance, the myriad forms they come in, and the essential role they play in modern packaging.

The Versatility of Cardboard Boxes

Cardboard boxes, whether singular or multiple, are synonymous with versatility. They come in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and styles, making them suitable for packaging everything from tiny trinkets to large appliances. Cardboard-boxes can be used for shipping, storage, moving, or even as display containers. Their adaptability is a key reason they have become the go-to-choice for packaging needs.

Eco-Friendly Packaging

In an era where sustainability is a growing concern, cardboard-boxes have risen to the occasion as an Eco-friendly packaging solution. Most cardboard-boxes are made from renewable resources, and they are fully recyclable. This not only reduces the environmental impact but also resonates with environmentally conscious consumers. The ability to recycle cardboard-boxes keeps them in circulation, making them a sustainable choice for both businesses and individuals.

Cardboard Boxes: Customization and Branding

Cardboard-boxes are like blank canvases for businesses. They offer a prime opportunity for branding and customization. Many companies opt for custom-printed cardboard-boxes to highlight their logos, product information, and brand messages. This not only enhances brand recognition but also creates a memorable unboxing experience for customers. Customized cardboard boxes elevate the presentation of products and contribute to a positive impression.

Durability and Protection of Cardboard Boxes

Cardboard-boxes are renowned for their strength and protective qualities. They provide a sturdy shield around the contents, safeguarding them from external factors such as rough handling, moisture, and impact during shipping or storage. The corrugated construction of many cardboard-boxes adds an extra layer of protection, ensuring that fragile items reach their destination intact.

Affordability and Accessibility

One of the most appealing aspects of cardboard boxes is their affordability and widespread availability. They are a cost-effective choice for businesses and individuals, making them accessible to a broad range of users. Whether you are a small online business shipping products or a family preparing for a move, cardboard boxes offer a budget-friendly solution.

Cardboard-boxes may not always steal the spotlight, but they are unquestionably the unsung heroes of packaging. Their versatility, Eco-friendliness, potential for customization, durability, affordability, and accessibility make them an invaluable asset in the world of packaging.

The Art of Shipping Boxes: Beyond Cardboard and Tape

shipping boxes
In the world of e-commerce and global trade, shipping box or shipping boxes may seem like humble items lost in a sea of products. However, these unassuming containers play a pivotal role in the success of businesses, ensuring that products reach their destination safely and in style. We shall further discover the fascinating world of shipping boxes, uncovering their importance, the variety they come in, and how they impact the shipping experience for both businesses and customers.

Shipping Box Basics

A shipping-box is, at its core, a container designed to protect and transport goods. It’s the final vessel in a product’s journey, and its design and durability are key to ensuring a product arrives intact. Shipping-boxes are typically made of corrugated cardboard, a sturdy material that can withstand the rigors of transit.

Variety in Shipping Boxes

The world of shipping-boxes is far from monotonous. Boxes come in a vast array of sizes, shapes, and designs to accommodate a wide range of products. From small, compact boxes for delicate items like jewelry to large, sturdy boxes for heavy or bulky items, there’s a shipping-box for every need. Some boxes are designed to fold flat for easy storage when not in use, while others feature reinforced corners and double-wall construction for added protection.

Shipping Boxes: Customization and Branding

One of the key features of shipping-boxes is their potential for customization and branding. Many businesses use custom printed shipping-boxes to add a personal touch to their shipments. These custom boxes can feature the company’s logo, branding, and even promotional messages. This not only enhances brand recognition but also creates an exciting unboxing experience for customers.

Eco-Friendly Shipping

Sustainability is a growing concern for both businesses and customers. Many shipping-boxes are now designed with eco-friendliness in mind. These boxes are often made from recycled materials and are recyclable, reducing their environmental impact. Choosing eco-friendly shipping-boxes can be a significant selling point for businesses that want to align with green values.

Customer Experience

Shipping-boxes are more than just protective shells; they are part of the customer experience. A well-packaged product not only arrives safely but also creates a positive impression. Customers appreciate receiving products in well-designed, sturdy boxes that reflect the brand’s attention to detail. An enjoyable unboxing experience can lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

Shipping boxes are the unsung heroes of the shipping and e-commerce world. They ensure that products reach their destination unscathed, while also serving as a canvas for branding and personalization.

The Power of Custom Packaging-Your Brand’s Secret Weapon

Software packaging box
In the world of modern commerce, two terminologies, custom packaging and custom printed box, have become the superheroes of branding and marketing. These terms are far from ordinary cardboard and wrapping; they are the secret weapons that brands use to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Custom Packaging: A Brand’s Signature

Custom packaging, often achieved through custom printed boxes, is the art of creating packaging solutions tailored to a brand’s unique identity and product offerings. It goes beyond a mere container; it’s a representation of a brand’s personality and values. Whether it’s the vibrant colors, striking logos, or innovative design, custom-packaging is all about leaving a lasting impression on customers.

The Power of First Impressions

In today’s competitive market, first impressions are everything. Custom-packaging plays a pivotal role in making a remarkable first impression on customers. When a package arrives in a custom-printed box, it immediately conveys the brand’s dedication to quality and attention to detail. This memorable encounter sets the stage for a positive customer experience, which is essential for building brand loyalty.

Custom Packaging: Brand Recognition and Recall

Custom-packaging ensures brand recognition and recall. When customers see your distinctive packaging, they instantly connect it with your brand. It becomes a visual cue, reinforcing your brand’s presence in their minds. This is a powerful tool for businesses aiming to be memorable and stand out from competitors.

Personalization and Versatility

One of the key advantages of custom-packaging is its ability to be personalized according to your brand’s needs. Whether you need packaging for a product launch, a special occasion, or a seasonal promotion, custom printed boxes can be adapted to suit your requirements. This versatility allows you to maintain a consistent brand image while tailoring your packaging for specific campaigns or events.

Environmental Responsibility

Custom-packaging isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s also an opportunity to express your brand’s commitment to environmental responsibility. Many businesses choose eco-friendly materials and practices for their custom packaging, sending a message to customers that they care about sustainability and the planet.

Cost-Effective Marketing of Custom Packaging

Custom-packaging serves as a cost-effective marketing tool. Instead of investing in separate marketing materials, your packaging can do the talking for you. From showcasing your brand’s story to highlighting promotions and discounts, custom printed boxes have the potential to be a 24/7 marketing tool that reaches customers wherever your products are delivered.

Elevating Brand Appeal with Custom Setup Box

custom setup box
In the dynamic world of packaging and branding, setup box and custom setup box stand out as versatile tools for creating an unforgettable impression. Whether you’re packaging a luxury product, a promotional kit, or a corporate gift, the choice between a standard setup box and a custom one can make all the difference in leaving a lasting mark on your customers.

Understanding Custom Setup Box

Setup boxes, also known as rigid boxes, are a popular choice in the realm of packaging. They are characterized by their sturdy, non-collapsible construction, making them ideal for protecting delicate or high-end products. These boxes are typically composed of a paperboard or cardboard material that is wrapped with high-quality paper, cloth, or other decorative materials to create an elegant exterior.

The Versatility of Custom Setup Box

Setup-boxes are known for their versatility and are often used for a wide range of applications. Whether it’s for retail, gifting, or corporate packaging, these boxes offer a premium presentation. They come in various sizes, shapes, and designs, making it possible to create packaging that is both functional and visually appealing. Setup-boxes are an excellent choice when you want to make a statement with your packaging.

The Custom Advantage

While standard setup box has their merits, custom-setup boxes take packaging to the next level. They are tailored to meet the specific needs and branding requirements of a company or product. Here are a few advantages of choosing custom-setup boxes:

  • Brand Consistency: Custom-setup boxes allow you to incorporate your brand colors, logos, and messaging seamlessly, ensuring brand consistency and recognition.
  • Unique Design: With custom boxes, you have the creative freedom to design packaging that truly stands out, aligning with your brand’s identity and values.
  • Enhanced Protection: Custom-setup boxes can be designed to provide an even higher level of protection for your products, reducing the risk of damage during transit.
  • Tailored Size and Shape: You can create custom boxes that perfectly fit your product, eliminating unnecessary space and reducing shipping costs.
  • Luxury Appeal: Custom-setup boxes add a touch of luxury to your products, making them more appealing to customers.

Custom-setup boxes offer the flexibility to align packaging with your brand’s unique identity and create a memorable unboxing experience. Whether you’re aiming to make a statement in retail, impress with corporate gifts, or elevate your product’s presentation, custom-setup boxes are a powerful tool for leaving a lasting impression.

Making the Right Choice: Small vs. Large Shipping Box

Shipping Box, Costume Box, Custom Corrugated Box

When it comes to packaging and shipping, the decision between a small shipping box and a large shipping box is far from a small matter. The choice of box size can significantly impact the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and safety of your shipping process. In this post, we’ll explore the considerations behind selecting the right size of the shipping box for your needs and how it can make all the difference in ensuring your items reach their destination in perfect condition.

Small Shipping Box: A Compact Solution

Small shipping boxes are compact and often preferred when the items being shipped are relatively small and lightweight. They offer several advantages:

Cost-Efficiency: Smaller boxes are usually cheaper than their larger counterparts. This can save you money on both the box itself and shipping costs.

Space Optimization: Small boxes help make the most of available storage and transportation space, allowing you to ship more items in a single go.

Eco-Friendly: Using appropriately sized small boxes reduces waste and is more environmentally friendly.

Ideal for Fragile Items: When your items are delicate, smaller boxes can provide better protection by minimizing movement within the box.

Large Shipping Box: Versatility and Capacity

On the other hand, large shipping boxes offer their unique set of advantages:

Versatility: Large boxes can accommodate a variety of items, from clothing and household goods to oversized products.

Fewer Boxes: When shipping many items at once, a few large boxes can reduce the complexity and logistics of managing multiple small boxes.

Convenience: They are ideal for items that can’t be disassembled or are simply too large for small boxes.

Efficiency for Bulk Orders: Large boxes are a go-to choice for businesses shipping bulk orders or large quantities of a single item.

Considerations for Choosing the Right Size

When determining whether small or large shipping boxes are best for your needs, it’s crucial to consider:

Item Size and Weight: Assess the size and weight of the items you’re shipping. Ensure the box you select can securely hold the contents.

Shipping Costs: Smaller boxes generally cost less to ship, but larger boxes can be more cost-effective when shipping in bulk.

Environmental Impact: Consider the sustainability factor; smaller boxes are often an Eco-friendly choice.

Protection and Padding: Smaller boxes might offer better protection for fragile items, but larger boxes can accommodate more padding.

Storage and Handling: Evaluate the available storage space at both ends of the shipping process. Ensure your chosen box size can be stored and handled conveniently.

Large Suitcase Box and Mini Suitcase Gift Box Travel Companion

large suitcase box
In an era where creativity meets functionality, the art of presentation has become an integral part of gifting. Whether it’s for a cherished friend’s birthday or a special someone’s anniversary, the packaging itself can serve as a testament to the thought and effort put into the gift. This is where the charm of large suitcase box and mini suitcase gift box comes into play, offering a whimsical touch to any present.

Exploring the World of Large Suitcase Box

Imagine a box that not only holds your precious gift but also mirrors the excitement of a far-off adventure. Large suitcase boxes capture the essence of wanderlust within their sturdy frames. With ample space to accommodate various gifts, these boxes provide the ideal canvas to personalize and customize, making them an exceptional choice for those looking to make a lasting impression.

The versatility of large suitcase boxes extends beyond their use as mere gift containers. They can be repurposed as storage for keepsakes, mementos, or even travel memorabilia. Their durability ensures that the memories preserved within are safeguarded against time and external elements, adding a touch of nostalgia to their functionality.

Unwrapping the Charm of Mini Suitcase Gift Box

When it comes to expressing gratitude or celebrating life’s small victories, the intricacy and elegance of a mini suitcase gift box can speak volumes. These adorable creations, with their intricate detailing and compact design, are ideal for holding delicate tokens of affection. From jewelry to heartfelt notes, these miniature replicas of their full-sized counterparts embody the sentiment of a grand journey encapsulated within a small, tangible token.

The miniature size of these suitcase gift boxes allows for easy portability, making them an exquisite choice for intimate gatherings, weddings, or corporate events. Their quaint appearance and exquisite craftsmanship make them not only a delightful vessel for gifts but also a charming keepsake in their own right.

The Perfect Blend of Functionality and Aesthetics

Large suitcase boxes and mini suitcase gift boxes seamlessly blend practicality with aesthetics. They serve as a testament to the art of presentation, elevating the act of giving and receiving to a new level of sophistication and thoughtfulness. These boxes not only preserve the sanctity of the gift within but also create an enduring impression that lingers in the memory of the recipient.

Unveiling the Versatility of Corrugated Boxes

Custom Printed Shipping Box, RSC Corrugated Cardboard, 2 color Flexo
Corrugated boxes have emerged as an indispensable asset for businesses across diverse industries. Whether it’s e-commerce, manufacturing, or retail, the reliability, versatility, and Eco-friendliness of a corrugated box have made them the top choice for shipping, storing, and protecting a wide array of products. Let’s dive deeper into the multifaceted nature of these boxes and explore the ways they have transformed the packaging landscape.

The Versatility of Corrugated Boxes

Characterized by their rippled or fluted pattern sandwiched between two flat layers, they provide exceptional strength and durability. This structural brilliance makes them ideal for safeguarding goods during transit, ensuring that items remain intact and unscathed, even when subjected to rigorous handling and transportation processes.

Eco-Friendly Packaging Solutions for Sustainable Practices

In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, corrugated-boxes have become synonymous with sustainable packaging solutions. Made from recyclable materials and often produced using Eco-friendly practices, these boxes minimize the ecological footprint of businesses while offering an efficient means of protecting goods. The recyclability of these boxes not only reduces waste but also aligns with the growing global emphasis on sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.

Customization for Enhanced Brand Identity

One of the most compelling features of corrugated-boxes is their adaptability to various customization options. Businesses can leverage this characteristic to create bespoke packaging solutions that align with their brand identity. Custom printing, sizing, and structural modifications enable companies to craft unique packaging experiences that not only protect the product but also serve as a powerful branding tool, fostering brand recognition and customer loyalty.

Cost-Effective and Efficient Packaging Solutions

Beyond their structural and environmental benefits, corrugated-boxes are cost-effective packaging solutions that cater to businesses of all scales. Their lightweight nature reduces shipping costs, while their robust construction ensures that products are well-protected, minimizing the risk of damage and associated financial losses. This affordability and efficiency combination make corrugated-boxes a top choice for businesses looking to streamline their packaging processes without compromising on product safety and quality.

In the ever-evolving industry of packaging, corrugated-boxes stand as a testament to the symbiosis of durability, sustainability, and versatility. As businesses strive to meet the demands of a dynamic market while embracing Eco-friendly practices, these boxes serve as a reliable and adaptable solution, ensuring that products reach consumers unscathed, while also contributing to a greener, more sustainable future.

How Shipping Boxes are Shaping the Future of Logistics

shipping boxes
In today’s fast-paced world, the demand for efficient and reliable shipping solutions has never been greater. When it comes to transporting goods from one corner of the world to another, the humble shipping box plays a pivotal role. At Cactus Container, we understand the significance of these unassuming containers, and we’re dedicated to pushing the boundaries of container manufacturing to meet the evolving needs of the shipping industry. In this post, we’ll dive deeper into the innovations in shipping boxes that are shaping the future of logistics.

Lightweight Yet Durable – The Perfect Balance

Shipping boxes have come a long way since their inception. Traditionally, they were primarily made of heavy materials like wood, designed for maximum durability but often at the expense of weight and cost-efficiency. However, with the rise of global e-commerce and the need for cost-effective, eco-friendly shipping solutions, manufacturers have begun to prioritize lightweight materials without compromising on durability.

At Cactus Container, we’ve introduced cutting-edge composite materials and advanced design techniques to create boxes that strike the perfect balance between strength and weight. This innovation not only reduces shipping costs but also minimizes environmental impact through reduced fuel consumption.

Shipping Boxes – Tailoring Boxes to Your Needs

In the modern world of retail, one size doesn’t fit all. E-commerce companies ship an incredible variety of products, each with its own unique requirements. To address this, companies offer customizable boxes that can be tailored to fit your specific products perfectly.

Sustainable Packaging Solutions

With sustainability becoming a global concern, we understand the importance of eco-friendly packaging. Our commitment to sustainability has led us to develop boxes that are not only strong and lightweight but also environmentally responsible. We use recycled materials and employ eco-conscious manufacturing processes to reduce our carbon footprint.

Tamper-Evidence Shipping Boxes

In an era where security is paramount, ensuring the safety of shipped goods is of utmost importance. Our boxes come equipped with state-of-the-art tamper-evident features to give you peace of mind. This includes secure locking mechanisms and advanced sealing methods, designed to protect your products from theft and damage during transit.

Customizable Printing

Not just a mode of transportation, boxes have also become a valuable branding tool. With our advanced printing capabilities, you can customize your boxes with your company’s logo, branding, and marketing messages, turning every package into a promotional opportunity.

Unveiling the Power of Custom Boxes

Custom die cut mailer box

In the world of packaging, the terms ‘custom box’ or ‘custom boxes’ carry immense significance. These two phrases represent the epitome of packaging personalization, allowing businesses to leave a lasting impression on their customers. Custom boxes have revolutionized the way companies present their products, making them an integral part of branding and marketing strategies. 

Why Choose Custom-Boxes? 

Enhancing Brand Identity 

Custom-boxes offer a unique opportunity to convey your brand’s personality. With tailored designs, logos, and colors, you can create packaging that speaks directly to your target audience. This consistency in branding helps customers recognize your products instantly and fosters a sense of trust and loyalty. 

Perfect Fit for Any Product 

Custom-boxes are versatile and can be designed to perfectly fit your product. Whether you’re shipping delicate jewelry or robust electronics, tailored packaging ensures your items are snug and secure, reducing the risk of damage during transit. 

Eco-Friendly Options 

As sustainability becomes a top priority for consumers, opting for custom-boxes also means you can choose eco-friendly materials. Crafted from recycled and biodegradable materials, these boxes not only protect your products but also the environment. 

The Benefits of Personalization 

Stand Out in a Crowd 

With customized boxes, you have the creative freedom to stand out from competitors. Bold designs, unique shapes, and captivating graphics draw attention to your products on the shelf and online, making them more appealing to potential buyers. 

Enhanced Customer Experience 

Customers appreciate the extra effort put into packaging. Unboxing a product encased in a carefully designed custom box is an experience in itself, creating a memorable moment and fostering a positive impression of your brand. 

Boost Marketing Efforts 

Custom-boxes are a subtle yet effective marketing tool. They can be designed to convey your brand’s story, showcase your product’s features, and even include promotional materials. This extends your marketing reach beyond the product itself. 

Getting Started with Custom-Boxes 

Identify Your Brand Identity: Before delving into design, clearly define your brand’s identity, values, and target audience as this will guide your box design decisions. 

Choose the Right Material: Consider the nature of your product and your commitment to sustainability when selecting materials for your custom-boxes. 

Design Thoughtfully: Work with a professional designer or design team to create a visually appealing and cohesive packaging design. 

Quality Matters: Ensure that the construction of your custom-boxes is of high quality to protect your products during shipping. 

Order the Right Quantity: Balance your budget and storage capabilities with your need for custom-boxes. Ordering in bulk can often save costs. 



Packing Boxes – A Guide to Efficient Packing

packing boxes
Moving to a new home or office can be an exciting adventure, but it often comes with a fair share of stress and anxiety. One of the most crucial aspects of any move is the process of packing, and that’s where the humble packing box or packing boxes become your best friends.

Choosing the Right Packing Boxes

Size Matters

When it comes to selecting the right boxes, size matters. You’ll want to have a variety of box sizes on hand, from small to extra-large, to accommodate different items. Small-sized boxes are ideal for heavy objects like, while larger ones are ideal for lightweight but bulky objects like bedding and pillows.

Specialty Boxes

Consider investing in specialty boxes designed for specific items. Wardrobe boxes with built-in hangers are excellent for your clothes, while dish boxes with dividers provide extra protection for your fragile kitchenware.

Packing Supplies

Packing Materials

To ensure your belongings arrive at your new destination intact, you’ll need more than just boxes. Gather packing materials such as bubble wrap, packing paper, packing peanuts, and tape to secure your items inside the boxes. This extra layer of protection is especially crucial for delicate or breakable items.

Labeling of Packing Boxes

Labeling is crucial and helps in various ways. Make sure to mark each box with its contents and the room it belongs to. This simple step will save you a lot of time and frustration when it’s time to unpack.

Packing Boxes Strategies

Start Early

Procrastination is your enemy when it comes to packing. Start early, and tackle one room at a time. Begin with the items you use least often and work your way to the essentials.

Protect Fragile Items

For fragile items like glassware and other electronic equipment make sure to wrap them separately in a padded sheet or a bubble wrap. Place them in sturdy boxes and use plenty of padding to prevent damage.

Fill Empty Spaces

To avoid items shifting during transit, fill any empty spaces inside the boxes with crumpled paper or packing peanuts. This will help keep your belongings secure and reduce the risk of damage.

Packing Boxes: Efficient Loading

Heavy Items First

When loading your boxes into a moving truck, place the heaviest ones at the bottom and the lighter ones on top. This will help maintain the balance and stability of the load.

Use Blankets and Straps

To protect your furniture and prevent it from shifting during the move, use blankets and straps to secure everything in place.

Mailer Boxes vs. Small Mailer Boxes

Custom Die Cut Mailer Box

When it comes to packaging your products for shipping or retail, the choice of the right packaging solution can significantly impact your business. Two popular options that businesses often consider are mailer boxes and small mailer boxes. Each of these options has its unique advantages and use cases. In the following content, we will discover the differences between mailer-boxes and small mailer boxes, helping you make an informed decision for your specific packaging needs. 

What Are Mailer-Boxes? 

Mailer-boxes, also known as shipping boxes or corrugated mailers, are versatile packaging solutions designed to protect and secure products during transit. These boxes come in various sizes and can accommodate a wide range of items, making them suitable for various industries, including e-commerce, retail, and subscription services. 

Advantages of Mailer-Boxes 

Versatility: Mailer-boxes come in different sizes, making them suitable for shipping various products, from clothing to electronics. 

Durability: They are typically made from corrugated cardboard, which provides excellent protection for your items against damage during transit. 

Customization: Mailer-boxes can be customized with branding, logos, and design elements, helping to create a memorable unboxing experience for customers. 

What Are Small Mailer-Boxes? 

Small mailer-boxes are a specific type of mailer box designed for smaller items or products that require a compact packaging solution. These boxes are ideal for shipping small electronics, cosmetics, jewelry, and other petite products securely. 

Advantages of Small Mailer-Boxes 

Space Efficiency: Small mailer-boxes are designed to minimize wasted space, which can help reduce shipping costs and environmental impact. 

Protection for Small Items: They offer the same level of protection as regular mailer-boxes but are better suited for small, delicate items. 

Branding Opportunities: Like their larger counterparts, small mailer-boxes can be customized to reinforce your brand identity. 

Choosing the Right Packaging Solution 

Now that we have discussed the characteristics and advantages of both mailer-boxes and small mailer-boxes, how do you choose the right packaging solution for your business? 

Consider Your Product Size: If you primarily ship larger items, regular mailer-boxes may be the way to go. For smaller products, small mailer-boxes offer a more efficient solution. 

Shipping Costs: Evaluate your shipping costs; smaller and more compact packaging can lead to cost savings in the long run. 

Brand Identity: If branding is a priority for your business, both types of boxes can be customized to create a strong brand presence. 

The Versatility of a Five Panel Wrap Box

five panel wrap box
Businesses are constantly seeking ways to enhance the functionality and aesthetics of their products’ packaging to create a lasting impression on consumers. One such solution that has gained significant attention is the five panel wrap box. These boxes are designed to provide both structural integrity and a visually appealing presentation for a wide range of products. In this post, we’ll explain the versatility and benefits of utilizing five panel wrap flat cardboard boxes as a packaging solution.

The Five Panel Wrap Box Concept

A 5 panel wrap flat box, as the name suggests, is constructed from a single sheet of cardboard that wraps around the product, forming a sturdy and secure container. This innovative design features five distinct panels – a front panel, a back panel, two side panels, and a top panel – all seamlessly folded and glued together to create a robust packaging solution. The result is a sleek, modern packaging design that can be customized to showcase branding and product information effectively.

Enhanced Presentation

One of the standout features of 5 panel wrap flat boxes is their ability to provide an enhanced presentation for products. The flat, continuous surface of the box allows for high-quality printing and branding, enabling businesses to create eye-catching designs that resonate with their target audience. The ample surface area also allows for creative artwork, product images, and essential information to be prominently displayed, making a strong visual impact on the consumer.

Five Panel Wrap Box Structural Integrity

Beyond aesthetics, 5 panel wrap flat boxes offer exceptional structural integrity and protection for the enclosed items. The design’s seamless construction and secure folding methods ensure that the box remains durable and resistant to external forces during transportation and handling. This feature is particularly advantageous for fragile or valuable items that require careful protection.

Five Panel Wrap Box Versatility

The versatility of 5 panel wrap flat boxes knows no bounds. These boxes can be tailored to accommodate various product types and industries, from electronics and cosmetics to food and beverages. Their adaptable design allows for customization in terms of size, shape, and printing, making them an ideal choice for businesses seeking packaging that aligns with their unique brand identity.

The 5 panel wrap flat box stands as a testament to innovation and versatility in the world of packaging. Its seamless design, enhanced presentation capabilities, structural integrity, and eco-friendliness make it a top choice for businesses looking to make a memorable impression while ensuring the protection of their products. As industries continue to evolve, this packaging solution offers a timeless and adaptable option that meets the demands of modern packaging challenges.

The Effective Art of Packaging Boxes

Software packaging box
When it comes to presenting products, enhancing brand appeal, and ensuring safe transportation, packaging plays a pivotal role. In today’s competitive market, a well-designed packaging box can make all the difference. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the significance of boxes for packaging.  We will uncover the strategies to create effective packaging solutions that captivate consumers and boost brand success. 

Understanding the Importance of Packaging Boxes 

Packaging boxes are more than mere containers; they are powerful brand ambassadors. The design, color palette, and overall aesthetics of a packing box can communicate a brand’s identity and values instantly. A well-crafted packing box can leave a lasting impression on customers, elevating the perceived value of the product within. By strategically incorporating your brand’s logo, tagline, and visual elements, you can create a packing box that stands out on the shelves and speaks to your target audience. 

Ensuring Functional Excellence 

Beyond aesthetics, packaging boxes must fulfill their primary function – protecting the product. Whether it’s a delicate electronic device or a fragile glass item, the packing box should provide a robust shield against potential damage during transportation and handling. Custom inserts, foam padding, and secure closures are essential elements to consider when designing boxes for packing. Moreover, ensuring the packaging is easy to open and reseal enhances customer satisfaction and repeat business. 

Eco-Friendly Packaging Boxes 

In an era where environmental concerns are paramount, Eco-friendly packaging solutions have gained prominence. Opting for sustainable materials, such as recyclable cardboard or biodegradable plastics, not only showcases your brand’s commitment to the planet but also resonates with environmentally conscious consumers. Highlighting your Eco-friendly choices on the packing box can forge a deeper connection with your audience and contribute to a positive brand image. 

Innovations in Packaging Boxes 

The packaging industry continues to evolve with innovative designs that engage and captivate consumers. Interactive elements like QR codes, augmented reality experiences, or unique opening mechanisms can create a sense of excitement and curiosity. These creative touches not only make unboxing a memorable experience but also encourage social media sharing, extending your brand’s reach and fostering a sense of community among customers. 

So, whether you’re launching a new product or revamping your existing packaging, remember that the right packing box is much more than just a container.  It’s an opportunity to tell your brand’s story and connect with the world. 

Custom Telescoping Box: Elegance and Functionality

Custom telescoping box
In the dominion of packaging solutions, innovation, and creativity have given rise to a plethora of options that cater to both form and function. Among these, the custom telescoping box and its sophisticated counterpart, the custom telescoping box with lid, stand out as versatile choices that combine elegance with practicality. Let’s examine the world of these exquisite packaging solutions and explore the myriad benefits they offer.

A Glimpse of Brilliance

The custom telescoping packaging exemplifies the fusion of artistry and utility in the realm of packaging. This box type consists of two separate pieces – an outer cover and an inner tray – that can be easily slid together to create a secure and visually appealing enclosure for its contents. The seamless sliding motion not only adds a touch of intrigue to the unboxing experience but also ensures that the contents are cradled snugly, preventing any damage during transit.

The ingenuity of the custom telescoping packaging lies in its adaptability. From delicate jewelry to electronic gadgets, this packaging solution offers a customizable fit for various products. The outer cover serves as a canvas for branding and personalization, allowing businesses to make a lasting impression on their customers. The clean lines and sleek design of the custom telescoping packaging not only showcase the product within but also enhance its perceived value.

Custom Telescoping Box Security

Taking sophistication, a step further, the custom telescoping packaging offers an added layer of protection and opulence. As the name suggests, this packaging marvel consists of a telescoping base along with a fitted lid that snugly encapsulates the contents. The result is a packaging solution that exudes luxury while safeguarding the enclosed product.

The custom telescoping packaging is a testament to the harmonious union of aesthetics and security. The lid provides an additional barrier against dust, moisture, and tampering, making it an ideal choice for premium and delicate items. From high-end cosmetics to exclusive spirits, this packaging solution ensures that the product remains untouched and pristine until the moment of unveiling.

Custom Telescoping Box: Endless Possibilities

Both the custom telescoping packaging and its lidded variant offer a world of possibilities for businesses seeking to make a lasting impression. From retail to corporate gifting, these packaging solutions adapt effortlessly to diverse contexts. Their customizable design, coupled with the seamless interplay of form and function, makes them a captivating choice that resonates with modern consumers’ desire for memorable experiences.

Display Boxes Enhance Your Product Presentation

Counter-top Shipper Display

Display boxes give your products the spotlight they deserve.  In the fast-paced world of retail and marketing, catching the customer’s eye has never been more crucial. The competition is fierce, and every product on the shelf is vying for attention. This is where the display box comes into play, offering a powerful and creative solution to elevate your product presentation. In this article, we’ll discover the benefits and versatility of display boxes and how they can give your products the spotlight they deserve. 

The Power of Display Boxes 

Display packaging is an ingenious way to showcase your products in a visually appealing and organized manner. These boxes are designed to captivate the customer’s attention and communicate essential information about the product inside. The strategic use of colors, graphics, and branding on display packaging can create an instant connection with potential buyers, making them more likely to stop, look, and ultimately make a purchase. 

Versatility for Various Products 

One of the standout features of display packaging is its adaptability to a wide range of products. Whether you’re selling cosmetics, electronics, food items, or promotional merchandise, display packaging can be tailored to suit your specific needs. This adaptability is particularly useful for businesses with diverse product lines, as display packaging can maintain consistent branding while accommodating different sizes and shapes. 

Impressions Matter

First impressions matter, and display packaging provides an excellent opportunity to make a positive and lasting impact on customers. The unique design and visual appeal of these boxes can help your products stand out from the competition, even in a crowded retail environment. With the right design elements, your display packaging can tell a story, evoke emotions, and create a sense of intrigue that encourages customers to engage with your products. 

Display Boxes Effective Marketing Tool 

Display packaging are not just containers; they are an integral part of your marketing strategy. By utilizing display packaging effectively, you can communicate key product features, benefits, and usage instructions. Including eye-catching visuals and concise, compelling content can help convey your brand’s message and influence purchasing decisions. In addition, display packaging placed strategically at checkout counters or high-traffic areas can prompt impulse purchases, further boosting your sales. 

Display Boxes – Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Options 

As environmental concerns continue to gain prominence, businesses are seeking more sustainable packaging solutions. Display packaging can be crafted from Eco-friendly materials, showcasing your brand’s commitment to environmental responsibility. This not only appeals to conscious consumers but also aligns your business with a global movement toward sustainability. 

The Evolution of Corrugated Fiberboard Boxes

corrugated fiberboard boxes
In today’s world, where environmental concerns are at the forefront of consumer choices, industries are constantly striving to develop sustainable solutions. Packaging, being an essential part of the product lifecycle, has garnered significant attention in this pursuit. One such breakthrough that has transformed the way we package and protect goods is the advent of corrugated fiberboard boxes. Corrugated fibre box innovative packaging solutions have revolutionized various industries with their versatility, eco-friendliness, and durability.

The Origin of Corrugated Fiberboard

The history of corrugated boxes dates to the 19th century, when they were first patented for industrial packaging purposes. The concept was simple yet brilliant: create a lightweight but robust material by sandwiching a fluted layer between two flat-liner boards. The resulting corrugated fiberboard offered excellent cushioning and protection for fragile goods, setting the stage for a packaging revolution.

Advantages of Fiberboard Boxes

Corrugated fiberboard boxes bring numerous benefits to both businesses and consumers. Their lightweight nature not only reduces shipping costs but also decreases the overall carbon footprint. Additionally, these boxes are easily customizable, allowing businesses to create branded packaging that enhances their product’s appeal. Furthermore, the recyclable and biodegradable properties of corrugated fiberboard make them an eco-conscious choice for environmentally conscious consumers.

The Versatility of Corrugated Boxes

One of the standout features of fiberboard boxes is their versatility. They come in various shapes and sizes, catering to a wide range of products. From delicate electronics to perishable food items, these boxes offer tailored solutions for every industry. Their ability to be folded, cut, and molded makes them perfect for intricate packaging designs, ensuring the safe delivery of goods to consumers worldwide.

Corrugated Fiberboard vs. Traditional Packaging

The widespread adoption of fiberboard boxes has sparked a debate over their advantages compared to traditional packaging materials. Unlike non-renewable resources like plastic and Styrofoam, corrugated fiberboard is made from renewable materials, making it an environmentally friendly alternative. Moreover, the recycling process for corrugated fiberboard is efficient and cost-effective, further reducing its impact on the environment.

As we move towards a more sustainable future, fiberboard boxes have emerged as a key player in the world of packaging. Their evolution from simple cardboard boxes to high-tech, eco-friendly solutions showcases the ingenuity and commitment of industries to address environmental concerns. With their numerous advantages, versatility, and eco-friendliness, fiberboard boxes continue to reshape the packaging landscape, proving that greener choices can also be practical and cost-effective.

Enhancing Product Packaging with Folding Cartons

folding cartons
In today’s business landscape, product packaging plays a pivotal role in capturing consumer attention and leaving a lasting impression. Among the myriad packaging solutions available, folding cartons have emerged as a versatile and eco-friendly option that offers both functionality and aesthetic appeal. Whether you are a business owner seeking to elevate your product packaging or a curious consumer wanting to explore the world of folding cartons, this post will shed light on the wonders of folding cartons and the importance of partnering with a reputable folding cartons manufacturer.

The Evolution of Folding Cartons: From Simplicity to Elegance

Folding-cartons have a rich history that dates back centuries. Initially, they served as a basic means of containing products, but over time, they evolved into sophisticated designs that encompass various shapes, sizes, and closure mechanisms.

Advantages of Choosing Folding Cartons Over Other Packaging Options

Why should businesses opt for folding-cartons over alternative packaging materials? In this segment, we will explore the numerous benefits that folding-cartons offer. From their sustainability and cost-effectiveness to their customizable design options, folding-cartons have become the preferred choice for a wide range of industries.

The Environmental Impact of Folding Cartons: A Green Packaging Solution

In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, consumers and businesses alike are seeking greener alternatives. Folding-cartons answer this call by being biodegradable, recyclable, and sourced from sustainable materials. Learn more about how these eco-friendly solutions not only enhance brand reputation but also contribute to a healthier planet.

Reflect Your Brand Identity with Customization

In a competitive market, brand differentiation is crucial for success. Folding-cartons present an excellent opportunity to customize your packaging and create a unique brand identity. We will discuss how partnering with a skilled folding-cartons manufacturer can bring your brand vision to life through innovative designs, captivating graphics, and attention-grabbing finishes.

The Art of Choosing the Right Manufacturer

Collaborating with the proper folding-cartons manufacturer can make all the difference in achieving packaging excellence. In this section, we will delve into the factors to consider when selecting a manufacturer. From expertise and production capabilities to quality assurance and customer service, you’ll gain valuable insights to aid your decision-making process.

Folding-cartons have revolutionized the packaging industry, offering a perfect blend of functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability. Embrace the potential of folding cartons to elevate your brand and leave a positive impact on both your customers and the environment.

The Guide to Heavy Duty and Triple Wall Shipping Boxes

Heavy Duty Shipping Box
When it comes to shipping valuable items or ensuring the safe transportation of goods, choosing the right packaging is crucial. Today, we delve into the world of heavy duty shipping boxes and triple wall shipping boxes – two essential packaging solutions designed to withstand the rigors of transportation while providing ultimate protection for your items. 

Understanding Heavy-Duty Shipping Boxes 

Heavy-duty shipping boxes are the workhorses of the packaging industry. As the name suggests, these boxes are specifically crafted to handle bulky and weighty items. They are constructed with durable materials, such as corrugated cardboard, to withstand rough handling during transit. In this section, we’ll explore the key features of heavy-duty shipping boxes, their benefits, and the industries that benefit most from using them. 

The Advantages of Triple Wall Shipping Boxes 

For an extra layer of protection and strength, triple wall shipping boxes come into play. These specialized boxes are engineered with three layers of corrugated cardboard, providing unparalleled sturdiness. As we delve into the advantages of triple wall shipping boxes, you’ll discover how they outperform other types of packaging and why they are a top choice for high-value and delicate items. 

When to Use Heavy-Duty Shipping Boxes 

Not all shipments require heavy-duty packaging, but for certain items and situations, they are an absolute necessity. In this section, we’ll discuss the specific scenarios where heavy-duty shipping boxes are indispensable. From industrial machinery to fragile artwork, understanding when to use heavy-duty packaging can save you from costly damages and ensure customer satisfaction. 

Triple Wall vs. Heavy Duty Shipping Boxes: Choosing the Right Packaging 

When it comes to selecting between triple wall and heavy-duty shipping boxes, the decision can be perplexing. Each type has its own set of advantages, and choosing the right one depends on various factors, including the nature of the product, transportation conditions, and budget considerations. Here, we provide valuable insights to help you make an informed choice for your packaging needs. 

Heavy Duty Shipping Boxes Solutions 

While the focus has been on strength and protection, it’s equally important to consider the environmental impact of the packaging we choose. In this section, we explore sustainable options for heavy-duty and triple-wall shipping boxes. From recyclable materials to Eco-friendly manufacturing practices, businesses are increasingly turning to sustainable packaging solutions to reduce their carbon footprint. 

Selecting the appropriate shipping boxes is crucial to ensure your goods reach their destination intact. Whether you opt for heavy-duty shipping boxes for robust protection or triple-wall shipping boxes for maximum strength, understanding their unique benefits will help you make the right decision.  

The Allure of Fancy Boxes: Elevate Your Packaging Game

Fancy Boxes
In the fast-paced world of retail, making a lasting impression is crucial. It’s not just about the product; it’s also about the entire experience surrounding it. One element that can significantly enhance the appeal of a brand is the packaging. Enter fancy boxes – the epitome of sophistication and elegance. In this post, we will discover the attraction of a fancy box and how it can elevate your packaging game to new heights.

Fancy Box First Impressions

As the saying goes, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Fancy packaging provides the perfect opportunity to captivate your customers right from the moment they lay eyes on your product. With their visually appealing design, luxurious finishes, and intricate details, fancy packaging conveys a sense of exclusivity and quality, setting the stage for a memorable unboxing experience.

Unforgettable Unboxing Moments

Unboxing has become a sensation in the digital age, with countless videos capturing the excitement of opening a new package. By investing in fancy packaging, you can create unforgettable unboxing moments for your customers. The anticipation builds as they unwrap the elegant packaging, revealing your product in all its glory. These experiences not only generate positive word-of-mouth but also foster a sense of brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.

Fancy Boxes and Brand Recognition

In a competitive market, standing out from the crowd is essential. Fancy packaging offers a unique opportunity to differentiate your brand and leave a lasting impression on customers. Customizable in various shapes, sizes, and colors, these boxes can be tailored to reflect your brand’s personality and values. By consistently using fancy packaging, you can establish brand recognition and create a sense of brand identity that resonates with your target audience.

Fancy Boxes: Product Protection

Beyond their aesthetic appeal, fancy packaging provides practical benefits as well. They offer enhanced protection for your products, keeping them safe during transit and storage. With sturdy construction and secure closures, these boxes safeguard delicate items from damage. By investing in packaging that prioritizes both style and functionality, you demonstrate a commitment to delivering excellence at every stage of the customer journey.

Fancy packaging is more than just packaging; they are a gateway to creating extraordinary experiences for your customers. By investing in these visually stunning and versatile boxes, you can leave a lasting impression, differentiate your brand, and protect your products. Moreover, by embracing sustainability, you can demonstrate your commitment to a brighter, greener future. So, take the leap, and let the allure of fancy packaging elevate your packaging game to new heights.

Custom Printed Boxes: Elevating Your Brand’s Packaging

Custom Mailer Box

In today’s competitive market, standing out from the crowd is essential for any business. One effective way to make a memorable impression is through a custom printed box. Whether you’re a small e-commerce store or a large retail brand, investing in custom printed boxes can significantly impact your brand’s visibility and customer experience. In this article, we will explore the importance of custom-printed boxes and how they can elevate your brand. 

Custom Printed Box Brand Recognition 

When it comes to packaging, first impressions matter. Custom-printed boxes provide a unique opportunity to showcase your brand’s identity. By incorporating your logo, colors, and design elements onto the box, you create a cohesive brand experience. Every time a customer receives a shipment, they’ll be reminded of your brand, reinforcing brand recognition and recall.  

Differentiating from Competitors 

In a saturated market, it’s crucial to differentiate your products from competitors. Custom-printed boxes allow you to create distinctive packaging that reflects your brand’s values and captures attention. By infusing creativity and unique design elements, you can leave a lasting impression on your customers and stand out from the crowd. 

Custom Printed Box Quality 

Customers appreciate the attention to detail, and custom-printed boxes demonstrate that you care about their experience. A professionally designed box indicates a level of quality and professionalism that builds trust and credibility. When customers receive a well-presented package, it enhances their perception of your brand, leading to increased customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth. 

Amplifying Unboxing Experience 

Unboxing has become an exciting part of the customer journey. Custom-printed boxes provide an excellent opportunity to create an unforgettable unboxing experience. Consider adding personal touches like tissue paper, thank-you notes, or branded stickers to surprise and delight your customers. The more memorable the unboxing experience, the more likely customers are to share their excitement on social media, generating free publicity for your brand. 

Custom Printed Box Marketing Reach 

Custom-printed boxes act as mobile advertisements. As your packages travel from your fulfillment center to customers’ doorsteps, they expose your brand to a wider audience. Each time someone sees your branded box, it serves as a mini billboard, creating brand awareness and potentially attracting new customers. By leveraging the power of custom-printed boxes, you turn your packaging into a marketing tool that reaches far beyond your existing customer base. 

Investing in custom-printed boxes is a strategic decision that can have a significant impact on your brand’s visibility, differentiation, and customer loyalty. By incorporating your brand identity into your packaging, you create a cohesive and memorable experience that sets your brand apart. 

A Tailored Solution for Custom Shipping Boxes

Custom shipping boxes
When it comes to shipping products, having the right packaging is crucial for ensuring safe and secure delivery. In today’s competitive market, businesses are constantly seeking ways to differentiate themselves and provide a memorable experience for their customers. This is where the custom shipping box comes into play. In the following content, we will explore the benefits and applications of custom shipping boxes and how they can enhance your shipping process.

Streamlining Your Packaging Strategy

By tailoring the size, shape, and design of your boxes to fit your products perfectly, you can reduce the need for excessive cushioning materials and minimize wasted space. This not only saves costs but also allows for more efficient packing, plus it also helps in reducing the risk of damage during transit.

Personalized Custom Shipping Boxes

Unboxing experiences have become a significant trend in recent years, with customers eagerly sharing their unboxing moments on social media. By using custom shipping packaging, you can take advantage of this trend and create a memorable unboxing experience for your customers. Consider adding personalized messages, promotional offers, or even surprise gifts inside the box to evoke delight and build customer loyalty.

Custom Shipping Boxes Protection and Safety

Ensuring the safety of your products during transit is paramount. Custom shipping packaging allows you to choose the right materials and thickness to provide optimal protection for your items. By investing in sturdy, durable boxes tailored to your specific products, you can significantly reduce the risk of damage caused by rough handling or external factors.

Custom Shipping Boxes Sustainability

In today’s environmentally conscious world, businesses are increasingly adopting sustainable practices. Custom shipping packaging can contribute to your sustainability goals by utilizing eco-friendly materials, such as recycled or biodegradable options. By showcasing your commitment to the environment, you can attract eco-conscious customers and differentiate your brand in a crowded marketplace.

Custom shipping packaging offers a wide range of benefits, from optimizing your packaging strategy to enhancing brand identity and providing a memorable unboxing experience. By investing in tailored packaging solutions, businesses can stand out from the competition and leave a positive impression on their customers. Moreover, with the added focus on sustainability, custom shipping packaging provides an opportunity to align your brand with eco-friendly practices. Embrace the power of customization and unlock the potential of custom shipping packaging for a seamless and impactful shipping experience.

Exploring the Versatility of Die Cut Boxes

Custom Mailer Box

In today’s competitive market, packaging plays a vital role in capturing the attention of potential customers and leaving a lasting impression. When it comes to effective packaging, die-cut packages have emerged as a versatile and customizable solution. In this post, we will explore the differences between
die cut boxes and custom die cut boxes, highlighting their unique features and applications. 

Understanding Die-Cut Packages 

Die-cut packages are precisely crafted containers made from various materials such as cardboard, corrugated fiberboard, or paperboard. The manufacturing process involves using a die, which is a specialized cutting tool, to cut and shape the box into a specific design. This allows for precise and uniform cuts, resulting in boxes with clean edges and a professional appearance. 

The Advantages of Die-Cut Packages 

Die-cut packages offer several advantages over traditional packaging options. They provide excellent protection for your products, ensuring they remain secure during transportation. Additionally, die-cut packages can be customized to fit the exact dimensions of your products, reducing the risk of damage caused by excessive movement. Furthermore, these boxes can be easily assembled, making them convenient for both manufacturers and end-users. 

Exploring Custom Die-Cut Packages 

Custom die-cut packages take the versatility of die-cut packages to the next level. With custom die cutting, you have complete control over the shape, size, and design of the box. This allows you to create packaging solutions that perfectly align with your brand image and product requirements. Whether you need a unique display box, a window cut-out for product visibility, or compartments for multiple items, custom die-cut packages offer endless possibilities. 

Industries Benefiting from Die-Cut Packages 

Die-cut packages find applications across various industries. In the retail sector, these boxes are commonly used for packaging electronics, cosmetics, apparel, and food items. E-commerce businesses appreciate die-cut packages for their cost-effectiveness, lightweight construction, and efficient use of space during shipping. Additionally, die-cut packages are popular in the pharmaceutical industry, where precise packaging dimensions are crucial for medicine and medical device safety. 

Sustainability and Die-Cut Packages 

By using biodegradable or post-consumer recycled materials, you can reduce your carbon footprint and demonstrate your commitment to sustainability. Custom die-cut packages allow you to incorporate Eco-friendly design elements, such as minimalist packaging or water-based inks, further enhancing your green credentials. 

Die-cut packages and custom die-cut packages offer unparalleled versatility in the packaging world. Whether you need standardized boxes or personalized solutions, die-cut packages can meet your requirements with precision and style. By choosing die-cut packages, you can enhance your brand’s packaging aesthetics, protect your products, and contribute to a sustainable future. Embrace the world of die-cut packages and unlock a world of possibilities for your packaging needs. 

The Versatility of Folding Cartons

Folding carton
In the ever-evolving world of packaging, cartons that fold have emerged as a popular choice for businesses seeking versatile and sustainable solutions. From protecting delicate items during transit to showcasing brand aesthetics on store shelves, a folding carton may offer a multitude of benefits. In this blog, we will discover the significance of cartons that fold and delve into the added value that a printed folding carton brings to the table.

Unleashing the Power of a Folding Carton

Printed cartons that fold take the traditional concept of packaging to new heights. By combining the structural integrity of cartons that fold with captivating printed graphics, businesses can elevate their brand presence and create a lasting impression on consumers. From vibrant colors to intricate designs, printed cartons that fold offer endless opportunities for customization, enabling brands to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Enhanced Branding and Product Visibility

The primary goal of any packaging solution is to grab the attention of potential customers. Printed cartons that fold play a crucial role in this regard, as they provide businesses with a blank canvas to showcase their brand identity. By incorporating eye-catching visuals, logos, and product information, printed cartons that fold enhance brand recognition and create a strong visual association with the product, leading to increased consumer trust and loyalty.

Eco-Friendly Folding Carton

Sustainability is a growing concern for both businesses and consumers. Printed cartons that fold offer an eco-friendly packaging alternative by utilizing recyclable and biodegradable materials. By opting for these environmentally conscious solutions, businesses can showcase their commitment to sustainability and appeal to eco-conscious consumers who prioritize responsible purchasing decisions.

Versatility of a Folding Carton Across Industries

The beauty of cartons that fold lies in their versatility, making them suitable for a wide range of industries. Whether it’s food and beverage, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, or consumer goods, printed cartons that fold provide a flexible packaging solution that can be tailored to meet specific product requirements. With the ability to incorporate functional features such as inserts, windows, and closures, cartons that fold ensure both product protection and an exceptional unboxing experience.

In a world where first impressions matter, printed cartons that fold serve as the perfect packaging solution for businesses aiming to captivate consumers and reinforce brand messaging. Their evolution, coupled with the power of print, enables companies to create a lasting impact while embracing sustainability. By leveraging the versatility of cartons that fold and investing in printed packaging, businesses can pave the way for success in a competitive marketplace.

The Art of Product Packaging

product packaging
In today’s competitive market, product packaging plays a pivotal role in capturing the attention of consumers and influencing their purchase decisions. A well-designed packaging not only protects the product but also serves as a powerful marketing tool that can elevate your brand’s image and drive sales. This post will delve into the significance of packaging of products and the importance of partnering with packaging companies to achieve optimal results.

Creating a Lasting First Impression

The packaging of a product is often the first point of contact between the consumer and the brand. It is crucial to make a positive and memorable impression through thoughtful packaging design. By leveraging creative graphics, engaging colors, and appealing typography, you can instantly captivate your target audience, piquing their interest and generating curiosity about your product.

Product Packaging Brand Identity

Effective packaging of products goes beyond aesthetics; it serves as a reflection of your brand’s identity. Consistency in packaging design across various product lines fosters brand recognition and builds trust among consumers. Establishing a distinct visual language through consistent branding elements such as logos, fonts, and color schemes helps create a strong brand identity that resonates with your customers.

Product Packaging Sustainability

In an era where environmental consciousness is on the rise, consumers are increasingly favoring brands that prioritize sustainability. Eco-friendly packaging solutions not only reduce the carbon footprint but also appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. Choosing packaging materials that are recyclable, biodegradable, or made from renewable resources can significantly enhance your brand’s reputation and attract a growing demographic of eco-minded consumers.

Leveraging Innovation in Product Packaging Design

Technology-driven solutions such as interactive packaging, augmented reality experiences, and smart packaging can provide unique and immersive experiences to consumers. By incorporating these cutting-edge elements, you can differentiate your brand, create memorable interactions, and ultimately drive customer loyalty and repeat purchases.

In the realm of packaging of products, every detail counts. From capturing attention and building brand recognition to protecting the product and embracing sustainability, choosing the right packaging company can make a world of difference. By investing in thoughtful packaging design, you can leave a lasting impression on your customers, foster brand loyalty, and ultimately drive business growth. Packaging is not just a mere wrapper but an opportunity to showcase your brand’s essence and connect with consumers on a deeper level.

Understanding the Triple Wall Shipping Box

Triple wall shipping box
When it comes to shipping goods safely and securely, the choice of packaging plays a crucial role. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of shipping boxes and explore two popular options: triple wall shipping box and double wall shipping box. Understanding their characteristics and benefits will enable you to make an informed decision when it comes to selecting the most suitable packaging for your shipping needs.

Triple Wall Shipping Box: Superior Strength and Durability

Triple-wall shipping boxes are renowned for their exceptional strength and durability. Constructed with three layers of corrugated cardboard, they provide enhanced protection for heavy or fragile items during transit. These boxes are ideal for safeguarding delicate electronics, glassware, and machinery, ensuring that your products arrive at their destination intact.

Double Wall Shipping Boxes: A Balance of Strength and Affordability

Double-wall shipping boxes offer a reliable balance between strength and affordability. With two layers of corrugated cardboard, they provide sturdy protection for a wide range of products without compromising on cost-effectiveness. These boxes are suitable for shipping medium-weight items such as clothing, books, or non-fragile goods that require secure packaging.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Triple Wall Shipping Box

When deciding between triple-wall and double-wall shipping boxes, several factors should be taken into account. Firstly, consider the weight and fragility of your products. If you are shipping items that are particularly heavy or delicate, triple wall boxes offer superior protection. Secondly, evaluate your budget and shipping requirements. Double wall boxes provide a cost-effective solution for many applications without compromising on quality.

Environmental Considerations of a Shipping Box

In today’s environmentally conscious world, sustainable packaging solutions are gaining importance. Both triple-wall and double-wall shipping boxes can be manufactured using recycled materials and are recyclable. By choosing eco-friendly packaging, you not only protect your products but also contribute to reducing your carbon footprint.

Triple Wall Shipping Box Customization Opportunities

Packaging is not only about protection but also serves as an opportunity to showcase your brand. Both triple-wall and double-wall shipping boxes can be customized with your company’s logo, colors, and other branding elements. This allows you to create a cohesive and professional image while enhancing brand recognition throughout the shipping process.

Choosing the right shipping box is essential for ensuring that your products reach their destination undamaged. By understanding the differences between triple-wall and double-wall shipping boxes, you can make an informed decision based on the weight and fragility of your items, budget considerations, and sustainability goals. Remember to take advantage of customization options to elevate your brand and create a positive impression on your customers. With the right packaging, you can enhance the security, efficiency, and professionalism of your shipping process.

Enhancing Safety and Food Packaging Solutions

Food Packaging
In today’s rapidly evolving food industry, ensuring the safety and quality of products while minimizing environmental impact is of utmost importance. One crucial aspect that plays a significant role in achieving these goals is food packaging products. Food containers serve as a protective shield for products, preserving their freshness, preventing contamination, and extending their shelf life. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of food packaging and the various innovative solutions available to meet the industry’s needs. 

The Role of Food Packaging in Ensuring Product Integrity 

Food containers act as a barrier against external factors such as moisture, light, and air, which can compromise the quality and safety of food products. By providing a protective layer, packaging helps maintain the desired taste, texture, and nutritional value of the food, safeguarding it throughout the supply chain. 

Sustainable Food Packaging: A Path Towards a Greener Future 

In recent years, there has been a growing demand for sustainable packaging solutions that minimize waste and environmental impact. Manufacturers are adopting Eco-friendly materials like biodegradable and composable packaging, as well as exploring innovative designs that promote recycling and reuse. 

Advanced Technologies in Food Packaging 

Advancements in technology have revolutionized the food containers industry. From intelligent packaging with sensors to monitor freshness and temperature to active packaging that extends shelf life, these innovations enhance product safety and provide valuable information to consumers. 

Convenience and Consumer-Friendly Packaging Solutions 

Consumers today seek convenience without compromising on product quality. Packaging plays a vital role in meeting these expectations by offering easy-to-use, resealable, and portion-controlled options. From single-serve packaging for on-the-go consumption to microwave-safe containers, convenience-driven packaging solutions cater to the evolving needs of modern consumers. 

The Future of Food Packaging: Trends and Predictions 

As the food industry continues to evolve, so does the packaging landscape. Anticipating future trends is crucial for staying ahead in the market. This section explores emerging technologies, design aesthetics, and consumer preferences, offering insights into the future of food containers.

Food preservation is a vital component of the modern food industry, ensuring product integrity, safety, and sustainability. By embracing innovative packaging solutions, manufacturers can not only meet the evolving needs of consumers but also contribute to a greener and more sustainable future. From advanced technologies to convenience-driven designs, the possibilities for enhancing food containers are endless. By staying informed and adopting these innovations, businesses can thrive in the competitive market while prioritizing the safety and satisfaction of their customers. 

Unleashing Brand Identity with Custom Boxes

Custom Mailer Box
Nowadays, in a competitive market, standing out from the crowd is crucial for businesses looking to make a lasting impression. One effective way to achieve this is by using custom packaging. Custom boxes provide a unique opportunity for businesses to showcase their brand identity, engage customers, and enhance their overall marketing efforts. In this post, we will explore the power of a custom box and how these boxes can elevate your brand to new heights. 

Enhancing Brand Recognition with Custom Boxes 

When it comes to building brand recognition and recall, custom packaging plays a pivotal role. By incorporating your brand logo, colors, and distinctive design elements into your packaging, you create a consistent and memorable brand experience for your customers. Every time a customer sees your custom packaging, they are reminded of your brand, reinforcing brand recognition and increasing the chances of repeat business. 

Differentiating Your Custom Boxes from Competitors 

In a saturated marketplace, it’s essential to differentiate your products from competitors. Custom packaging provides an excellent opportunity to do just that. By investing in unique packaging that reflects the essence of your brand and aligns with your target audience’s preferences, you can create a distinct and appealing packaging design. This differentiation not only catches the eye of potential customers but also positions your products as premium and worthy of attention. 

Creating Unforgettable Unboxing Experiences 

Unboxing experiences have become a significant part of the customer journey. With custom packaging, you can turn a mundane unboxing moment into an exciting and memorable experience. By adding personalized touches such as tissue paper, thank-you notes, or branded stickers, you create a sense of anticipation and delight for your customers. These small details can leave a lasting impression and generate positive word-of-mouth, leading to increased brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. 

Custom Boxes Packaging Solutions 

As consumers become more environmentally conscious, the demand for sustainable and Eco-friendly packaging solutions is on the rise. Custom packaging can be designed using Eco-friendly materials, such as recycled cardboard or biodegradable options. By showcasing your commitment to sustainability through your packaging choices, you not only attract Eco-conscious customers but also contribute to a greener future, enhancing your brand’s reputation. 

In a highly competitive market, the importance of effective branding and differentiation cannot be overstated. Custom packaging provides businesses with a powerful tool to unleash their creativity, communicate their brand identity, and leave a lasting impression on customers. From enhancing brand recognition and recall to creating memorable unboxing experiences and amplifying social media engagement, custom packaging offers a myriad of benefits. Moreover, by embracing eco-friendly packaging solutions, businesses can showcase their commitment to sustainability and cater to the growing demand for environmentally conscious products. 

The Versatility and Benefits of Corrugated Cardboard Packaging

Corrugated cardboard
In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving world, efficient and reliable packaging solutions are crucial for businesses across industries. Among the wide array of packaging materials available, corrugated cardboard and corrugated cardboard box has emerged as popular choices due to their versatility, durability, and eco-friendliness. This blog post explores the numerous advantages of utilizing corrugated packaging and sheds light on its diverse applications in various sectors.

Sustainable Packaging for a Greener Future

Cardboard of this type are an environmentally friendly packaging option that aligns with the growing demand for sustainable practices. Made from renewable resources such as recycled paper fibers, it offers a recyclable and biodegradable solution, significantly reducing the carbon footprint associated with packaging materials.

Superior Protection and Durability of Corrugated Cardboard

One of the standout features of this type of rigid cardboard box is its exceptional strength and durability. The unique structure, with a fluted layer sandwiched between two liner boards, provides rigidity and resistance to external impacts. This makes them ideal for protecting fragile items during storage and transportation, ensuring goods arrive safely at their destination.

Cost-Effective and Customizable Solution

Corrugated packaging is not only reliable but also cost-effective. Its production process is efficient, resulting in affordable packaging solutions that don’t compromise on quality. Additionally, manufacturers can easily customize cardboard boxes to suit specific requirements, such as size, shape, and printing designs, offering businesses the opportunity to enhance their branding efforts.

Lightweight and Space-Efficient Corrugated Cardboard

Another significant advantage of corrugated packaging is its lightweight nature. Compared to alternative packaging materials like plastic or metal, cardboard is considerably lighter, reducing transportation costs and making handling more convenient. Moreover, its stackability and ability to be collapsed when not in use saving valuable storage space, optimizing logistics and warehouse management.

Versatility of Corrugated Cardboard Across Industries

Corrugated packaging finds extensive use in a wide range of industries. From e-commerce and retail to food and beverage, electronics, and pharmaceuticals, its adaptability and versatility make it a preferred choice. Whether it’s shipping products, displaying goods on store shelves, or organizing items within warehouses, corrugated cardboard fulfills diverse packaging needs.

In conclusion, the merits of corrugated boxes as packaging solutions are undeniable. The combination of sustainability, strength, cost-effectiveness, and customization options make them an attractive choice for businesses aiming to enhance their packaging strategies. As consumer preferences shift towards eco-consciousness and businesses strive for efficiency, cardboard packaging remains a dependable ally in meeting these evolving demands. By harnessing the power of this versatile material, companies can not only safeguard their products but also contribute to a greener future.

Custom Mailer Boxes Comprehensive Guide

Custom mailer boxes
When it comes to shipping products, mailer boxes are a popular packaging option for businesses. However, not all mailer boxes are created equal. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between custom mailer boxes and regular mailer box and help you determine which one is the best fit for your business needs.

What Are Custom Mailer Boxes?

Custom mailer boxes are boxes that are designed and tailored to meet the specific needs of a business. They are typically made from high-quality materials and can be printed with the company’s logo, graphics, and other branding elements. These are often used for products that require extra protection during shipping or for businesses that want to enhance their brand recognition.

What Are Regular Usage Mailer Boxes?

Regular mailer boxes, on the other hand, are standard boxes that are used for general shipping purposes. They are usually made from basic materials such as corrugated cardboard and come in a limited range of sizes and styles. Regular mailer boxes are an affordable and practical option for businesses that need to ship products but do not require any additional customization or branding.

Custom Mailer Boxes vs. Regular Mailer Boxes: Cost Comparison

One of the main differences between customized mailer boxes and regular mailer boxes is the cost. Customized mailer boxes are typically more expensive than regular mailer boxes due to the additional costs associated with customization and branding. However, the cost of customized mailer boxes can be offset by the benefits they provide, such as increased brand recognition and better protection for your products during shipping.

Custom Mailer Boxes vs. Regular Mailer Boxes: Design and Branding

Customized boxes offer businesses the opportunity to create a unique and memorable unboxing experience for their customers. By branding the boxes with logos, images, or messaging, businesses can enhance their brand identity and create a more professional and cohesive look. Regular mailer boxes, on the other hand, offer limited branding options and may not be suitable for businesses that want to create a strong brand identity.

The choice depends on your business needs and budget. Customized mailer boxes offer more flexibility in terms of design and branding and can help elevate your brand recognition, but they can also be more expensive. Regular mailer boxes are a practical and affordable option for businesses that need to ship products on a budget. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which option is the best fit for your business.

The Best Folding Carton Manufacturer

NEPTN folding carton, custom box

Folding cartons are a popular packaging solution for a wide range of products, from food to pharmaceuticals. However, finding the right
folding carton maker can be a challenging task. In this blog post, we will explore the key factors you should consider when choosing a folding carton manufacturer for your business. 

Folding cartons are a type of paperboard packaging that are typically used for packaging small and lightweight products. They are made from a single sheet of paperboard that is cut and folded into a box shape. Folding cartons are popular because they are lightweight, easy to store, and customizable. 

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Folding Carton Manufacturer 

When choosing a foldable carton manufacturer, there are several factors you should consider. These include the manufacturer’s experience, quality standards, production capacity, and cost. You should also consider the manufacturer’s ability to provide customized solutions that meet your specific packaging needs. 

Benefits of Working with a Professional Folding Carton Manufacturer  

Working with a professional carton manufacturer can offer several benefits to your business. These include access to high-quality materials, advanced production techniques, and the expertise of experienced packaging professionals. A professional manufacturer can also help you reduce costs and improve efficiency by providing customized solutions that meet your specific needs. 

Tips for Finding the Right Folding Carton Manufacturer

To find the right foldable carton manufacturer for your business, you should conduct thorough research, seek recommendations from industry experts, and evaluate the manufacturer’s capabilities and expertise. You should also consider factors such as lead time, production capacity, and cost when making your final decision. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Folding Carton Manufacturer 

When choosing a foldable carton manufacturer, there are several common mistakes that businesses make that can lead to poor outcomes. In this section, we will explore these mistakes and provide guidance on how to avoid them. These may include not considering the manufacturer’s experience, quality standards, or production capacity or failing to consider the impact of packaging on sustainability and the environment. By avoiding these mistakes, businesses can make better decisions and find the right foldable carton manufacturer for their needs. 

Choosing the right foldable carton manufacturer is a critical decision that can impact the success of your business. By understanding the key factors to consider and following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can make an informed decision and find a manufacturer that meets your specific packaging needs. 

Corrugated Fiberboard Boxes Benefits

corrugated fiberboard box
When it comes to shipping products, it’s important to have a reliable packaging solution that can withstand the rigors of transport. Corrugated fiberboard boxes are a popular choice for many businesses due to their durability, versatility, and cost-effectiveness. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using corrugated fiberboard box for shipping.

Corrugated cardboard is a type of cardboard material that is made up of several layers of paperboard. These layers are glued together in a wavy pattern, which creates a strong and durable structure that can withstand impact and compression. Corrugated cardboard boxes are commonly used for shipping a wide range of products, from electronics to food items.

Benefits of Using Corrugated Fiberboard Boxes

Strength and Durability: Corrugated cardboard boxes are incredibly strong and durable, providing excellent protection for products during shipping and handling. The fluted design of the material helps to absorb shocks and impacts, preventing damage to the contents of the box.

Lightweight: Despite their strength and durability, corrugated cardboard boxes are lightweight, making them easy to handle and ship. This can help to reduce shipping costs and make the entire shipping process more efficient.

Versatile: Corrugated cardboard boxes can be customized to meet the specific needs of different products and industries. They can be made in a variety of sizes, shapes, and strengths, making them suitable for everything from small consumer products to large industrial equipment.

Cost-effectiveness: Corrugated cardboard boxes are an affordable packaging option that offers great value for money. They are widely available and can be purchased in bulk, which makes them a cost-effective choice for businesses of all sizes.

Eco-friendliness: Corrugated cardboard boxes are made from recycled materials and are themselves recyclable. This makes them an environmentally friendly option for businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

Customizable: Corrugated cardboard boxes can be customized to meet your specific needs. You can choose from a variety of sizes, shapes, and thicknesses and add custom printing to promote your brand.

Corrugated cardboard boxes are an excellent choice for businesses looking for a reliable and cost-effective shipping solution. Their durability, customizability, cost-effectiveness, and eco-friendliness make them a popular option in the packaging industry. If you’re in need of a shipping solution for your business, whether you are shipping consumer goods or industrial equipment, corrugated cardboard boxes can provide the protection and durability you need to ensure your products arrive safely at their destination.

Shipping Box Ultimate Guide

Small shipping box

Shipping boxes are an essential part of any business that ships products. They come in various shapes and sizes, and choosing the right one for your specific needs can be a daunting task. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of choosing the best
shipping box for your business, whether you are shipping small items or large goods. 

When it comes to shipping boxes, there are various factors that you should consider to ensure that you are making the right choice. Below, we will discuss some of the most important factors to keep in mind: 

Size of the shipping box 

One of the most critical factors to consider when selecting boxes for shipping is their size. You would definitely want to make sure that the boxes that you select are large enough to accommodate your product or products but not so large that it adds unnecessary weight to your shipment, which can, in turn, increase your shipping costs. 

Material of the shipping box 

The material of the box can also immensely impact the safety and quality of your shipment. Cardboard boxes are a popular choice for shipping, but they may not provide enough protection for fragile items. Consider using corrugated boxes or plastic shipping containers for added protection. 

Evaluate Shipping Conditions 

Consider the conditions your package will encounter during shipping. If your product is fragile or requires temperature control, you may need specialized boxes to ensure safe transport. 

Durability of the shipping box 

The durability of the box is also a crucial factor to consider. You want to choose a box that is sturdy enough to withstand the rigors of shipping, handling, and possible environmental factors, such as humidity or temperature changes. 

Cost of the shipping box 

Of course, the cost is also a consideration when choosing shipping boxes. You want to find a box that meets your needs but doesn’t break the bank. Consider buying in bulk to save money, or look for discounts from your shipping provider. 

Choosing the right shipping boxes for your business is critical for the safety of your products and the satisfaction of your customers. By considering the factors mentioned above, such as size, material, durability, and cost, you can make an informed decision that meets your needs and budget. Whether you are shipping small or large items, there is a shipping box out there that is perfect for your business. 

What is a Cardboard Mailer Box?

Custom Mailer, 2-color print
A cardboard mailer box is a popular type of product packaging that is ideal for use with all types of products. They are often used by eCommerce stores to help ensure the product arrives intact, preventing damage and enhancing the customer experience.  

A mailer box will usually be more from tough corrugated cardboard, which is popular for the protection it can offer. They also come in a wide range of designs, and it is possible to get quite creative with them. Mailer boxes offer numerous benefits, including the following: 

Cardboard mailer box sturdiness 

As mentioned, mailer boxes are usually made from sturdy corrugated card which helps to keep the product inside safe from damage. And while the box itself offers some protection, inlays, bubble wrap, paper, and other materials can be added to add more protection.  

However, while these boxes are sturdy, they can also be attractive, helping to make the product more appealing. If used right, they can help your business grow from strength to strength.  


A cardboard mailer box will help keep your product safe when in storage, protecting it from knocks and bumps, etc. As such, these boxes are usually designed in a way that makes them easy to stack and take up as little storage space as possible. Of course, while these boxes offer excellent physical protection, you will need to bear in mind that conditions need to be right. 

Cardboard mailer box display 

First impressions count, and a well-designed mailer box can help boost your sales and revenue significantly. For example, eye-catching designs can draw people in, making them more likely to buy your product. Mailer boxes can be just as effective at catching people’s attention online as in person, making them a smart choice for online stores.  

Cardboard mailer box marketing 

Mailer boxes offer plenty of marketing opportunities that can help businesses prosper. For example, they can be personalized to enhance the customer’s experience, encouraging them to recommend you to friends and family. Another marketing opportunity is to design the box in a way so that it has practical use. If you can achieve this, your brand will gain more visibility every time the customer uses the box.  

Cardboard mailer box branding 

Branding goes hand in hand with marketing and can be just as effective at helping your business flourish. Effective branding can help potential customers feel a connection with your band, encouraging them to buy from you. Packaging with your branding will also be more recognizable to existing customers, further encouraging sales, and improving customer loyalty.  

Custom Setup Box Boost Sales

specialty setup box dominie
There is a vast variety of packaging options that companies can invest in for their products. When you are in the business of selling high-end products such as jewelry, you need to be more discerning. A custom setup box is a good option for this type of product for several reasons.  

Custom setup box presentation 

When trying to market high-end products like jewelry, you need to present them attractively. Custom setup boxes can be tailored in a variety of striking and interesting ways. They are made of heavier high-quality materials that instinctively impart the impression that their product is of high quality. This is an impression jewelry sellers will want to make on their clients. They make the contents placed in them look expensive, hence the reason you often see them used as part of displays in brick-and-mortar establishments and even images of products when being sold online.  

Custom setup box branding 

Any custom made box can be branded. Branding allows businesses to make their unique line of products more distinguished in the market from those of competitors. The packaging can be used to add this distinction by choosing to apply designs that set them apart. This can be in the form of coloring for the box, application of logos, slogans, imagery, and other detailing. Many established brands are easily recognizable to their loyal customers because they repeatedly use specific branding on their packaging. Producing a useful design and being consistent with its use can help establish that familiarity with customers.  


A custom setup box is made of heavier, rigid, and high-quality paperboard. They also come with inserts that provide a snug fit to whatever jewelry is displayed within. This ensures that the jewelry is well protected whenever it is kept within the box. Even if it falls, the design will ensure the pieces remain immobile and unlikely to suffer any damage. The interior surface of jewelry boxes is typically lined with some soft material that also helps to prevent scratches or other blemishes. Even small blemishes on certain jewelry pieces can call for repair work as this is a product that relies on appearances to appeal to buyers.  

Reuse a custom setup box 

This type of custom made box can be easily reused. Many people that buy high-end jewelry like to retain the box to store them, be it on a shelf, drawer, or safe. Since it is made to be durable and attractive, buyers can rely on them for storage purposes in the long term.  

Best Small Shipping Box Delivery

Small shipping box
Businesses will often have small to large shipping boxes to send out. However, whereas a large shipping box is clearly noticeable, smaller sized packages can often be overlooked and consequently mishandled. The last thing a business wants is to see packages they are sending to customers getting lost or damaged along the way. This can negatively impact the reputation of the brand and future sales. Here are a few safety tips that can help improve the chances your small shipping box will arrive at its desired destination in good condition.

Corrugated boxes

Ensure the box you are using for shipping is a corrugated one. They offer better protection for contents as the walls are thick and can better endure rough transit conditions. Even with thicker walls, they remain lightweight, so you do not have to worry about increased shipping costs.

Weight of a large shipping box

While corrugated boxes are quite strong, they still have some weight limit to them. Weight limits tend to go with the level of fluting or thickness of the box. Ensure that whatever you are packing into the box is of a suitable weight. Excess weight may cause the box to become damaged and the contents to become exposed or lost.

Small shipping box appearance

It is best to use a new box when shipping. If you use a bartered or damaged box, it can encourage poor handling or cause the contents to easily fall out. Cardboard boxes are great for being reusable, but when shipping new products, it is best to use new boxes.

Contents of your small shipping box

Consider the contents you are planning to pack into your small shipping box. If fragile and more than one, ensure that you wrap them individually to avoid them shifting about in the box and becoming damaged. Even a singular item should be wrapped if you do not have a fitted insert that can keep the item stable in the box. If there is no insert, ensure any void space is filled with filler or wrap.

Small shipping box and labeling

Ensure that you place the label on the largest upper surface of the box. It should clearly indicate address details. This may require you to use a label that covers the entire side, but this is acceptable if the information is easy to read.

Shipper for small shipping box

Also, be careful of what kind of shipper you use to handle your packages. Choose a shipping firm that has a good reputation when it comes to handling and delivery. One that has frequent complaints about packages arriving in poor condition should be avoided. Consult with other businesses in your community to find out which shippers can be trusted.

Shipping Books in Corrugated Boxes

Large Shipping Box
Ship books with ease by using corrugated boxes. Whether you are a bookseller shipping orders to clients, or you have a shelf of books you are relocating with to a new home, you should be using corrugated boxes. Book lovers can be sensitive about the condition of their books and will naturally want shipping that ensures their tomes arrive at their destination in as good a condition as they left. Here are some helpful tips on how you can best achieve this.

Small, corrugated boxes

Corrugated boxes are strong, but books are heavy and dense. There is a limit to what a corrugated box can safely accommodate. Hence, the reason you should go for many smaller boxes than fewer larger boxes when shipping books. This will also make it easier for whomever is handling the box during transit to lift and carry the box.

Wrap for corrugated boxes

You can choose to wrap each book individually, especially if you just ship a single book to a client. If the books are many, you can line the box with packing paper or tissue. This is especially helpful if you have ornate books or those with graphic slipcovers that you would not want spoiled.

Corrugated boxes weight

Just as when packing other household or office items when moving, you should always place the heaviest items going into a box at the very bottom. Create less pressure on lighter books at the top. Prevent damage or shape lost.

Corrugated boxes interior stacking

Do not arrange your books vertically as you would on a shelf when packing them into a corrugated box. Just lay them flat on their side to stack them. Books can have varying heights and it can become more awkward to try to arrange them this way, especially if stacking.

Fill the gaps

You would rather leave some gaps in the box than overfill. You can use diverse kinds of items to fill in these gaps, with the best options being soft materials like bed sheets, towels, or pillows. They can provide extra padding and thus protection for your precious books.

Reinforce the corrugated box

Once you have finished packing, it is time to seal the box tightly. Make further use of the packing tape to reinforce the box along all its edges and corners. This will make it harder for the box to come apart due to weight or rough handling.

Corrugated box label

Properly label the corrugated box.  Help movers differentiate the contents and stack accordingly.

How to Design Boxes for Baked Goods

Design boxes
There is something special about being able to visit a bakery and come away with a warm box of some delicious baked goods you will get to enjoy on your own or by sharing with others. Such businesses need to design boxes that will make their customers feel fulfilled in their purchases. This delight is often a contributor to their decision to keep patronizing the business. Here are some helpful ideas for bakeries looking to revamp their look.

Design boxes artwork

You need to get creative on how to enliven your packaging through imagery and other artwork. The goal is to make your clients feel upbeat about their purchase, which is made easier when the packaging is bright with interesting artwork. You can consult with a designer to create designs that will become part of your brand image. This way, whenever people that know your business see the packaging, they are instantly reminded about what you have to offer.

Design boxes for functionality

There is a need to make your packaging as functional as it is fun. Self-locking boxes are standard in business, but a popular newer trend to consider must be the gable box. This design features an overhead handle for the box that makes it easier to carry it. Think of how disappointed a customer would be if they dropped a birthday cake that was in a normal box. A mishap that is less likely when your box design features a handy handle.

Variety of design boxes

It is an innovative idea to stock a variety of boxes for assorted products. Especially those that attract a mix of customers and may be used for celebrations. It helps to design boxes that cater to or appeal to different target markets. While cakes are for everyone, they are often for distinct celebrations like birthdays, graduations, and holidays. Having a variety of themed boxes for unique occasions, ages and genders can delight your customers who will receive a product tailored just for them.

Customize packing supplies

While you can have gable styled or self-locking boxes for your baked goods, there is no harm in stocking some packing supplies to augment this. You can design box packing supplies like tape or ribbons that are customized to feature your brand name and colors. Ideally, they should be bright or glittery to add a more festive feel to the box. Consider stocking up on some beautifully done stickers or labels you can add to the box for branding or promotional purposes.

The Cost-Saving Benefits of Die Cut Boxes

Die cut boxes
Die cut boxes are one of the most popular and customizable corrugated cardboard boxes that are used in product packaging. They are made by cutting large sheets of cardboard material on a die press or cutter machine. The resulting boxes can be configured in all shapes and sizes. They can be made rigid or folded. Rigid boxes tend to be less flexible but stronger, while folded boxes are more flexible but weaker. Whichever option you choose, these boxes offer several cost-saving benefits that make them the best option for many businesses.

Die cut boxes protection

Since the boxes are customized, they usually fit more snugly over the shape and size of the product. Packaging that can comfortably and securely contain a product reduces the risk of damage during transit. The longer the distance a product must travel, whether it is from the manufacturing plant to retailers, or from vendors to customers, the greater the risk they will be mishandled or subjected to rough travel conditions that could lead to their damage. Die cut boxes offer enhanced protection for products, reducing the risk that the seller would have to replace or make a refund on damaged goods being delivered.

Lightweight design of die cut boxes

Since these boxes are made using cardboard material, they add little weight to the overall product when packaged. This means that not only is it easier to carry and handle the items but also reduces the shipping costs. Shipping costs are pegged on the weight and size of the shipment. Adding minimal weight helps limit these costs for the business. You can also further reduce the shipping costs associated with sourcing these boxes by ordering them in bulk. Box makers will often offer good discounts on bulk orders of wholesale die cut boxes, allowing the business to make additional savings.

Cost-effective marketing

Customization also allows for the packaging to incorporate branding and other marketing messages. It provides an effortless way for the business to build brand awareness and convey other vital information like social media channels and website info. These can provide leads that will result in greater sales. It is a very affordable way to support your other marketing efforts.

Greater capacity of die cut boxes

The customized design of these boxes ensures that no space is wasted when shipping, as compared to when using standard boxes. You can maximize the number of products contained within the box, allowing for a larger capacity. Even if this means that the load will be heavier due to accommodating more products, you will save by having to ship fewer loads.

Choosing The Right Gift Box

Gift Box
Gift boxes are used to convey special meaning. They are used as packaging for gifts on special occasions like weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas, Valentine’s, and so on. The idea is to give the impression that the recipient is valued by the gift giver. There are many options when it comes to choosing a gift box, so it may help to consider these factors when trying to decide.

The occasion for a gift box

When choosing a box, it is advisable to keep to the theme of the occasion. For instance, if it is a birthday gift, then a box design that incorporates imagery like a birthday cake or balloons would be acceptable. If the occasion is a wedding anniversary or Valentine’s a heart-shaped box would not be remiss. Keeping to the theme or relevance of the occasion further demonstrates how much thoughtfulness went into assembling the gift.

Gift box recipient

Starting with the theme of the occasion we should go hand in hand with the kind of person that is receiving the gift. While a red heart-shaped box might be great for Valentine’s or to celebrate an anniversary, if the recipient has a strong dislike for red, you may want to modify that aspect. It is best to consider the likes and dislikes of the recipient to ensure they have an enjoyable unboxing experience. Think of how you may incorporate their favorite colors, imagery, font, and other aesthetics.

Budget gift boxes

Gift boxes are typically not cheap unless the store you are shopping from has a special deal. Some do offer good deals on themed occasions like Valentine’s, Christmas, and birthdays. If what is on offer does not appeal to you, you may need to set a budget to cater to this. Remember that you do not have to be confined to just a box. There are many ways you can go about creating unique and attractive packaging for the gift you will present to that special someone.

Gift box special note

While the gift can sometimes speak for itself in imparting your feelings for the recipient, adding a note is a clever way to make an even stronger impression. People love reading even a short message from the gift giver, something that lets them know how valued they are. This can work well in even more professional situations like when sending thank you or Christmas gifts to business partners and major clients. In such cases, a more formal tone would be used in the message.

The Advantages of Cardboard Boxes

Custom cardboard box
Most businesses that deal in physical products rely on cardboard boxes to secure and deliver them to clients. This is the most used type of packaging that offers great benefits over alternatives.

Cardboard boxes affordability

The most cost-effective choice of packaging are boxes of cardboard.  They are sustainable and recyclable. When recycled, less production time is required.  This helps lower the cost of cardboard material. Cardboard boxes are lightweight. This decreases the shipping cost.


Customize cardboard boxes in a wide array of ways. Create unique shape, size, color and function according to the product or brand. Their surfaces can incorporate wording, imagery, and logos that businesses can use to aid in production.  Combine other types of packaging materials like inserts, bubble wrap, and fillers to secure the contents of the box.

Cardboard boxes safety

Cardboard paper can be flimsy, but when fluted to make corrugated cardboard, it becomes a much more durable and resilient material. Fluting makes the box walls springy and stronger. It allows the box to better support products of a heavier and larger size. It also becomes a thicker protective layer that can absorb dents, scratches, perforations, and other physical damage, without letting it get to the product within. This is especially helpful for products that are in transit and may be subject to mishandling. The extra protective layers are a perfect deterrent to moisture or liquids.


Cardboard is a very Eco-friendly type of packaging material. Fold and store cardboard easily. You may reuse it for a later use. If not reusable, it can also be recycled into new boxes. Easily create new boxes from recycled cardboard allows since the material was already processed at one point. Even where the box is not recycled to make new boxes, it can safely be disposed of in the environment, quickly breaking down without leaving behind much contamination. This quality is also useful in appealing to consumers who have grown increasingly concerned about patronizing businesses that share the same ideals when it comes to environmental conservation.


Custom Boxes Are Worth the Investment

boxes and packaging, custom box
Custom boxes have become an integral part of packaging used by businesses of all sizes. They are a more expensive option compared to standard boxes but offer several benefits that make the investment worthwhile.  

Custom boxes brand recognition 

This is especially beneficial to new businesses that are trying to gain a foothold in the market. Making your brand more recognizable can help to encourage repeat purchases. With more purchases, even prospective clients will be more tempted to investigate and buy from your brand as the custom packaging is something they will frequently see. The more attractive the design of your custom box, the more interest it will stir and the higher sales you can expect. You will need to create a lively and engaging design that will draw attention and thus stir curiosity in prospective buyers.  

Attractive custom boxes  

An interesting and attractive design for your custom boxes will make your customers happier with their purchases. The unboxing experience has become a big part of consumerism and there are even social media videos dedicated to documenting and sharing them. From these videos, you can see that the packaging of the product has a key role in making first impressions. The more appealing the design, the more value the client will attach to the brand and the product. The positive reactions elicited from such content can also help in marketing your brand, thus boosting sales.  


Custom-designed boxes provide products with superior protection as compared to standard boxes. This is because the shape can be conformed perfectly to that of the product. This tends to ensure a snugger fit. There is also easier to incorporate whatever choice or variety of padding, insert, and other support inside the box. The better secured the product is within the box, the more likely it will arrive at its destination intact. This is especially important when your clients shop online or remotely. Your customer will have a more positive experience and reaction when the product they are receiving through delivery is in good condition upon arrival.  

Eco-friendliness custom box  

With custom packaging, you have much flexibility in choosing whatever materials you want to be incorporated into the design. Most kinds of custom packaging can be made with eco-friendly materials that are reusable, recyclable, and sustainable. These kinds of materials are better for the environment, ensuring that minimal harm is done when sourcing the raw material, during the manufacture of the boxes, and eventual disposal.  

Best Custom Printed Mailer Boxes for Jewelry

custom printed mailer boxes
Jewelry businesses are a unique niche that requires packaging that will ensure safety and a beautiful presentation. Custom printed mailer boxes are a popular choice as these are items that are often given as gifts and can be expensive. Though this choice of packaging can be costlier, it is well worth the investment when you have customers that have higher expectations when it comes to visual appeal. Here are the top reasons to incorporate the custom printed mailer box in your packaging options.

Custom printed mailer boxes

You can customize these boxes in several ways including size, dimensions, color, use of imagery, font, lamination, and more. This can help ensure a unique result that allows your business to stand out against the competition. Jewelry businesses need to build a brand presence that makes them the topic of the town. To reinforce this image and build up a strong client following, you need to customize your brand color, logo, and slogan. This will help make your brand more recognizable in the market and cultivate loyalty.

Custom printed mailer boxes and security

The self-locking mechanism of custom printed mailer boxes makes them an excellent choice for products that need to be secured. The last thing you would want is for diamond earrings to just fall out due to a minor mishap. They also tend to have custom inserts so that whatever jewelry can be further secured within.

Lightweight construction of custom printed mailer box

Though these boxes have a sturdy look, they still manage to be lightweight, allowing the customer to easily handle and carry their purchase from one point to another. That is another mark of quality when you have packaging that looks heavy but manages to still be easy to handle. If your business ships products to customers, having lightweight packaging can help to minimize transport costs. Note that shipping costs are based on both the size and weight of the package, so limiting these parameters will make for lower charges.

Eco-friendly custom printed mailer boxes

Mailer boxes can be made of recyclable and recycled material. This is not only good for the environment but can also reduce the cost of their production, allowing businesses to enjoy a higher margin of profit due to lower packaging costs. This is because when recycled material is used in making these boxes, they are already processed, reducing the amount of time and energy needed to create new boxes. Using Eco-friendly materials can also enhance the reputation of the business as many consumers prefer to buy Eco-conscious brands.

Boost Sales with a Cardboard Display

custom shipper display Energy xtension
A cardboard display is a wonderful way for a brand to promote its products and encourage shoppers in an outlet to make impulse purchases. They are a simple, affordable, and effective way to boost sales and market awareness of a brand. To ensure they work as desired, here are a few tips you should implement. 

Cardboard display eye-catching designs 

Though the design of most cardboard corrugated displays is simple, you can use color, imagery, and even light features to draw attention. Capturing the attention of shoppers is the goal of these displays. Once their interest is stirred, they will then become more inclined to read whatever information about the products is displayed and become tempted to make a purchase. Use a design that is ideally suited to the type of product you are trying to market and the atmosphere of the store. While bold colors with light features may be a good draw in family retail stores, the impact may not be as effective in more adult and high-end outlets.  

Simplified cardboard display

Do not go overboard with your design. A cardboard display is usually placed near the checkout counters. This is where shoppers will be idling as they wait for their turn. A simple but colorful display will attract their attention without appearing too overwhelming. Keeping the display clutter-free will allow onlookers to focus their attention. That is unless you are trying to attract another demographic like children who are more drawn to over-the-top displays.  

Another reason to keep the design simple is to allow for easy assembly. The last thing you want is for the store attendants or your merchandisers to struggle when it comes to putting together the display. The fewer pieces they must put together, the more easily they can have it quickly set up and draw attention. Complicated setups may discourage the employees from giving your display priority when they have other tasks they need to attend to.  

Stock sample sizes 

Customers are more easily tempted to try a product when it is sample or small-sized. A small size means they are unlikely to spend much on the product but still get to sample its goodness. This can happen even if they have bought a competitor’s products in massive quantities. The sample size will encourage them to give another brand a shot. Trying to push your product into large sizes is likely to cause prospective customers to avoid it as it will mean spending much more.  

Package Design for Boxes in California

setup box Ad action interactive
The consumer market in California is huge with plenty of businesses and brands to choose from. If you are looking to join, then you will need to create California boxes that will appeal to shoppers and help in marketing your brand. Given the existing competition in the market, you will need to focus on unique design approaches that will allow your brand to stand out from the crowd and stir interest in consumers so they will be willing to spend money on your products. Here are a few helpful suggestions to inspire and get you started.  

Mailer boxes in California 

These are one of the best options for boxes in California as they are stylish and secure. They provide a more luxurious feel that is sure to attract the attention of shoppers with a taste for the good things in life. They should be a priority if your products are high-end. Fortunately, they can be customized in a variety of ways including size, shape, color, and wording to create a unique outcome that will allow your products to appear distinct from those of competitors. Be sure to carry out adequate market research and testing of your box design to ensure you meet these goals.  

Telescoping boxes in California 

These boxes feature a separate custom-fitted lid and bottom that makes them easy to reuse. They are customizable in a variety of styles and specifications and can incorporate logo printing and graphic designs of all kinds. They are another ideal choice for products that need to be presented stylishly and securely.  

Tote boxes in California 

These boxes combine both form and function to provide a packaging solution that is creative and practical. They have a self-locking design that does not require the use of glue, tape, or other adhesives to close. They can be custom printed with whatever color, imagery, or writing. Their eye-catching design makes them ideal for promotions and trade events. Their handy in-built handle allows for easy carrying as needed.  

Setup Boxes 

These are good options when you have products that need to be presented fashionably. They tend to incorporate custom inserts that help to secure the product in place and ensure it is properly situated when unboxing occurs. They are a good option for any high-end items that are typically given as gifts.  

All the boxes we have mentioned should be made using corrugated cardboard or any other material that is also recyclable and reusable. Consumers in the California market are very much concerned about the environment and prefer to support or patronize businesses that share the same values. Ensuring that your packaging has minimal or no negative impact on the environment will also help in boosting the profile of your brand.  


Limit the Costs For A Large Shipping Box

Large Shipping Box
Sending out a large shipping box is no longer the preserve of manufacturers or wholesalers. Retailers now also find themselves needing to send out large shipments to individual customers. With consumers now preferring the convenience of online shopping, they will often make bulk purchases, necessitating retailers to make use of large shipping boxes in which they can combine the full order, rather than package each item in an individual small shipping box. This approach makes it easier to track the package and ship everything all at once.

There are however other strategies you can apply to help further reduce shipping costs and make fulfilling online orders more profitable.

Customize your large shipping box

Try to have a good variety of shipping boxes in the dimensions you often find yourself needing. Some may be standard sizes while others may require you to order customized boxes. Having this variety of options will make it easier to ensure as tight a fit as possible when assembling an order in the same box. Limiting the size of the box will help to reduce shipping costs as they are based on size and weight factors.

Consult with multiple carriers for large or small shipping box

Many businesses have found that shipping costs can vary between different carriers along different routes and using different modes of transportation. You may find that the provider you currently use for fulfilling local orders is quite expensive as compared to competitors when it comes to out-of-state or international orders. The pricing can also change based on the volume of business you provide. Some carriers are willing to drop their rates if you negotiate with them. Take time to compile the details of the orders you often get and research the options available to you to find the most affordable and reliable option.

Shop around for box makers

It is not just carriers you need to shop around for. If you require custom packaging, then get quotes from as many box makers in your area as you can. Also, find out what kind of discounts they offer for bulk orders. Where possible, source all your packaging material, including fillers and tape from the same supplier to enjoy greater discounts.

Vary your packaging of large shipping box

Depending on what kind of items you are shipping, you may find that alternatives to large or small shipping boxes can be more affordable. Options like poly mailers, envelopes, and even tubes can take up less space and thus reduce shipping costs.

Use online shipping for large shipping box

Some carriers will offer hefty discounts when you pay for shipping online. This can apply to even priority or express shipments. Some carriers can help reduce costs and make your work easier by offering free pick-ups.

Reasons to Invest in Box Inserts 

custom foam inserts
When developing packaging designs for products, safety and presentation are key considerations. Box inserts are often incorporated in these designs because they help to achieve both goals. However, given the additional cost, it can mean the business will have to add this feature, though some may not feel it is necessary. Here are some of the top reasons you should consider investing in this packaging solution.  

Box insert affordability

While adding a custom box insert to your packaging design will up the cost, this impact can be minimized by choosing plain designs. Even plain designs can give a luxurious feel to the product so it should certainly be considered. If you order your packaging materials in bulk, you will also likely enjoy further discounts when inserts are incorporated.  

Box insert style

Inserts are a terrific way to enhance the packaging of your products. They can be customized in a variety of ways to ensure that they do not just secure the product, but also provide a stylish presentation that is sure to impress buyers. They often make for a more appealing visual impact than using bubble wrap or wrapping paper to secure the items. The aesthetic they create can be capitalized on to make a good impression and nurture brand loyalty.  

Box insert messaging 

Box inserts provide an additional surface on which to communicate messages to consumers. They could be marketing or promotional messages that help to reinforce the image of the brand in the minds of consumers, or even just instructions on how to correctly use the product. Printed inserts are a wonderful way to communicate with customers, allowing you to share important or even fun information that will make their utilization or enjoyment of the product more fulfilling.  

They can also be used to run promotions and notify customers of new products the business plans to launch. Many businesses will incorporate small samples of new products for existing customers to try. They may also include communication channels like QR codes to social media platforms and online questionnaires where customers can give feedback. This can aid in both marketing and product development efforts. 

Unboxing experience 

Inserts make it possible to enhance the appearance and presentation of your product to clients. The unboxing experience now plays a big part in encouraging satisfied customers to share their enthusiasm for a product. They often record the process of unboxing the packaging and share the experience online. Printed inserts can include colors, imagery, and messages that make this presentation more exciting. The choice of design should match the type of product and meet the expectations of customers.  


Shipping Box Added Protection

foam corner protector
There is much more that goes into safeguarding the contents of a shipping box. The box itself is the primary external packaging. It needs to be able to support the weight of the contents and fully encase the product. It, however, often needs to be complemented by internal packaging material that will keep the contents stable and absorb shocks. Let us look at the different internal packaging materials that can be used to better protect your products while they are in transit.  

Shipping box packing peanuts 

Packing peanuts are a loose lightweight material that is typically made of polystyrene and other recycled content. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They are used to fill up void spaces within boxes for shipping. They interlock and create a soft cushioning that works effectively in protecting contents from vibrations, bouncing, and other shocks.  

Shipping box inserts 

Also, referred to as separators, this type of internal packaging is used to stabilize items within a shipping box, keeping them from bumping into one another. Their specifications are usually tailored to the dimensions of the product, so they prevent movement within the box. When made from corrugated cardboard, they are a useful, affordable, and recyclable packaging material typically used for breakable items.  

Molded foam 

This packaging is custom fitted to the product being packed into the box. The product is inserted in the foam before being placed in the box. Due to its customization, it is highly effective in protecting items while in transit. There is no need for additional padding. However, this also means that it is not likely to be reusable and is made from material that is not recyclable or biodegradable.  

Shipping box wrap 

There are several types of materials that can be used to wrap products when packing them in shipping boxes. The most common is paper and bubble wrap. Paper is used to help stabilize the items within the box. It can be wrapped around items or crumpled and stuffed in between items and the walls of the box. It can also be layered at the bottom of the box to provide some additional shock absorption.  

Bubble wrap offers a more cushioning effect thanks to the many air cushions created in its design. These air cushions provide extra shock absorption that helps protect fragile items. They are usually wrapped around the items when packing the box. Since they are so effective at cushioning items, there is no need to use additional padding. While protecting products, they remain lightweight enough not to impact shipping costs.  

How to Ship a Cardboard Box Onto Pallets

Custom cardboard box
Most businesses now make use of the cardboard box when fulfilling client orders. They often send out large shipments onto pallets. Pallets are transport plates on which cargo can be secured and loaded onto different vehicles for shipment. They can be made of various materials including wood, plastic, and metal. Businesses need to be careful in how they load these pallets to ensure that the items are properly secured. This will help in ensuring a safe and efficient delivery.  

Correct size cardboard box  

Different businesses will have products of assorted sizes. It is important to ensure that whatever product you are shipping and how it is packaged does not hang over the sides of the pallet. The dimensions of your corrugated cardboard box should fit comfortably within the limits of your pallet. Its construction should also be sound enough to support the weight.  

Pack your box right 

It is important to ensure that before you place a cardboard box on the pallet, it is properly packed. This means that all the contents of the box have been properly secured and stabilized. This will require the use of some padding so that the contents do not shift around or bump into each other. It is also advisable to ensure even weight distribution. This will make it easier to ensure good weight distribution on the pallet. The boxes should also be well-sealed using packing tape.  

Stack cardboard box safely  

As said, your boxes should have an even weight distribution. However, chances are you might have boxes of different weights. Place the heaviest boxes at the bottom and the lightest on top to keep the pallet stable. You can help boost stability and prevent the boxes at the bottom from collapsing by adding layers of flattened cardboard in between the rows of boxes. Having a few flattened cardboard boxes or a corrugated slip mat as a base before you start stacking will also help.  

Secure cardboard box  

Make use of shrink wrap and adjustable pallet straps to ensure your boxes remain immobile on the pallet. At least three to five layers of shrink wrap are needed to ensure the boxes are tightly secured. Always start from the bottom and work your way up. The straps will help to further secure the boxes to the pallet.  

Consult your shipper 

Shippers or freight carriers have their own rules about how pallets should be prepared before pickup. From experience, they will know how to advise you to ensure your pallet is appropriately prepared. Take time to familiarize yourself with their requirements to ensure ease and efficiency when transporting your shipments.  

Why Choose Recycled Corrugated Boxes

printed corrugated suitcase box
When it comes to the manufacture of corrugated boxes, there is the option to use either wood pulp or recycled corrugated board. When wood pulp is used in the manufacturing process, the outcome is referred to as virgin corrugated board. When these boxes are later recycled and used to make new boxes, the results are termed recycled corrugated board.

While recycled boxes may not be as strong as those made from virgin corrugated board, due to the fibers becoming shorter and weaker with each recycling, they do offer some benefits that make them a worthwhile investment for any business wanting to stock up on corrugated cartons.

Corrugated boxes are environmentally friendly

Since the raw material used to make these boxes is older boxes, this makes them the most environmentally friendly option. Being environmentally conscious is important for modern-day businesses as it not only reduces their impact on the environment but also makes a positive impression on consumers. Consumers and the public in general have become more sensitive to environmental issues and are more willing to patronize and support businesses that share the same values.

Less deforestation with corrugated boxes

The wood pulp used to make virgin corrugated boxes comes from trees that have been cut down. When using recycled boxes to make new ones, a smaller amount of virgin fibers is added during processing to strengthen the resulting boxes. When your business depends on recycled materials to make its boxes, this means it does not contribute as much to deforestation for its packaging needs.

Corrugated cartons are recyclable

Virgin corrugated board can safely be recycled as much as five times before it is no longer useful. This means that often, even the recycled boxes you are using can still make their way back into the box maker’s hands to create new packaging. This further reduces dependency on the wood pulp for box manufacturing.

Limit methane production using corrugated boxes

When corrugated cartons are thrown away without being recycled, they usually end up in landfills. As they decompose, they produce methane which is a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. The more you can encourage your customers to recycle their boxes, the more you will be doing to protect the planet from global warming by cutting methane emissions.

Customer appeal of corrugated boxes

As said, people now prefer to patronize and support environmentally conscious businesses. Packaging is a simple but effective way you can share with your customers these ideals and encourage them to keep buying their goods and services from you. It can also be a marketing selling point that helps grow your customer numbers.

Food Packaging and Proper Food Safety

food packaging baking mix
If your business sells food items, then you need to carefully consider the type of food packaging that will be offered to customers. It might seem like this is not especially important when you consider that as a consumer you so easily dispose of such packaging when you are done with the food item. However, there is much thought that goes into the choice and design of this packaging to ensure it meets regulatory standards and customer expectations.  

Food packaging safety 

Few food items can be sold without packaging. It is a hygiene and safety issue that requires food items to be protected from contamination. Some foods will also deteriorate faster when exposed to open air or light, hence the need for packaging will provide an effective barrier. When deciding on what food packaging products to choose for your business, ensure that it meets this basic standard and what government, and industry regulators expect.  

Food packaging transportation 

If people are going to be buying and taking the food away to be consumed elsewhere, then you need to account for how the food you sell can be easily transported. Even for restaurants and cafes that offer dine-in services, there are times when people will want to take home leftovers, or you will need to accommodate takeaways, as many had to during the pandemic to keep running. You will need to do some research to identify packaging that will work best in preserving its taste and preventing spillage.  

Food packaging aesthetics  

It is said that people eat with their mouths and eyes. Visual impact can play a significant role in influencing your customers’ attraction and satisfaction with what you offer. You need to carefully consider the design that goes into your food packaging.  This will encourage your clients to take it home happily. White packaging is often chosen by food businesses as it gives an impression of cleanliness and simplicity. You can also consider incorporating brand colors that will make your packaging easily recognizable to clients.  

However, ensure that the colors you choose and how they are presented does not clash with other food businesses in your area or that are widely known. This is to avoid confusion and depending on local laws, reduce the risk of being accused of copyright infringement. The goal should be to create a unique presentation, even with popular colors, that will allow your brand to stand out from the crowd. More where the food products you sell are shelved alongside offerings from the competition.  

Save Money with Custom Printed Boxes

Custom Suitcase Boxes
It is commonplace for a person receiving an item in a custom printed box to assume that it must be expensive packaging. However, even if the item within is costly, it does not mean that the packaging is equally expensive. Many businesses have come to understand that first impressions matter and thus invest in packaging that will make a positive impact. Customizing packaging is certainly more expensive than opting for standard options but may not be as high a price as you might think. There are also ways you can limit this expenditure to ensure you are getting custom printed boxes at the best price possible.  

Custom printed box perfect fit  

The less material that goes into making boxes, the less cost that is attached. Investing in boxes that are as tight a fit around your products as possible will allow you to minimize this expense. Consider the dimensions of the products you usually ship and set specifications for your boxes that leave just enough room for the products and the filler you use.  

A tighter fit will not only lower the cost of having your custom printed boxes made, but it will also better secure the contents, increasing the chances they will arrive at their destination without suffering damage. Where you may have voids due to oddly shaped items being shipped, consider using an insert to eliminate the need for secondary packaging.  

Custom printed box perfect measurements 

Different businesses handle various kinds of products. When choosing what packaging to invest in, you need to ensure that you get the most suitable type of boxes made and to the right specifications. You need to make a good assessment of your needs to ensure you not only get the right packaging made, but also in the right quantity. For instance, if you mostly sell lightweight inexpensive items and just a few heavy expensive items, you will want a bigger stock of regular carton boxes than custom mailers.  

Custom printed box perfect company  

Just as with any other product or service, you will find that the pricing on packaging will vary from one box maker to another. Shopping around will allow you to find out what is reasonable pricing for the types of boxes you want. You may even find that some manufacturers do provide design services that will aid you in deciding the look and specifications of your custom printed box. Avoid choosing the cheapest quote as this often means ending up with substandard packaging. Focus on those that are offering you substantial value for money and value-adding services.

Increase Profit with Shipping Supplies

custom printed tape
It is standard practice in the business world to try and limit costs as much as possible to maximize profits. However, many are not as aware of how they can achieve this goal by more efficiently utilizing their shipping & packaging materials. Often, more attention is given to finding a packaging supplier that offers the best deals. Once you have the packaging materials on site, there still needs to be a strategy that will ensure efficiency and minimal waste.  

Shipping supplies standardize packing 

When designing and sourcing shipping supplies, you will have assessed the product you ship and what you need to ensure they are appropriately packaged and will arrive at their destination safely. It is important to create a standardized procedure that your employees can follow when packaging items for shipping. You can develop checklists and how-to guides that will direct them on how to safely package diverse types of items before they are sent out. This will eliminate confusion, ensure safe packaging, and speed up the shipping process. 

Shipping supplies quantity  

Keep checking on how much stock you have left of your shipping supplies. Ensure that you have ordered enough supplies well in advance of peak sales periods like Christmas and Black Friday. There may be other peak periods during the year, depending on the nature of your business. You will need more supplies on hand during such periods or risk not being able to send out orders in enjoyable time. Ensure that you place your order for these supplies early enough to avoid overwhelming your supplier when others businesses are making similar orders.  

Shipping supplies schedule 

Ensure that you give yourself enough time to pick out items ordered, package, label, and ship them out. Do not overwhelm yourself or your employees by insisting on same-day shipping. Be reasonable when setting timelines and ensure that you provide accurate information on your website so your clients are aware of how long this process will take. Too tight a timeline may lead to costly mistakes like poor packaging or mislabeling of boxes. Give yourself enough room to carry out orders in an organized manner.  

Organize shipping & packaging materials 

It can help to speed up the packing process by pre-packing items that are in the highest demand. That way once an order comes in it is just a matter of labeling and sending it out. You can also place goods that are most ordered close to one another in the same section so they can be quickly picked out for packing.  

Why Cartons Are Great For Shipping

Custom Size Regular Slotted Cartons for Shipping
Carton boxes are a common sight in delivery vehicles. They are probably the most ordered type of box from manufacturers. Many businesses that require packaging for their products or for shipping purposes consider them to be an ideal packaging solution thanks to the several key benefits they offer.

Affordability of cartons

Most cartons are made from paperboard which is an easily available material that is also highly affordable. For businesses that order these boxes in bulk quantity, the cost savings are even higher as many manufacturers are happy to offer discounts. Because this material is so easily available, businesses will often find that many manufacturers offer them. Through comparison shopping, businesses can easily find a supplier with cheaper rates.

They are also recyclable and can be made from recycled material. This means less time is taken to process them into new boxes, helping to conserve the environment and reduce production costs. Even where the material can no longer be recycled, it can safely be disposed of as it will quickly decompose.

Lightweight design

These boxes are very lightweight by design. This means they add a minimal amount of weight when used as packaging. This in turn means lower shipping costs and an easier time handling delivery by shippers. When there is less weight to have to carry during transit, there is also less likelihood of damage occurring, especially if the delivery person lacks helpful equipment like a trolley. They can more easily handle and drop off packages when they are not too heavy.

Strength of carton

Despite the lightweight nature of this material, it is quite strong when it comes to protecting its contents. It is also able to withstand a great deal of wear and tear that further boosts protection. When packages are in transit there can be a great deal of handling and an increased risk of dropping, hitting, and being perforated. Carton material is highly resilient and will in a majority of cases keep the contents of the package intact until they arrive at their destination.

Stacking cartons

Cartons are built to be box-like in design. This design makes it easy to stack the boxes. This makes storage of the boxes easier when you can safely pile them on top of each other. Even when in transit, being stackable is a huge benefit as it helps in making effective use of limited space. It can also make transporting multiple boxes at a go easier.

Custom Mailer Box Price Advantage

Custom die cut mailer
When businesses consider investing in customized box designs, there are often concerns that their cost may be more than any benefit it will bring to the brand. Options like the custom mailer box do give products a more luxurious feel and look that can be useful for high-end products as impressions count for a lot. However, it is not surprising that they would be more expensive to order from a box manufacturer than the standard corrugated cardboard box. This premium cost for such packaging is however compensated for when you consider certain cost-saving benefits.  

Custom mailer box is lightweight 

Custom mailer boxes are lightweight as they are made from corrugated cardboard material. This characteristic means that when it comes to shipping costs, the impact is minimal. Shipping costs are calculated based primarily on the weight and size of the packaging. By limiting the weight added to a package by using a lightweight custom mailer box, you lower the shipping costs.  

Customized box 

As said, shipping costs are impacted by the size of the package. Because custom mailer boxes can be customized in a variety of shapes and sizes, businesses can ensure they are made as small as possible to just comfortably fit the contents. Working with the box designer to ensure as small as fit as possible thus helps in reducing shipping costs and the cost of ordering these boxes from the manufacturer. 

Custom mailer box security 

Custom mailer boxes have a self-locking mechanism that helps to better secure the contents within. Since they are also customized for a good fit and can incorporate inserts that stabilize products, they are an effective way of safeguarding contents while in transit. This increases the chances that the products being delivered will arrive in good condition at their destination. With fewer incidents of products being damaged while in transit, the business does not have to deal with as many returns which can be an added cost in either having to make a refund or send out a replacement to the client.  

Custom mailer box recyclability

Custom mailer boxes are often made from materials that are recycled and can be later recycled. While it may not make much of an impact on the bottom line of the business, it can make the production of new boxes less expensive as recycled materials are already processed. Less energy and time are used to convert them into new boxes, as compared to when using wood pulp. Using recyclable materials also offers the benefit of making a positive impression on consumers who have become increasingly environmentally conscious.  

Reducing The Cost Of Your Shipping Supplies

shipping supplies
No matter the size of your business, it always makes good business sense to try and keep costs low to maximize profits. Shipping supplies have become an increasingly large part of many business budgets thanks to the surge in e-commerce. More consumers are opting to make their purchases online and wait for their delivery at home. Here are some helpful tips that can be used to limit this expense.

Optimize packaging sizes of shipping supplies

When ordering shipping supplies like boxes, it is advisable to ensure the sizing is a good fit for the range of products you send out. The smaller the size of the packaging, the lower the cost of ordering boxes and the cheaper it will be to ship. Work with your box supplier to have your boxes customized for this purpose.

Using shipping tools and automation

For larger businesses that have many deliveries to effect, automation can help speed up the packaging process and reduce the need to have extra staff just for this function. There are distinct kinds of machines you can incorporate into your operations to take over such mundane and time-consuming tasks as taping and sealing boxes. These machines not only save on the expense of additional workers but can also limit your carbon footprint by ensuring minimal waste is produced. They can also help reduce incidents of workplace injuries by reducing the need for manual handling of shipping tools and make for more precise packaging that will impress customers.

Vary protection in your shipping supplies

While shipping supplies like corrugated boxes do much to protect products while in transit, not all products are made the same. Some are more durable than others and can arrive just as safely at their destination when less protective packaging is used. For instance, single clothing items can often arrive at their destination in the same condition whether in a box or an envelope. Only that an envelope would be cheaper. Consider the range of products you do send out and invest in a variety of options that will allow you to maximize your profit margin while still effecting safe delivery.

Buy shipping supplies in bulk

Buying your supplies in bulk can certainly help reduce costs as box makers and other suppliers are happy to offer discounts on large orders. However, do keep in mind the amount of storage you have on your premises for these supplies. You need to ensure there is enough space for storage while still accommodating other operations and the safety of your employees.

Corrugated Packaging Tips

custom shipping RSC
Corrugated packaging is highly popular for shipping all kinds of goods thanks to its ability to protect and be lightweight. However, when using it, businesses need to take due caution to ensure they are deriving as much benefit as possible.  

Corrugated packaging correct size  

When ordering corrugated boxes for your products and shipments from a corrugated packaging company, you need to ensure you get a range of sizing that is a good fit. They should not be too tight to cause the content to burst out nor too big to lead to waste. Choosing the right size that conforms well to the shape and size of your products will help safeguard the contents better and limit shipping costs.  

Corrugated packaging cushion 

Most products do not have a box shape so it can be difficult to fully customize packaging that is the exact shape of the product. too many odd shapes can also make shipping difficult as the flat edges of box shapes are what make it possible to carry out stacking. However, the void that is left between the product and the packaging needs to be filled to help protect it from damage while in transit. It will also help immobilize it within the packaging so it does not end up knocking about.  

Fillers like packing peanuts, bubble wrap, and wrapping paper can be used to fill up these voids and provide extra cushioning for the product within. The same can also be accomplished by using inserts. They can help to absorb shocks and reduce the risk of breakage and other damage.  

Corrugated packaging proper storage 

As you make every effort to ensure that your corrugated packaging safeguards your products in transit, you also need to be careful of how you store these boxes before they are dispatched. Many businesses will order such packaging in bulk and keep a stock of the boxes and other supplies on their premises. Storage space is typically designated for this. Businesses need to ensure that their storage area is kept clean, clear of pests, and organized. Also, keep the boxes away from exposure to moisture as this can degrade the material.  

Best carrier for a corrugated packaging company   

While businesses will make every effort on their part to ensure their products are securely packaged for the journey, the rest is often left to the shipper. Where a business has multiple choices of shippers to choose from, it is important to consider their reputation, especially when it comes to handling deliveries. You will want to select a shipping company that is known for taking due care and has a formidable reputation for delivering packages intact.  

How To Save Money By Ordering Big Volume Discount Mailers

big volume discount mailers
All businesses have a basic goal of maximizing profit while minimizing expenses. For those that require the use of quality product packaging, it is a smart move to order big volume discount mailers. This decision helps to cut back on expenses at a time when inflation and other factors have helped drive up business costs. Here is how investing in large quantities discount mailers can save your business money.

Large quantities discount mailers carry reduced pricing

Most box makers are happy to offer their clients discount pricing on their box orders if the quantities are large enough. It is a basic industry practice that encourages clients to place bigger orders to enjoy lower unit costs. It can also be a saving to the box makers who can order more raw materials at discount pricing and pass on these savings to customers that place large orders as well.

This price reduction is especially helpful when buying high-end packaging like mailers. It is also important to note that when you buy more mailers at a go you will then place fewer orders each year, reducing transport costs of the boxes to your premises.

Big volume discount mailers and security

Mailers are typically customized to fit well around specific products in terms of sizing and incorporation of such features as inserts. They are essentially built around the product to provide it with maximum protection when shipping. The boxes are also highly durable so can end up easily retained and reused.

With better security for the product, there is less likelihood of it being damaged during shipping. This reduces the problem of having to replace or compensate for damaged goods, which is a further saving for the business. With a good track record of safe deliveries, some businesses may also enjoy lower insurance rates.

Brand boosting for big volume discount mailers

With custom mailers, you will have likely added branding messages and imagery that will help market your business to the consumers. If buying big volume discount mailers, there is the assumption that you are shipping a considerable number of orders to consumers, meaning more opportunities for other prospective customers to see this information and become aware of your brand.

It is a very cheap and effective form of marketing that can do much to build awareness of your brand with anyone who sets their eyes on the packaging along the way to its final destination. So, any added investment in custom branded packaging is also an investment in marketing that makes for better value for money.

Why Invest In a Custom Shipping Box

Custom shipping box
Should you invest in a custom shipping box? When a business engages in e-commerce, it needs to decide if it will be utilizing standard or custom shipping box designs. You can easily get cardboard boxes from stores or order from box makers. They stock boxes in a variety of standard sizes to choose from. With custom shipping boxes, however, you need to reach out to a box manufacturer and have them customize boxes to specific dimensions and shapes that will ideally suit your products.

This service however tends to come at some additional cost and may require you to take extra effort in working on the design so it is unique and allows your product to stand apart from the competition. This extra cost and effort are what make businesses worry if going the custom route is worth it. Here is why you should consider adding custom printed shipping boxes to your shipping supplies.

Delightful custom shipping box designs

Custom shipping boxes are sure to delight your customers. Receiving a box that has been customized to impress and promote the brand makes more of a positive impression than when using standard or plain boxes. A happier customer is also more likely to become a repeat customer.

Marketing custom printed shipping boxes

A box that comes with graphic designs will not only delight the customer but it can also support marketing efforts. You can emblazon them with your business logo, slogan, and brand name. You can also include information such as your social media links, websites, and address. All this information can make it easier for customers to reach out and explore what your business has to offer. It can even share information with those that are not recipients of the package and merely onlookers.  The design of the box is a great marketing tactic.

Custom printed shipping boxes cost

While custom boxes can be somewhat more expensive than plain standard boxes, they often make up for the additional expense by reducing shipping costs. Shipping costs are pegged on the size and weight of a box. Custom boxes offer a better fit that can reduce both aspects and allow businesses to reduce their shipping costs.

Eco-friendly custom shipping box

Because a custom shipping box is often a better fit than standard options, it ensures fewer materials go into its making. It also means that if it comes time to dispose of the box, there is less waste, which is good for the environment. Fortunately, cardboard boxes can often be easily reused and recycled, making them the most environmentally friendly option.

Opt for Eco-Friendly Design Boxes

packaging boxes eco friendly
When you want to design boxes, you will use for product packaging or shipping, you need to ensure that they are Eco-friendly. This does not refer just to the materials used in manufacturing the boxes, but also the process involved in creating and delivering them to your doorstep. Being Eco-friendly can help minimize your carbon footprint and serve as common ground with consumers who have become more environmentally conscious and inclined to support and patronize businesses that share this same ideal. Here are some ways you can ensure you meet your packaging needs without contributing to harming the environment.


Design boxes packaging designer

While it may seem an unnecessary expense, it is often worth engaging a professional when you want to design box. Such professionals have industry knowledge that will allow them to help you understand your options, more so when it comes to material choice and design concepts that are good for the environment. They can also guide you on how best to limit your costs at a time when raw materials are becoming scarcer and more expensive.

Design boxes tight dimensions

When customizing your packaging, it is advisable to ensure the dimensions are a close fit to the product. this will minimize the material that will be used to construct the box, and thus reduce the cost of production and waste. Making the boxes smaller than what you would get with standard sizing will also reduce the amount of waste generated when the packaging becomes unusable and needs to be disposed of, if not recyclable.

Design box filler

When you design boxes with a tighter fit, there is also the benefit of not needing as much filler. Filler is often necessary when it comes to cushioning and protecting the contents of a box. It fills up spaces and provides extra cushioning. However, some types of filler are not eco-friendly, thus less use is better. Even if they are biodegradable, using less of the material is better for the environment.

Design box supplier

When shopping for packaging suppliers or manufacturers, it is better to do so closer to home. This is to limit how far these materials have to travel as most transport vehicles rely on burning fossil fuels that are not good for the environment.

Advantage of bulk design boxes

Buying boxes in bulk will also reduce the number of times you have to order packaging from the manufacturer. It will not only reduce your costs but also mean less need for transportation to ship the supplies to your premises.

Advantages Of Using Tubes For Mailing

Custom Mailing Tube
Though not often used as much as boxes and envelopes, a mailing tube is a great way to send out documents or posters. You can roll them up and place them inside the rigid tube to prevent them from becoming wrinkled or folded. They can also be used to package small delicate items though this will likely require the use of filler or wrapping paper to help provide additional cushioning from damage that could be caused by the items rattling around inside the tube. Here are some issues to consider when opting to use these tubes for mailing.

The shape of a mailing tube and the overall experience

Mailing tubes come in several designs and shapes. You can easily find them in cylindrical shapes, but also in triangular and square designs. Though less common, these shapes are great for maximizing space as you can stack them more easily against each other. Triangular mailing tubes can also be opened from the side rather than requiring a person to access the documents from the ends. So, depending on your space-saving needs and the type of items you want to ship, you may need to factor in what shape of mailing tube to use.

Customization of tubes for mailing

Fortunately, mailing tubes can be customized much the same way as boxes. You can work with a manufacturer to have them customized in terms of size and shape. You can also customize graphics to make their appearance more unique and in keeping with your branding. Even where you may opt for standard mailers from shippers, you can use labels to improve their appearance and share branding messages and artwork.

The mailing tube and the unboxing experience

Tubes for mailing are not just convenient for shipping documents. They also make for a more interesting unboxing experience as compared to when opening up a regular box or envelope. If you want to impress the recipient of the package, you should consider using these tubes as they are an unexpected design that can make for a fun and intriguing experience.

Shipping costs of tubes for mailing

Mailing tubes are typically considered to be irregular packages by shippers. This classification of packaging that differs from standard box shapes means that you will likely pay more for shipping even though they might take up less space and be of lighter weight. Since this extra cost may vary from shipper to shipper, it is advisable to shop around for which carrier you will use. You may find that the costs can also vary depending on the destination of the tube.

Are Heavy Duty Shipping Boxes Safer?

double cover heavy duty boxes
Whether you need heavy duty shipping boxes for transporting personal belongings during a move or sell large products online, this choice of packaging is safer for several reasons. When choosing packaging supplies, it is crucial to select what offers the maximum safety for your items so that they can arrive at their destination intact. During transit, even over short distances, there can often be rough handling by shippers or from the transport vehicle driving over dilapidated roads that results in items being damaged. Here is how heavy duty shipping boxes can help ensure safer deliveries of your shipments.

Heavy duty shipping boxes – less risk

Heavy duty boxes are built with extra fluting and thickness to their walls that provide more security for the contents. This stronger construction assures that the box is less likely to come apart, even if the items being packed are heavy. Even if the items in the box end up rattling about, the box should remain stable. A heavy duty box is also better at withstanding heavy weight so even chances of the contents falling out from the bottom are reduced.

Heavy duty shipping boxes – extra cushioning

With thicker walls on the boxes, there is extra cushioning that can help to better protect more fragile items. This cushioning can aid in absorbing vibrations and providing more of a barrier in the event the box is exposed to liquids or if perforated. Ensure that you further protect the contents by adding adequate filler to further cushion items and fill voids. This will reduce the risk of damage from the contents bumping into each other while in transit.

Large shipping box special handling

Larger and heavier boxes tend to be more carefully handled than smaller boxes. Even in videos where shippers have been captured mishandling packages by throwing or kicking them, this usually happens to smaller-sized boxes. Larger boxes are harder to handle and sometimes require the use of additional equipment like dollies to move them around. They are less likely to be mishandled, though not impossible.

Large shipping box accommodates more

Using a large shipping box when you have several smaller items to pack will allow you to save time and money as compared to when packing several smaller boxes. When the box is heavy-duty, it should be able to comfortably accommodate more items without fear they will cause damage. Fewer boxes, even of a larger size, can also be easier to accommodate within the transport vehicle and make for fewer trips when loading and unloading.

Folding Cartons and Retail Products

Printed Folding Carton One Color
If you are looking for the ideal packaging for your retail products, then folding cartons should be at the top of your list. They are highly recommended for individual retail items that are in the light to medium weight range. Here is why you should consider them for your brand.

Customize Folding Cartons

Folding carton manufacturers can make cartons to just about any dimension you have in mind. They even offer them in a variety of shapes that allow you perfectly fit the box around your product. This flexibility in design can also allow for creativity in the design so that branding and marketing efforts can also be promoted.

Affordable Folding Cartons

Folding cartons are amongst the most affordable packaging materials you can source from a box maker. Despite their good quality, they are easy to make and use limited raw material due to their thin and lightweight design. Their ability to be folded also means that they are easy to store. They typically come from box makers while flattened, meaning that they take up little space. You can further save on manufacturing costs by requesting quotes from different suppliers. Often, box makers will compete to give you the lowest possible rate to secure your business.

Protective qualities

This packaging has a rigid design when set up that makes it ideal as protective packaging for a wide range of products. This design makes it easy for consumers that buy the product to store it for a prolonged period without worry the contents will become contaminated.

Folding Carton Manufacturer

Folding Carton Manufacturer typically, use recycled materials. This is partly why you will easily find a folding carton manufacturer offering this product so cheaply. When using recycled materials, the processing of the paper is already done so the manufacture of new cartons is carried out more quickly and with less energy. These savings are passed on by the manufacturers to their customers. By using recycled materials there is also less need to cut down more trees for processing. This makes for a positive environmental impact that even final consumers appreciate and support.

Folding Carton Branding

Incorporate branding in the customized folding carton. A mix of colored graphics and text can be used to appeal to onlookers and encourage them to look up the brand and its products. The use of attractive or striking colors helps draw attention where you want it.

Custom Boxes Business Advantages

Custom Mailer Box 1 colour print
It comes as no surprise that custom boxes are not a top priority for small businesses. Many start out on shoestring budgets that do not easily accommodate anything customized. Their founders will try as much as possible to limit expenses so that they can start earning a profit early on. However, this approach, however financially logical as it sounds, it may be doing more harm than good to your business. Here is why you should consider custom packaging for your business.

Custom boxes can boost sales

In the US custom boxes help give the perception that a product is of high quality. With good branding, these boxes leave a better impression on observers and recipients than when a box is plain. When people see more of the branding on the packaging, they become more inclined to try out the products or buy them for others. This helps to boost sales, which is what all small businesses should be looking to do.

US custom boxes are affordable

Although custom boxes do give the impression of superior quality than those that are plain, it does not mean they are expensive to order. Shopping around from different box makers will allow you to figure out what deals there are to be had. Many provide even design services for free so that you can more affordably come up with a unique design that will allow your brand to stand out from the crowd. Always ask about bulk discounts which can be substantial.

Custom boxes can reduce shipping costs

This can be very helpful to businesses that have distinct products that are typically bought in small quantities. You can have your boxes customized to exactly fit the dimensions of the orders you usually receive. The better a fit the box is, the lower the shipping costs you would have to deal with. Especially if standard-sized boxes are usually bigger than you need. Given that shipping costs are pegged on sizing and weight, cutting down on sizing can ensure lower shipping costs.

Custom boxes support marketing efforts

Brand custom boxes with logos, slogans, business URLs, QR codes, and other information that will help market your brand. You can even use it to tempt people into looking up your social media or visiting your e-commerce site. The more attractive the packaging, the more impressed people will be with the brand and want to see the products they offer. It can also encourage those that are ardent social media users to record unboxing experience videos.  This can further boost marketing efforts as well.

Protect Fragile Items in a Shipping Box

custom shipping box
With more and more people opting to shop online, businesses that sell even fragile items have been forced to figure out how best to pack boxes for shipping so the contents do not end up damaged while in transit. When you have products that can easily break this becomes critical as during shipping, poor handling and rough travel can easily lead to scratches and breakages. Here are a few tips you can use to improve the chances that whenever your items are packed in a shipping box, they arrive at their destination safely.

Correct size shipping box

Always pick a box size that can adequately accommodate the items you are shipping plus any packaging material that will be used to pad or protect them. Too big and the contents may end up getting jostled about, too small and you may not be able to reinforce. Also, consider using corrugated cardboard material with more fluting. This added thickness will help to better protect the contents, not just from jostling, but also if exposed to dampness or perforated.

Boxes for shipping label

People will not know to handle a package carefully unless that information is well displayed on the outside of the box. Make use of labels or stickers to ensure people know the contents are fragile and need to be carefully handled. This often compels handlers to be more careful and avoid stacking other boxes on top. Also, be sure to indicate which way the shipping box should be placed upright. This can be especially important with bottled products like wine that should not have the cork continually absorbing the liquid.

Boxes for shipping packaging

Once you have packed your fragile items in the box, be sure to use packing material to fill up void spaces. This will help keep the contents immobilized inside the box so they do not get jostled around. This is especially important if you have packed more than one item and want to avoid them knocking into each other and breaking

Boxes for shipping: dividers

Dividers are another way to separate items. You can pack multiple items in the same box safely and in their own compartment. Try to ensure that whatever arrangement you use, the box is well balanced to prevent it from easily toppling over

Shipping box reinforcement

Consider reinforcing the box at the bottom and along its edges. This can help when the box is exposed to moisture or even when mishandled by preventing the box from collapsing. For moisture protection, consider using packaging tape that will prevent absorption. You can also use a polyurethane coating or a lacquer spray sealer spray.

Fun Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes

Cardboard boxes reuse
Most packages that are delivered come in cardboard boxes. In some households, these deliveries can even be daily, meaning that if you are reasonably careful, you can quickly accumulate many easily reusable boxes. They store them for future use, however, there is a limit to how many can be saved. Too many and your storage area will look cluttered and they may end up enticing pests or rodents to make a home. Finding fun ways to make use of your boxes will ensure you do not accumulate too many and end up wasting them.

Cardboard Boxes Re-Gifting

This is a quick and fun way to exhaust your supply of saved cardboard packaging boxes. Make a point of using your own stash of boxes for any gifts you gift out through the year, be it for a birthday, wedding, or Christmas. You do not even need to worry about their appearance if you intend to wrap the boxes in decorative wrapping. You can even cut up other boxes to use as padding or to create a smaller box when you cannot find a good fit. If you have a sizable array of boxes in different sizes, you can also make for a fun unboxing experience by combining them so the recipient has to keep unpacking to get to the final small present at the center. Somewhat like Russian nesting dolls.

Cardboard Boxes: Cat scratching post

Many cat owners have had to endure the problem of scratches on their furniture from their pets. Even those that do a good job of clipping their nails are not able to entirely curb this vice. You can use cardboard boxes to build a makeshift scratching post or pad. Your pet will be able to spend many hours happily scratching away and hopefully distracted from harming your furniture.

Cardboard Packaging Boxes Maze

For the kids, you can consider using cardboard packaging boxes to build a fort or maze. You can have the kids paint the walls with all kinds of artwork. Encourage them to paint lightly or just use coloring pencils and crayons to avoid wetting the cardboard too much.

Cardboard Boxes: Decoration

Using cardboard to create all kinds and colors of Christmas tree decorations is a great way to use up cardboard. You can do the same for other holidays that would benefit from some themed décor. Cardboard can easily be cut up into different shapes and painted in festive colors. Be sure to remove any tape or labels so they have a uniform appearance when decorated.

Key Benefits Of Investing In Point Of Purchase Displays

POP display box
Point of purchase displays or POP displays are a popular marketing tool used by brands to advertise products directly to shoppers in stores. They come in different designs like freestanding or endcap displays. No matter the setup, the goal is usually the same. To inform the customer about the product being promoted, provide helpful information, and encourage them to make a purchase. The cost of these displays is typically covered by the brand owners and depending on the design, can be quite a hefty expense. Here is why it is worth the investment.

Targeted campaigns

POP displays are a great way to better target prospective customers than more traditional forms of advertising, like TV or newspaper adverts. The displays appear in front of people that want to shop and can therefore be more easily persuaded into making that purchase.

Educating consumers

The most effective POP displays provide an opportunity to educate shoppers on why they should consider the product. These benefits could be in the form of product information on a poster or playing a running infomercial on a display screen. This added information that would be too much to include on product packaging can help sway opinion, and encourage a shopper to choose the brand over others.

Promote impulse buying

Because POP displays are set up in stores, there is more opportunity to encourage shoppers to impulse buy. They have money to spend, and if they need a particular type of product, it can be easy to entice them into choosing your product with such a display, especially if there is some discount offer or reward attached to the purchase.

Capture attention

Rather than just place the product on normal shelving in the store, alongside the offerings of competitors, using a POP display can be a big help in distinguishing a brand and capturing customer attention better. Even when people are in a hurry, it is still possible to capture their attention and interest if you have a well-designed display. Even for a point-of-purchase display corrugated designs can be integrated with graphics, lighting, and video technology that can more effectively capture attention.


A point of purchase display helps in merchandising products more effectively at the retail level. They help make your products stand apart from the crowd and encourage retailers to provide a dedicated space for the display. Otherwise, the product would just end up on the shelf, blending in with the rest.

Qualities To Look For In Quality Custom Packaging

Custom Mailer Box
Custom packaging plays a key role in establishing and building the relationship between customers and a brand. It is often the first point of contact between the parties that entice prospective customers into becoming loyal paying customers. Coming up with the right design for product packaging requires that businesses know what qualities consumers are looking for and will be of use in safely delivering the product into their hands.


It is a must for packaging to safeguard the product within. Whether it is to protect it from contamination or the effect of heat or light, the goal is to ensure that the product is delivered to the consumer in good and usable condition. The design and materials used to make custom print boxes will majorly vary depending on the type of product and what type of security is needed.


Product packaging needs to be lightweight. Not so much that it interferes with its ability to safeguard the product. But still light enough so as not to add too much weight to the overall product. This will make it convenient for the consumer to transport it wherever they need it. This will also affect the cost of shipping, so both the weight and size of packaging should be the least amount so as not to be inconvenient.


Whatever design of packaging a business uses, it needs to be dependable. This means it should give consumers confidence that the product has been well protected from the time it was packaged by the manufacturer, therefore ensuring the quality of the product is preserved. This packaging should continue to be dependable until when the consumer needs to open it up to access the product. The durability of the design should be ongoing beyond even purchase, ensuring that as long as the product is properly stored and has not reached its expiration date, the contents remain safe.

Visual appeal

The look of the custom packaging should be such as to impress consumers. Aesthetics matter as they are what encourage consumers to try a new product and help set it apart from similar products in the market. Customizing packaging allows brands to market to shoppers, making them believe that the product they are choosing is of good quality and worth buying. It needs to be attractive, unique, and informative. It is not just about the use of logos, other imagery, and slogans. Product information is also helpful to consumers trying to make a purchasing decision.

Storing Cardboard Packaging Boxes Safely

Custom cardboard box
It is common practice for businesses today to retain some stock of packaging boxes for shipping. With more consumers shopping online and remotely, businesses need shipping boxes and packaging so they can send out shipments of orders.

Since it is inefficient and uneconomical to have to place orders for shipping boxes from box makers too frequently, it makes sense to store these materials in-house and use them as orders come in. Especially around peak shopping periods when you can have many orders in a single day. Here are some tips on how best to store these boxes so they remain in good shape until you need to utilize them.

Keep flat

Cardboard packaging boxes will typically arrive from box makers when already flattened. They can be opened up and folded correctly to accommodate items before sealing and shipping. The flattened design is very helpful during storage as it is space-saving and makes it easy for several boxes to be shifted at a go. Cardboard boxes are lightweight so this transfer is made even easier. Keep them in this flattened shape so you can store more boxes even in limited storage space.

Organize according to size

Many businesses require shipping boxes of different sizes to accommodate custom orders. Always try to organize boxes according to size during storage. This will make it easier and faster to figure out what is the most appropriately sized box for a particular shipment. It will also ensure that you can easily track the range of boxes you have and make an order for more from the box maker when certain sizes start to run low.

Only pack when needed

Do not remove a box from storage to start packing until when you are getting ready to arrange for shipment. Having many packed boxes around the place long before they need to go out may eat into what limited commercial space you have for your business. Just ensure you leave enough time before the shipments are to be sent out or picked to properly package, seal, and label the boxes.

Regularly inspect

Cardboard material while great for shipping, can also often attract pests. The material can be used as food or for nesting. This is why you should ideally store the boxes away from the floor. You also need to keep inspecting them to ensure they have not been attacked by pests, or come in contact with water that can also disfigure and weaken the material.

Easy to Carry Cardboard Packaging Boxes

Custom tote box
Product packaging can be customized in a variety of ways, but one aspect that is often ignored is mobility. Making cardboard packaging boxes easy to carry is an often-neglected feature but one that can be resolved in a few ways.  

Smaller Cardboard Packaging Boxes

The smaller the box, the easier it is to carry, even if the contents are heavy. You can work with your cardboard packaging provider to develop a box size that allows your customers to easily handle and carry it wherever. Box makers often have designers who can assist businesses develop designs that are not only attractive but also functional.  

Be sure to test this packaging with some of your customers to see how they respond to the design. You can even query them specifically on handling and carrying to see if they can suggest other ways of improving the design. Ensure that however small a size you go, it does not compromise the security of the contents. They should not be able to burst out and become exposed and likely to be damaged.  

Cardboard Packaging Boxes with Handles

Certain box designs already incorporate the use of handles that can make carrying simpler. Options such as rigid suitcase boxes and cake boxes with handles can be suitable choices depending on the type of product. The handles can often be made of the same cardboard or plastic. They can make it easier to carry boxes, reducing the risk they will be dropped and the contents damaged.  

Adding a handle feature can also help if the contents are meant to be kept upright. The handle will ensure the persona carrying the box will be compelled to keep the box standing a certain way, helping to safeguard the contents if they are likely to be damaged by being turned on their side or upside down.  

Cardboard Packaging D.I.Y.

You can also make your cardboard packaging boxes easier to carry by simply cutting out handles on the sides. Cardboard is an easy material to cut through using a utility knife. Just cut a V-shaped triangular hole on opposite sides of the box where you can insert your hands to get a firmer grip on the box as you lift and carry. It is a common practice that movers use to make it easier to handle larger moving boxes. You can even have your cardboard packaging provider incorporate such hand holes in the boxes they supply, with flaps you can tape down if shipping the item out.  

Common Mistakes When Designing Custom Shipping Boxes

Custom shipping box
With more consumers opting for online shopping, it has become imperative for businesses to invest in quality printed shipping box designs. Creating custom shipping boxes has become helpful in building brand recognition and improving product protection while in transit. However, certain design mistakes can compromise these efforts. When made, they can cause the reputation of a brand to suffer, lead to customer dissatisfaction due to damaged deliveries, and additional costs to the business in having to compensate the clients. Here are some of the mistakes to look out for and how to resolve them.

Disorderly look

Some custom shipping boxes have a very disorderly look about them that reflects poorly on the brand. Whether it is the use of overly bright coloring or too many design components, it can often give the impression that the brand has not taken enough time to gauge the impact this look will have on the market. Simplicity tends to work best and there should be an effort to test customer responses or work with professional designers, using this feedback to fine-tune the design of the shipping boxes.

Boring design

While some designs can be overdone, others can also be too boring and easily forgettable. These can also have a poor effect on the market who will not be able to recognize the brand even after having repeatedly seen the boxes. Try to include some elements of imagery, strategically placed slogans, and the use of coloring to better attract the attention of onlookers and make a more memorable impression.

Poor sizing

Investing in shipping boxes that are too big or small for the products you are shipping not only makes it more likely the items will arrive at their destination damaged, but may also make a poor impression on customers. When too big, the contents are more likely to rattle around and be damaged. It also means you will be likely paying more shipping costs. Too small and there is a risk the contents may burst open while in transit. Opt for custom designs that conform to the sizing of your product for maximum security and optimal shipping costs.

Lack of product protection

This is especially problematic if you have products that can be easily damaged during transit. If you just focus on the outer design without thinking of how to reinforce the contents that will be packed, then the printed shipping box will still be a failure. No matter how attractive the box, your clients will be unhappy if after opening it, they find damaged goods. You can enhance safety by ensuring an appropriately sized box made of sturdy material and safety features like inserts and other cushioning.

Eco-friendly Food Packaging Ideas

food packaging baking mix
Food businesses have seen a surge in takeaway orders packed in food grade packaging during the pandemic as many authorities paused or limited in-store dining. Even as restaurant operations gradually return to normal, there is still a strong market for takeaways that have made it necessary for many businesses to carefully invest in food packaging. Going eco-friendly is a good choice in the food industry as it helps protect the environment and, in some ways, can save costs. Here are some good options to consider.


Paperboard makes for excellent food grade packaging as it is non-toxic, can easily be customized, and is highly durable. Even where inks are used for writing and coloring, you can safely use options like soy-based inks that are safe and biodegradable. Having a safe way to decorate and impart information on the packaging is important not just for brand building, but also so customers know more about the foods they are about to consume. Their lightweight and biodegradable qualities make them best suited as disposable food containers.

Besides reinforcement that helps ensure the contents of such packaging remain safe from pests, they can also help regulate temperatures and prevent penetration of moisture and oxygen that can cause the food to deteriorate. With certain designs, the shelf-life of foodstuffs stored within can be preserved and prevent contamination that could lead to mold and other spoilage.


Glass is a good food packaging option for liquids. They are Eco-friendly because they can be easily recycled, reused, and are highly durable when properly cared for. However, they are also heavy and easily breakable. Hence, if they are to be used, extra care should be taken and the use of designs that make them easier to carry around. Besides bottles, you can also get glass containers with snap-locking plastic lids that can be used for more solid food storage and transport.


Bamboo is a good choice for packaging food as it is biodegradable and durable. Bamboo material can be used to make lunch boxes, serving bowls, and for drinks straws. Being organic, they cannot be as durable as glass but can be reused severally before the need to dispose of them. They can also be paired with other materials, like as lids to stainless steel lunch boxes.

Stainless steel

This is another good option for reusable food containers. They are highly durable, heat resistant, and do not rust. They are however heavy and more expensive, making them less ideal for takeaway business, but good as food storage containers in the home or a commercial kitchen.

Designing Awesome US Custom Boxes

Custom die cut mailer box
Custom packaging has become an increasingly popular trend as online shopping gains prominence. In the US custom boxes are easily accessible thanks to the many box manufacturers that even small businesses can contract. Customizing has become the preference as it is affordable and provides an exciting unboxing experience. This means consumers gain more satisfaction from their purchase when it is beautifully presented.

However, for many business owners, there is already enough on their minds when it comes to their core business. Designing a custom box can be especially difficult if you are not artistically gifted. Here are some simple suggestions to get the ball rolling and hopefully lead to amazing creations that are sure to impress.

US custom box print

Using stylish fonts is a good way to set your brand apart from the rest. Rather than standard printing, you can also opt to use embossing and de-bossing to give your box a more luxurious look. Not only will it make for a more memorable visual look, but also enhance the tactile experience. You can use this not just on wording, but also for logos and imagery.

US custom box imagery

Introducing artwork is a good way to customize packaging. Box makers are now able to apply digital printing to boxes, making it possible to bring to life anything your imagination can conjure. The process is not prohibitively expensive and allows you to use a variety of online design tools to create eye-catching artwork.

Many of the boxes California businesses use tend to be plain with just shipping information provided on a sticker. This often results in a cool reception. There is greater excitement felt when the box is seen to be colorful and have attractive imagery even before opening. You will want people to be more delighted about receiving your packages as it may encourage them to order again.


Having the product within the box being stabilized by an insert is not uncommon. It helps to protect the product, especially if it is delicate or will travel a longer distance and thus be subjected to more rough handling along the way. However, it is more unusual to have carefully fitted inserts, perfectly tailored to the shape and size of the product rather than standard sizes.

While non-printed cardboard inserts are cheaper, spending a little more on printed options is a good way to incorporate more artwork and better finishing to the box. You can also use the surfaces to add contact information and branding messages. For luxury products, simple touches like adding a fabric lining and fragrance to the interior will also help make for a more glamorous effect.

Recycle Gift Boxes After Unboxing

Custom mailer box
Gift boxes are made to be a sturdier and more attractive presentation for presents. They make for a more enjoyable unboxing experience as their beautiful appearance is meant to delight the recipient of the gift. They help to build up anticipation for what is to come when the gift box is finally opened up.

Once the box is opened and the gift item is revealed, there remains a decision to make on what to do with the box. It would be a pity to have to dispose of a quality box, especially if it was carefully opened up not to damage its construction. Here are a few ideas on what to do with the box, rather than simply throwing it away.

Retain keepsake storage

Many gift boxes can be retained as keepsake boxes as their solid construction makes them durable enough for long-term storage. We all have documents and other items we would like to put away for memory’s sake. Love letters from the past, high school certificates of accomplishment, small childhood gifts, and other memorable keepsakes can easily be placed in such boxes and labeled for storage.

Functional use

These boxes are also a good storage option for more practical items like sewing materials, shoes, and even books. If you lack a suitable space to display or shelve such items, placing them in a gift box of appropriate size and stacking them somewhere can be a more reasonable option. You can still retrieve the items when you need them, but have a controlled storage solution that is long-lasting.


Smaller boxes in particular can make for a good home décor option. If the design is not to your satisfaction, you can likely wrap it in decorative paper to put on display. You can also convert them into other decorative items like a container to hold potpourri, a flower vase, or even a picture frame. Since these boxes are typically made of paperboard, you can easily convert them at home with a little arts and crafts skills. You can even combine them to create a child’s dollhouse or other cardboard construction.


You can also opt to repurpose these boxes for onward gift giving. If you have stock of boxes you already received, you can choose those of an appropriate size to use when gifting other items to your family and friends. You can change their look by wrapping them in new wrapping paper of a different design and others will be none the wiser.

Custom Box Build for Electronic Products

specialty setup box Xbox, custom box build
For businesses that sell electronics, the quality and construction of their packaging can heavily influence the impression made on consumers. Such businesses need to invest wisely in quality custom box build designs that will make consumers feel that the safety of the product and its storage has been carefully considered. Here are some considerations to factor in when looking to create custom boxes US consumers will appreciate.  

Custom Box Build for Branding 

In whatever way you choose to customize your boxes, ensure that there is a good display of the brand name, logo, and product information. These are basic details that buyers of electronics will want right from the start when making their purchasing decision. It should allow them to delve deeper into other product information online without even needing to unbox.  


Electronics are typically expensive and delicate products that must be well secured. Especially where they are likely to undergo long transit to get to customers. The boxes should have adequate fluting that will provide good shock absorption and protection from exposure to liquids and perforation. The electronics should further be secured using inserts that will stabilize them no matter the movement they are subjected to.  

Custom Box Build Collapsible Designs 

Having collapsible designs for your product boxes can help make their storage easier. This ability to be flattened means you can utilize less space for storage without having to sacrifice the ability to secure the products when packaged. With the right design, a custom box build should be easy to reassemble and disassemble for storage.  

Custom Boxes US Usability 

When creating a box design for electronics, ensure it can be reused. These box builds are typically made strong to ensure they can withstand the rigors of transit. However, many consumers, even after unboxing the product, will want to preserve it for later use, like if relocating to a new home or business premises. They will want a box that is durable and can be reused when need be. Self-locking designs or those that can be resealed are ideal. Magnetic lids boxes are another good option for expensive and smaller-sized electronics.  

Custom Boxes US Minimalist Designs 

When customizing the look of your packaging for electronics, it is best to utilize a more minimalist design that does not incorporate too much use of printing ink or lamination. You can still offer quality packaging for your electronic products that are minimalist, functional, and attractive. This kind of packaging is not only more affordable but can also be more eco-friendly. The fewer finishes you add to it, the more biodegradable and recyclable it will be.  

Invest In Branded Packaging Supplies

Custom Suitcase Box Ducks
With so many businesses now engaged in e-commerce, it does not make sense to keep shipping goods out to customers in anonymous plain boxes. People are now paying more attention than ever to the packaging supplies being used by brands, creating a wonderful chance to market to them and ensure they enjoy the unboxing experience. Here are some of the key benefits of investing well in branded packaging products 

Packaging Supplies First impressions 

Presentation really does matter and the first point of contact when shipping items to customers is the outer appearance of the box they receive. Customized boxes that are well branded and of quality design and construction are received with much more enthusiasm and delight than plain brown cardboard options with just a label. The more positive an experience you create for the consumer when they receive the product, the more memorable your brand will become in their mind.  

Packaging Supplies: Distinction 

As said, more and more businesses and brands are diversifying away from brick and mortar establishments and investing in e-commerce that is more convenient for consumers. This means businesses need to find a way to distinguish themselves from their competition, as they would if their products were on store shelves. This thus requires better investment in packaging supplies that will help enhance their branding on shipping boxes. They need to incorporate unique designs that will help make them stand out from the crowd.  

Packaging Products: Brand awareness 

Building brand awareness requires that you use packaging products that make it easy for consumers to recognize your brand. The more recognizable your brand becomes, the more credibility it earns. Custom packaging products enable businesses to share brand messages that will stick in the mind of observers. It is important to partner with your box supplier to develop packaging that will be unique and captivating to observers, encouraging them to share their images, besides making for a more enjoyable unboxing experience.  

Packaging Supplies: Functionality 

Certain products are best distributed in packaging that allows for reuse. Self-locking box designs or resealable packaging can be very useful in industries such as food and jewelry. These designs are very helpful and convenient for consumers. As you incorporate function into the box design, you also need to ensure good branding that will help to distinguish your brand. It can also help give consumers the impression that the brand is more proactive and innovative in its approach to facilitating customers. This can be a unique selling point that can help boost sales figures when compared to competitors that are not as invested in quality packaging.  

Boxes for Shipping Marketing Tactics

die cut mailer with insert kraft e flute boxes for shipping
When you have boxes for shipping, it often creates an opportunity for branding and sharing of other information. As you send out shipments, be it to end-user customers, retailers, or distributors, there are likely to be many eyes that will land on the printed shipping boxes. You need to capitalize on this exposure to market your brand by ensuring you present the right kind of information in the best possible way. Here are a few tips on how to accomplish this.  

Boxes for Shipping – Print on Top 

The top side of your box should be the first place you consider printing branding information, especially for smaller boxes being shipped to end-user customers. This is the first surface they will look at upon receiving the box and opening it up. It is the most important place to emblazon your logo and brand name and slogan. It is the announcement of what is to come, welcoming them to open up the box and see what is within. Make this print on boxes for shipping well centered.  

Printed Shipping Boxes Font Style 

There are many font options when it comes to writing. It is best to focus on classic choices that are easily recognizable and therefore easily readable. Serif fonts like Times New Roman and Baskerville are classic and easily readable options. They are ideal for brands looking to portray a more formal image. For brands looking to appear more playful or informal, sans serif fonts like Calibri or decorative options like Leah Gaviota can be considered. Essentially, you should choose fonts based on what kind of impression you want to make with observers and that will remain easily readable so they can quickly register the information you are presenting at a glance.  

Boxes for Shipping – Social Media Handles 

Ensure that you include information on the social media handles that your brand uses. This is especially useful for fashion brands that make use of imagery. Indicating that you are on platforms like Instagram and Pinterest can stir the recipient to take pictures of their unboxing experience and share them on social media. You can even include a campaign hashtag you are using to help add buzz surrounding a product.  

Printed Shipping Boxes – Logo  

Many brands will make use of imagery like logos and renders of the product on the sides and flaps of printed shipping boxes. It may seem like this will leave out space to include the brand name, but having this text printed as a branded chain along the bottom edge of the side can work just as well. If no imagery is included, you can make a chain that repeats the brand name across the sides. You can even have your packaging supplier make packing tape that incorporates your brand name, providing another way to display this information

Top Cardboard Packaging Companies

Cardboard Packaging Companies Suitcase Box
New businesses will often make mistakes when choosing their suppliers. This includes the cardboard packaging companies that will be relied upon to provide packing materials. Cardboard is the top choice for packaging material thanks to its ability to provide good protection for contents, its lightweight nature, affordability, and flexibility in design.  

However, not all manufacturers are made the same. The industry is full of suppliers that claim to be able to deliver the best product but will often fail on several fronts. Here are some of the common mistakes the businesses make when choosing their cardboard packaging provider that can be easily avoided.  

Cardboard Packaging Provider Price

When seeking a cardboard packaging provider, it is normal to seek quotes from multiple suppliers. The biggest mistake many businesses however make is to simply go for the supplier with the lowest quote. In business, minimizing expenses is one of the best ways to maximize profit. However, this should not be at the expense of your reputation. You may find that a low-cost option means having to contend with delays or poor packaging that will affect your relationship and reputation with customers. Your final choice should be based on which supplier is offering you the best value for money.  

Samples from Cardboard Packaging Companies

One of the best ways to ensure that you will get the quality and design of packaging you want is to ask for samples. Many cardboard packaging companies will offer this as a free service and will even make adjustments to the design if what was initially sent out did not meet your specifications.  

Some businesses have made the mistake of simply believing design specifications put on paper without having seen what the final product looks like. Samples should be a must and compared with what will later come in when you start placing orders. They can be good evidence to present should the packaging ordered not match up to the agreed-upon specifications.  

Capability from Cardboard Packaging Companies 

Even for smaller businesses, demand may pick up resulting in a need for larger orders of packaging materials. You need to have a supplier that can keep up with this demand, no matter how many other business clients they have. Many businesses fail to conduct even a site visit to the box manufacturer to ensure they have adequate capacity to meet their demands. A site visit by a company representative or an agent should be mandatory.  

Customization from Cardboard Packaging Provider 

As a business grows, the need for more diverse packaging materials may also grow. Besides capacity for what you already need, it is advisable to check if the supplier can also accommodate growing future demands that may require other types and designs of packaging. this should also include the ability to accommodate custom designs that will be beneficial to future branding and marketing efforts.  

Save Money with a Custom Setup Box

Custom mailer box
Here are some ideas to cut cost with a custom setup box.  With packaging costs of a going up across the board due to the growth of e-commerce, cutting costs is a major goal for all types and sizes of businesses.  Even where a business may make use of a custom made box design, there are still some ways to cut corners without sacrificing quality that will help minimize costs.  

Custom Setup Box: Corrugated Cardboard 

Other heavier and more luxurious box materials can be used for their construction. However, even commonplace corrugated cardboard can be a good option for custom setup box designs as its qualities are adaptable even for high-end markets. Although lightweight, you can add some heft and durability by adding fluting and lamination. This material has good shock absorbency that will better secure delicate and expensive contents. With laminating and printing, you can also easily disguise this use of cardboard material.  

Custom Made Box: Compact Size 

While custom boxes are typically made to customized sizing, many businesses like to give some allowance to make for a better unboxing experience. A gift packaged more generously may feel more luxurious when presented in a larger box. Opting for a compact size can help reduce the cost of a custom made box.

Make Your Inserts from Paper 

Switch out plastic and cardboard inserts for paper options. Rigid paperboard can still capably hold items in place and is a more affordable option. If the contents are not breakable, you can even opt for the use of tissue paper or gusset bags. Carry out some price comparison from your supplier to figure out if there are cheaper options for the interior packaging.  

Custom Made Box with Stickers and Labels 

Rather than having your custom setup boxes custom printed, you can more affordably have stickers and labels applied. Consider that with a printed or branded box you are restricted on what products you can package. By keeping the surfaces blank, you can even offer or sell them to other businesses to make use. It is highly affordable to have various kinds of stickers made including for displaying branding information and directions for use.  

Custom Setup Box in Bulk  

This works well no matter the kind of boxes you order from a manufacturer. Most box makers appreciate large orders and will happily offer a discount for bulk purchases. Just ensure that you have sufficient storage space where your boxes can be safely kept till you need them. Since custom made boxes are highly sought after during holiday periods when people are gift-giving, consider placing this order before key shopping periods.  

Guide For Storing Corrugated Boxes

currugatged boxes
Corrugated boxes are amongst the most commonly used form of packaging for businesses. Even retailers have largely adopted this option to facilitate their online orders from customers. While they may be able to regularly order the boxes they want from box makers, like any other commodity, they still need to keep some stock on hand so they can send out goods on time. While a corrugated box does have many beneficial qualities, care still needs to be taken when storing them to avoid damage that would render them a waste.

Keep Off the Floor

Never store corrugated boxes on the floor. This direct contact will make it easier for certain problems to occur. For instance, if there is a water leak, a spreading pool of water will easily come in contact with the boxes and become absorbed into the material. This can make them unusable. Lying on the floor will also make it easier for pests to come in contact with the boxes, possibly eating through the material or breaking it down to use for nesting.

Boxes are best kept on shelving or pallets. Box manufacturers and other businesses that store large quantities of boxes will also find pallets helpful in allowing them to shift boxes using a forklift.

Avoid Areas with Moisture

As said, exposure to water or other liquids is bad for cardboard. So it is advisable to ensure your storage space is not likely to expose your stock of boxes to moisture. Avoid anywhere near water taps, water tanks, or where water pipes run through.

Avoid Fire Risks

Also, avoid storing your boxes near heat sources that could lead to them becoming ignited. A corrugated box is easily flammable and can even pose a threat to the safety of the entire building and its residents.

Lay Them Flat

When shipping and storing boxes, it is best to ensure they are flattened and lying on the side, never the edge. This will help reduce the risk they will become crushed. Placing them on their edge side and stacking them can end up deforming their shape, making them more difficult to assemble and use for shipping.

Ensure Accessibility

With e-commerce having become so popular, even small businesses are seeing a daily need for shipping boxes. This means you should store your boxes in an easily accessible place where you will not struggle to find the choices you need. This easy access is also important for being able to check on the condition of your boxes regularly.

Large Shipping Box Preparation

large shipping box
Prepare for upcoming shipment with a small and large shipping box.  When stocking shipping boxes that will be used to deliver orders to customers, retailers need to have them in an array of sizes. Having a good range of small to large shipping box sizes ensure that they can accommodate orders of varied combinations and send them out with less worry. It may seem like simply keeping a stock of large shipping boxes is preferable, but there are good reasons to also include some stock of small shipping box sizes.

Large Shipping Box: Protect Goods

When shipping items, you can expect some level of rough handling during transit. This could come from careless shipping employees or simply having the delivery truck drive over rough roads. It is never pleasant to receive your order when it is damaged. The business may even be compelled to make a replacement for whatever is damaged, which can add further costs.

Using boxes that are a tighter fit for the contents can reduce the chances of damage occurring as it reduces free space in which the contents can end up banging into one another and cause the box to topple over. Packaging items in a box with a closer fit and using filling is a good way to limit costs and the risk of damage in transit.

Large Shipping Box: Affordable

Shipping companies will charge for services based on the weight and size of the package. You can reduce your shipping costs by using boxes with a tighter fit that are lighter and smaller. A small shipping box size is also easier to handle by shipping employees. They are less likely to struggle with it and suffer accidents that would cause damage to the contents. While you should not make the box too small, it is advisable to ensure it is as tight a fit as possible.

Small Shipping Box: Save Money

When you include small shipping boxes in your order to the box maker, you will find that they are priced at a lower rate than bigger boxes. This means that having a varied mix when it comes to sizing will ensure you pay less for your order for boxes. The less material used to make smaller boxes automatically means lower costs.

Large Shipping Box: Easy Storage

Even though cardboard boxes do not take up much storage space because they can be flattened. A small box will still take even less storage space than a large shipping box. And because they are smaller, they are also lighter, making it easier to retrieve them from whatever storage area.

Start with Inspiration to Design Boxes

custom suitcase box Todd parr - Design Boxes
When you want to leverage branding to grow your business, it is important to factor in the use of custom made boxes. Businesses are now having to increasingly invest and design boxes for packaging their products and when making deliveries to customers. New businesses often feel challenged to create designs that are unique and will set them apart from the competition. Even more established businesses will feel the need to occasionally refresh the look of their packaging to keep appealing to the market.  

It can be tough to come up with a new design for your packaging that will be different from whatever else is in the market and also make a good impression on customers. Here are a few ideas on what you can do to find good inspiration for your next design box 

Online Research Design Box

There are many box design samples to be found online. Some basic research will help you discover what designs are commonly used in your market and beyond. This will hopefully inspire you on what will work best for your brand. Look not just at existing packaging on products found online, but also at design ideas you can harness from visual sites like Pinterest and Instagram.  

Visit Stores 

Go out and visit stores that stock the same product you are looking to package. This will give you a chance to more closely examine what your competitors have chosen as the design for their boxes. Focus on competitors that have best sellers as this likely means their packaging is attractive to consumers.  

Design Boxes According to Consumers 

Questionnaires, quizzes, and polls can be a good way to collect information from existing and potential customers on what kind of packaging appeals to them. You can collect this data online through your website or social media. You can even have customers fill out questionnaires at your store or your retailers’ stores in exchange for product samples or other giveaways. Offering them an incentive to give responses can help in collecting a larger amount of data.  

Design Boxes with Manufacturer’s Expertise

Box makers are accustomed to being asked for help with designs by clients and will often even have a dedicated design team. You can consult with them to provide the requirements you need incorporated and let them come up with some suitable options. Remember to compare this with what is already in the market to ensure the design you finally choose is not confused with a competitor. The last thing you want is to be accused of being a copycat. 

Useful Cardboard Displays

When selling products in brick and mortar stores, you may want to consider dedicated displays. You can have them made from a variety of materials including wood, plastic, metal, and so on. While these options may seem highly durable and stable, cardboard displays actually make more sense. Here is why.  

Easy to Set Up 

Cardboard is a lightweight material and thus very easy to assemble in a variety of designs. This ease of setup makes it a simple matter for store staff to quickly get the display up and running compared to heavier alternatives. When you make the work of setup easier on the staff, they will be more willing to get your display assembled without delay. Heavier options that may require more than one employee to do the work will likely be put on the back burner.  

Environmentally Friendly 

This kind of display is meant to be used for a limited period. After a while, the products will be integrated into normal shelving. So what happens to the display? Chances are it will need to be disposed of. A cardboard display is easier to get rid of as it will easily decompose and can sometimes be recycled. This is good for the environment and can be beneficial to the reputation of a brand. Consumers today are very environmentally conscious and more willing to spend their money on brands that also care for the environment and take sustainability seriously.  


Businesses can customize a cardboard display in a variety of ways. From size to coloring, shape to lighting, there are many ways these setups can be made unique and attractive. This is important when you realize that the displays are meant to be attention-grabbing so the more room you have to get creative, the better. There are unlimited design options you can utilize to ensure your brand stands out from the crowd.  


Cardboard constructions are highly affordable. More so when made with recycled materials as the production costs are kept low. This benefit is made more obvious when you have to send out many cardboard displays to multiple stores. When bought in bulk, the unit cost of such productions is typically reduced by manufacturers. The low cost is also comforting should the display be damaged and need replacing. You can rest assured replacing a damaged display will not hurt your bottom line. The cost-benefit of opting for this material will ensure you more than make up for this investment through increased sales.  

Marketing Using Corrugated POP Displays

pop custom counter top display
Once businesses dispatch their products to retailers, they often leave the issue of how they will be displayed up to the stores. However, with corrugated POP displays, there is more control over how these products will be seen by shoppers.

When designing a point-of-purchase display corrugated options tend to be preferred over alternatives like plastic and wood. This is because they are affordable, easier to assemble, environmentally friendly, and can be customized.

While they are an additional investment from the manufacturer or distributor of the product, there are good reasons to want to have corrugated POP displays used at retailers.


POP displays are made to distinguish products from what competitors are offering. They are their own separate display from normal shelves, making it easier to grab the attention of shoppers. They can be customized in a variety of ways to draw attention including using bold colors and incorporating interactive features. They can also be used to display additional information about the products than what you would find on normal shelves. This makes for a more engaging and informative experience with potential buyers that will entice them to give the product a try.

This is especially helpful when launching new products. Also, ensure the design matches the interest of the targeted market. For instance, colorful displays that are short are great for products marketed at kids as they will be able to more easily notice it and be drawn in.

Encourages Impulse Buying

Once the display captures the attention of shoppers, it provides an excellent opportunity to market directly to them. The attraction that draws them in will also increase the likelihood they will want to try the product. This is why such displays are best stocked with smaller-sized packages of the product. Discount pricing is a good complement that will encourage the shopper to choose this product as it is cheaper than other competing brands.

Easier Merchandising

Many brands employ merchandisers to go around stores and ensure their products are well displayed on shelves. Using POP displays can help cut back on the need to employ such staff as these displays are set apart on their own and thus unlikely to confuse store staff on where and how best to display the products on the shelf.

Positive Perception

When you have a well-designed POP display, shoppers will often get the impression that the product being marketed is also of good quality. This positive perception makes it easier to convince them to try the product without much prodding.

How To Design Boxes for Toy Display

Custom Made Folding Boxes
Every product has its target demographic. Toys are typically targeted at children and as such come with packaging that is designed to appeal to their youthful enthusiasm. When you design boxes for toys, there are certain guidelines to adhere to that will help attract and hold their attention. Which is a reaction you want when marketing to kids.  


Toy packaging should have clear plastic windows that easily display the contents within. Children and their parents want to see exactly what they are buying. Good visibility is also more tempting to kids than just a picture on the box. For instance, with dolls, kids are more tempted to ask for the toy if they get to see the actual hair and other features they get to play with on the doll itself rather than a picture on the side of the box.  


Colorful displays strongly appeal to kids. They are playful and when creatively tailored, can help to make your product stand out on the shelf. Some research on what competitors are already offering can help you pick out more unique shades and shapes that will be more noticeable and appeal to your target audience.  


The design box you settle on should be functional. This means that it should clearly display what the contents are and where possible, offer a way for your target audience to try it. Like a mini piano toy that allows kids to press down on the keys. It should also be easy for the parent or guardian to open up the packaging and offer the toy to the child.  


However way you design boxes for toys, you need to factor in the age of your target demographic and their limitations. For instance, with small children under the age of 3 years, you will want to be wary of allowing them access to packaging that puts them at risk of suffering suffocation or choking. Anything that places children at risk of cutting themselves is also to be avoided. Know that parents pay attention to such details even when making repeat purchases.  


Eco-friendly packaging is considered safer not just for the environment, but also for human handling. Stick to safer natural packaging materials from sustainable sources that can be recycled. You can also indicate this information on the packaging as a way to better appeal to the adults paying for the toys. It will help give your business a better image while also helping protect the environment.  

Small Cardboard Packaging Boxes

folding carton with window cut out
Whether it is packing for a move or products you will be shipping out to customers, many people often consider small
boxes and packaging to be a minor issue. In reality, there should be as much concern when packing a small box as when packing a large one. Especially if you consider that the contents can often be fragile and heavy. Here are some tips to adhere to when packing small cardboard packaging boxes to avoid the risk of damage while in transit.   

Use for Heavy Items 

Small but heavy items should ideally be packed individually, especially if they are unique. Having them in larger boxes may cause them to rattle around and damage the other less heavy contents. Where possible, pack like items together. For instance, pack items such as books and kitchen utensils on their own.  

Set an Adequate Limit 

Small boxes should not be too heavy. This may compromise the integrity of the box and cause items to fall out. It can also make carrying them around without machinery very difficult. No more than about 50 pounds should be sufficient. Make use of a weighing machine to ensure you do not go over this limit. If you do, consider splitting the contents of the box into even smaller boxes with filler materials or inserts to keep the contents stable.  

No Over Stuffing 

Choose boxes and packaging size that is appropriate to the contents. Do not allow the contents to overflow, forcing you to use extra packing material to hold the contents within. When you use packing materials like tape, it should be just to seal the box, not keep the contents confined within because they want to burst out. You would rather use a larger box and add filler materials like newspaper or packing peanuts to stabilize the contents.  

Stack According to Weight 

Even though it may seem like smaller boxes should be on top, use weight as a guide. The heavier the box, despite its size, the lower it should go. Too heavy a box on top may damage those below and the contents they hold. This kind of stacking also increases the risk of toppling when in transit. These boxes should preferably be placed on a level surface and not on upholstered furniture like sofas. Heavy boxes rubbing against fabric can cause it to tear. The same applies to placing them on fine wood surfaces that can easily be tarnished.  


Food Packaging Mistakes to Avoid

Food Packaging

Whether your business provides dry or wet food, there is a strong need to be careful about what kind of packaging your products are stored in.
Food packaging is a health and safety issue that can make or break a brand. Here are some of the common packaging mistakes that should be avoided.  


Whether it is on the label or the packaging itself, it is vital to ensure that you use food-grade inks. Many businesses are however careless about this and end up contaminating foods through transfer. The chemicals in some inks can be toxic while others can result in allergic reactions. Consult with your packaging supplier to ensure the inks used can safely interact with food or come with coating or other barriers that prevent any contamination.  

Wrong Labeling 

Some brands will make mistakes when it comes to the information printed on their labels. It is important to be careful with the details provided so that consumers are well-informed and able to make appropriate food choices. Be sure to meet industry standards when it comes to such issues as listing ingredients, quantity, and other details. Failure to meet industry standards may result in product recalls that can prove costly to remedy. Also, ensure accuracy and no spelling mistakes have been made. Some ingredients may have similar names and a small mistake can lead to issues like allergic reactions due to wrong information. Food items should also be properly named on their labels as different ingredients and processes can change how they are identified.  

Packaging Materials 

Some food packaging products are made with unsuitable chemicals like styrene, phenol, phthalates, and parabens. When these chemicals come in contact with food they can prove risky to human health. Some have been found to have negative effects like increasing the risk of cancer and endometriosis and harming fertility. It is advisable to work with a packaging supplier that adheres to FDA standards by using food-safe materials, inks, and coatings that do not allow for contamination of food items.  

Food Handling 

Businesses that deal in food products need to ensure appropriate precautions are taken when it comes to food handling. It is not just food packaging that can cause a problem. Contamination can also result when there is contact with unsanitary hands and surfaces when handling the food and its packaging. food businesses must adhere to stringent and hygienic food handling practices that will eliminate the risk of contamination. 

Custom Printed Mailing Box and Inserts

custom foam inserts
Custom printed mailing boxes
are a great option for securing products for shipping. They are also visually appealing, making them ideal for high-end products. Their self-locking design reduces the need to add on other packaging supplies. However, while the box itself is highly secure, how the products are placed within will also matter. It is advisable to include a custom insert in your mailer box rather than rely on alternatives such as bubble wrap and packing peanuts. Here is why.  

Reinforced Safety 

Inserts help to keep box contents immobilized. This means you do not have to worry about the contents rattling around and hitting the sides of the walls inside. If this were to happen, it would result in damage which the seller may be forced to compensate for if the box was shipped. Ensuring that you have an insert that is tailored to the size and shape of the products being packaged increases the chances they will arrive at their destination in good condition.  


The added cost of an insert to a custom printed mailing box is quite minimal, especially when like the box, you buy them in bulk quantities that qualify for discounts. It is an affordable way to boost the safety of the box and make for a more pleasurable unboxing experience for the recipient. You can choose to design the insert so it matches the rest of the box or opt for a plain scheme that can be just as attractive and suited to high-end products.  


Inserts provide another surface you can use to promote your brand. You can add your logo or other messages to the visible areas once the box is opened up. This can provide a good opportunity to cross-sell other products, offer discounts, share links to your e-commerce platform through QR codes, provide instructions on product use, and much more. It is a great way to boost visibility, educate, and enhance the appeal of your brand. ` 


You can have inserts made in a variety of designs and form different materials like paper, cardboard, and foam. You can use this to create a unique visual experience and tout your brand as being Eco-friendly. Paper and cardboard are the best options when wanting to demonstrate that your brand is Eco-friendly. So while you get to make the customer feel special during their unboxing experience, you also get to demonstrate the values your brand holds dear.  

Waterproofing a Corrugated Fiber Box

corrugated fiber box
One of the key benefits of a corrugated fiber box is its ability to protect the contents within. This is why it is highly popular for packaging and shipping items. However, this benefit can fail if the material is exposed to moisture. Moisture can compromise a box’s structure, causing it to become weak and disintegrate when little pressure is applied.  

When shipping items, especially over long distances, there is the risk that at some point, the box will be exposed to moisture. Hence the reason that some businesses invest in corrugated fiberboard box designs that feature more fluting. This provides additional layering that can prevent the box from easily becoming damaged when exposed to liquids.  

Waterproofing can also be achieved by applying a waterproofing coating to the box. Different materials can be used to create this protective layering including fiberglass resin, PVA adhesive, paraffin wax, and lacquer. The layer is applied on the outside and when dry, will prevent moisture from penetrating through to the corrugated fiber box. It works the same when you have the box maker add a laminate layer on the outside.  


It provides better protection for the contents of the box. It also keeps the structure of the box strong. When the contents are thus secured, it reduces the risk they might be damaged. When goods are delivered in good condition, the sender does not have to worry about having to make a replacement. This will make the business appear more reliable when their deliveries are not rejected for being damaged.  

Since the box is less likely to be damaged, the recipient can likely keep it for later reuse. Waterproofing can make a box more durable, allowing the person who has it to repeatedly enjoy its use. Adding this protective layer can also be added to the box manufacturing process so you do not have extra work of preparing boxes before shipping. While it may add to the cost of buying these boxes, it is more convenient and will be expertly done.  


It can affect the recyclability of the box later on. Unless the protective layer can be separated from the fiberboard, you may not be able to submit the boxes for recycling. Another downside is that it can limit the addition of branding. If you want to add a logo, other design, or printed information on the box, you will have to use an alternative like stickers. Printing directly on the box is not possible when you have added a waterproof layer.  

Safely Dispose of Shipping Boxes

Cardboard packaging boxes- Eco-Friendly

As more consumers opt to shop from home, businesses are being forced to invest more in
boxes for packaging. Thankfully, most packaging used for shipping is affordable, and even where it is not, businesses can add this cost to their pricing to make up the difference and still make a profit. However, with just about every online delivery meaning shoppers are receiving new packaging, the concern then becomes how to safely dispose of them without harming the environment or contravening local laws. Many people lack the space or desire to want to save even a box that is in good condition. Here’s how to dispose of this waste responsibly.  

Recycle Boxes for Packaging

Most cardboard products are recyclable. More so if they have not been damaged by liquids or oil, as happens with food containers. Your packing materials may also not be recyclable if it has been contaminated by chemicals. If you have a recycling center near where you live, this would be the best place to dispose of old boxes for packaging 

Most towns and cities have such facilities so look up the closest one online and any instructions they give on how to use their services. You will likely be instructed on how to break down the box to remove plastics like packing tape and sections damaged by chemicals, liquids, and oil. You may also need to flatten and fold the box so it can fit into the recycling bin when delivering.  


Cardboard makes for a good addition to compost. If you have your own garden, you can cut up the cardboard into small pieces and soak it in water before adding it to your compost mix. Cardboard is a good source of carbon that will feed the microorganisms in your compost, providing them a source of energy for them to do their work. If you do not have a garden, check with local nurseries or farms that may appreciate this contribution.  

Give for Reuse 

Another option would be to give out the boxes for reuse by someone else. You can check with local community centers to see if they need them. Those that offer arts and crafts courses can often make use of them for projects. Check with local builders and painters. They often have a need for cardboard when doing renovation work as it can help keep the work area clean. Local retail stores can also likely inform you of people who normally check with them for boxes.


Don’t just throw away your shipping boxes after you have received your purchase. Choose the responsible way by recycling along with these two other methods too.  

Reasons to Invest in Custom Die Cut Boxes

When manufacturing businesses are looking for a packaging solution that will appeal to end customers,
custom die cut boxes are often considered. As their name suggests, these boxes are tailored to meet the exact sizing specifications of the product for a perfect fit. The designs can take a variety of shapes, making them suitable for many types of products. Here are some key benefits that could make them your ideal packaging option.

Custom Die Cut Boxes Safety

Because custom die cut boxes are built around the specifications of the product, they ensure a snug fit. This boosts the protection of the product as it will not end up shifting about inside the box while in transit. Products that are placed in larger than necessary boxes that let them move about are more prone to becoming damaged. When goods are damaged, it becomes a financial loss as they must often be replaced at the cost of the supplier. They can also damage the reputation of the supplier as the situation delays when the client can make use of the product.  

Made of corrugated cardboard, they also ensure that there is added protection for fragile items. You can choose designs with added fluting that provides more shock absorption and can provide added protection from liquids and odors.  


Die-cut boxes are made of corrugated cardboard. This material is highly affordable to manufacture and replicate its design. Being a lightweight material, it is also very affordable to ship as it barely adds to the weight measured and used to price shipping. When you order die cut boxes wholesale, you can also often enjoy discounts that will further lower your cost of acquisition. 


Some businesses may not favor the idea of making bulk purchases of these boxes, because of storage concerns. Though when assembled for packing the boxes may take up considerable space, when unused they can be flattened and easily stored. Even a bundle of them is easy to shift or retrieve as the cardboard material makes them quite lightweight.  

Environmental Friendliness 

As die-cut boxes are made of cardboard, you can rest assured they will not harm the environment, even if they are carelessly disposed of. They do easily decompose and if in good condition, can also be recycled for making new cardboard products. Those that receive them can also opt to store them for later use, allowing the boxes to enjoy a longer working life before they need to be disposed of. 

How To Get Shipping Boxes On The Cheap

shipping and packing materials
It can often help when you can access shipping boxes cheaply or for free. The quality and desired specifications may not be up to the standard of what you would get if you bought customized options from a box maker. However, it can be a helpful measure when you need to cut shipping costs.

Visit Local Stores

Most retail stores take delivery of merchandise in shipping boxes. The more often they receive deliveries, the more boxes they will have for disposal. Get there early or simply ask when they will put out the boxes so you can pick what you want. Some stores may charge a small fee, but many do not. There is also the chance you may find the boxes have been damaged, possibly during transit or unpacking. You need to assess the damage to see if the box is still viable for reuse.

Check with Shippers

Shippers like USPS, FedEx, and UPS do offer some level of free shipping materials that can include shipping boxes. You make your inquiries online or visit a local branch to find out how much you can get. If the items you are shipping are however heavy or fragile, these materials may not be the best option. They tend to be flimsy and best used for commodities that can withstand a little careless handling.

Comparison Shop

If you need a more tailored option, then you will need to buy from a shipping box supplier or manufacturer. To secure the best deal requires that you do some comparison shopping. This means you first need to identify suppliers in your area and request a quote. You will need to send them the specifications of what you want and possibly wait on a sample to be sent. Do not be afraid to seek quotations from suppliers that are far away. Many will offer free shipping even out of state so you lose nothing by asking them to give you a quote.

Order in Bulk

Keep in mind that the best pricing comes from being able to buy in bulk. If your business has a strong need for shipping supplies due to a high level of orders, you should consider a bulk purchase that will save you a good sum in the mid to long term. Just ensure you have enough storage space. Given that boxes for shipping are typically made of cardboard, they can be flattened and fit in even small spaces.

Effectively Showcasing Branding On A Printed Shipping Box

Custom Size Shipping Box
A printed shipping box can help a business to easily display all kinds of branding. From logos to QR codes, you can add just about any message on custom printed shipping boxes. When appropriately done, this can help to boost brand visibility and make your business more recognizable to consumers.

The extra cost involved in ordering custom boxes is easily recovered when factoring in how much exposure can promote your business and lead to greater sales and profitability. Never underestimate the value of a good-looking box, especially in an age when more and more consumers are opting to shop remotely. Here are a few approaches you can use to better display branding on your custom printed shipping boxes.

Print On Top

It may seem instinctual to want to print branding on the sides of your box. This is however more suitable where the box size is larger and the customer will spend more time looking at it from the side. for smaller packages, it is ideal to ensure some branding on the top side which the customer will spend more time looking at. It also makes for a good visual during the unboxing experience. You can easily display the name of the brand, company, and logo on this top side.

Another benefit is that the top side tends to suffer the least damage during shipping. There are more bumps and exposure to moisture on the bottom and sides. The top side tends to remain unsullied, making it the ideal surface on which to display branding.

Include Social Media Links

For potential customers that will only catch a glimpse of your box, it can help to provide social media links. Where it is displaying your Facebook page name or a QR code that will take them to your social media platforms, there are multiple ways you can work this into your box design. Social media has become the dominant type of site visited by consumers, so besides establishing a presence here, you also need to publicize so people know where to find you.

Custom Shipping Tape

You can boost your branding by investing in custom shipping tape. You can have your logo, brand, or company name incorporated, making for yet another way to boost visibility. You can also have the tape customized in terms of color. This can be particularly helpful where you have distinct colors used in your logo design. The same applies if you use distinct colors in other types of branding that have become closely associated with your business.

Limit the Damage to a Corrugated Box

corrugated box has a stellar reputation for offering excellent protection as product packaging. This is what makes it a top choice for most businesses shipping products, alongside its affordability and versatility in design. But even with their good reputation, corrugated boxes can still do with a little extra help in protecting contents.  

We have all seen videos of delivery personnel and airport staff mishandling packages. To help boost the chances that the items arrive in a safe condition, it may be worthwhile considering these safety tips.  

Choose The Right Corrugated Box 

For heavy and more delicate items, consider choosing the strongest corrugated carton variety. Double and triple-walled boxes are a good option. The extra fluting means thicker walls that will better insulate the contents and provide extra protection in case of perforation. The added layers will also be helpful if there is exposure to moisture. It will make it harder for the liquid to get into the products packaged inside. Heavier boxes are also ideal where there will be stacking during shipping. They are better able to support the added weight of other boxes placed on top.  


The edges of boxes tend to sustain the most damage during transit and storage. It is a good idea to reinforce them to limit the risk of damage. You can easily accomplish this by taping up the edges. Strapping tape is the best option when it comes to reinforcing a heavy corrugated box. It has added strength, durability, and flexibility that make it ideal for such work. Lighter boxes can adequately be secured using carton sealing packing tape. Water-activated tape should be considered where you have security concerns as it tightly seals itself to the corrugated carton, making it obvious when it has been tampered with.  

Stack Safely 

If your shipment is going out on a pallet, ensure that the packages have been stacked correctly and tied down where necessary. The last thing you need is for anything to topple over. Ensure that all the packages are stacked with the heaviest at the bottom and closer to the center. Nothing should be sticking out past the edge of the pallet. Also, try to ensure that there is even weight distribution to avoid the risk of the pallet tipping over.  

Wrap Up Contents 

Where items are being shipped over long distances and during bad weather conditions, there is an increased risk they may end up being exposed to moisture. Even where the box has thick walls, enough moisture exposure can lead to water penetrating deep. Form a habit of wrapping any delicate items like books and electronics in plastic wrap before placing them in the box. That way, even if water gets through, your items remain safe from damage.  

Alluring Cardboard Corrugated Displays

corrugated display box

Corrugated display boxes
have become a great way for businesses to promote their products. When strategically placed and well-designed, they can easily draw the attention of shoppers and tempt them to pick up an item displayed. This is what you want as this trying out a product is what can inspire them to buy it repeatedly. A challenge when you consider that you are already likely to be competing against older and already popular brands. So what can you do to better capture the attention and interest of shoppers? Here are a few handy design tips for your cardboard corrugated displays. 

Understand Your Target Audience 

Different types of shoppers will be attracted to different kinds of designs. This can be related to their gender, age, or even just how they would perceive the particular product. For instance, when trying to market a milk product, white colors will often need to be prominently used to attest to the purity of the product. On the other hand, when it comes to snack items for kids, more playful and colorful tones should be used, with the cardboard corrugated displays positioned at a lower level where they can capture the eye of children. It is important to have a good understanding of what different designs features will appeal to your target audience.  


Knowing where and how best to display your items is also key. As said, products targeting children should be displayed where they can easily see them. Placing them on high counters can mean losing out on your target market. Floor showcase displays are larger and as the name indicates will sit on the floor. They are ideal where you want to display your products in a more isolated location, away from the competition. Countertop displays are also good when targeting the more mature shopper who will be the one to pay at the counter. It is best for small items like cigarettes and candy. Endcap displays are usually placed at the end of aisles. They are also good where you want to display your offering away from the competition as it imparts a stronger presence.  

Incorporate Artwork 

Your corrugated display boxes should do more than just be a shelf for products you want to promote. Their design should include artwork that tallies with your brand image and the impression you want to make with shoppers. An aesthetic appeal will have a strong impact on the success of these displays so definitely consider incorporating some graphics, imagery, or other visually appealing artwork to complement your product and draw the avid attention of shoppers. 


Custom Mailer Boxes for High-End Items

Custom mailer Marquis

High-end products like custom watches and perfumes tend to be small but valuable. It is important to carefully choose their packaging so that it not only appeals to the target market but also adequately protects the contents within.
Cardboard mailer boxes are amongst the best options for high-end products. They offer several benefits that make them ideal for use in this market segment.  

Lightweight Material 

Cardboard mailer boxes are lightweight yet strong. This means the use of this packaging does not add much to the cost of shipping that is typically pegged on the weight of the parcel. With lower shipping costs the business can secure higher profits.  This is especially beneficial if the business runs an e-commerce platform and needs to have its products shipped to the buyer.  

Custom Designs 

Unlike plain cardboard boxes, mailer boxes are typically customized in a variety of styles. This can make it easy to make your brand stand out by adding colors, imagery, and other printing. Design features like embossing can also be added to introduce a more luxurious feel. You should discuss your options with your box maker who can likely help develop designs that will appeal to your target market. There are many shapes and sizes to also choose from so you can better fit whatever product within the box.  

Secure Transport 

Easy fold mailer boxes are designed to be self-locking. You do not need to seal the edges with tape or glue to close them tight. This ensures that the contents are unlikely to fall out and should arrive at their destination in good shape. The box walls are also designed to be sturdy, meaning they can better tolerate rough handling. Where the product does not fill the interior of the box, there are also often custom inserts that ensure the stability of the items.  

Standalone Packaging 

Mailer boxes do not require you to add any external packaging. you can simply pack up the contents, close the box and label the address for delivery. It is even easier if the products are being bought from a store. Mailer boxes are great for presentation and do not need additional flourishes if being given as a gift. They often have appealing designs tailored to the kind of product and target market. 


Mailer boxes are made of cardboard that is easy to recycle, reuse, and is biodegradable. These qualities tend to appeal to many demographics as more and more people become concerned about how their activities affect the environment.  

How To Choose A Custom Box Maker

Whatever business you do that requires you to deliver products to clients will naturally mean that you need packaging. Even for those that run physical stores where shoppers will carry home their own purchases, some type of packaging is expected. The demands are higher when you have an e-commerce platform and have to make deliveries to various destinations. Hence the need for a
custom box maker that can match up to you and your shoppers’ demands. Here are a few tips on how to find the right choice of box maker.  

Discuss with Fellow Traders 

Whether your business is online or in a shopfront, you will exist within some type of business community. It is advisable to tap into their experience and knowledge to find out what custom box manufacturer they work with. Focus on those businesses that work within the same sector as you or whose packaging you have seen and admired.  

Online Search 

This is another way you can easily find custom box makers. Many have invested in their online brand image and will have provided plenty of information on what they can do for you, including accommodating custom designs. You can narrow down your search to those suppliers that best fit your needs this way. You may even find that the best options are not based locally. Be sure to verify if the cost of shipping will be affected by this distance.  

Seek Quotes 

Because custom options will vary, you are unlikely to find detailed information on how much the design options you want will cost with just a simple online search. You will need to define the custom design you want and seek quotes from different custom box markers. Compare these prices but do not opt for the cheapest. Consider the reputation of the custom box manufacturer you are considering and carefully examine the sample of the product they provide. You can save money by opting to buy the boxes in bulk instead.  

Customer Service 

You will need a custom box maker that is reliable and responsive. Be sure to consider the customer service reputation of the supplier you choose. This will be an ongoing relationship and you should be confident they will treat your respectfully and be dependable. While mistakes may happen from time to time, the box maker must respond to issues in a timely and effective manner. This requires being communicative and having the capacity to find solutions so that the customer remains satisfied. Look up online reviews and testimonials to see how the manufacturer you are considering handles such concerns.  

Securing Great Prices From a Wholesale Boxes Manufacturer

wholesale boxes manufacturer

One of the best ways to maximize profits is to minimize costs. Lowering expenses will boost profit margins. This is why it is important to review expenditures every so often to ensure you are getting the best deal possible. There are often fluctuations in the market that can mean lower costs if you switch to another provider. For businesses that sell packaged products, one provider that should be regularly reviewed is your
wholesale boxes manufacturer.  Here are some ways you can look into ensuring your packaging needs are being met at a competitive rate.  

Source for Quotes 

The market of box manufacturers is constantly in flux. There are new entrants that come in every so often, while others shut down. Even if you have not been affected by a manufacturer that has shut down, you can easily seek quotes from other businesses. The market is competitive and you may find someone offering a great introductory deal for the same quality of packaging as you already get. Seek out new deals to also see if there are any new technologies in the market you are not yet taking advantage of that would be beneficial to your business. Try to go wide with this. you can seek out suppliers of wholesale boxes in San Diego CA and beyond. Many that are states away may still offer deals that include free shipping if the order is big enough.  

Track Paper Prices 

Paper pricing can often fluctuate. Keeping an eye on this development can help in better timing your sourcing of quotes. You can even set up an alert on industry news for this purpose. Or, you can liaise with your box manufacturer to have them notify you when there is a fall in pricing so you know what effective date to target.  

Bargain with Your Preferred Manufacturer 

When you have several quotes in hand that indicate you can get a better deal elsewhere, you can use them to negotiate for a better deal with your existing supplier. Do not be too quick to make a switch if your existing manufacturer has been dependable. There can be value in preserving this business relationship, so take the opportunity to simply negotiate for lower pricing on your next order.  

Buy in Bulk 

The larger an order you place with your wholesale boxes manufacturer, the more they should lower the unit cost. If you have adequate storage space for packing materials, consider placing an order that will qualify you for bulk discounts.  

Merits of Using Triple Wall Shipping Boxes for Heavy Products

triple wall shipping box
The heavier the item and the longer the distance it will travel, the more protection that is needed for it to arrive in good condition. The strongest option lies in corrugated boxes. Businesses typically have to make a choice between double and triple wall shipping boxes. Here is why you should opt for the triple wall option whose construction is made up of three layers of fluting.  

Extra strength heavy duty shipping box triple wall

Triple wall shipping boxes are made using 5-ply construction that is stronger than what you get with double wall shipping boxes. This added strength helps to better protect the heavy and fragile items within. The rigid construction also means it is safer to shift these boxes using machinery and that they can easily be put through long-term storage.  

Protective thickness 

The extra thickness provided by additional fluting should not be underrated. It means that if the box is exposed to moisture, there is an added layer that will better prevent the liquid from getting to the contents. It also adds extra protection if the box is perforated. Whatever will pierce the material will find it harder to get to the contents as there will be more layers to get past.  


Triple wall boxes have a more robust construction that makes it safer to stack them, especially when the contents are not so heavy. Being able to stack boxes makes it easier to save on space when shipping and storing. Using up more vertical space in a shipping container can drastically reduce the cost of shipping, which means lower expenses for the shipper. Weighty cargo is costlier to transport if you cannot reduce the amount of floor space used in transit. This applies also when using shipping trucks.  

Easy assembly 

Single, double, and triple-walled boxes are very easy to set up for packing. Even as triple wall boxes have thicker dimensions and are stronger, they are quick and easy to assemble. This means that there is no extra struggle involved in utilizing them that would justify opting for

Better insulation 

The added fluting in triple wall boxes helps provide the best quality insulation. When you have products that require better temperature control, a triple-walled box will be the best option. There will be far less temperature fluctuation which can help safeguard delicate aspects of the product. More so during times when the weather conditions are more extreme, like in the middle of winter and summer months.  

Understanding How A Kraft Mailer Box Can Save Businesses Money

Kraft mailer box
When it comes to product packaging, many businesses will mistakenly opt for the cheapest deal. A plain corrugated box will often be chosen over a Kraft mailer box thanks to its affordability. However, despite the added expense, this choice can be financially beneficial to a business. Here’s why.

Better Protection

A Kraft mailer box is customized to perfectly fit around a particular product. Their design also often includes some kind of insert that will help keep the item stable inside the box. This good fit and stabilizing ensure better protection for the product. This is a big help when businesses need to ship their products to far-flung customer destinations. The longer the distance and the more hands that handle the package, the more likely damage may occur. The added stability and protection improves the chances the product will arrive at its final destination in good condition. Often when products are damaged in transit, it is for the seller to make a replacement at their own cost. Investing in quality packaging helps reduce such incidents and therefore saves the business money.

Lower Shipping Costs

The perfect fit of products within the mailer box ensures no space is wasted. Shipping costs often factor in the size of the package and its weight. When you can send out shipments in smaller boxes, it means you get to enjoy lower shipping costs. This is particularly important for businesses that run e-commerce platforms and depend more on online shoppers. Many offer free shipping, which means the cost has to be borne by the seller. Minimizing this expense is good for maintaining good profits.

Cheap Branding

Businesses can engage their box manufacturer to digitally printing brand messages on their choice of colored mailer box. They can incorporate logos, slogans, and brand colors in the design. Digital printing is often affordable and produces a neat finish that will impress customers. You do not have to pay for separate branding materials like custom labels or tape to get your message across.

Making The Right Impression

A mailer box offers a good fit without leaving wasted space that needs to be covered up with filer. It is not a satisfying feeling for customers when they have to dig through tons of wrapping paper and Styrofoam chips to get to the product. It can lead to a bad unboxing experience which can prompt bad reviews for the business. This can mean a loss of potential sales that will affect the bottom line. Mailers offer a more sophisticated box design that will easily impress and avoid the appearance that the brand is wasteful.

Invest In Corrugated Fiberboard Boxes

Corrugated fiberboard boxes are often just referred to as corrugated boxes. They are the most popular type of box used to package products and ship them. for any business that has a physical product to offer, there is likely to be some form of packaging that will incorporate this corrugated fibre box material. Here are some of the key benefits that make it a top choice for packaging.


Most other packaging materials used to make boxes like plastic and wood are quite heavy. They add to the overall weight of a shipment when packaging, making the transport costs more expensive. This can prove costly to a business. A corrugated fibre box is however quite lightweight, despite even carrying heavy items like electronics. Its manufacture and shipping costs are much lower than other materials.

Strong Structure

Corrugated boxes have good tensile strength, especially with more flutes. This makes them generally safe for packaging and stacking. Fluting also helps give corrugated fiberboard boxes the rigidity that allows them to more easily retain their shape and have good crushing resistance. This strength also helps make them more easily reusable, especially if tearing and exposure to liquids are avoided.


The compression resistance that fluting gives helps to make these boxes more long-lasting. Not only can they be easily reused, but they can also be safely stored for long periods. This durability also means that they can be comfortably used for shipping items over long distances without fear the boxes will be easily damaged.

Good for Transit

During transit, packages can be subjected to all kinds of abuse. Rough roads and handling can mean the box is shaken and dropped severally along the way. Corrugated boxes have excellent shock absorbing qualities that help protect the contents from injury. They can often handle the most common mishandling and vibrations.

Easy Storage

Corrugated boxes can be easily flattened for storage. Most businesses have limited storage space to work with, so it helps when packaging materials can be easily manipulated to fit in small spaces. This quality and their lightweight nature mean that they are also cheap to ship from box manufacturers.

Environmentally Safe

Corrugated fiberboard is eco-friendly. Not only can it be reused multiple times, but it is also recyclable. This means it can be broken down and reused in the making of new boxes. This is a sustainable process that requires less energy and natural resources in making new boxes. It also helps to lower the cost of production without sacrificing all the other benefits of the material.

Advice For Small Businesses When Labeling A Shipping Box

shipping box
Correct labeling is crucial when shipping and packaging boxes to ensure a shipment safely gets to its desired destination in good time. Mistakes can often lead to delays and even failure to deliver entirely. This can prove costly to the business by requiring them to compensate the customer with another shipment and again pay for shipping. It can also damage the reputation of the business if it becomes known for unreliable fulfillment of orders. Here are some basic rules to abide by when labeling a shipping box.

Ensure Full Details

Carriers require certain basic information to fulfill delivery. The shipping label should contain all the information they need. It should be clearly legible and easy to understand. Printing the label is the best way to go rather than hand writing to avoid confusion. Ensure that it includes:

  • The name and full address of the sender and receiver
  • Weight of the package
  • Type of shipping service
  • Tracking information

Be sure to check with the carrier if there is any other information that should be added and if there are formatting and sizing requirements. Complying with their requirements will again help avoid confusion.

Position Correctly

Ensure the label is well displayed on the top surface of the box so that handlers can easily view information. Avoid placing it along seams or edges as this can cause them to easily come off and become damaged. Even the alteration of a single number or letter can create a problem.

Add A Spare

Consider adding another label to your shipping box on the interior. In case the one on the box is damaged, the shipper may opt to open the package for any information that can help. They can easily reseal the box for you once they obtain clarification. The same applies if the shipment goes to the wrong person. Once they open the box and realize the mistake, they can use the information inside to reroute the package.

One Label On Top

Reusing boxes for shipping and packaging materials is very common. Corrugated boxes hold up well to reuse when not damaged by tears or exposure to moisture. When reusing a box, be sure to take off the previous shipping label and other stickers. Stick on a new shipping label with the relevant updated details. Do not stick a new label on top of an older one. Work with a box you have cleaned up of all other shipping information.

Successful Custom Packaging Food Items

Food Packaging
Food packaging has a strong impact on the buying decision of consumers. And in a market where there are so many options, it is important to develop custom packaging that works best for your product and brand, while appealing to consumers. An attractive custom printed box can stir the interest of a shopper and make their minds link it with reward.

Most food categories have many options to choose from so an effective packaging design will be necessary to make your brand stand out. The stronger the design, the more easily recognized the brand will become and easily influenced a shopper will be to choose them again. Here are some simple tips to helps ensure the development of effective custom packaging.

Ensure Clarity

When choosing a packaging design, it needs to make clear just what your product is and what distinguishes it from the other choices on the shelf. It is easy to distinguish food items by including imagery of their raw or ready-made form. Do not crowd the labeling with too many details, but ensure that what is pertinent in helping the shopper make a choice is included. For instance, many people are becoming health conscious and want to know if certain products contain added sugar. so while less is more, you will want to ensure they are quickly informed at a glance of what the contents are. You can look at top-performing products in your niche market to see what they are including in their packaging that appeals to consumers.

Form and Function

The design of a custom printed box should make it easy and helpful for the shopper that will buy it. They should be able to easily open it and reseal it if need be. Choose a packaging design that is convenient and practical. If the shopper is likely to store or retain it for a while even after opening, ensure the materials used are durable without being cumbersome.

Incorporate A Window

Being able to see the contents within is particularly helpful to shoppers who are dealing with a new product. They will want to assure themselves that it is similar to what they have used before. Not everyone gets to enjoy free samples so this peek behind the curtains is a good way to allow them to be more confident about what they are choosing. For older brands that are drastically redesigning their packaging, this transparent packaging can be another way to ensure repeat customers know that the product they know and love has not changed.

How To Recycle A Cardboard Box

Custom Size Regular Slotted Carton Shipping Box
One of the key reasons the cardboard box has been so popular for packaging is its ability to be recycled. Many businesses and consumers are concerned about how their actions can impact the environment. They, therefore, seek to invest in products that will not prove harmful.

Cardboard is an excellent material that is touted for being lightweight, strong, easily customizable, and recyclable. Most people that do shopping in stores and online will end up with a stash of used cardboard boxes they may not be sure of how to properly dispose of. The boxes can range from cereal boxes to the packaging used to deliver your home electronics. While cardboard is highly recyclable, certain conditions may make it ineligible for this process. Here are the basics of what you need to do when looking to dispose of your boxes responsibly.

Check for damage

It is especially important to check for liquid spills or other staining contaminants. When saturated by oils and chemicals, cardboard boxes are generally no longer recyclable. The contamination can interfere with the recycling process. This is why pizza boxes rarely make the cut. Also, be concerned about boxes that held chemicals like bleach and other liquid cleaning products. If most of the box is clean, you can opt to cut away the damaged part and recycle the rest.

Ensure the cardboard box is fully dry before sending it to a recycling center. Water damage is not a problem but should be allowed to fully dry out before recycling. Dent and tears on otherwise clean boxes are not a problem either.

Empty it

The next step is to empty your box of all contents. Not just the item you bought, but also any filler or inserts used to support it within. Some of these will not be recyclable but may be reusable. If in good condition, you can store them somewhere clean and dry and use them when shipping an item. You do not need to remove the tape or labels on a cardboard carton as the recycling centers will do this during processing.

Flatten it

Once you are ready to send it in, be sure to collapse and flatten the cardboard carton. This will help save on limited space, more so if you stuffing the box into a recycling bin. If you have a large number of cardboard boxes or there is no recycling bin nearby, you can talk to your local recycling center to set up delivery. You can also enquire with your waste collection service provider if they can arrange for pick up. Depending on your locality you will want to look up recycling guidelines in case of additional requirements.

Why Black And White Mailer Boxes Appeal To Adult Consumers

black and white box
When it comes to customizing product packaging, it is typical to choose a base color and then customize writing, logo, and other features that will contrast against it. You may often see this on brown, black, and white mailer boxes that are used to display product samples or high-end products.

Keeping designs simple in this way is often recommended as it gives a more professional and memorable look. In some industries, being more colorful may seem attractive, but this aesthetic needs to be carefully considered and should match the product and what impression you want to make with potential buyers. Going for more neutral coloring offers more benefits, especially when looking to appeal to an adult audience.


White and black mailer boxes provide a simple background to work with. This tends to appeal to adult consumers who often find this simplicity more trustworthy and direct. It can also make for an interesting contrast where a graphic design or colorful writing is added. If you find in your market research the competitors are more focused on more complex colorful designs, going the neutral route may help to make your product stand out better.


This is especially true of white mailer boxes. White is often used for products that people would like to keep sanitary, like dishes and milk. It gives an impression of cleanliness and sophistication, so can often be seen used in electronics like smartphones and headphones. It is also often commonly used as the background color for cleaning products.


Black boxes are popular for men’s products like colognes and shaving kits. The color tends to impart a feeling of boldness and mystery. Another reason you will find black mailer boxes easily available in high-end gift stores for the display of such expensive items like jewelry. Like the color white, this neutral tone also evokes a sense of sophistication.


The coolness of the black and white tones is also well-suited to giving a feeling of luxury. They are classic colors that complement just about any other shade, making whatever product that is being packaged give an air of elegance.

Both black and white provide a kind of blank canvas against which other colors can be added to evoke other emotions. For instance, pairing them with red adds a sensual connotation, while gold and silver will make the item seem even more high-end.

The Value of Packaging Solutions In Ensuring Food Safety

Custom Mailer Box Cookie Crate
The food industry tends to have stringent safety standards. This is primarily because the products are consumed and therefore can be of serious concern to human health. Suppliers have to be careful of the packaging solutions they choose as they can impact various aspects of the business and customer safety.

Prevents Contamination

Food packaging plays a key role in reducing the risk of contamination. When food is contaminated by bacteria, the harm is typically invisible to the eye. This means that consumers and even sellers will not be able to easily detect the problem. They will then come in contact and possibly ingest food that will harm their health. The problem is often worse where food is being transported over longer distances and stored for longer periods. Choosing the right packaging solution ensures that food contents are well protected from contamination.

Preserves Freshness

Certain packaging solutions are designed to help preserve the conditions necessary for prolonging the life of food products. We have certain products that are only grown in specific regions and at specified times of the year. It means they need to be transported over long distances to get to various other markets and must be safely stored to be kept available for longer periods throughout the year. Part of the process in preserving freshness for these reasons relies on the packaging that helps to control conditions such as light exposure, temperature, and humidity. In this way, we get to safely enjoy produce from far away regions, even during times of the year when they are no longer being harvested.

Avoids Blemishes

Many types of products can be easily blemished when wrongly handled or dropped. When you have produce that is traveling a long distance and will be handled by multiple people along the way, there is an increased chance of injury. This damage can affect what impression end-consumers will experience when they finally get the produce. It can negatively impact the brand of the supplier. Getting produce to customers in good condition is important but can be difficult to achieve if you do not plan for the right packaging solution.

Promotes Branding

The condition that food products are delivered to the market and how they are presented in terms of packaging can have a significant impact on branding. Suppliers must ensure that their food packaging works as expected to ensure consumers have a good impression of the brand and believe they can rely on it to offer a quality product. It is the best way to ensure growth through repeat business and referrals.

How to Design Boxes for Baby Products

custom suitcase box
Baby products are a category that covers a wide range of items, from food and clothing to toys and diapers. It is a market niche that is continually evolving as consumers become increasingly demanding in knowing more about what they use on their kids. This makes how businesses in the industry design boxes for their products quite important as this is the first aspect consumers notice when shopping.

They are mainly concerned with issues of health and safety and will often discuss with friends and family which products they found to be best and those they did not like. For businesses to attract customers in this market, certain factors must be covered when designing packaging.

Product Protection

There is a high standard of protection that is expected when it comes to baby products. Because of how vulnerable babies are, it is important to avoid any contamination of their products. The products should be properly sealed to prevent penetration of any dirt and of sturdy enough design to withstand a bit of rough handling. Be careful to avoid anything that could lead to chemical transfers from the packaging. While most will wash their hands before handling baby products, it can still be risky if the product packaging itself is made using chemicals that may be harmful.

Clear Labeling

As mentioned, those that buy baby products like to be well informed when it comes to the ingredients and safety of the products. They want to ensure whatever they end up using does not harm their child. A design box that fosters this should incorporate detailed information on the packaging. Details such as ingredients, how to safely use the product, and what safety certifications have been achieved are all helpful.


Taking care of a baby can be time-consuming and requires ample effort. To make things easier for parents and guardians, it is important to provide a product that can be conveniently handled and is of practical use. Toys need to be easily assembled and provide the much-needed distraction and comfort babies need. Food needs to be nutritious and suitable for their age. Diaper packs and other hygiene products need to be packaging that can be easily and quickly opened as needed. Businesses must design boxes and other packaging that meets this standard of functionality.


Most items that are bought for baby care tend to adhere to a playful theme. Parents want cartoon and storybook characters on clothing, diapers, and toys so that they lend a cheerful atmosphere around the baby. Even for packaging that will be quickly disposed of, this desire for an attractive playful design does not go away. Using this on a design box can even help a product stand out on the store shelf and make a parent more likely to purchase it.

Making a Bulk Order for Wholesale Carton

Specialty product display box

Wholesale Carton and Wholesale Display Box

Any business that sells physical products needs reliable packaging. Not just for when storing goods in warehouses or for display in stores, but also for making safe deliveries. With a growing number of businesses adopting e-commerce, it has become necessary to keep up with trends and make it possible for customers to shop for your products remotely. This means having to facilitate shipping and ensuring the goods are well packaged to arrive at their destination in good shape. Here are a few considerations you should make when buying wholesale cartons for your business.

Shop Around 

A lot of businesses still struggle to maximize their profits. Minimizing costs is a good way to try and achieve this goal. When shopping around for a box maker, factor in the pricing you are being quoted, but do not sacrifice quality. Ensure you are getting your money’s worth. The benefit of ordering in bulk is that many suppliers are happy to offer a discount. The bigger an order you can make, the lower unit figure they will quote per wholesale carton. Remember to factor in shipping costs if considering a box maker that is located further away. 


Choose a box maker that can customize your boxes the way you want them. Sizing should conform with that of your products to optimize production and shipping costs. You also need to pay keen attention to branding. Every time a box leaves your premises, it should be an opportunity to market your brand. More so when you are using a wholesale display box that is meant to capture the attention of passersby and entice them into picking a sample of your product.  

Order Samples 

Before you confirm a big order of boxes, you need to be assured that the product is worth the investment. Besides branding, you also need to ensure the boxes can match up to the demands of transport. They need to be structurally sound and durable. Box makers will often offer samples so you get a definite idea of the quality of their work. Where possible, you can also tour the facility to understand how manufacturing and quality control are done.  


Consumers are far more environmentally conscious these days. They are aware that their purchases can have an impact on the environment and prefer to patronize businesses that make it easy for them to minimize their carbon footprint. When choosing your design and supplier of a wholesale carton, ensure they apply eco-friendly practices like recyclable materials and non-toxic inks. You can even display messages on the boxes that affirm your efforts to remain eco-conscious.  


Gift Box Extra Protection

Custom gift box

There are many reasons to want to send a gift box. It could be to a loved one or in appreciation of a beneficial business relationship. Whatever the reason behind it, you will want to be assured that the contents in the
gift box arrive at their destination in good condition so the recipient can well appreciate the thought and effort that went into the gift-giving. However, the safe arrival of your gift is mostly dependent on the choices you make as the gift giver in preparing and sending the parcel on its way. Here are a few things you can do to safeguard your gift and ensure it arrives in pristine condition. 

Gift Box Perfect Size

Custom gift boxAlways ensure the gift boxes you use are neither too small, nor too big for the items that will be packed within. Choosing a box of an appropriate size will better protect the contents within as they will not be left with so much room to rattle around in, nor have to be boxed so tight they may be in danger of bursting out the confines of the box while in transit.  

The Best Gift Box Packing Materials 

Most items are rarely in the exact shape of the box they are contained in. Even with a right-sized box, there may be some small space that is left empty. Some small space is ideal in many cases so you can pad the interior and provide better security for the contents. Make use of packing materials like bubble wrap and packing peanuts to fill up these gaps.  

If the item being gifted also has a hollow space, like with a wine glass, also be sure to fill this up. It further adds to the protection of breakable items. This can also often provide good insulation that some items that are vulnerable to temperature change may be affected by. Choosing eco-friendly packing materials is also a good way to protect the environment while remaining corporate responsible. 

Label the Gift Box Right 

Label the gift box properly so that those handling it along the way know there is a delicate item within. You can have your box maker incorporate symbols for this in the box design. Alternatively, you can make the labels yourself and make sure they are prominently displayed before shipping.  

Track Your Parcel 

To ensure your gift is on its way to its recipient and arrives in good time, choose a shipper that provides tracking services. The service usually does not cost any extra amount. It will allow you to check on progress at any time and do follow up if there is a problem. There should also be confirmation made when the final delivery is made.  

Why Sizing Matters When Engaging a Shipping Box Supplier

Custom mailer box
Do you need a small shipping box?  If you have a small item, sometimes it is all you need from a shipping box supplier.

When shopping around for boxes you can use to package your products or send out shipments, you will find that there are limited standard box sizes in the market. While easy to find, they often do not conform well to the dimensions of various products and orders to be delivered. They can often be too large or small for the job. As a result, additional packaging materials like filler will be used to fill up empty spaces and tape applied to hold the box intact if there are bulges. Here is why you should opt for a shipping box supplier that can customize your small shipping box. 

Small Shipping Box Protects Small Items Better 

When the contents of a box are so small to leave large empty spaces, there is an increased risk the contents will shift around while in transit. Knocking about can make it easier for the contents to be damaged. If too tight and with bulges, the packaging may fall apart, leaving some of the contents exposed and vulnerable to injury or contamination.  

Small Shipping Box Cuts Cost 

When you have custom packaging that correctly fits the contents within, you will likely save on costs. A small shipping box of the right size will cost less than a larger box as less material goes into construction. The smaller dimensions may also impact shipping costs as weight and size are both considered in pricing the service.  

Environmentally Friendly Shipping Box Supplier  

It is eco-friendly to limit your use of shipping boxes to just what is needed. Shipping boxes are made of pulp that comes from trees. The less you make use of these sources, the lower the carbon footprint you leave behind. Do also consider engaging a shipping box supplier that uses recyclable materials in production. This is another way to limit waste and protect the environment.  

Better Stock Levels 

When you customize your box needs, you do not need to rely on standard sizes as much. Those that rely on standard sizes often have to stock a wide variety of boxes as an estimate of what may be needed. when you customize your boxes to conform to the size of your products you can limit your stock levels better and not have to waste much space for storage.  

Happier Customers 

Customers often look forward to the unboxing experience. This event can however be less enjoyable if the packaging is poorly done. Even if the box is larger, it can be disappointing to realize the contents are so much smaller. Right sizing your packaging is a good way to temper expectations and improve the chances the contents will arrive intact.  

Packing Cardboard Boxes to Prevent Breakages

cardboard boxes
Cardboard boxes are one of the most abundant packaging options to be found anywhere in the world. Many retail products are sold in these boxes, both in stores and when undertaking deliveries. While quite convenient, they may not always be the safest option. More so if the items being packed are breakable. Here are a few tips on how to reduce the risk of breakage when using a corrugated cardboard box to deliver.  

Pack Separately 

Where you have a large order with multiple other items, you may be tempted to pack everything together. This is quite risky for breakable items. They should ideally be packed on their own and clearly labeled so whoever is handling them knows they are delicate.  


Never assume that the person handling the box is aware that the contents are delicate. Be sure to clearly label that the contents are breakable and the box should be handled with care. Also, use symbols to ensure they know which way is up.  

Sturdy Box 

Ensure the corrugated cardboard box you use to ship your items is sturdy enough. If too thin or worn, it can easily fall apart and cause damage to the contents. It will also be easily damaged if cut into or exposed to moisture.  

Stack Topside 

If you are doing the delivery yourself, ensure that the box with breakable items is placed on top in a stable position. Do not allow other boxes to be placed on top. Cardboard boxes are still quite malleable, especially if there is no insert within. This can cause the walls to cave in. Even slightly done, this can cause breakage.  


There are many packing materials you can use to cushion the contents of a box. From bubble wrap to packing peanuts, they can help ensure your items get to their destination in a safe condition. If on a budget you can even use more readily available materials like old newspapers or worn pillowcases.  


Inserts are another way to go in ensuring the contents of a box remain stable inside. Their dimensions ensure the item is kept suspended but stable within. They can also be made of cardboard. You can work with your box maker to have inserts made that are of the correct fit.  

Pad Top and Bottom 

Create some extra cushioning on the top and bottom of the box. The bottom will often suffer the worst wear and tear during handling along the way. The top may also be exposed to pressures from stacking and carrying.  


Custom Mailer Boxes That Are Eco-Friendly

custom mailer box
Wanting to protect our planet is a noble cause. Part of making this possible lies in ensuring the packaging materials we use result in minimal waste and harm to the environment. Custom mailer boxes are a popular option of packaging for items that are being shipped and sold in retail stores. Their self-locking design and sturdy construction make them ideal for more delicate and valuable items. Here are a few ways you can customize them for your products while also keeping them eco-friendly.

Use a Tight Fit

custom mailer box can be made to whatever specifications. It is best for the environment when you limit the amount of material that goes into making these boxes and will eventually be disposed of when its useful life is over. Choose dimensions that are a tight fit for the product that will be placed in the box. This will not only limit waste but will also help save some money on ordering said boxes.

Optimize Packaging

Many retailers will use multiple packaging materials on the same item. They will be repeatedly boxed, wrapped, and placed in carrier bags. Optimizing your packaging designs so lesser materials are used in getting products from the business to customers can help limit waste and cut costs.

Request Recycling

Label your custom mailer boxes with a request to please recycle. Even just indicating that the box is recyclable with the standard symbol can help encourage that action from the recipient. It also lets the recipient know that your brand is dedicated to environmental efforts, a quality that many consumers appreciate in the companies they do business with.

Use Recycled Packaging

When ordering your boxes, you can find out from suppliers if they use recycled materials in their manufacturing processes. This can help save some money on production costs as recycled materials are already processed and require less work to make into new boxes than raw materials like pulp. It is cheaper and eases the demand for trees that must be processed into pulp. Shop around for a manufacturer that can meet this standard.

Go Plant-Based

Plant-based packaging is a growing trend where biological materials like corn husks and mushrooms are used to make boxes. Much of the raw materials come from food waste, meaning that fewer trees have to be sacrificed to make boxes. The resulting boxes can be as durable as those made from wood sources. They can be a particularly good option for packaging food items as they are considered safer and less likely to affect flavors.

California Business and California Boxes Are a Great Match

die cut mailer with insert kraft e flute
Many businesses that deal in physical products typically need different kinds of packaging. Boxes are often a common requirement, requiring most businesses to set a budget to acquire them. Today, it is quite easy to source packaging materials from just about anywhere in the world. But why go the distance when you can get what you need locally? For businesses in and around the California area, it makes sense to focus on local suppliers for several reasons.

Cheaper Sourcing

The closer you are located to your supplier or box manufacturer, the shorter a distance your order has to travel. Lower shipping costs can therefore help make for good savings for your business. If your business is based within California, then sourcing boxes in California where there are ample suppliers ensures better affordability than going further afield.

Guaranteed Quality

When dealing with a local manufacturer, you are better able to ensure the quality of the boxes you order meets industry standards. California boxes are required to meet certain standards in terms of material use that overseas suppliers may not be able to match up to. Opting for a local supplier helps reduce the risk of running afoul of certain regulations.

Easy Sampling

When it comes to ordering customized boxes, it is important to get a manufacturer that can meet your demands and provide samples in a timely manner, especially if you will be making changes to box designs every so often. Working with a local supplier makes it easier to visit their facility in person and ensure they have the requisite capacity, machinery, and skilled labor to generate the order you want. It also makes it quicker for you to take delivery of samples, have whatever adjustments you want made, and have the final order fulfilled.

Production Matched to Local Market Demand

Different kinds of markets have different kinds of expectations. When you have a box manufacturer that caters to the same local market, they are more likely to have a stronger understanding of these expectations and advise their clients well. From trending box design to local regulations, you can get better recommendations that will ensure the order fulfilled will meet the demands of your target market.

Environmental Benefit

When the boxes you order are being delivered from a local facility, it means less stress on the environment. This is because the shorter distance traveled means less pollution from transport vehicles. Being environmentally conscious is vital for businesses in an atmosphere where more people are demanding greater care and concern for the world around us.

Local Employment

Partnering with local businesses also boosts their revenues and capacity to grow. This means more employment for the local population and economic growth for the industry. Buying local products can circle back to empowering local populations that can be your own clients.

Tips on Lowering Shipping Supply Costs for E-Commerce

shipping and packing materials
With people now increasingly opting to make purchases online, more businesses are being forced to expand into e-commerce to remain competitive. Even with brands that have been staples, it is easy to lose customers if you do not make it possible for them to buy online. However, with online businesses, there is the added cost of shipping to cover. Here are a few ways businesses expanding in this way can keep these costs low through consideration of their shipping & packing materials.

Optimize Box Sizing

It is important to make use of boxes that just fit the contents. The smaller the box, the lower the shipping costs. Shipping companies now factor in size alongside weight when determining shipping costs. Minimizing this aspect helps lower overall shipping costs. Having a good variety of box sizes to work with can help limit this problem.

Packing Safety

Be considerate of the products you are shipping and how best to safely pack them. The more delicate the contents of the box, the more effort you should put towards ensuring they are not damaged in transit. This can mean having to use inserts, filler shipping supplies, and labeling the box as fragile. Keep in mind that if the contents are damaged, you may need to ship again at your own cost, making the transaction less profitable to the business. For more durable products like clothing and books, you can use cheaper packaging options.

Low-Cost Customization

There are various ways you can customize your box design so that it reduces the overall cost of shipping supplies. For instance, instead of making separate labels, you can have the box manufacturer directly print whatever graphics or information you want to communicate on the box. You can also customize the box dimensions to better fit the product, thereby further reducing shipping costs. Keep an eye on new technologies like recycled cardboard that can be used at a lower cost to make boxes. When new kinds of shipping & packing materials come up, sample them to see what effect they may have on your expenses.

Pick and Pack Fulfillment

Where your business tends to receive many orders from distant zones, you may want to consider adopting the pick and pack system. This allows for orders to be fulfilled from warehouses that stock your products at different locations. They become part of the online ordering system and are able to deliver products to clients at a faster rate and lower cost.

Using Custom Boxes to Boost Business

folding carton with window cut out
The key to business success lies in being able to grow. The more revenue and profits you generate, the longer the business can be sustained and expanded. However, this growth relies very much on being able to make your brand more visible and viewed favorably by existing and new clients. The packaging that you use can play a significant role in branding and therefore growing your business.

Artistic Touch

The visual appeal of your packaging will be key in making your brand memorable and recognizable. When deciding on the design of your custom boxes, it is advisable to use motifs, imagery, font, and colors that best relate to what impression you want to give of your brand and the type of products you offer. Keeping in line with the expectations of clients is vital. While you should generally stick to toned-down shades and artwork for formal businesses, you can also be more vibrant when dealing with a more open-minded and younger clientele.

Provide Communication Links

With the rise of e-commerce, it has become much easier to connect with existing and new clients. From web addresses to QR codes, you can easily display a link that leads to your business platform on a customized box. Even the more traditional telephone numbers, physical and mail addresses can also be easily indicated on the boxes themselves or on simple labels you can stick on.

Box Design

Once you have the aesthetics down, you also need to factor in the design and functionality of the box itself. There are many different box designs to choose from, including mailers, suitcase boxes, and cut-out wraps. Depending on the type of product, you will need to consider what type of custom boxes to invest in for your business. Consider such factors as cost, appearance, ease of use, function, and shipping needs. Consult with the box manufacturer to figure out which designs will be of most benefit to your brand.

Work with Professionals

This is particularly important where your business is new and you are trying to cut out a niche for yourself in the market. Conduct your own market research but also work with professionals who can guide you on such issues as what designs to try. Manufacturers that also provide design services are a good option as the cost can be lower and they have likely worked with many such clients in the same field. Come in with your own ideas and let them help you shape them into a refined final design that will make your products stand out in the market.


Getting Rid of Your Cardboard Packaging Boxes Responsibly

Cardboard packaging boxes- Eco-Friendly

Cardboard packaging boxes
are something many of us find ourselves hoarding. With more transactions taking place online, we are receiving deliveries in cardboard boxes more than ever before. However, we do not as instinctively get rid of the boxes in the trash. Often, when the box is barely damaged, we feel the need to keep them for reuse.

But with time, the number of boxes can get a little out of hand. After all, we have limited storage space to work with. In other cases, it could be the boxes have become damaged, maybe due to exposure to moisture, meaning you have to get rid of them anyway. Here are a few ways to carry out this task responsibly.

Give Cardboard Packaging Boxes Out for Free

Many people require cardboard packaging boxes but do not want to go through the expense of buying them. Those moving house or office will often need boxes. You can connect with such people in your community by putting up an ad at a local store noticeboard or using online classified. This is a good way to ensure they get reused before any disposal.


Where you have a recycling center in your area, you can opt to drop your boxes here. Depending on where you live, you may receive a small consideration, receive nothing, or even be charged for the service. Be sure to inquire before you load up your vehicle for delivery.


Cardboard boxes will easily degrade when composted. Their layered design can also be very useful in certain types of farming that call for sheet composting. This helps to prevent weeds from coming up, making for less work and easier tending.

Shop Responsibly-Use a Cardboard Packaging Provider

Shop at stores that offer recyclable packaging. Younger shoppers have become more passionate about environmental concerns and are happier to shop from brands that are similarly inclined. Every business needs to partner with a cardboard packaging provider that makes recyclable products that final consumers will appreciate.

D.I.Y. Projects

You can use cardboard material for all kinds of D.I.Y. projects. From restyling them into colorful storage boxes to using them as a protective cover for your carpet when repainting a room, there are many ways to make use of cardboard. They are a cheap yet effective resource you can apply to a variety of projects. If you have no plans to use them, you can talk to family or friends.  Also, talk to handy-type neighbors that would make good use of the materials.

Buying Big Volume Discount Mailers

big volume discount mailers
Big volume discount mailer boxes are a great way to package products. Though costlier than other types of standard packaging, they offer an attractive way of presenting products and offer a self-locking feature that many consumers appreciate. The self-locking lid allows for the boxes to be easily reused without worrying the box will be damaged. They can also be customized in a variety of ways that promotes branding.

There are also benefits associated with buying large quantities discount mailers. Here is why you should consider investing in bulk quantities of this packaging.

Big Volume Discount Mailers Savings

Most box manufacturers will offer discount deals on bulk purchases. The larger the order of big volume discount mailers you place, the bigger the discount you can secure. This will lower the overall cost of meeting packaging needs, which in turn translates into higher profit from the business.

Buying in bulk is also advisable when you factor in shipping costs. Because discount mailers are more of a specialty item, you may find few box manufacturers offer this product. For many businesses, it could mean having to engage a manufacturer that is located further away. The further away the box manufacturer is, the higher the shipping cost will be. It makes sense, therefore, to order as large a shipment as you can so you have to cover this cost less often.

Peace of Mind

Having big volume discount mailers on hand ensures that whenever you need them to fulfill an order, you do not have to worry. When you keep a small stock, it can be worrisome as shortages can easily occur. Not having enough boxes on hand can mean having to delay delivery to customers. This can be bad for your business reputation. Timely delivery helps to inspire trust and encourages customers to return for repeat businesses.

It also adds stress to employees who may have to seek out an alternative to get the product to the client. It can affect their mood and productivity, which is bad for business. This issue is particularly important during high season shopping periods like Thanksgiving and Christmas. Be sure to place your order reasonably in advance of the high season so you do not have to worry about running out.

Big volume discount mailer storage

Like other corrugated boxes, mailer boxes can be easily assembled and disassembled. They are made of a single piece that is folded into its self-locking style. When laid out flat, the boxes can be easily stacked and stored for later use. This makes buying in bulk easier as you do not have to worry about storage problems.

Making Custom Shipping Boxes Affordable

Custom shipping box
The primary goals of any business include maximizing profit while minimizing costs. This ensures a greater return on investment for the owners. One often neglected aspect that can lead to reducing costs is the packaging. Most forms of packaging tend to be economical, but can be in some ways further reduced. given that businesses are making more use of packaging than ever before thanks to online shopping, it makes sense to give some attention to this factor. Here are some ways you can reduce the cost of each printed shipping box used.

Custom shipping box handling

You need to train your staff on how to best perform such tasks as packing custom shipping boxes and how to carefully handle them until handed over to the shipper. This will reduce the incidents of damage and having to repack the contents. The less waste there is, the more time lapses between when you have to reorder your next stock of boxes.

custom shipping box machinery

This is particularly important where you have heavy products that are to be shipped. Equipment like pallets and forklifts need to be available for more reliable and careful transport. Again, this will ensure proper handling and reduce the risk of the packaging and contents being damaged even before you have them out the door. This may not be as necessary where you are handling small light shipments.

Custom shipping box labels

Reducing the risk of damage to the box and its contents is key in minimizing costs. Invest in labels that guide how the printed shipping box should be properly handled. If the contents are fragile, ensure there are labels that are prominently displayed to convey this message. Use labels to communicate safety precautions to whoever will handle it without needing to open the box to know what the contents are.

Limit void space

Do this by investing in boxes that have a better fit to the contents inside. The box should leave just enough room for inserts and some filler needed for added protection. This will keep the contents more stable and secure. Too much void space and the contents may end up rattling around in the box and becoming damaged.

Custom shipping box weight

Where the products being shipped are not vulnerable to damage from rough handling, it can make sense to cut down on protective features like fluting and space for filler. Smaller and lighter packaging will typically be cheaper. You can even opt out of using custom shipping boxes and use cheaper plastic packaging.

How to Make Your Packaging Boxes Unique

boxes and packaging
Packaging boxes
have become an important way for businesses to showcase. Many consumers learn about new brands by looking at packages being delivered to people around them. It can also influence people that buy the products or receive them as gifts. With the right packaging design, you can encourage repeat business which accounts for the majority of revenue for businesses.  In an increasingly competitive business environment, it is important to find ways of standing apart from the rest. Here are some handy tips on how to use packaging to bring more attention to your brand.

Packaging Boxes with labels

These are a simple and effective communication tool. You can design in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Customize them to attractively match the image you want of your business. Ensure they prominently display vital information like the business name, location, and website.  You can even use QR codes to connect people to your website or social media sites. They can also be used functionally to ensure proper indication of the delivery address or to further seal the box so the contents do not end up falling out of boxes and packaging.

Packaging boxes inserts

Create colorful and intriguing inserts. It could be a thank you note for patronizing the business, or a professional business card they can keep and remember your brand. Depending on the nature of the product, the amount of effort you want to put in, and your target clientele, you can make these handwritten, or even use QR codes.

Custom packaging boxes

You can have all kinds of designs affordably added to your boxes and packaging. Customizing in terms of color and printing attractive designs can be a big help. Consider adding your company logo and slogan. You can even customize in keeping with the holidays.


We use filler to help stabilize and protect the contents of packaging boxes. Businesses can also use them to make their products and brand stand out. Instead of the usual packing peanuts, opt for printed paper with puzzles, crosswords, or maps. Give the person opening the box a reason to want to explore more. This can make your brand more memorable and likely to attract more business.

Be Creative

While the use of ribbons and self-locking boxes can help provide an elegant look, it is not particularly unique. Go onto sites like Pinterest and Etsy for ingenious and often affordable ways to get your packaging to stand out. From using newspaper as wrapping to twine or yarn in place of ribbons, there are many creative ways you can give your clients a unique unboxing experience.


Design Tips For Food Packaging

Food Packaging
The food industry is highly competitive making it more vital to stand out from the crowd. Here are some design tips to help distinguish your brand from the competition and hopefully drive more sales.

Food grade packaging branding

Food packaging is a great opportunity to connect with customers and promote your brand. Remember that you need to keep the promotion consistent with your brand. If you want to seem reliable then use packaging that is staid and functional. If you wish to impart a youthful edgy impression, play with colors and imagery to appeal to a younger audience.

Food grade packaging proper standards

Choose food grade packaging that meets industry standards and customer expectations. Check what competitors in the same sector are using and customize to fit your desired image. For instance, if businesses are moving away from plastics, get on board by seeking out environmentally friendly alternatives. Also, keep in mind packaging that can help keep the food as fresh and protected as is reasonably possible.

Food grade packaging information

Choose a design that most effectively and attractively conveys information that the consumer would want. For instance, for food products that are to be shelved, consumers will likely want to know the ingredients, how to prepare them, and if the food packaging is recyclable. While an insert can help convey this information, keep in mind most consumers want to get a glimpse of it while in the shopping aisle to make a faster purchasing decision.

Compare and Contrast

As said, you need to consider what your competition is doing. This is not just in terms of the type of packaging, but also the design. You want your product to stand out while on the shelf. Think of what factors consumers use when making a purchasing decision and how you can influence them to pick your product over others.

Functional food grade packaging

Even as you try to create unique designs that will make your product stand out, you also need to ensure practicality. Not only should the packaging be able to withstand shipping and handling, but it should also meet whatever customer needs if they want to prolong the use of the packaging. Resealable bags or boxes are a big help to consumers who may not want to transfer entire contents to separate storage containers.

Provide A Window

Many consumers appreciate being able to see the contents of the product they are buying within. This can sometimes be effectively communicated through imagery on the box, but is better done by a transparent window to the interior. It gives better verification that the product is what they want and entices them even more to make the purchase.

Packing Fragile Items In Cardboard Cartons

Full overlap carton
Online shopping has made it easier for people to get whatever they want from the comfort of their homes. No more need to spend hours wandering through different stores to find the right item. Now all that is required is access to the internet and the considered choice of search keywords. E-commerce has also helped as even small and medium-sized businesses can afford to make their wares available online.

It can however be tricky to sell fragile items online. This is mainly due to their delicate nature which means they can be easily damaged during shipping. If damaged, the business may remain liable and have to replace the item at their own cost. This can prove expensive and even damage their reputation. Even with packing these items in corrugate cartons, a little extra care has to be taken to increase the chances the items will arrive in optimal condition.

Choose The Right Box

When packing even fragile items, you need to ensure the right size and type of box. It needs to be a good fit that will not allow the contents to shift. And if heavy and fragile, you need to consider the thickness of the box walls. They should have enough fluting to ensure sound protection, but not so much as to add unnecessary cost to shipping.

Use Filler

Even with a well-fitting box, some items can have an odd shape that will leave voids within the cardboard cartons. Fragile items should be kept in a fixed position within the box. Hence the need to fill up this empty space and reduce the risk of damage. There are different packing materials you can use for this including packing peanuts and old newspaper.

However, for the best immobilization, you may want to consider foam or cardboard inserts. These are customized to fit the exact shape of the items and work best in securing them. Be sure to choose eco-friendly packing materials that are functional yet sustainable.


It can also help to ensure your box is properly labeled. This will allow handlers to know that the contents are fragile and that they should take necessary precautions to avoid damage. Many stickers can also be applied, with captions such as “fragile”, “this end up”, and “keep refrigerated” being commonly used. If shipping internationally, you may want to consider labels that share the same message in different languages to ensure proper handling all the way.

Moisture Protection

Cardboard cartons can easily lose structural integrity if they come in contact with liquids. To help prevent such interference that could damage contents, it helps to create a barrier between the carton and such external threats. Judicious application of packaging tape can help here. You can also opt to include the use of vermiculite that helps absorb moisture and absorb impacts.

Making Counter Top Display Units That Pop

Counter top display box
When selling consumer products, it can be difficult to attract the interest of shoppers to a new product. Most people are set in their ways and will tend to stick to brands they are familiar with. But this has never prevented businesses from trying to capture a new segment of the market.

Counter top display units are a simple way to market products directly to shoppers while they are wandering the store or waiting in line. Some creativity is required to make these displays outstanding and able to capture the interest of onlookers. Here are a few ways you can make your next corrugated display appealing enough to encourage some impulse buying.

Corrugated display of colors

For particularly strong brands, it helps to use colors the customer is familiar with. They will still have a sense of trust that will tempt them to try a new offering from a company they know. If you want to distinguish it from other products from the same company, you can choose a different color but still ensure to display a logo or name that lets the person know the brand. Check out the store beforehand to see what colors dominate and choose one that will be more noticeable and pop.

Bright corrugated display

Modern displays can now be incorporated with features such as flashing lights and video displays. These are a good way to attract more attention to the display and provide an opportunity to further educate audiences on the product. You can even run demonstrations and full adverts. Flashing lights can be particularly helpful for products targeted at a younger demographic. Kids can be easily drawn in and will often ask their parents or guardians for the item on display.

Keep It Simple

While contrasting colors and flashing lights can appeal to a younger market, you will want to keep it simple for older shoppers. They are best marketed to with simple messages that quickly convey what they need to know about the product. A 7-word limit is a standard industry practice that allows the customer to quickly learn about the product at a glance and make their buying decision.

Corrugated display price point

It is easier to effect impulse buying when the item is reasonably priced. High-end items are not often ideally promoted using counter top display units. Do not discount the price too much as the goal is to get the customer to give the product a chance and later voluntarily pick it from the shelves. The price they find on the shelves should be comparable to what they paid when it was being promoted.

Designing Folding Cartons For Product Display

NEPTN folding carton, custom boxes
Many factors go into deciding what kind of packaging a product will have. to begin with, businesses need to consider how the product is to be sold to consumers. If selling online, then more consideration will be given to shipping needs. If selling through stores, then the folding cartons design that will appear on the shelf will matter.

Branding will also matter as you will want to make your line of products appear distinct and recognizable to the market. Let us look at the steps one must go through in the packaging design process.

Define Your Packaging Needs

There are three main packaging layers. The outer layer is what products are normally shipped in. These can be large folding cardboard boxes used for shipping or a paper bag in which the product is packed into. The inner packaging refers to inserts and filler material that are used to keep the contents safe.

Product display packaging is what shoppers see when choosing items from shelves or what contains the product when shipped and the shipping box is removed. Most businesses will require one or all of these types of packaging.

Type of folding cartons

This will mainly depend on the type of product. For instance, liquids will need to be contained in bottles or another waterproof packaging that can secure the contents. Dry food products like cereals will often also require some waterproof packaging and folding cartons for product display purposes in stores.

You will also need to factor in the cost of packaging when making a choice as this can affect mark-up and consequently how competitively you can price your product. While you will also want to stand out from the competition, your product packaging should still fit what is expected by consumers.

Folding carton design evaluation

Once you come up with some creative designs, you need to ensure it resonates with consumers. As said, you should create a design that distinguishes your product from the competition but should still look recognizable to shoppers as they browse the shelves in the store.

Ensure whatever imagery and wording used on the product display packaging are true to the product. It should not confuse or mislead consumers. Also, consider what kind of visual effect is given when the items are stacked next to each other on the shelf. How they will look next to each other and competitors’ products.

It can be helpful to make a sample run of this packaging and give it out amongst stakeholders and consumers. Use this sample to collect views about the packaging and figure out what design elements work and what may require editing.

Choosing Between Convoluted Versus Foam Insert

Custom Foam Insert
One of the key challenges when packaging products is ensuring the contents are kept safe from damage. The longer the distance products have to travel, the more likely they are to be subjected to rough handling. Boxes can end up dropped or even stacked too high. This can result in the boxes being torn or perforated and the contents put under excessive pressure. This then leads to the kind of damage that requires the supplier to make replacements. It can turn into a costly affair, delay deliveries, and affect the reputation of the business.

Inserts are a good way to better secure products within boxes. They keep the items immobilized and unlikely to shift within the box and end up damaged. A foam insert is also ideal for providing thermal protection. This limits the effects of extreme temperatures on the contents within the box. Inserts can make packing of products easier and faster, while also making for good presentation when unboxed.

There are different types of inserts available for packaging needs. Here we will look at two popular options and what distinguishes them from the other.

Foam Inserts

Foam is a lightweight and smooth option that is ideal for delicate items that are sensitive to scratches. As said, it is also great for thermal protection as it limits wide fluctuations in heat and temperature from affecting contents. A foam insert can be easily customized to whatever shape of the item, ensuring a close fit. This is ideal for products that have unusual shapes that cardboard cannot accommodate.

These inserts are also long-lasting, making it possible to reuse and recycle them for however long is needed. The current production of foam inserts is also eco-friendly. Their lightweight construction is also helpful in controlling shipping costs.

Convoluted Foam Inserts

Convoluted foam inserts are also popularly referred to as egg-crate foam. Its design features ridges and peaks that resemble an egg crate or contoured surface. these inserts are good for packaging delicate and lightweight items. They are also abrasion-resistant, reducing the risk of scratches. It has anti-static qualities that come from the use of surfactants in the production process. This makes the inserts preferred for the packaging of sensitive electronic equipment.

The thickness of the foam can help protect against impacts and perforations. When interlocked from both sides, it also protects against shocks and vibrations that may be suffered during transit. It can also be easily die-cut into whatever shape to tightly fit around the item it surrounds. Being polyurethane-based also makes this insert eco-friendlier and unlikely to contaminate water or soil resources.

Making Boxes for Shipping More Sustainable

Shipping Box Eco-Friendly
Businesses have become increasingly aware of the need to do more for the environment. They are making choices to ensure they make a minimal harmful impact. This extends to the kind of packaging they use for products.

Eco-friendly boxes for shipping have become vital in this effort. But ordering this type of packaging is not enough. There are other measures businesses can apply to help ensure better results.

Boxes for shipping size

It is best to ensure any shipment you send out is the right fit. It should safely accommodate the contents without being oversized. A box that is that much bigger than the contents means you will have added to waste. More so if you have to make use of extra filler to fill out the gaps. Oversized packaging also increases the risk of the contents being damaged in transit if handled roughly.

Businesses should seek out custom packaging tailored to the correct dimensions of their products. They however may still stock an inventory of larger boxes for bulk shipping. Bulk purchases can be good for the environment as they mean fewer orders and less demand for shipping. Businesses can offer discounts to encourage clients to make bulk orders.

Reusable boxes for shipping

Green packaging that is reusable is great for the environment. It takes that much longer for them to be disposed of as many recipients are happy to store them or immediately make use of them for other purposes. Some businesses will make simpler refill packets so that clients will retain the reusable packaging and simply top-up using the refills. Others will make the packaging convertible for other uses such as potting plants businesses need to think outside the box, so to speak, to see how they can develop packaging that gets more re-use and is better for the environment.

Choose cardboard boxes for shipping

Cardboard material is easily one of the best options for a shipping box. It is biodegradable, reusable, recyclable, and customizable. This makes it possible to ensure your products are safely contained for shipping and once no longer in use, the shipping box can be safely disposed of without worry it will be a problem to the environment. And thanks to customizing, you can ensure a design that helps with branding and publicizing your commitment to conservation.

Make sustainability part of your brand

As said, you can advertise your commitment to environmental conservation through your packaging. Indicate that boxes for shipping can be reused and recycled. You can include a note on how to creatively reuse the boxes inside your shipment. Explain how they can add it to compost, use them for planting trees, and so on. Use this opportunity to educate your clients in a way that is actionable and they will appreciate.

Expand with Custom Box Manufacturing

Custom box maker
Many businesses can benefit from investing in  a custom box manufacturing company.  Custom packaging is an extension of their product and allows them to ensure customers enjoy a unique experience.

Some may be hesitant to invest in custom box manufacturing. However, any extra cost incurred is often more than compensated for by the benefits derived. Let us discuss further what these benefits are and why businesses should make this choice.

Custom box manufacturing brands

When businesses have greater control over the design of their packaging, it means they can do more to enhance the visibility of their brand. From logos to tag lines, addresses to imagery, there are many ways to tailor the aesthetic of your packing so that customers can easily recognize that it is from your business. Even those not familiar with the brand can become more intrigued when they see the attractive design. Making packaging appear unique and appealing can do much to make the brand more memorable in the minds of those that see it.

Improve Customer Experience

People are naturally pleased when they receive a well-presented package. Even simple designs that are tastefully done can have a strong impact, making for a more enjoyable unboxing experience. Compared to plain boxes, custom boxes make people feel more special and excited to see what is on the inside. If delivering to retailers, many appreciate the clear information on boxes that makes it easier to determine how best to handle, store, or display the products inside.

Custom box manufacturing protection

Many products come in odd dimensions that do not always fit comfortably in standard-sized boxes. When working with a custom box maker, you get to tailor your packaging to your products more precisely and ensure maximum protection. This improves the chances that the product will arrive at its destination intact. When you have more successful deliveries, there is less risk of having to send replacement products to clients and less likelihood of damage to the company’s reputation. Your clients will come to view your brand as dependable.

Space saving custom box manufacturer

With custom-sized packaging, you get to ensure maximum space-saving. This helps to deliver more savings in terms of delivery costs. Being able to indicate if the contents are delicate and require careful handling also helps to reduce the risk of damage in transit and delivery. This in turn reduces the chances of having to send costly replacements.


Hiring a custom box maker that works with green materials can help limit any harmful impact your business has on the environment. Not only is it good for the planet, but it can help to boost your reputation as a company that cares for the environment. Many younger consumers consider this important and are more loyal to businesses and brands that share the same values.

Qualities That Make Triple Wall Shipping Boxes Worthy

triple wall shipping box
When you pack products into a box and send them to clients, the expectation is that they will arrive in good condition. The purpose of the box is to secure and protect. However, during transit, it is easy for boxes to be mishandled. It can cause them to be punctured, dented, and even exposed to liquids. This can damage the box and possibly the contents.

Single-walled corrugated boxes are the standard but offer limited protection. Double and triple wall shipping boxes are preferable for several reasons.

Extra Padding

The extra layers of fluting in triple and double wall shipping boxes make them better at protecting the contents within. They are better able to absorb vibrations, endure perforations and tearing, and survive drop damage. If exposed to liquids the outer layers may end up absorbing the moisture, but inner layers can remain dry.

Weight Endurance

Thicker boxes are more capable of supporting heavier items. A single wall box is not best for heavy items like electronics and furniture. They can easily tear under the weight, exposing the contents to the risk of damage. Double and triple wall boxes can better support these heavier items. They are also ideal for smaller items that need to be shipped in bulk quantities.


The extra flutes are also helpful in supporting the storage of items for long periods. Single wall boxes can easily lose shape and buckle under the weight when placed on a shelf for a long period with contents. Double and triple walled boxes are more rigid and can be safely left on the shelf or pallet for long periods. They can also be easily stacked without worry.

Reuse and Recycling

Just like single wall boxes, these options can also be easily recycled. This makes them just as good for the environment. They are a sustainable option if the products you are shipping require this level of protection.


Despite the extra layer of flutes, both double and triple walled boxes are quite lightweight. This means you do not have to worry about the significant addition of weight when packaging. You can just as easily ship without significant addition to shipping costs which are partially pegged on weight.

Do keep in mind that due to the extra flutes, these boxes are more expensive than single wall options. To help limit costs, ensure that they are only used for shipping items whose weight and value justify such added expense.

Top Benefits of Pick and Pack Services for Small Businesses

Pick and pack services Pick and pack services have become a popular trend for order fulfillment. Businesses have increasingly opted to outsource this service to dedicated companies, helping to make their supply chain work more efficiently. They send out a bulk shipment of their products to the pick and pack providers’ warehouse.

When clients order products, they are processed through the warehouses’ stock inventory and warehouse management system. The products are literally picked off the shelves and packed before shipment. Here are some good reasons small businesses should consider this route to improve their operations and deliver a better customer experience.

Pick and Pack Services Saves Time

Small businesses have fewer orders to contend with. Most do not need a dedicated employee to handle these shipments. They will typically have existing staff who have other responsibilities for this work. This often means orders cannot be fulfilled promptly. They have to wait till a staff member is free or till the end of the day. Pick and pack providers act on orders quickly, ensuring delivery is done in the shortest time possible. Shorter delivery times are always preferred by clients.

Pick and Pack Services Saves Space

Smaller businesses tend to have limited storage space. Delivering larger consignments to these warehouses means they can better manage the little space they have. Working with a reputable pick and pack provider ensures that your products are safely stored and carefully handled before shipment.

Save Money

Smaller businesses can ill-afford having a dedicated employee fulfilling online orders. The number of transactions they deal with does not justify having to hire such staff. They can however more easily afford the fees from outsourced providers that are a fraction of paying a full salary. They also get to enjoy further cost savings on storage space.

Pick and Pack Services Reduces Workload

Many service providers provide more than just pick and pack services. They can also handle logistics and shipping. Small businesses can work with just one provider that offers multiple valuable services, rather than having to seek out multiple providers. it makes for less work and smoother delivery of shipments to client destinations.


No matter your special requirements when fulfilling orders, you can likely find a provider that fits the bill. Many have well-trained workers who can work flexibly and quickly master whatever packaging or other arrangements you require. They can assemble shipments so that your customer experience requirements are fully met. Discuss your needs with the provider to figure out how accommodating and precise they are in meeting your needs.

Choosing the Right Packaging Company

Custom Mailer Box
The packaging of your products is vital. The products must reach your customers in perfect condition. That is what makes choosing the right packaging companies an essential decision for your business. Different companies have different packaging, which makes choosing what suits you a difficult task.

However, there are basic things that you can look out for when making that decision. Discussed below are the things to consider when choosing the right packaging company for your business.

Packaging company budget

This is the initial consideration before you can even begin the search for packaging companies. The extent of your budget determines the design and type of material you can use. Some outstanding designs or high-quality materials can be costly. Your choice of packaging material should not overwhelm your budget. Try as much as possible to accommodate these needs within your budget.

You can look for options through a packaging supplier to determine which companies offer affordable alternative materials. The point is to create a balance between your packaging needs and the budget.

Packaging company operation

You need to find out if the company uses standardized packaging materials. The company should be reputed for providing quality material procured through the proper channels. Packaging required the following the correct process. The company should do this regularly to maintain the required standard.

A good company’s operation also offers excellent customer service by supporting you towards your business’s success. Your chosen company should be reachable at all times to clear your concerns.

The Type of Materials They Use

When it comes to packaging material, quality should be above everything else. It will be futile to have a good design that does not end up serving its purpose. As stated elsewhere in this article, good packaging should ensure that products reach desired destinations in perfect condition. It also helps if the company used environmentally friendly materials.

Packaging company capabilities

You might want to consider a company with the capability of producing custom-made packaging whenever you are in need. You don’t have to need the services right away, but it is good to know that the service is available whenever you need it.

Make an informed Choice

Finding the right company to package your products may not be easy at first. Good research can often lead to enlightening findings. The easiest way to know a company’s reputation is from customer reviews left on their websites and social pages. There you might also get to know their packaging supplier and other helpful information.

Five Types of Shipping and Packaging Materials

Custom Mailer Box
Quality packaging plays a significant role in how people view your products and your company. An attractive packaging design by a company appeals to a lot of people. How you package your products can be part of customer service. The shipment product mainly determines the packaging material. Standing out from the crowd can also add to your marketing strategy to attract and retain customers.

Let’s look at some of the shipping and packaging materials available.

Vacuum Packaging

When shipping perishables or products that need sealing, this is the ideal method to use. It is compact, making it suitable for packing food. It involves removing oxygen from a package to inhibit the growth of bacteria and mold. Shipping companies or individuals can transport food to a camp without it going bad. The healthcare industry also uses the method to preserve medical materials.

Corrugated Cardboard

This is the most popular packaging material and is for use by diverse industries. It’s made to endure weight, moisture, and pressure during shipping. You can customize it to suit different uses, sizes, and products. Any shipping box supplier should have this material. Corrugated cardboard offers convenience in shipping in addition to the fact that it can be recycled or re-used.

Shrink Wrap

This type of shipping and packaging material is wrapped on individual products that are part of a larger shipment. When you need to make products compact before a shipment, you use shrink wrap. You can also wrap other packaging materials together to make one compact package. The shrink wrap also protects shipments from damaging impacts during the shipping process.

Pallets, Boxes, and Crates

This is the ideal packaging material when shipping oversized products. The most commonly used are wooden materials, whose popularity comes from their durability and recyclable. They can also be made into different sizes to cater to a specific shipment need. They are used in warehouses to prevent damage to products in transit. You can find a shipping box supplier from referrals or by researching online.

Shock Mount Packaging

This type of packaging is made from materials that can withstand a lot of shock. They are used for shipping extremely delicate products. If you deal with goods that need extra care, shock mount packaging offers the best solution. The packaging is built with shock resistance capability and can protect products from any damage caused by common transit issues.

Depending on the type of products you want to ship, there are many shipping and packaging materials available in the market. However, the purpose should always remain to protect the products until they are safely in the customer’s possession.

Reduce Cost of Big Quantity Mailers

Everyone needs to utilize the available options for reducing running costs for a business. Customers and mail recipients expect their mail to be delivered fast. It can become a daunting task to figure out how to save on costs while maintaining the process’s integrity. But, saving on shipment costs is among the leading way for big quantities mailers to lower operating costs.

When dealing with large volumes of mail, getting large quantity discount mailers is vital. In this article, we shall look at four top ways for lowering shipping costs while ensuring that the customer is satisfied.

Negotiate and Make a Deal with Carriers

When dealing with large quantities of mail you might want to strike a deal with carriers. The main aim here is to receive discounted rates instead of the regular price schedule. Negotiated shipping deals work because you can propose a comfortable rate without hurting your business or your customers.

Large quantity discount mailers will often indulge you by the sheer size of the shipment. You can try negotiating with several carriers until you reach a good deal.

Check your Package Sizes

In addition to the destination, determining shipping costs is based on two other main factors; the package’s size and weight. Avoid using overly large packaging but instead use packaging with the exact dimensions of the mail. Using large packages for items that can fit in smaller boxes could end causing you higher mailing costs.

Alternatively, you can use packaging offered by the shipping company. This will save you extra charges that you may incur as dimensional fees. Packages provided by the carrier do not attract any such charges.

Try Sticking to one Carrier

Sticking to a single shipping company is an excellent way of creating a relationship. The benefit of being monogamous is to increase the negotiating power. If you deal with many carriers, you share the mail volume to each. You won’t effectively bargain for lower rates when your volume of mail is not supporting your interest.

Get Insurance from a Third-Party

The benefit of using third-party insurance companies is that they charge relatively lower fees compared to shipment companies. If you are big quantities mailers, it can translate to significant savings with time.

Are You Ready to Save Some Costs?

When dealing with large quantities of mail, shipping costs contribute to a large portion of the operating budget. There are many ways to lower the shipping costs, as discussed above. The savings per shipment may seem low, but they make significant savings cumulatively.

Benefits of Investing in Custom Printed Boxes

custom printed box, set up box
A customized box can come at a cost, but it speaks volumes about your business. There are many ways in which the packaging of your products is important to your customers. Custom designs and packaging are a way of letting customers know you care about how they view your brand. There is no doubt that your product’s quality matters more, but custom printed boxes set you apart from the crowd.

Regardless of the type of business you run, look at the benefits of investing in customized printed boxes.

It Meets Customer Expectations

From state of the art website designs to product labels, a customer today expects a lot more than in previous years. The outward appearance of a package can be either appealing or a bore. If you make your packaging attractive, it becomes more noticeable.  Don’t miss out on the opportunity to please your customers and potential customers. It can translate to increased sales and therefore higher profit margins.

It Builds Brand Awareness

Imagine the long journey packages travel to various destinations and how many people see or interact with it. There is a possibility that a large amount of people see the package before it reaches its destination. A customized box is crucial for ensuring that the brand image imprints on people’s minds. Human curiosity will drive some people to want to know more about your brand.

It’s an Automatic Marketing Tool

You don’t have to pay for a billboard to market your products or brand any longer. The cost of advertising can be hefty. You can focus your energies on good packaging. Custom printed boxes are an excellent marketing tool. The social platforms love unique packaging, and your popularity can skyrocket in a day. There is a high likelihood that a customer will share photos of either good or bad packaging. Should this happen to be you, it is safer if it is on the positive side.

Your Product’s Quality Will be Perceived Differently

Most people expect the outward appearance of something to match its quality. It’s more of what you see is what you get. When you improve the quality of packaging with some custom design and color, most people will have a better perception of the product. Making your custom packaging look high-end positively affects how customers view your products.

Branding is essential for the growth of a business. Plan for and include product packaging as a way of marketing your brand. Besides, opening a well packaged product feels good.

Merits of Investing In Pop-Up Displays

Custom counter top display
When you have a new product you are trying to market, you have to think of creative ways of getting consumers interested. Pop-up displays are an old school yet highly effective option that can work well in capturing people’s attention and boost sales. Here are a few reasons why they are worth considering.

Pop-Up display appeal

Every store will arrange products according to category. This means that each product will be grouped with competitors offering the same thing. When you have your product displayed in pop-up displays, it offers a chance to have it stand out from the crowd. This distinction is more likely to draw the attention of customers, more so than if it was just on the shelf, next to rival products.

Answer questions

Having a dedicated display for your products allows you to customize them in a variety of ways. You can offer useful information about the product and why shoppers should try it. From promotional videos to details about its health benefits, having a wholesale counter display gives a chance to answer queries even before they are asked. Ensure that whatever salespeople you have manning the display are knowledgeable on the product and the company to ably answer any questions put to them.

Pop-up display entice buyers

A colorful display that is well-positioned within the store can do much to entice shoppers to add the product to their cart. Especially if it comes off as a special offer they cannot afford to miss out on. You can offer it at a discounted price, emphasizing that it is a limited time offer. alternatively, use the displays to offer free samples. Once customers try and like it, they can then be directed to where on the shelf to make a larger purchase.

Brand boosting

With the right design of the display, you can do much to make a good impression on your brand. This can help to boost sales of both older and new products. Ensure that whatever design you use is in liken with the brand’s values that you wish consumers to identify with. Whether it is minimalism or boldness, it should tally with what your company stands for.

Pop-up displays transport

Displays are built for easy assembly and disassembly. This makes them easy to transport from one location to another. This is handy when you want to relocate your display to more advantageous locations and when repeating a campaign. Therefore, whether it is setting up for a trade show or in a supermarket, the work involved should be easy given the lightweight nature of the displays.

Custom Printed Shipping Boxes

Custom die cut mailer box
When your business involves supplying customers with physical products, presentation matters. These days, people have increasingly taken to shopping online, so businesses have had to add shipping boxes to their inventory to facilitate safe delivery. While plain brown cardboard boxes may suffice, many are opting for custom printed shipping boxes. This option may seem a greater investment, but there are several benefits attached.

  1. It is more affordable than you think. Custom jobs will naturally be costlier than plain options, but not by much. This is especially true when you time the purchase correctly and shop around. The pricing on paper products will fluctuate over time, so waiting for when the market is down will help secure you better pricing on your next custom shipping box

Doing some comparison shopping amongst box makers in and outside your area can also help. Note that bulk orders also tend to come with discounts. Consider your storage space and budget to figure out what maximum level you can order to enjoy such discounting.

  1. It can help optimize shipping costs. When you have custom shipping boxes that conform to the shape and size of your product, you can save much on shipping. It means less bulky packages and even less spent on stuffing to protect the contents from rough handling and other damages.

For businesses that cater to larger orders, it is ideal to choose sizing dimensions that allow for as much product as possible to be accommodated on a pallet. This can cut freight costs hugely.

  1. Protect delivered contents. When products are securely contained within packaging, they are less likely to suffer damage during transit. Some level of shaking and rough handling is likely to occur, especially when the package is to travel long distances.

When using a custom shipping box, the contents will fit better inside with just enough space to accommodate internal packaging materials, be they newspaper, packing peanuts, or inserts.

  1. Market your brand better. Custom printed shipping boxes offer a good opportunity to publicize your brand. You can easily display your company logo, tagline, contact details, or even a QR code on the box to let people know about your business and its offerings. Custom print designs can even include imagery that will capture the attention and imagination of viewers.
  2. Conserve the environment. Corrugated shipping boxes can be made from recycled materials. This does not compromise their strength at all. This type of manufacturing is good for the environment as it means less need to source for virgin wood and less waste. Even if not recycled, these boxes will easily decompose, without leaving much carbon footprint.

The Best Internal Packaging Materials When Shipping

Custom foam insert
When designing shipping boxes, there is usually some space allowance given between the item and the interior walls of the box. This space is not usually big, particularly with custom boxes. But it is necessary to provide space for packaging materials that will help provide added protection. These materials help to absorb shock and prevent the contents from shifting around. This padding is also important in case the box is perforated. There is less risk the product will be damaged. Here are some of the best options in interior packaging.

Foam Inserts

This is probably the most stable option for products. The foam material is typically quite rigid yet lightweight, providing an effective way for products to remain stable and insulated within a box. They are a good option for shipping & packing materials for expensive commodities like electronics whose mishandling can lead to internal damage. The inserts tend to be thick, ensuring any damage to the box does not get to the contents within. Cardboard inserts can be used for less expensive and smaller lightweight items.

Bubble Wrap

Bubble wrap offers a great cushioning effect that is ideal for protecting fragile items. It is made up of air pockets or bubbles that ably absorb shocks and vibrations, preventing the contents of the box from becoming damaged. It is one of the most lightweight packaging materials, meaning little if any added cost of shipping. There are several variations of bubble wrap including those that come with different sized “bubbles” and self-adhesive options.


Different kinds of paper can be crumpled up and stuffed around objects in a box. They can also be wrapped around the items. This helps to stabilize them and absorb any shocks during transport. If several items are being kept in the same box, this also helps to ensure they do not bang into each other causing breakage. You can use just about any paper with newspaper and brown paper often being chosen.

Packing Peanuts

Traditionally made from polystyrene, these packaging materials are great for filling up awkward spaces around products that are being boxed. When filled in a box, they provide a soft barrier around the product that can absorb shocks, shaking, jostling, and other rough handling. They can be found in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are also recyclable and biodegradable varieties that are safe for the environment. They have also been made non-toxic due to the frequent occurrence of children eating them.

Making Your Easy Fold Mailer Boxes More Striking

Custom mailer box
Mailer boxes are a great way to package products before shipping them out. Their self-locking designs and solid construction make them one of the most secure options that do not require additional packing materials. Thanks to the double-sided walls of these boxes, you are assured of better durability when compared to ordinary cardboard boxes. Easy fold mailer boxes can be customized in a variety of ways to help make them more appealing to customers. Here are a few great ideas you can apply to make the most of your mailer boxes.

Add A Sticker

Mailer boxes can be cheaply sourced in plain designs. But you do not need to send them out to customers this way. You can promote your brand and share all kinds of marketing messages by applying stickers to the box. This can be done both inside and on the outside of the box. You can also use small stickers to help seal the box. You can display different kinds of messages and contact information on these stickers to help inform your customers about your brand. Play around with different seasonal themes, colors, and imagery to make it more interesting.

Use Inserts

When it comes to stabilizing your products within mailer boxes, your best option is inserts. Cardboard inserts for big volume mailers tend to work well when it comes to smaller products and are quite affordable. You can make them more interesting by contrasting colors or adding imagery for a better visual effect. You can also design them to hold samples of other products you wish to promote to the customer.

Add A Personalized Message

Smaller businesses can easily impress clients by adding personalized messages within their easy fold mailer boxes. It could be anything from thanking them for making a purchase to letting them know you are supporting a charity by contributing a percentage of their purchase. You can also use this is to boost sales by offering a discount code on a new product or just letting them know of upcoming launches. The messages you can share are endless and will help to keep your clients informed about what your brand is up to.


While you can use your box for all types of branding, you can also opt to go the opposite direction. Sometimes less can be more. Minimalist designs tend to work well for companies that prefer to make the impression that their brand likes to keep things simple. Here the focus would be on the product contained within the box, with less busy artwork or wording on the packaging.

Why Choose Hemp Oil Inserts for Product Packaging

Hemp Oil Insert Divider
The therapeutic benefits of CBD and hemp oil have led to a growing demand for their products across the country. This has thankfully been backed by legislation in many states that now permit the sale of these products for both medicinal and recreational use.

With more people shopping for these and other products online, it has become useful to find packaging that can withstand transport difficulties. Hemp and CBD oil inserts are a good way to stabilize these tiny bottles within boxes.

Many consumers will order these bottles in bulk. It could be they fear a change in legislation, or simply want to take advantage of bulk discounts. These oils can be kept for many years. As long as the bottles are kept away from sunlight, airtight, and refrigerated, the contents can remain viable for years to come. The tinted glass bottles in which the oils come do a good job of offering this protection, and are great for keeping refrigerated for prolonged periods.

To further support these protective efforts, it is also vital to ensure that the shipping boxes are just as effective. The boxes should be of a thickness that will not allow the glass bottles to easily break. They should also ideally include suitably sized CBD and hemp oil inserts. As said, this will help keep the bottles stable within the box.

It will also prevent them from bumping into each other in transit, possibly breaking and causing leaks. Not only will it compromise the cardboard of the box, but it also means a loss of valuable merchandise that the seller will need to cover. Inserts make for better protection than alternative packing material like newspaper or packing peanuts.

Be sure to consult with your box manufacturer on the dimensions of your boxes. The thickness of the box walls should be matched to their weight to avoid the risk of bottles falling out and being damaged.

You may also want to consider shipping boxes that you print useful information on. This should ideally be on the inside of the box for the sake of discretion. It is ideal to include valuable info like directions on how to use the product, dosage, and ingredients. This should be on labels on the bottles, or you can add it to a leaflet included in the box. You can also have a QR code printed on the box that will lead anyone that scans it to a webpage detailing all this info. There are various ways you can connect our buyers to value-adding information like this.

Cutting Costs on Custom Mailer Box Orders

Custom Mailer Box Cookie Crate
The custom mailer box is an excellent choice when you have a product you wish to present to clients attractively. They are come with a handy self-locking design and make for a great way to display products. They also work well in keeping items stable and protected when in transit. This makes it more likely the items will arrive in as good a condition as they left the premises. Their solid construction also makes it likely that customers will end up storing them for reuse. An attribute that is appreciated by those that support eco-friendly manufacturing processes.

However, all these benefits may not be enough justification for businesses to choose this particular type of box for their merchandise. The main consideration for many has to do with cost and its impact on their profits. Let’s look at a few reasons why custom printed mailer boxes can also prove beneficial in creating cost savings.

Custom mailer box-order in bulk

Box manufacturers have a common policy of offering discounts on bulk orders. Whatever the type of box, the larger the order, the more of a discount that is provided. This can be a big benefit to businesses as it means a lower cost per unit of box ordered. This goes directly towards lowering expenses and boosting profit.

Small custom mailer box

Smaller sized boxes tend to make more economical sense for businesses. First, because for retail businesses, most orders tend to be small. Therefore, these are the boxes that will get the most use. Second, even for larger orders, it can make more sense to break them down into smaller sized boxes rather than one large box. This helps to distribute the weight better and reduce the risk of damage from items bumping into each other while in transit. Thirdly, breaking them up into smaller packages can make for lower shipping costs.

Track Pricing

Like many other commodities in the market, paper products will from time to time suffer price fluctuations. Keeping track of these fluctuations can provide an opportunity to make good savings. Especially if you order in bulk and do not have an immediate need for a new supply. You can afford to wait longer while tracking prices and make your order when there is a dip.

Packing Material Vs Inserts

Comparison pricing should not just be about the custom mailer box alone. While you should seek quotations on this from different manufacturers, also consider how you will be packing products within. Check on how much packing materials are costing you and consider this against having the manufacturer provide inserts for your products instead.

How Paper Food Packaging Has Boosted Food Safety

Food Packaging
Despite all the challenges we face today in terms of contagious diseases and water shortages, food safety is at an all-time peak thanks in part to the innovative and safety-conscious designs of current food packaging.

Food packaging clean transport

Manufacturers of the corrugated cardboard boxes used to ship fresh produce and packaged foods ensure a sterile manufacturing environment. The paper materials themselves usually go through a sterilization process that ensures no contamination of products that are later packaged within. This means that the boxes are delivered in a safe condition that should prove safe for storing foodstuffs. Contamination not only increases the risk of illness for consumers but can also compromise the shelf life of the food products.

Safe Transport

Corrugated cardboard boxes are also thick enough to ensure minimal effect on packaged foods within. This reduces the risk of bruising to the produce, and that what gets to consumers is in the best condition possible. Damaged food products can prove a financial loss to manufacturers or other suppliers. The resulting food waste can be detrimental when consumers shy away from choosing that stock.


Some of the boxes used for packaging food come with self-closing designs that are often bolstered by the use of adhesives. They provide an easy means to check on tampering of products. Consumers will typically avoid food packaging products that seem to have already been opened. This has helped reduce incidents of contaminated food getting to people’s plates.

Food Preservation

Boxes are often the first line of defense from external factors that could lead to damage. Dry food often needs sealed plastic packaging that offers additional safety from moisture, pests, air, and bacteria. This helps to extend the shelf life, flavor, and appearance of the food for longer. The controlled environment also aids in preventing contamination that can harm consumers.

Safer Food Packaging

While plastics do play a role in helping to better preserve foods, they do also come with certain health risks. Especially from the phthalate content. Packaging materials made from paper tend to be safer to use, especially where heat is applied, like in the microwave. Or, when there is some risk of chemicals leaching into the food. Even government bodies do recommend food grade paper packaging as a safer option to reduce exposure to chemicals.

Food packaging information

Food packaging will often include printed material. This is often a combination of branding and information sharing. Details such as health advisories and ingredients are important for food safety. They can help those with food allergies, other health conditions, or dietary requirements make better food choices.

Reasons To Order Large Shipping Boxes In Bulk

Heavy Duty Shipping Box
As long as you have goods to ship, you will naturally require boxes in various sizes. Luckily, businesses can easily order large and small shipping boxes in customized designs from box manufacturers. It is advisable to include a bulk order of large shipping boxes for several key reasons.

Large shipping box cost

This is perhaps the most vital benefit as it can have a significant impact on the business bottom line. When ordering items in bulk, manufacturers will often grant their clients generous discounts. The bigger the order, the larger the discount. These savings mean a reduction in expenses and a better profit margin for the business. It can also help save on transport costs when you have a large order. It translates into fewer orders for boxes to be delivered and thus lower overall transport costs.

Easy Storage

Large shipping boxes may seem cumbersome but in reality, they do not take up much space when delivered from the manufacturer. They come flattened out in such a way as to require minimal storage space. Even for businesses with limited storage, they can often be squeezed into small spaces like attics, under stairs, and behind shelves. Business owners need not struggle to look for a place to store them, even for long periods. It is however best to ensure the storage area is kept dry to avoid moisture interfering with the structural integrity of the corrugated boxes.

Customer Deliveries

Whatever product your brand sells, you will likely have to deal with orders of varied sizes. Larger shipping boxes will most certainly come into need for bulk orders. Even individual customers may order larger quantities that would not make practical sense to send in an individual small shipping box. The extra room inside of larger boxes also makes it easier to protect products. You can more easily wrap them up in newspaper, bubble wrap, or packing peanuts, providing extra protection and cushioning that will better ensure the products arrive at their destination undamaged.

Large shipping box customization

Larger boxes can just as easily be customized as smaller boxes. Whether it is flexographic or digital printing, there are several ways and many colors that can be incorporated. The impact of customization may even be better given how more visible any branding will be on a larger box. From prints of the company logo to the web address of the business site, more people will be able to catch a glimpse of valuable info that could translate to more interest in your brand and traffic to your website.

Why Partner With An Environmentally Conscious Packaging Company

Custom cardboard box
If you look up a packaging company in your city, chances are a long list will come up. But not all packaging companies are made equal. It has become increasingly important to identify those that share the same values as your own. And one value that should be key in today’s climate is environmental consciousness.

We exist and rely on this world for our survival. We are therefore obligated to care for it, not just for ourselves, but also for future generations that will be impacted by our actions. It has become clear that how we consume has a significant impact on the environment. From the food we eat to how we travel, it all matters.

Businesses are having to increasingly invest in product packaging. This is mostly due to online shopping that is more convenient and safer. Items that would previously be picked from the shelves by shoppers now have to be wrapped and boxed up before being handed over to carriers. In choosing this packaging, it is best to go with an eco-friendly packaging company.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Ecofriendly packaging companies work hard to reduce their carbon footprint. They try to sell the bulk of their ware to local businesses to cut back on carbon emissions from shipping. They also advise clients on optimal dimensions for packaging. This reduces the amount of wasted space within boxes that means extra shipping costs, and less material going into construction.

Recyclable Products

Recyclable packaging is great for the environment as it means less waste ending up in landfills. The recycled boxes can be easily broken down and used to manufacture new boxes. This manufacturing process utilizes far less energy than when having to process raw materials.

Lower Cost

Environmentally conscious packaging companies that recycle suffer lower production costs. As said, the cost of processing recycled materials tends to be lower. The packaging solution designs they create also tend to be well engineered. They are thinner and tougher, meaning less material use and cost. These savings are passed on to their customers who enjoy lower pricing on their packaging material orders.


At the end of their life cycle, these packaging products can easily degrade. This means that even if thrown out into the environment, they easily disintegrate without much emissions or other lingering waste. Water resources and soils are also left undamaged as compared to traditional packaging like plastics that have proven problematic. Ecofriendly packaging is not printed on with toxic inks or coatings, hence no leaching of dangerous chemicals into the environment.

Reasons To Buy A Wholesale Corrugated Box For Shipping Clothes

Custom shipping box
Online shopping sites have become increasingly well versed on how to market their clothing lines. They now do a much better job of taking pictures of items, on hangers and when worn by models. They also make sure to display them from various angles and in a mix of colors. This helps shoppers to shop more confidently as they have a clear idea of what they are buying.

They have also had to become smarter about how to ship them. While a polythene bag may have once sufficed, many are now opting for a wholesale corrugated box. Here’s why.


Corrugated boxes are surprisingly lightweight, even with multiple flutes. Since clothing is also lightweight, you need only minimal thickness to ensure sufficient stacking strength and insulation. The minimal added weight from the box makes carrying the item around easy. It also means a little added cost of shipping. Shipping costs are mainly pegged n weight so it helps to know not much is added to the scale.


Besides the saving on shipping, these boxes are quite affordable in themselves. Corrugated boxes are already quite affordable. When you order locally made San Diego shipping boxes in bulk, you get the added benefit of discounts. The larger the order, the greater the discount. And if you order locally, it can also mean lower shipping costs of the boxes themselves to your facility. It all breaks down to a very low unit price that is not even worth passing on to the buyer when settling orders.

Distant Shipping

To make the most of online shopping, businesses need to be able to offer their commodities far and wide. Sometimes that means shipping very great distances. This comes with all kinds of exposure that calls for strong packaging. A wholesale corrugated box comes with a tensile strength that makes it ideal to protect products for long periods and long distances.


Packing clothing items in boxes allows them to arrive at their final destination in a presentable manner. When in polythene bags they often suffer all kinds of folding and crumbling that wrinkles the fabric. If reasonably handled in a box, the contents are unboxed as they were originally boxed. Sometimes the ink from plastic packaging will even transfer to the fabrics, further damaging the product. Corrugated boxes are however organic and insulating. Clothing items should be able to arrive in a safe and blemish-free condition every time.

The Merits Of Custom Packaging For Farm Produce

Fruit Box Cardboard
Farming has become a growing business for many households across the globe. Now that people are staying home more, those with some land to spare are taking up this activity as a way to keep busy, save money on groceries, and make money. Those with a surplus that allows them to sell may find it beneficial to invest in some custom packaging for their produce.

Light in Weight

A cardboard custom box is quite lightweight and easy to handle. No matter the size. And if you are selling farm produce, you need packaging that will not add too much to the scale and is not tough to lug around.

Customizable Design

You can work with your box manufacturer to have any variety of designs applied to the custom box. From images to italicized writing, you can find different ways to make the packaging appealing and personalized. This can be done using non-toxic inks that would ensure your produce remains healthy and safe to consume even if they come in contact.

Customizable Size

If supplying stores and other sellers, you will likely want boxes that can fit on standard pallets. This can also work if you are direct selling produce that is loosely packed. You can also offer prepackaged products for retail sale. You can have custom boxes made to smaller specifications for this.

Soft Construction

While cardboard can have a good tensile strength that makes it able to support much heavier weights, it is also somewhat soft. The walls of these boxes have a cushioning effect. This is very useful with farm produce that can easily be bruised or otherwise damaged in transit. You can ensure your produce gets to market in the kind of unblemished state that appeals to shoppers.

Support Local Business

Custom cardboard packaging can often be found locally. It is ideal to choose a manufacturer that is locally based for multiple reasons. It is good practice to support local businesses like your own. It is a boon to the local economy and helps keep jobs around. It also means less hipping of the boxes to their ultimate destination of use. This is good for the environment as it means a lower carbon footprint.

Low Cost

Custom packaging that is made of cheap material like cardboard is easy to afford. For small businesses or farms with little money to spare, this is a benefit. Even if they make a small order of custom packaging from the manufacturer, the purchase cost should still be low. If they decide to pass on this expense to shoppers, it rarely adds much to unit prices.

What To Consider Before Investing In Double Wall Shipping Boxes

Heavy duty shipping box tripple wall
Businesses have to consider a variety of factors when choosing custom packaging for their products. One common consideration is whether to invest in heavy-duty packaging. Options like triple or double wall shipping boxes offer some extra layers of protection that single walled boxes cannot provide.

But this thicker construction means some added cost when ordering packaging materials. Should businesses, especially small ones, bother with this added expense? Let’s discuss.

Financial Risk

Whatever products you are in the business of selling, you want to ensure that they arrive at their destination in good condition. Failure to this, you may be obligated to make a replacement. These are all additional costs that can badly eat into your bottom line. They can also negatively impact your reputation with clients when they realize that your items keep arriving broken or otherwise damaged. Making use of strong packaging like double or triple wall shipping boxes improves the chances of your product arriving in a safe condition.

Shipping Safety

There is a gap between when goods leave the business and arrive at the intended destination. There is often a lot of handling by shippers. Sometimes between different kinds of transport. This is especially common where the business caters to long-distance or overseas orders. This lifting, dragging, and other handling can cause a fair amount of wear and tear on the packaging. With the extra layers that come with double and triple wall shipping boxes, the packaging can better withstand this kind of stress.


Even with the normal wear and tear that cardboard boxes suffer, it helps that some of their designs allow for good reuse. With extra layers to the walls, the boxes can retain their shape and strength for a long time. This can allow them to be easily reused for a variety of reasons. Many moving companies will reuse the same boxes repeatedly for various clients. They save much money in being able to do so before they become too worn. Even ordinary customers at home appreciate good double wall shipping boxes they can use for storage purposes.


Just because these boxes are heavy-duty, does not mean they cannot be recycled. Once they are no longer useful to the owner, they can be handed in for recycling. This means they get to be broken down and used as raw material in the making of new boxes. This is beneficial to the environment as it reduces reliance on virgin wood material for manufacturing and there is less energy use as well.

Reasons to Invest In Custom Packaging for Corporate Gifts

Software packaging box
Corporate gift-giving has become standard practice for all sizes of businesses. There is a better understanding that by doing this, organizations can help to reinforce their ties with business partners, suppliers, and clients. It is often done during major holiday periods like Christmas and New Year’s. It can however also be done when celebrating milestones like years of operation, or when given a business award.

Whatever the occasion being marked, it is worthwhile investing in custom packaging for the corporate gifts that will be given out. While it may seem to be an extravagance to buy telescoping or setup boxes for this, there is some sound reasoning behind it.

Brand Promotion

When packaging products or gifts in specialty boxes, it offers an opportunity to indulge in a little brand promotion. Reinforcing the memory of the brand in the minds of gift recipients is a good way to subliminally ensure they keep you in mind. the branding does not even have to be aggressive. Just a business logo on a bag or gift box can be enough. You can make creative use of other features like note cards and QR codes to share additional company or product information.

Imparts Luxuriant Feel

Custom packaging help to give a more luxurious feel to even the most basic of gift items. A beautifully packaged calendar or fountain pen may not be all that expensive, but when the box itself is appealing, it gladdens the heart already. Investing in packaging products of a superior quality helps to upgrade the value of whatever gift item you give out. The better impression can help make your brand more memorable.

Makes for A Unique Experience

Unboxing has become a popular activity. The anticipation of waiting to see what is beneath the packaging can make for an exciting experience. There is an entire niche of social media videos devoted to this phenomenon. Even when the contents are not all that impressive, the business gains credit for choosing an attractive and quality packaging design and material.

Flexible Design Choices

Being customized means that you can change up designs at will. you can pick a new theme for every event and tailor the packaging accordingly. Even with a predictable round of corporate gifts, changing up the exterior can help make for a more delightful experience. From color to branding there are multiple ways you can mix things up to make each gift-giving experience feel different.

Benefits of Using Folding Cardboard Boxes

Printed Folding Carton One Color
The moving business has become highly lucrative with much demand for the service on both domestic and commercial fronts. People now find it easier to have professionals step in when they want to relocate.

Besides the heavy lifting, people also enjoy having many of their items set up again. From home theatre systems to arranging crockery on kitchen shelves, it makes the move easier when you do not have to rearrange things yourself.

Folding cardboard boxes have now become an essential aspect of the moving business. They are the preferred choice of packaging for several key reasons.


Despite the remarkable lightweight nature of cardboard boxes, they can be exceedingly strong. Heavy-duty varieties that are made with corrugated fiberboard are particularly helpful in handling heavy objects. This is very useful when you want to securely transport heavy items. The extra layering helps to support the weight, while also providing protective padding that prevents damage from impact.


Being foldable is very helpful to shipping and moving companies. This allows them to easily store their stock of cardboard boxes when not in use or transit. They can be laid out flat, taking up minimal space. It also means that the boxes can easily be ordered in bulk quantities. Many a folding cartons manufacturer offers deep discounts the larger the order that is placed. So moving companies get to optimize on spacing while minimizing cost.


Moving firms often enjoy much-repeated use out of their stock of cardboard boxes. When carefully handled, they can retain their structural integrity for long periods, allowing the movers to keep reusing them for long periods. Even in cases where the client decides to buy the boxes, they too can enjoy many years of repeated use of these boxes. They can be used to stash away items in the attic, basement, or garage without much worry. Especially when kept away from damp conditions.


Once folding cardboard boxes are no longer reusable, they can often be recycled. This means they can be broken down and used to manufacture new boxes. This is beneficial to the environment as it means less need to source virgin raw materials from trees. Given the high use of cardboard boxes in the moving business, it is a key source of such materials for recycling plants.


Cardboard boxes are produced at a cheap cost by the folding cartons manufacturer. Given the highly competitive nature of the industry, it often means that those that buy these finished boxes also get low pricing. For moving companies that have a strong need for the product, the discounts on bulk purchases add to the cost saving benefit.

3 Basics in Using a Custom Printed Box

Custom shipping regular slotted carton box
Probably you may be asking yourself, “Why does packaging exist, in the first place?” There are many reasons why manufacturers, retailers, and shipping companies used packaging boxes. Also, the applications or purposes of the packaging boxes are evolving. In the past, you could have boxes used to just package a product with the aim of protecting it and ensuring it arrives in good shape. With time, the users of the packaging products have discovered ways in which they can utilize them more productively – like using a double-sword approach – to protect items and inform the consumers. If you have a custom printed box you will use it to protect what you have put inside among other uses like promoting the brand.

So, what are the main aims of today’s packaging boxes?

1. Protecting Items or Products Inside

The principal reason you order for a packaging solution is to place the products to protect them. There is a lot of activity in the distribution chain – a product moves through different locations and needs protection. Even when it’s placed on the shelves in the retail store, it should be protected from mishandling or unexpected falls. A packaging box will help serve this purpose and ensure during the shelve-life of the product or during shipment, it is in proper form and doesn’t suffer damages.

2. Delivering the Product Safely

When talking about the delivery of a product, it simply implies transportation. When a product is in transit, it is exposed to many risks, including damage from weather, poor handling, and other elements. A packaging box helps ensure that the product is transported safely to the destination – whether via land, sea, or air transport. During the time products are being transported or shipped, they need to be packed properly. So, it’s not just about the packaging, but how you do it. You need to ensure the items don’t move around the box. You can use various techniques to ensure the packaged products are held firmly in place without movements.

3. Communicating to Audiences

Today, brands are using packaging boxes to pass across their brand messages. You have boxes that are printed with highly curated messages about a brand. They are used as a marketing tool for a business or brand. Depending on what you want to communicate with the customers, you can have a customized message printed on the boxes. An important thing to mention here is that brands are getting more creative so that they distinguish themselves from their competitors. The area of communication is one of the design aspects companies capitalize on to place them above the competition.

When designing the boxes, businesses need to understand their customers. They need to know their audiences and what they expect to see as brand information on the packaging boxes. It’s likely that customers don’t have all the time to read every other detail placed on the box, so being smart, precise, targeted, and to the point is a good idea.

A packaging box can make or break a brand in different ways. If you have a box that isn’t firm enough, it can expose the products to damage. The product could arrive in a box that is tattered or torn out giving a bad impression about your brand. Also, if the design isn’t attractive, it could give a plain, or just-the-ordinary feeling to the customer who receives the products. You can spruce up the unboxing experience customers have when they receive your products by having customized box designs. The simple changes in packaging box designs can help you create an emotional attachment between the customer and the product you sell.

Point of Purchase Displays vs Point of Sale Displays: What’s the Difference?

Custom counter top display
POP or Point of Purchase refers to in-store areas where interaction between customers and products occur. It can be something like the shelf facings, promotional materials, or specialized Point of Purchase displays. POP is where a customer is considering buying a product. On the other hand, POS or Point of Purchase refers to interactions between customers and products in the area where the actual sale of products happens. These interactions occur near the checkout area in a retail store or the register. POS displays are found close to the checkout area.

POP Displays for Retail Stores

Retail stores have various sales strategies aimed at boosting sales of products. POP displays offer an intuitive way to place products directly into the path of shoppers in a retail store. Apart from the regular aisle shelf, you can add facings using these displays and shoppers will be more likely to select your products over those of competitors.

POP displays are designed for larger products or larger quantities of products. The products that feature in these displays are those already likely to be on the customers’ shopping list. They can also be used for temporary promotions and sales. In-store owners use POP displays to push different packaging options and raise brand awareness. The displays are versatile and ensure the mobility of the display.

POS Displays for Retail Stores

Retail stores use POS displays because they are placed in locations that almost guarantee the shoppers will see or encounter the product during their shopping since every shopper has to check out at the register or checkout counter. These displays are ideal for products that perhaps don’t appear on the shoppers’ shopping list. However, encountering the products can trigger a purchase.

POS displays work best for smaller products like bottled soft drinks, candy bars, and cosmetic products such as lip balms or even magazines, pens, and batteries. Brands may use the displays to push promotions. Point of Sale displays provoke impulse buys while also being able to raise brand awareness.

The Wrap Up

POP displays occupy floor spaces within a store, but they could also be found on walls and windows. They take the form of signs and are considered an ideal way to help brands raise awareness about new products, promotions, and specialty packaging, for example, a pack of six beverage bottles rather than a single bottle. When it comes to POS, they serve a similar purpose to POP – to draw the attention of shoppers to your product. Think of the magazine racks you find next to the counter or the confectionery displays that you pass by while completing your purchase at the cashier.

When deciding on what designs to use for your Point of Purchase display, you need to look at the branding, communication, color themes, location, and space. With corrugated POP displays, they are sturdy and can be customized to feature the design elements you want depending on the audience you are targeting and the products you are promoting or selling. An important thing to mention here is that you should make the design unique so that it stands out.

food packaging baking mix

Top 5 Qualities of Food Grade Packaging Cartons

food packaging baking mix
Packaging helps preserve food quality and attracts customers. Whether it’s snacks or chocolate, it’s the packaging that attracts customers. In this competitive retail environment, you want your food products to sell over those of competitors. Food packaging makes your products stand out on the shelves while also protecting them from physical, environmental, and chemical elements. If you are going to be competitive, you need to ensure you check the latest packaging trends and design your food packaging cartons bearing in mind the trends. So what are the five qualities for food grade packaging cartons?

1. Preservation and Protection

Packaging boxes should be able to preserve the quality of food and protect it from contaminants. Having improper food package, it can affect not only the food quality but also the taste. Properly packaged foods in quality paperboard boxes are free from contamination. The packaging helps support the shelf life of the products.

2. Protective Shipping and Distribution

The package of your product should ensure that it is shipped safely. The shipping process is one that has many risks and when you have products that are not properly packaged or they are packed in poorly designed cartons, they can be damaged. The boxes you use should be able to bear the shipping rigors and ensure the products arrive in good condition. You eliminate losses and disputes when you use cartons that are designed to be strong and protective.

3. Influence Consumer Purchasing Behaviour

Many customers judge the quality of food from the package it is packed. The design of the packaging comes in handy when you want to influence people’s buying behavior. The color schemes, the appearance, the style, the message – all these elements help with branding your product. If you are packaging dairy products like milk, you may consider featuring white as the main color of the packaging because it conveys purity and simplicity. Orange packaging reflects energy and fun and can be used for summer beverages and sports drinks.

4. Branding your Product

You can use the packaging to send brand messages to your audiences. When the customers open the packages, they find messages that are exciting. On the shelves, you also want to pass across your brand message in style and instantly. Don’t make customers struggle to get the message outright. The design should ensure it features the most essential information or images for branding your packaging and product. Today, packaging, like many other products, is going minimalistic. You need to consider such trends when designing the food-grade cartons.

5. Consumer Experience

Food packaging boxes can offer consumer experience by providing information that helps the customer understand how to use the products. For example, you can get freshness labels or information printed on the boxes to tell the customers how long the food is going to stay before it expires. Great packaging can create a memorable customer experience because it not only brings out a great unboxing experience, but also has important information for the consumer.

These are the main qualities of food packaging, so when you seek cartons to package your food product, make sure you look into these things. A food packaging box can have different design options. Paperboard is a common packaging material that is used to ensure product safety and preservation. It is 100% recycled and can feature different surface coatings as well as creative die-cutting options. For the consumer, food packaging offers them a reflection of what is contained inside. If the design looks great, the consumer assumes the products inside are also great or of high quality. For the brand, packaging can be a way of communicating with potential consumers or building brand identity.

Improve Your Custom Shipping Box Design

Custom Shipping Box
If your products are going to sell, you want to re-imagine the design of the packaging. Selling products in retail stores is exciting, however, when you look at how the packaging appears when the product is on the shelf, it may be disheartening. Getting customers to notice your products is a big challenge for many companies, and often, packaging design is a culprit. Competition is high and if you’re going to stand out from the crowd, you need a unique packaging design for your custom shipping box. These three strategies can help you spruce up the look and feel of your packaging:

Know What Appeals your Customers

Whether you are selling products online or you are selling in traditional retail stores, you should know your customers. Customers are finding that there are more options for products than ever, so when you make yours stand out, that can make the difference between customers buying your products or not buying. If the product you are selling is being offered by multiple companies, and that’s pretty so, your packaging may be the only factor that lures customers to pick your products over those of your competitors. Your packaging cartons should feature a design that resonates with what customers want to see.

Even for eCommerce businesses, the image of the packaging they provide on their website can help draw the attention of the audience to click and learn more about the product. You only have seconds to influence the customer and packaging stands so close to making the impact on a customer.

Be Different or Unique

When you critically think about it, you find that the first interaction customers have with your products is the packaging. They hold the packaging, feel it, see it, and imagine it. The packaging creates the first impression and tells something about what’s inside. If the packaging doesn’t look appealing, then the product may not be appealing. When designing, think about the audience you are targeting. Does it resonate with their packaging demands or interests? Would they love to see the product in such a package? It is something they can adore?

Whether it’s the colors, text, shape, size, the carton window, or die-cut design – it should be unique. When thinking about the uniqueness of the design, look at how your packaging is going to be presented to the customer. On the shelves, there are other products and all have packaging designs. So you want to come up with something that is going to be different from what’s around the retail aisle.

Include Only the Product’s Essentials

You want to have a simple, yet impactful packaging design, and it doesn’t have to cost you more or make you try harder than everyone else. Nowadays, being minimalist is a trend, and you don’t want to deviate too far from what’s happening in the design market. Try to be less with your design and include only the essentials about the product within the packaging.

Customers don’t have the time to read a heavy brand message on the packaging. Have some two or so benefits of the product on the packaging – it will provide a touchpoint for the customers to gain interest in your product. From there, they can begin to learn what’s all about your product. Customers are really getting tired of reading the same aggressive messaging on the packaging. You can save your packaging from that mess and give it some space to breathe with less brand messaging. This will go a long way in attracting customers because the packaging feels and looks refreshing.

Your packaging can change the way people think and perceive your brand. It can create a brand perception in the customers’ minds. Ensure you think about the design options you have and consider – minimalistic, unique, less, clear and simple, and strong printed shipping boxes for your packaging needs.

Customer Experience with a Custom Mailer Box

Custom Mailer Box
Businesses use various packaging options depending on what products they are shipping and their customer needs. Whether you need gift wrapping, a secure shipping packaging, or a custom mailer box, you want to make the customer have a great experience. If you are shipping products to customers, mailer boxes can help ensure product integrity. Also, if you are thinking of branding your boxes, take into account how many more sets of eyes are going to see your package while in transit. This can lead to additional purchases. Having said that, how can you create a memorable cardboard box?

Think Protection First

Mailer boxes are a common packaging solution, especially in these times when you can have your items shipped from just anywhere in the world. You need to think about the functionality of the package. The main reason that you are packaging a product is to ensure it’s delivered intact. Protection comes in the forefront, so make sure the mailer box is strong enough to offer protection while the product is being shipped. The walls of the cardboard box cushion the product from physical damage. It also reduces the impact of temperatures that may harm the product.

Design Creativity

Typically, mailer boxes come as plain, grey cartons. While this is an ideal, safe solution, it won’t be remembered by many customers. Today, businesses want to make their products stand out and the packaging can offer that solution. You can change the shape of the box and decorate it with attractive colors. If you are shipping products for children like toys or some funny gadgets, you can make the boxes more playful.

Kids would love to play with the boxes when they unbox the package. Make it ready for DIY kids’ play activities like drawing and painting. While this may not seem like a big deal, it will cause numerous children to find enjoyment from your packaging.

When printing the boxes, create some witty, brilliant phrases to help with branding your products and company. Use graphics and short texts to tell your story – have a short picture story. You may even consider printing information about recycling cardboard so that the customers know you are committed to caring about the environment.

Facilitating Easy Transportation

A customized packaging solution needs to be lightweight and handy. It should be easy to handle – whether you are setting it up in a truck or on-board a ship or even on an aircraft. Cardboard boxes are designed to be lightweight so that they allow easy handling while at the same time ensuring the product doesn’t get damaged.

These things can help you when you want to design your cardboard mailer boxes. Protection of the product while shipping should come first in the design. You can then think out-of-the-box on the branding and communication with the customers using the packaging. Make sure that you know what appeals to your customers when it comes to packaging design – and provide just that. It will help create a memorable unboxing experience.

Tips for Shipping Heavy Duty Shipping Boxes

Heavy Duty Shipping Boxes
If you are packing and shipping items that are heavy, you may experience challenges with the packaging. You need to have packaging like heavy duty shipping boxes that are not only strong, but also more protective compared to the standard shipment or shipping of lightweight items. Heavier shipments may be moved by forklift instead of human power at some point during transportation and shipping, especially when switching trucks several times. Here are tips to help you when shipping products using large boxes:

Have a durable Packaging

You need to choose packaging materials made of corrugated cardboard because they are strong enough to be able to withstand the weight of the stacked packages during shipping. An extra layer of protection may also be added in the box on the sides, bottom or at the top of the shipment to ensure the products are well protected. Having reinforced water-activated tape on the bottom area of the box also provides another layer of protection.

Wrapping and Cushioning the Items

You can have heavier items placed in the middle of the box to preventing tilting when being carried. Air pillows come in handy when you want to protect the items, so placing a thick layer of the air pillows is going to work great for you. If there is empty space in the box, you need to fill it. Ensure that the item doesn’t move inside the box. Shipping fragile items such as heavy vases or mugs require you to provide more clearance. You can use cushions to protect the vases in the box from things like dropping and punctures.

Shape the Shipment

When you have packed and sealed the shipment, you can give it a shake. Ensure the items inside are not moving around in the box. If there is something in the box moving, it can smash other fragile items and potentially crush the packaging material. If there is shifting or rattling when you shake the box, you should consider repacking it the proper way.

Heavy items are susceptible to damage when being moved through the supply chain and there is a need to have proper packaging and pack the items properly.

When shipping items with more weight, you need to ensure that the products are not being subjected to things like the vibration from trucks and conveyors and they can withstand dropping. Also, ensure that they don’t experience compression on the sides from things like indiscriminate stacking. You can ensure these things by doing a better job on packing using large shipping boxes that are designed to be firm, strong, and resistant to elements as well as things like compression from stacking.

Reasons Businesses Use Printed Foldable Boxes

Printed Foldable Boxes
A foldable carton provides economical packing solutions to businesses. If you want to promote or display products and generate good sales, you can consider using printed foldable boxes. The cartons can be customized in design so that they securely hold the product you are selling or a package of the product. Various industries including personal care, cosmetics, electronics, and food can utilize folding cartons to make their products stand out from the competition. Here are the top reasons why businesses can use folding boxes:


Being made of high-grade paperboard or kraft chipboard, folding boxes come in different weights and thicknesses. Having a carton that is structurally sound ensures that you keep the items secure. You can securely ship your products to customers, ensuring that you don’t have complaints about products or items that have become damaged during the shipping and transportation process.

Have Creative Designs

Folding box designers use creative designs to design packaging boxes that are attractive. Using creative designs for the cartons enhances product visibility and increases sales. The packaging may be printed in a full-color process or several colors using different coatings and finishes. Depending on what products you want to package and your design preferences, you can choose a design that is unique to your business. Manufacturing companies and retail stores can take advantage of creative designs when designing folding cartons to help in branding.


In most cases, folding cartons tend to be shipped flat, something that lowest the freight costs. If you were to ship cartons or packaging boxes when they are already assembled, it would mean that you pay more because of the space they occupy. The folding cartons can be assembled on your business premises and they are easy to erect. As businesses seek strategies and ways to reduce their operational costs and other expenses, the revenue they save by having the folding cartons shipped to their location not assembled goes a long way to help reduce the overall business costs.

In essence, folding packaging can feature different designs including clear windows to help show off your items even without having to open the boxes. The inside of the cartons can also be printed with information about the product, your brand, or user instructions ensuring that you add value to your products. If you would want to enhance your product features and add value to the products, you should consider creating folding boxes that are uniquely designed to meet your packaging and business branding needs.

Product Shipping with a Customized Box

triple wall shipping box
Packaging of products is something that businesses and product manufacturers should thoughtfully think about. When you are shipping products, you don’t just want to deliver them to the customers, you also want the customers to have a unique unboxing experience. The kind of packing material you use can make or break that experience the customers gets when he or she first opens the boxes to access their product. Custom print boxes come in handy when you want to ship a product in style while also ensuring great protection and enhanced customer experience.

Specialty Box Designs

Custom shipping boxes can be designed to have a variety of logo print options. It’s exciting when the long-awaited package gets to your doorstep with a distinctive logo. There are many ways you can customize the design aspects of your packaging materials from regular cardboard with 2-color prints to the more premium-grade printing done across the entire packaging box. You will be able to give the package an unmistakable look. When ordering the packaging material, you can search the style you want and even include specialty designs like die-cut boxes and display boxes or windowed boxes.

Custom Shipping Tape

You don’t have to use the same, boring clear or brown color for the shipping tape. There are great choices of tapes you can get having a brand logo and colors. You can have shipping tapes with branding features printed on them. They can also be designed with great looking colors to offer the visual appeal you need for the customers.

Mailer boxes with Cushioning and Inserts

When designing packages for products, you can use box insert pieces to help protect the product while shipping or in storage spaces. When you’re shipping products like perfumes, for instance, you want them to not only sit on the box firmly held but also appear elegant. Things like inserts in the boxes to make your products appear unique and create a better experience for the customers. If you are running a monthly mailer service, for instance, you can have custom top-folded boxes with numerous inserts designed to cushion the products you are shipping while also offering display. The inner dividers may be customized depending on the product you ship.

The responsibility of shipping products safely and securely lies with the seller. You need to make sure you protect the package from things like mishandling and misuse by having the right packaging material. The structural integrity of the customized box is something you need to keep in mind when designing the packing materials.

Impulse Purchases with Cardboard Displays

Cardboard Displays
When customers walk into a retail store, they interact with the products in different ways. Businesses need to strategize ways in which they can enhance the customer-product engagement and interaction process. The way you display your products can help attract and lure customers to make purchases. Cardboard displays at point of purchase allow you to display promotional products in locations where customers can see them easily.

POS Displays Intended for Private Label Brands

While brands can position themselves to boost sales using product displays, retailers can also use these tools to help in promoting their private label brands. It is important that retailers highlight their brands. Using displays at the point of purchase adds touch points between the brands and shoppers. When you have the displays featuring items that are on sale and advertised or featured on flyers, the displays offer logistical function. You can place the displays in strategic locations near the point of purchase.

Adding Purchase Incentives with POP Displays

When introducing a new product or selling a discontinued item, you can consider displaying advertising in your retail store. You can also highlight special sale items, occasional or seasonal promotions and other items that you would want them to move past. The design of your packaging along with the display can play an important role when it comes to selling seasonal goods. When you guide a customer by using a brand story along the shopper journey, you are able to make the customer associate with your brand. This increases the chances of the customer wanting to purchase a product on the display.

Triggering Impulse Purchases

Point of purchase displays tend to trigger problem recognition response, which is the concept behind impulse buying. Most of the products you will find displayed at the point of sale are those that aren’t usually on the top-of-mind of the consumer. Creating a visual exposure to those products helps the customers realize that they might need a certain product to help solve a particular problem. This way, they are able to purchase the product even though it was not on the list of to-purchase items.

There are different kinds of point of sale displays including counter displays, shelf-talkers, floor displays, light-boxes, and countertop displays. These displays are designed to engage the customers in different ways within the retail store. You can use the display box to showcase products such as soft drinks, souvenirs, chewing gums, chocolate bars, lighters, bulk sold items and candies.

Custom Packaging Box Insert and Dividers

Box insert
The packaging box insert pieces go beyond the basic styles of designing packaging materials. Inserts can work great when shipping small glass bottles, jewelry, and jars of lightweight, however, if you have to ship heavier products, they may not protect the products because they may collapse. So why would you want to use inserts and partitions when shipping products:

Extra Protection for Products

Some products are just too fragile to ship them without placing inserts or partitions on the packaging box. When packing items like small glasses or even cups and mugs, you can consider the extra protection offered by box partitions and inserts. These box accessories allow the items to sit firmly on the box, meaning that they cannot move, shake around, or knock against the walls of the box when they are being shipped or transported from one location to another. This way, you will ensure the items are delivered in good shape without defects.


Inserts and partitions placed inside a packaging box offer great functionality in that they not only protect the products, but also ensure the items fit in correctly. Sometimes, you may have gift items that you are shipping in relatively larger boxes than the size of the gift. Because you do not want the item to roll around the box or move, you use the partitions and inserts to provide a sufficient and tight resting place for the item. Partitions can allow you place parts and components of an item, for example, you can have a smartphone and headphones or earpieces placed in the same box in addition to a charger. These components are held in place by the inserts and partitions.

Customer Experience

Using inserts in boxes can provide a great unboxing or unwrapping experience to the customers. Just how do you feel when you unbox that smartphone from the box? It is neatly and brilliantly placed in the box because there are inserts and partitions. You will even want to reuse the box for storing other items in the house because it is creatively designed and has the visual appeal you desire.

Whether you need packaging for shipping liquid bottles or for glasses and cups, you need to think creatively about the design. Adding elements like inserts and dividers ensures that you place the products tightly in an attractive way. Your customers will love the experience of opening the boxes when they receive their products.

POP Displays Generate Impulse Purchases

Point of purchase displays help trigger problem recognition response among consumers. When customers walk into stores, they have something in mind to purchase. At the time they are making the payment, the customers come across a POP display that allows them to think of a problem they have, which didn’t feature in their initial product purchase plan. The POP displays lure the customers to make an impulse purchase, which adds to the sales of the business. Businesses can utilize point of sale displays to generate impulse purchases by: 

Displaying Convenience Items  

You need to ensure that the products you are displaying on POS are goods that customers would easily want to purchase when they see them. You can create the urge to buy the products by pricing them cheaply or offering discounts on prices. These shouldn’t be items that are difficult to decide whether to purchase or not – they need to be convenience items. It is difficult for customers to think of buying a product at the POP if it’s not providing an immediate solution to a problem they have. You can consider items that offer solutions to common problems.  

Create Visually Exciting Displays   

The displays at the point of sale are not things that are on the list of to-buy items at that time. However, when you provide great visual exposure to the products, it helps consumers to realize they need them to solve a particular problem. Use contrasting colors and exciting finishes of the display boxes to be able to grab the attention of consumers.  

Incorporate Promotions and Offers 

To help push the customer to purchase the products displayed at the point of sale, you need to use tactics like offering discounts and other promotions. Encourage the consumers to consider the deal. You can use phrases like ‘Buy three, get one free!’ or something like, ‘20% off retail price!’. Customers need to see something atypical about the traditional offers. The deals should be able to influence the consumer to purchase the product even if they didn’t budget for it on their list.  

Depending on the number of products you need to display, you can consider wholesale display box materials to meet your needs. You will increase your sales when you use these displays. Besides, your customers are likely to visit the store in future when they realize that you offer promotional items that allow them to save money. In stores, convenience goods you can display on POP are such as chewing gums to help with bad breath, souvenirs to serve as gift items, and magazines or comics.

Custom Printed Boxes for Shipping Items

cardboard boxes

An innovative designed product requires an intuitively made packaging material. Businesses are looking for ways in which they can make their brands and products stand out from the competition. The use of custom printed boxes offers a tailored solution to shipping products. In addition, the competition witnessed in the retail market is compelling businesses to look for unique ways they can present their products to the consumer, and packaging materials come in handy to attain that goal. There are many benefits of using custom shipping boxes and they include: 

Offer Brand Advertising 

You can customize the design aspects of the shipping boxes so that they meet your needs and expectations of the customer. Businesses can print their slogan, logo, and other information that they need to communicate to the consumer. You can even have information about other products and services the company offers printed on the box in addition to the details of the product that’s being packaged in the box. A custom printed mailer gives you a chance to advertise your brand and create awareness of the goods and services you offer to consumers.  

Boost Brand Image 

A customer receiving products packed in custom mailer boxes will be impressed. The boxes create a memorable experience because the items aren’t packed the traditional way. The logo, slogan, or other promotional information provided on the box helps enhance the image of the brand. The business is likely to increase its sales since the customer loves the design of the packaging material. The mailer boxes not only build a professional image but also foster trust in your customers.  

Helps Beat Competition 

In a business environment where there is huge competition, business marketing professionals need to be forward thinkers. You can beat your competitors by using custom boxes that are designed to influence the emotional attachment of customers to your brand and products or services. The packaging will trigger a positive perception of your brand over other brands helping you command a big share of the market sales.   

Whether you are using custom shipping boxes to package and promote items like e-Commerce orders or as gift boxes and promotional kits, you can uniquely design them to reflect your brand features. You can use the boxes to package things like wine and food samples, beauty and makeup products, or clothing and retail items. You are able to boost your business sales while keeping customers glued to your products and services use. The brand image gains big from the design and functionality of the shipping boxes. 

Features of Product Packaging Solutions

Software packaging box
When seeking product packaging solutions there are key features you need to look at to ensure you get the right materials to allow safe, easy, and reliable packaging and shipping. Businesses also need to consider additional functions of the packaging materials whether mailer boxes or custom packaging boxes. For instance, you need to find out ways to enhance brand awareness and boost sales of products using tailored print messages on the boxes. That being said, here are three top features you should look at when choosing product packaging solutions: 

Ease of Packaging 

When customers place their orders, they hope that the products will arrive fast. The packaging process can take a lot of time if the boxes are not designed to allow ease of packaging. If you are packaging hundreds of products by hand, you can imagine the time it would take. You need to provide packaging boxes that are easy to erect, fill, and close or seal.  


You don’t want to use a mailer box for the mere purpose of placing items and shipping to the respective customers. There are other ways you can optimize the boxes for the betterment of the business. You can use the boxes to display important sales messages or brand awareness. You can print the slogan and logo of your business or provide details about the products you package.  

Visually Impacting 

The package you use to ship products can give a first impression about a product. If you use a dull-looking box, it can send a negative message about the product inside. Designing visually appealing boxes ensures that you entice the customers to want to buy the product.  It helps grab the attention of customers when they look at the package, prompting them to think of trying the products.  

If you are looking for a cardboard packaging solution for your retail products, think outside the box. Realize that you have the potential to use the boxes to not only box up customer products but also use them as marketing tools. Many people consumer the information you print on the boxes, not just the actual customers. Other people doing their window shopping can read the information and consider buying the products in future. If the products are displayed at point of sale locations, their great design features coupled with the promotional offers can entice customers to purchase the products. The packaging materials help increase your sales if designed creatively.

Engage Consumers with a Cardboard Suggestion Box

Cardboard Suggestion Box

Every business wants to communicate and engage with consumers to understand their needs, feeling, customer experience, and gain insights into their product features. Customers can provide crucial information about a brand that can help improve the features of a product. The use of floor standing ballot box allows businesses to garner important information from customers. The boxes are placed in strategic locations where they are easily visible. Here is how businesses can use the suggestion boxes to engage consumers: 

Submit Contests 

Businesses use contests and promotions to help drive sales and build brand loyalty. Customers can have special forms that they fill to participate in a contest. The business offers prizes for the winners, which helps build a long-lasting relationship with the customers. Just by taking part in a promotional contest, customers realize that the business cares about them and wants to offer free items or prizes to a given number of customers. Contests can also prove handy to introduce a new product. The product is mentioned in the list of prizes, and the giveaways offered to the winning customers help them sample the products.  

Suggestions on Products and Services 

Customer feedback can help improve the services and products a business offers. Businesses can introduce cardboard boxes where customers can drop their suggestions. The business can print forms or even questionnaires that customers fill out and place in the boxes. The information or suggestions that the customers provide offer insights into what things are working and what’s not working for a brand. The customers may have realized a problem with a product and they haven’t communicated it to the business. When they air their views or complaints, the business owner can take appropriate actions to rectify the problem or improve the product.  

Build a List of Contacts  

Businesses would often want to send information to their customers about product offers, promotions, new product launches, and contests. In physical stores where customers do not have to provide their information fast-hand, it makes sense to use ballot boxes to influence the customers to give out the information. The details provided help the business send tailored messages to the customers. For example, they can collect email addresses to help in their marketing campaigns.  

Whether you are using the cardboard suggestion box to seek opinions and suggestions from customers or to build a list of contacts for your email campaigns, you need to ensure you get a box that is designed neatly. You can also use the box to provide additional information like offers and newly launched products to customers.  

Large Quantities Mailers Considerations

Die Cut Mailer
Commonly used to pack items of different shapes and sizes, mailer boxes are preferred for online sales of retail products and promotional items. They provide an attractive and functional packaging material that you can open and reclose without damaging the box itself.  You can customize the boxes to hold different products. When using cardboard mailer boxes to package products, there are various things you should consider:

Size of the Box

Depending on what types you are packaging, you can choose a size that fits the items with ease. The size should not be too large for the items to leave much empty space, which could make the items knock against the walls of the box. This can damage the products being shipped. Also, you should not have a smaller size that forces you to squeeze the items to fit. Having the right size ensures that you safely ship the products and they arrive in good condition.

The Number of Boxes

The number of boxes you need depends on the items you expect to package. If you are planning to ship a large lot of products, you need to get an appropriate number. When ordering the boxes, make sure you have some allowance for any possible damage to the boxes. Have a little bit more boxes than the number of items you will be packaging. This ensures that in case some pieces are destroyed or rendered unusable, you don’t find yourself with insufficient mailer boxes.

Types of the Boxes

There are different mailer boxes you can use and the one you choose will depend on your packaging goal and the items to ship. You can have mailer boxes that you can use as they are or even have some that you can place inside the regular cardboard shipping boxes ensuring a first-class unboxing experience for the customer. It’s also possible to have custom premium mailer boxes that are designed according to your liking. You provide the details to the designers and they make the boxes based on that information. You can even have your logo printed on the boxes or other special design features or details that you need to be added to the packaging material. The large quantities mailers can be used to provide the traditional brand packaging solutions or offer a custom brand packaging experience. Your products will be shipped safely to the recipients while also ensuring that the customer loves the package designs.

Custom Printed Shipping Boxes Makes Lives Easier


Custom shipping regular slotted carton box

If you ship a number of items throughout the year, especially those that make regular shipments, then having custom printed shipping boxes is the best way for you to go. You can benefit from the use of these boxes and what comes along with them. The best shipping boxes, especially those that are custom printed, are able to provide those that ship items with more time to spend doing other things.  

Shipping boxes come in many different sizes and shapes, so it is very important that you look into ways to add a printed shipping label to them. These labels are freshly printed with the names, addresses, and other information that needs to be on them. Whether you want them going to the people, or for the return addresses, or even both; you can find the benefits that come along with them.  

Businesses Have Found Many Benefits from These Printed Shipping Boxes

There are many benefits that come from not having to write the names and addresses on the boxes yourself. While, this is something that you might not be able to do for everyone that purchases for you, you can still have them printed for the return addresses, which also saves a lot of time, especially if you spend a lot of time writing on these shipping labels.  

The shipping box should have something that is nicely executed when you are shipping to clients and customers. You want to look professional and clean, and this is the best way to go about doing so. These shipping boxes, when made just for your business, are able to provide this sleek, professional look you’re after. 

Boxes mean a lot to the businesses that use them, and you want something that is professional and well put together. You want to showcase just how professional you are, and why they are using you for the specific products or services your business is offering for you to use. 

Whether you are a small business or a large one, you can benefit from the use of the shipping boxes and the extras that come along with them. You don’t have to worry about writing all of the information down on the label if you don’t want too. You can be sure that it is something that is taken care of with the custom printed labels on the custom printed boxes made for all of your business’ shipping needs. 

Benefit from Cardboard Packaging Boxes

food packaging baking mix

Those that require custom boxes or sturdy boxes for the baked goods and extras that they are offering will want to use the right boxes for the occasion. You can ensure that the cardboard packaging boxes are there to provide not only both of these needs but when they are custom made for your bakery or shop, they are ones that are professional and sleek looking, giving your shop, business or bakery a great image for those that see them.  

Benefits of Packaging Boxes for a Bakery 

There are a number of benefits that come from packaging boxes, such as being able to showcase the work that you do, but also have a solid and sturdy place for you to place the items you make for others.  

There are other benefits that come from these packages, such as being able to have the right sizes made for the baked goods that you are making for others. You can specialize the boxes based on the baked goods that will be going into them.  

The packaging is something that you need to think about as someone that ships or offers items that need them. Whether you want something lighter weight or something heavier to ship in, you can be sure that they come custom made with your business information on it. You can choose the logo and information that is put on them, putting you in control of how the boxes turn out before giving them to customers. 

Cardboard is a sturdy material that provides everyone with the look and feels that you want, but it also provides the ability to package items and neatly make them something that not only is presented nicely but also presented with the company’s brand on it. You can find this when working with the best cardboard packaging that is out there, but also packaging that was made specifically for your company. Everyone benefits, plus you look much more professional with their help.  

When you want to take advantage of the custom packaging that is provided to the shop or bakery, then you can do so with the help of ones made specifically for your brand name. This makes things even better for you. Find out exactly what is needed when the time comes to take the next step and order custom boxes for your business. Whether you are boxing baked goods or products, these boxes can definitely come in handy.

What You Would Mail in a Mailing Tube


custom mailing tubes

There are a number of things you can mail across the world. The mail system is one that has grown throughout the years. Instead of sending things from state to state by horse, you can now send things by boat or airplane to different countries.  

There are a number of different boxes, tubes, and shipping containers that can be used to ship items across the world. One of those things that people do not think about shipping with is a mailing tube 

If you ship things often or have things that might benefit from a tube such as this one, then it is important to think about what you can ship or mail out with the use of these tubes. Find out what you can ship from the use of these mailing tubes, and why you’d want to use one to ship items out.  

What You Can Send Out with These Mailing Tubes

Those that have anything that is paper-related, such as a large map, a poster, a magazine, a paper graph, or anything else that is something that you can loosely roll up and then slip into the tube that is being used.  

Once you know what you are shipping, and if it is one of these items, especially if they need to be protected so they do not rip, then make sure to choose the shipping tubes that are able to hold onto the posters, papers, and other items that you can slip inside the tubes and use to your advantage.  

Whether you are mailing them for your own personal purposes, or if you are mailing them for work or school; then you can use the tubes to send them without having to worry about the paper products ripping or breaking. These paper products are hard to ship any other way, and some people choose to use bubble mailers and other forms of mailing products, but the tube might be the best possible way to send them, regardless of where they are being mailed to. 

Search through the many sizes that are offered, as there are many sizes in width and length since every paper is different. Mailing the items, you need to mail doesn’t have to be hard. This can be the best way to overcome not having the best way to mail something. Mailing tubes are more common than you think, and you should be using them to ship items, too! 

Ease of Storing Folding Cardboard Boxes

corrugated fiberboard box

Storage is something that many of us lack in our day-to-day operations, and due to this, it is important that you are using something that makes life much easier. Whether you are looking to store items at a later date or if you are getting ready to move, you want to have boxes on hand for all of your needs. You just don’t want to have to store them and have them take up all the room in the home when they are just sitting around, not really doing anything.  

Folding Cardboard Boxes are the Solution 

Folding cardboard boxes are the solution to having a way to store them away from everyone’s eyes and keeping them out of the way. When this is the case, you can feel much more confident about keeping boxes, even when you are not using them. You can ensure that you will be able to fold them down and then slide them away.  

Some of the ways to store these folding cartons you can use to your advantage include: 

  • Sliding them under couches, beds, or other furniture 
  • Sliding them to the side of the furniture 
  • Place them on shelves in a closet or other area 
  • Place them in other areas of the home where a slim box could fit

You can ensure that these folding cartons provide enough space while unfolded. This is a common misconception. While they are small in size when they are folded down, they open up to be a decent size, which allows you to store anything that you want inside of them.  

The boxes are made from a thicker, more durable cardboard material, as they need to last for a longer period of time. You want to ensure that you are using a box that provides a way to safely and securely keep the items you’re moving in a box that allows it. Find the boxes that provide everything that you need from durability to size, to ease of storage, ease of use, and so much more.  

The cardboard boxes are something that you may need to use from time to time for various reasons but being able to store them when you are done using them or keeping them for another time is ideal. With the right folding cardboard boxes, this is something that can be done. You can use these boxes over and over and over again, to your advantage while saving cash.  

Showcase Your Business with a Counter Top Display

Custom Counter-Top Display Boxes

There are many ways to advertise and showcase your work, services, products, or anything else you want to put out there. Those that have a lot of things to showcase, or don’t want to answer many questions about what products are, how much they are, or anything else could benefit from the use of the countertop display that provides the information needed, without you having to say it to person after person that asks.  

Benefits of a Counter Top Display

There are a number of benefits that come from the use of corrugated pop displays. These displays provide a number of uses that you wouldn’t be able to obtain from other displays that you’d use. They can be used in any way that you can think of, so you don’t need to worry about not being able to make use of them or finding something that provides businesses with many other uses, instead of just one. 

These displays offer a number of benefits, such as being able to showcase the information you want to put out there. They are easy to set up and take down and they can come in a number of different styles, so you can choose which one works with the style and branding that you have as a company.  

These displays provide the use of a large area for you to add items too. Some ideas that people have used to decorate them and use them for their business include writing on them, adding craft supplies, pasting printed papers, and additional ways to showcase your information and bring in the customers.  

Whether you want to add these on the counter, on the tables that you are displaying your items or services on, or just to use as an informational or decorative piece, you can be sure that this is the most ideal way to go about putting information out there for your clients and customers. 

Finding a way to showcase your business, your products, your work is one of the best things you can do for your business. Due to this, it is important that you look at the many ways to do so. Countertop displays are just one of the ways, with other signs out there, you can benefit from using those, too. Use a number of them side by side, spread them out, and see what works for you and your business. 

Few Tips to Handling your Shipping Boxes

Regular slotted carton Sandal Essence

There are hundreds of standard box designs and uses out there, so when it comes to choosing the right shipping boxes how do you know if choosing a large shipping box over a slightly smaller one is a benefit or a deterrent? Whether you are moving or own a business that ships product, knowing what is out there and what shipping boxes to use can save you space, money, and potentially dealing with damage.  

Here are a few specific box types and what to ship with them. 

Standard Slotted Carton 

One of the most common types of shipping boxes out there, the standard slotted carton can be used for a variety of shipping needs. The biggest benefit is that slotted boxes tend to have a lot of options regarding size. However, one of the biggest problems is overpacking which untrained people tend to do. For example, who hasn’t overpacked a box of books before? As you likely know this can result in significant injury if not lifted correctly or if lifting too much weight. To offset the problem, it’s important to identify how much weight should be loaded into a box and either use lighter shipping filler or a different sized box to lessen the weight. Remember, just because a box says it has a 200lb. weight capacity does not mean you should fill it to 200lbs.  

Corrugated Box Trays 

Corrugated box trays are a great simple box. First, they are cost effective and secondly, they allow for design opportunities while also showing off your product. These shipping boxes are small but depending on your product work great at shipping large stackable quantities. One thing to consider is that due to not having a cover. It is important to tightly wrap your product and for stacking it helps to have a sheet of corrugated board to layer the next level evenly. When space matters, this shipping box is great and as an added feature these boxes are generally small enough to be repurposed for a variety of needs.  

Telescoping Box 

Telescoping boxes may seem pretty standard, but like any other style of box they have their distinct benefits. Often considered a large shipping box, corrugated telescoping boxes come with a top box and bottom piece. This provides added durability and strength when shipping larger, yet more fragile items such as flat screen televisions. Two other benefits are that they are easy to assemble (often secured with staples) and can be stacked. While these boxes are great protection against storage and transportation damage. It is also important to ensure an adequate amount of packing is done so that the weight of stacking your product doesn’t result in center of the box damage. This may mean considering plastic spacing and fillers.  

Avoid Damage with These Packaging Box Tips

Sirius Specialty Box Folding-Carton

packaging company will do a lot to ensure that a packaging box is prepared to handle your product as well as protect your product from damage during warehousing, distribution, and transportation. Though, while your boxes may help, there are additional considerations to ensure that your product gets to your customer damage free. 

Here are three ways to make sure your packaging box not only protects your product but can withstand those unforeseen bumps and bruises along the way.  

Use the Right Closure 

Packaging box closures ensure that your product will not bust open at the seams, nor where the box opens and closes. The most popular types of closures are glue, staples, and tape. But, how do you know which one is right for your package?  

Tape: Tape is a common option that comes in a lot of variety regarding everything from strength to its ability to handle extreme environments. As an overall sealer, tape is inexpensive and can handle lightweight jobs.  

Glue: Glue provides a better overall appearance as it provides good bonding strength yet remains hidden. 

Staples: Staples are the strongest of sealers, easy to apply and handles temperature extremes better than tape or glue. However, staples also require more work to open and often the box is destroyed in the process.  

Find Inserts that do the Job 

The right inserts will help to keep your items from moving around in the box and collecting dings or actually destroying the product. For electronics and fragile items, it is recommended that you find inserts which securely hold your items in place. Common inserts are pre-made and formed-to-fit plastic products or Styrofoam. A packaging company may be able to recommend of manufacture custom inserts for your product. Other alternatives are newspaper, peanuts, and bubble wrap that provide extra protection and a little give against the outside of the packaging box.  


The type of flute that your packaging company uses in producing your boxes is important. A smaller flute provides good crush resistance, while a larger flute is better at shock absorption and can provide more overall protection. You can also layer corrugated shipping boxes to provide two different types of flutes.  

When shipping out your packaging box, few things are as important as providing added protection that matters. So, remember to use closures that work for your product, identify the right inserts, and ensure your box is strong enough for your shipping needs.  

Let your Box Insert do the Job

Custom foam insert
The last thing you want your customer to see when they open their shipped product is shattered glass, chips, dents, or any other kind of product damage. This is not only costly in returns, shipping fees, and product, but can also lead to a bad reputation. To protect your fragile (and even not so fragile) products is to use a custom foam insert.

A custom foam insert is known as the best box insert for nearly any type of product and here are a few examples why.

Provides the best box insert protection

There is little doubt that a custom foam insert provides the best protection available. Whether the box insert is meant to keep products snugly in place to prevent internal damage such as with glass containers, or to provide impact protection often needed during transportation, custom foam inserts are the best when it comes to overall protection. Choosing the right material for your custom foam insert matters and is dependent on your products weight, handling, environment, and fragility.

Custom inserts look great

Everyone wants to feel special, and when a package arrives with a well-designed custom foam insert it almost feels as if…well, as if the company cares about you. The fact is that presentation matters. It matters when you design the outside of your shipping box, just as it matters when the customer opens that box to find everything neatly laid out and well presented. A nice-looking custom foam insert will make it easy for your customer to quickly identify that all items are in the shipping box as well as ensure no damage has been done. Security is a feeling of comfort.

Help to manage inventory control

A box insert will help to manage inventory in two ways. For starters, having a location for each item will ensure that when a box is packaged, a quick eye-check is all you need to know that the right quantity has been packaged. A custom foam insert will also help to ensure that the right products have been packaged when there are multiple pieces or custom sizes needed in the shipping box. This type of visual inventory control can save your company a lot of money due to mis-packaged shipping.

A box insert and custom foam insert not only protect your product but can make your company look great with an attractive and well-designed box insert which not only save protect from damage but can also save you money.

Color and your Custom Printed Box


Custom shipping rsc box
Did you know that color psychology is a big reason why some companies succeed while others suffer? The way that the mind perceives and responds to different colors can help define your product, your company, and whether consumers want to open your customized box or not.  

Take for example restaurants. There is a reason why many nice dining restaurants use red to decorate. When people are enjoying a fine dinner, they tend to linger for a long time and talk. One way to resolve this is by surrounding patron’s in red which raises blood pressure and irritability levels to a point where a customer is subconsciously ready to leave. In restaurant terms that means they get people in and out. The same can be said for your customized box and designs.  

Here are four colors and why they are so important to your custom printed box.  

White Custom Printed Box

Have you ever walked into a retail store that was blindingly white? White indicates purity, cleanliness, and a sense of space. So, when your customer receives a white yet uniquely custom printed box, they may have a sense of freedom and openness similar to embarking on a fresh adventure.   


Depending on the product you are shipping it is important to find a color to display the emotions you want your customer to feel. Blue provides calmness, serenity, loyalty, and wisdom. Much like the saying that you can never be upset with anyone dressed in blue, the same thought process goes behind a customized box that is predominantly blue.  

Orange Printed Box

You’ve probably noticed a lot of orange on boxes lately. This is a color popular with Millennials as it indicates an optimistic spirit full of energy, warmth, and stimulation. In addition, orange is commonly used in food products as it stimulates the mind to release chemicals that cause you to feel hungry. So, if you sell mixed nuts or chocolates, orange may be the way to go.  

Green Customized Box

Green can trigger two emotions. The first is one of prosperity or wealth and the second is naturally one of harmony, tranquility and calmness. As the world becomes a greener place so does our marketing. A custom printed box with an emphasis on green helps your customer feel connected with you as an eco-friendly sign of prosperity.  

Color psychology can help your business grow as long as you understand the needs of your customers and the emotion that your product – and custom printed box – should draw.  

How to Create a Custom Mailer Box


Custom Mailer Box
Traditional marketing has been taking a turn toward consumer videos and more importantly unboxing videos found throughout the internet. An unboxing video is one which a reviewer either orders or is sent a box to promote on their website or social media channel for the purpose of providing an honest review. If you’ve ever watched an unboxing, one thing you will often find is the reviewer spends a lot of time focused on the professionalism of the company’s custom mailer box – for good and for bad.  

Custom printed mailer boxes are your company’s first impression when shipping a product to a customer. So, it’s important that your first impression last – in a good way.  

Here are a few tips to help your product unboxing go smoothly.  

Mailer Box Branding 

The reason you use custom printed mailer boxes is so that you can advertise your product while providing an experience when your customer opens the box. So, branding is important both for the recipient and everyone in between who happens to see your box. While in the past design was focused more on the outside of the custom mailer box. Now, interior design of your box is just as important as it is free from shipping labels, stamps, and shipping bruises.  

Mailer Box Wrapping 

While it may not seem like a big deal, it is shown that people who receive custom printed mailer boxes feel an extra sense of excitement when the items in the package are wrapped in either tissue paper or another attractive paper product. While this is not possible for all products, if you can enhance the unboxing experience it may give you a few more loyal customers who like those details.  

Mailer Box Filler 

Anyone sending off a custom printed mailer boxes must make a decision on the filler. Peanuts, custom foam inserts, bubble wrap, and air pillows are all important. Though keep in mind that the looser the filler, the bigger headache it will be for your customer. Most customers don’t want their unboxing to be fraught with peanuts all over the floor.  


Promotional Material 

It is just as important to provide your promotional materials as it is to have a great design on your custom printer mailer boxes. So, don’t forget the business cards, postcards, and discount advertising. Unboxing promotional material provides a personal and special feeling that gives your customer the impression that you care. 

What You’re Getting with a Wholesale Corrugated Box


Custom shipping box
Cardboard box and corrugated box are common terms in packaging, but do you know what those terms really mean and why one may be more beneficial than the other? Whether you are looking to buy your wholesale corrugated box or wholesale carton for your shipping needs, it’s important to understand which might be the best option.  

Buying wholesale corrugated box

For starters it is important to understand that when purchasing boxes or cartons, especially customized, it is better to buy in large quantities, otherwise known as wholesale. This is because when you buy a customized wholesale corrugated box or wholesale carton a lot of work is done to create the packaging from the physical design of the box to the exterior brand design. Once that front-work is completed, the heavy upfront costs will be attributed to the overall cost first. After that cost is paid for, the more boxes or cartons you purchase the less it costs the manufacturer who can then pass that savings onto you at wholesale rates.  

What is cardboard? 

Cardboard is a general term for any kind of board which is made from a pulp paper and can be varied in width. For example, a cardboard box can be made from paper as thin as a business card, cereal box, or something thicker. While cardboard is a common material it is often best for light-weight products and is often used as a product itself – such as in business cards – rather than shipping. Though it is a popular way to ship smaller items.  

Corrugated box 

Corrugated boxes are often used interchangeably with cardboard, however there are significant differences. For starters, a corrugated box is comprised of three layers. There are two outside layers – flat liners – and an inside rippled layer. These three layers provide additional strength and durability.  

Due the added strength of corrugated boxes, they are also easy to print on whether labeling for shipping or more likely creating branded marketing print.  

So, when you think of packaging your product, using a wholesale corrugated box is often important for heavy products and to keep your products safe. The durability provides additional protection from potential punctures, rips, tears, and even just the standard beating that shipping boxes can often go through as they travel from one location to the next.  

When it comes to wholesale cartons they are often best used in delivery of lightweight and local goods, or when they can be shipped in bulk within a wholesale corrugated box.  

What to Consider with a Counter Top Display


Custom display box
A counter top display is one of the best ways to put your product in eyes-view for consumers. Consider the grocery store and a counter top display featuring candy bars, breath mints, or even gift cards. A counter top display is meant to visually showcase a product. But, when assembling and locating a counter top display there are a few things to consider.  

Counter Top Display Appeal  

When it comes to displays of any kind the attractiveness of the display is important to standing out and attracting buyers. In fact, the closer your display is to the consumer the more you will want it to stand out. Utilizing effective and bright color, an eye-catching logo, and putting your product forward in the display are important to selling your product.  


Regarding spacing there are a few considerations. First off, it is important to determine how much of your product you will want in each counter top display. This is often geared directly to the size of the product. For example, a product display for lip gloss will likely sit on a table, rack, or checkout counter. While, a display for larger kitchen items may be a tall display that sits on the ground.  

Counter Top Display Cost 

Cost is important because purchasing a wholesale counter display in the hundreds will be much less expensive than purchasing only a dozen at a time. When looking at the wholesale cost it can be helpful to evaluate the spacing as mentioned above to determine how the spacing will affect the overall inventory and wholesale counter display cost.  


The real estate expression, location… location… location, is just as important when it comes to your counter top display. While some stores or other venue locations may not give you much of a choice with your counter top display location, many will actually request your thoughts. The location of a counter top display isn’t just where people pass by, but rather where people will linger. For example, the reason why you see so many displays in a checkout lane is because people are prone to waiting in line. The longer someone waits, the more likely they are to see and purchase an item.  

So, as you focus no the graphics and images of your wholesale counter display keep in mind that the amount of product in your display, overall appeal, and location are as equally important when it comes to standing out as are your graphics.

Large Quantity Mailers, What’s the Hype?

Custom Mailer Box
Oversized, plain, and damaged; when it comes to shipping there is a lot to be cautious of and large quantity mailers might be just what you are looking for. When you and your business are looking for a great way to ship your product there are several important decisions you’ll have to make. For example, will any shipping box work? In most cases, the answer is simply, “no.” Yes, you may be able to fit your product into a box, but then what will your packaging do for you besides either being too tight, or too large?

A custom mailer box has a few important features to note:

  • Tend to be a single box, meaning the lid is foldable and attached to the rest of the box.
  • The lid tucks into the box so that your customer can continue to store your product without re-taping the box closed.
  • Custom large quantity mailers are very promotional.
  • When you purchase mailer boxes wholesale and in large quantities you can save a lot of money.

So, while mailer boxes are highly functional, it is also important to understand their promotional value. You’ve seen mailer boxes before, and more than likely you also have a few that are tucked away in your office or storage room. These boxes provide a safe and convenient way to store products for future use. They are also an excellent way for your customers to de-clutter their work area as the boxes are one-piece, easy to close, and easy to identify.

But, the hype. Custom mailer boxes are one of the most promotionally marketable pieces of packaging available. So, whether you are shipping shoes, hats, or computer equipment it is important that when arriving in the mail or even stored in a room of equipment that your customer can easily find the box they are looking for.

So, how can you be creative with a large quantity mailer?

  • Suit it to your size so that the mailer can securely fit your product.
  • Create a custom design on the outside that is both attractive and quickly separates your mailer from others.
  • Define if a product and its pieces should be shipped in one compartment or many.

When it comes to packaging there are hundreds of options. Custom mailer boxes are a nice way to safely secure the content, display brand marketing, and create a functional and reusable packaging option.

Choose the Right Boxes for Packaging


Custom Made Folding Boxes

We’ve all gotten those great packages in the mail that look so good we can’t throw them away. The boxes are the perfect fit, refined, attractive and some have unique qualities. So, why is this so important for your business? It’s all about the marketing of your product and brand. After all, if a customer tosses your packaging in the garbage then they won’t see it again. If a customer keeps and reuses your package, then your product and brand are on display for a much longer period of time.

So, when you want to stand out from the crowd consider these tips when custom designing your boxes for packaging.

Get the shape right

You’ve probably opened a box before and found that the box is significantly larger than the tiny item inside. While often just laughed off, this also leaves a psychological impression to the consumer that your brand may be bigger than the product inside the packaging.

Display your product and brand

Whether you do so with great images, use unique folding packaging that allows your product to be felt and shown, or create a display box it is important to highlight your amazing marketing as well as the product inside the packaging.

Color and finish matter

When we say color matters, we mean that the color should appeal to the consumer. Is your consumer demographic refined? Or, is your demographic young an impulsive. Whether you use excitable colors such as reds and yellows on glossy finish, or a casual white on black with matte finish can make a big difference to your boxes for packaging and for eye-appeal.

Design your box to be reusable

This is where your boxes for packaging really counts – making them reusable. Whether you are using chipboard or paperboard, creating unique custom packaging is important to both attract the consumer as well as keep your brand and product visible for the long run. Well-designed folding packaging especially used in displays are a great way to put a smile on your consumers face when they realize they have an extra use for your boxes.

Your product is great, and you’ve spent countless hours refining it. So, when it comes to the packaging, why create something that catches the eye of your consumer, but will be tossed aside once your product is removed? Creating great packaging is just as important as creating a great product. So, when thinking about how to keep your business growing try to focus on keeping your packaging around. It’ll be time and money well spent.

Packaging with Folding Cardboard Boxes

Custom Made Folding Boxes
Folding cardboard boxes have always been the top choice of businesses when transporting their goods over long distances. These containers are made from durable and high-quality paper material ensuring your products reach their destination without incurring any damage. This type of packaging material provides stability in rough terrains and cushions your delicate items against road bumps and uneven roadways.

Unlike other forms of packaging material, folding cardboard boxes are often made from recycled paper flute inserted between liners. The fluting architecture of a cardboard box is a high-tech solution providing structural integrity and making the box sturdy and robust. This type of packaging can either have a plain design or can be customized with a print to give your services a name or make your product stand out.

A Highly Customizable Packaging Solution

Printed foldable boxes make your brand stand out and give your products a name in the market. Not only does it contribute to a recognizable brand, but a custom printed carton makes your product or services look more polished and professional looking.

This packaging material also offers the flexibility you need because these boxes can be manufactured to fit your specification. They are not bulky or hard to store because they can be folded and neatly arranged to save space in your store or warehouse. Cardboard is also a malleable material, and boxes can be used to accommodate most objects or wrapped around items to secure them.

Comparing Folding Cardboard Boxes with Other Packaging Alternatives

Among the things that make folding cardboard boxes a better packaging material is its relatively affordable price. Compared to other alternatives, cardboard is inexpensively produced and usually recycled lowering the costs of wholesale purchases even more. Plastic, metal, or wood alternatives are more expensive and more cumbersome to ship compared to cardboard. Additionally, a cardboard packaging saves you on shipping costs.

Securing items inside a folding cardboard box is also relatively easy because they can be firmly sealed in a variety of ways. Most industries use staples to ensure the cardboard holds the item inside securely and creating a firm hold on each of the flaps. Tape and glue also adhere well with the surface of the cardboard sealing items inside. Unlike all the other packaging alternatives, cardboard boxes offer a convenient way of packing and unpacking things without the need for tools and various other equipment.

Types of Food Grade Packaging to Know

food packaging baking mix

Food grade packaging
is a particular type of container made to protect your food without transferring toxic substances. These safe packaging also comes in many forms, sometimes containing nutrition facts and various other information about the food inside.

Food safety containers are commonly being used in groceries, the food manufacturing industry, fast food, and restaurants to protect their contents from moisture and oxygen. These two elements are more commonly associated with microorganism growth and spoiling your grub. Food packaging is essential packaging, especially for wet-pack foods, including meat, fruits, and vegetables and other items that quickly spoil.

Why Food Packaging is Important

One of the primary functions of a food packing material is to preserve the natural quality of your food. Containers used for home food preservation ensures freshness and seals the sound condition of your items. Aside from protecting its content, food grade packaging also helps withstand pressure from various other cargo during shipment.

It prevents damage incurred during product handling or shipment and creates a stable condition prolonging the shelf life of your perishable items. Aside from keeping your food safe, food containers can also be customized to reflect your brand and message. Using the outside of the box can be a good strategy of advertising your product without incurring too much overhead on your marketing initiatives.

Basic Types of Food Grade Packaging

Three basic types of paper food packaging are used in most industries. Aside from being sturdy, they are also biodegradable and does not contain harmful chemicals. Unlike plastic and metal, which contaminates food, paper materials are not as hazardous as other alternatives.

Corrugated boxes. This type of food container is ideally used for various goods, including fruits and vegetables, wine, and similar products that require careful handling. Corrugated boxes are heavy duty and provide the needed strength to keep everything in good condition.

Paper bags and multi-wall sacks. Paper bags are more commonly used in groceries and retail stores to protect items from getting damaged. Multi-wall sacks, on the other hand, are used to contain flour and various other dry and powdery ingredients.

Paperboard cartons. Paperboard cartons are used to contain single items like crackers, chips, cereals, and many other similar products. They come in many different shapes and sizes which can be customized to fit your brand identity.

Food packaging is an essential need if you want to maintain the freshness of your items. Not only does it protect perishable goods, but it also ensures you get the needed value for your business investments.

Recycled Custom Shipping Boxes Better for Business

Custom shipping box
Shipping material is just one of the many resources your business needs to invest in for it to thrive. Because it becomes a good representation of what your product and services are about, it might be helpful to get custom shipping boxes at a minimal cost. One that allows you to personalize your branding strategy and gives you a unique advertisement space to promote the quality of your products are always the appropriate choice.

Recycled cardboard boxes are typically better if you want to save on your packaging expense yet provide your customers with a suitable protective covering for their moving items. Aside from providing a tremendous benefit to the environment, it can also give your business a financial advantage, saving you on the upfront costs.

Save the Environment with Recycled Custom Shipping Boxes

Recycled shipping boxes are made from reused materials repurposed to provide the same quality packaging as newly manufactured containers. Paper fibers from used corrugated boxes are reprocessed to create sturdy moving and mailing materials. One environmental advantage of using recycled custom shipping boxes is limiting the carbon footprint of processing new pulp. It helps preserve the environment while giving you excellent quality material for your business needs.

Recycling boxes also saves landfill spaces, which often becomes a societal problem because of waste accumulation contributing to pollution. Reusing old paperboards and turning them into new boxes conserves energy and saves our natural resources. It is a suitable solution not only if you want to save on packaging expense, but also emanate a powerful pro-environment branding image.

Finding the Right Shipping Box Supplier

Finding the right eco-friendly packaging for your shipping business is pain-free with many manufacturers moving to save the environment. Not only do they provide commercial entities with quality materials, but all the primary pulp material used during manufacturing are a hundred percent recycled. This reduces wastes, carbon dioxide emission, and other pollutants damaging the environment.

When it comes to environmental sustainability, your business can go hand in hand with minimizing ecological impacts caused by waste and pollutants coming from the manufacture of these essential business commodities. The right shipping box supplier not only ensures the quality packaging supplies you get but also gives you the right price.

A good quality shipping box does not always have to be newly manufactured, your business can do away with recycled custom shipping boxes, saving the environment, and saving you on the upfront costs of packaging materials.

Reinvent your Custom Display Boxes

Custom counter top display
Display boxes are used in a retail environment made from suitable materials to store and display your products. But with the myriad of same looking display box in the market, it can be impossible to find an edge and make your products stand out. Having an active showcase material will not only give you an eye-catching and fresh display but also increase your sale and help grow your business.

Though most typical display boxes are made to stand out, the problem lies with too many of the same kind flooding and confusing customers. It scatters their attention, and a poorly designed display box is not likely to get the much-needed attention. Use these tips to reinvent your display box with an eye-catching design:

Create an Unexpected Design

With so many merchandises having the same look, it can be an advantage to create something that instantly catches the attention of your prospect customers. Building a good display starts with a vision and working on every detail to harmonize the design with what your company message and brand helps to personalize your marketing initiatives.

One right way of making an impact is to surprise your customers with a unique and carefully thought display box. Use eye-catching colors, a simple design, and a simple message to get the attention of the shopper. Also, keep in mind that your product competes for attention and should be your top-of-mind consideration. Using the highlighting and spotlighting technique ensures you get the market share you intend to have.

Keep Your Designs Fresh

It is always good to have display boxes that pertain to a particular subject. And an updated container box can generate attention which people can instantly relate to. Depending on your marketing concept, a right display box should resonate with your intended audience for better prospects of conversion.

Keeping a display box fresh also means making it simple and keeping it clean. Creating a good impression to your customers is one right way of keeping them glued to your product and generating good branding. But when getting the number of supplies for your marketing needs, it is always advisable to get a wholesale display box to save your company the upfront costs.

Reinventing your display boxes does not have to come at a cost. A reliable supplier, a good design, and a clear message always ensure you get the needed return-on-investment for your marketing efforts.

Using a Custom Mailer Box for your Business

Custom Mailer Box
Using a custom mailer box means having a versatile, sturdy, and stylish, packaging material ready for direct shipping anywhere. Mailer boxes look excellent in any color, and they can be used as a gift box, an e-commerce packaging, and sometimes, as subscription boxes.

The good thing about the corrugated mailer boxes is they don’t need a tape for assembling as a strip, or a sticker can accomplish the sealing purpose.

Businesses from all across the world are coming forward with advanced items daily that are intended to alter the way people, live, wear, as well as communicate. This is the reason, companies end up spending millions of dollars to have their products shipped using expensive packaging material. Boxes which often does not adequately protect what’s inside.

Here’s what your brand would get from using custom corrugated mailer boxes:

  • Brand advertising – You can get custom printed shipping boxes having the name of your company, slogan, logo besides some additional products and services which you might offer. These boxes are hugely helpful in reaching your brand to countless customers; hence, they promote awareness related to the goods and services which you propose.
  • Easy to assemble – It is effortless to ship mailer box and assembling your containers can be a straightforward job. For assembling, you just need to fold, snap, and close.
  • Unique packaging solutions – With the invention and introduction of new products in the market, competition is reaching new heights. Irrespective of the product’s quality, its packaging does contribute a lot to its perception among many other brands. The custom mailer boxes can help you in getting the majority of the market share for your novel products.
  • Stylish and durable – When you want your products to arrive with an impact, using a custom mailer box usually does the trick. You will find mailer boxes in 1/16”, E-Flute, B-Flute 1/8” and the thickness of the container are customized to ensure an extra layer of protection and sturdiness.
  • Build a professional image – Corrugated mailer boxes can help you achieve a professional branding. Regardless if you are running an online store, managing a physical shop, or from shipping items from your corporate office, packaging designs to meet with your company standards help establish a sense of a competent and detailed company.

Corrugated mailer boxes are not just ordinary containers for delivery, but they are excellent means of helping expand your business.

Printed Folding Cartons Cater to Packaging Needs

custom folding carton Flint tinder
Also called boxboard, printed folding cartons are typically a solid board suitable for packing lightweight products. Business owners get a vast range of styles when choosing boxboards, including trays and boxes that are manufactured to meet your various folding criteria.

Printed folding cartons are good packaging material for several products including perfume, hair dye, containers for soaps, cosmetics, tissue boxes, personal care packaging, cartons with window patch, etc.

Qualities of a Printed Folding Carton that Makes them Ideal Packaging Material

The flexibility of a folding carton permits a person to design curves, thus, developing creatively shaped packs which can uniquely differentiate your brand from your competitors. The shape combined with high-quality prints forms an eye-catching package. Both unique design and quality print maximizes your sales and adds to a powerful branding impact.

Window patches can also be included as an added feature for improving the appearance of your package. They provide consumers with a clear view of the product inside, adding an extra layer of interest.

Different Types of Folded Printed Cartons

  • Cartons with window patching – Punched boxes get lined with see-through plastic foil for displaying the product inside. These containers can be manufactured using various patterns and according to your business’ specifications.
  • Metalized polyester – With metalized polyester cartons, the board surface is raised for adding an embossed effect. This extra feature can be utilized for highlighting your brand name and various other elements to make your product stand out.
  • UV Varnished cartons – These cartons are printed with white color in some areas and different shades in the rest for providing a metallic appearance. Commonly UV varnished and UV printed containers are utilized because of their high-printing quality and clear product presentation.
  • Foil stamping – This process involves the application of a heated metal plate, also referred to as a foiling die. The surface is applied with a thin foil layer placed between the substrate and the die. The die then puts pressure on the printing surface and the foil to give shape to the etched design.

Benefits of Custom Folding Cartons

With more and more sellers marketing their products online, custom folding cartons have become the need of the hour. While it may apparently seem to be a complete waste of energy and money, it provides a host of benefits that outweigh the additional investment required. Some of the notable advantages include –

  • Allowing customers to view the product without losing the integrity of the packaging.
  • Artistically promoting the brand by creating cut-outs in the shape of the logo, flavor, location, etc.
  • Providing a sturdy, yet creative and flexible packaging tailored to meet individual packaging specifications.
  • Offering fresh graphics through the use of different colors (up to seven colors can be used in the printing process).

Many Types of Custom Foam Inserts

Custom foam insert
Shipping supplies are available in various sizes and shapes required for different purposes. Choosing the right package for your shipping needs can decrease the shipping cost for your products and improve the bottom line.

At the same time, finding the right supplies even to the smallest detail ensures that your goods are transferred from their origin to their destination safely without the risk of any damage. Foam inserts are not only great for protecting your standard packages. But they are suitable for gift packaging, especially products made of crystal, porcelain, china clay, candles, and other premium items.

With the right foam insert, retail packaging for perfumes and cosmetics get enhanced. And based on the quantity, application, and complexity of the packaged material, foam inserts can be customized to fit the case interior.

Some of the commonly used foam customization methods are –

Water Jet Cut Foam

This method uses a stream of water under high pressure to cut the foam into precise shapes. This customization method is ideal for complex and large foam pieces that precisely match the 3d CAM/CAD models of equipment.

Die-Cut Foam

This technique uses a die or a custom form to reshape the foam to the equipment size. This is a very cost-effective option for larger quantities. Reputed companies offer a wide range of die presses to satisfy every customization requirement of their valued customers.

CNC Routed Foam

With the help of high-speed rotary cutters, the foam material is resized to deliver precise and accurate custom foam inserts. This method is suitable for producing initial prototypes for larger lots or making one-off cases.

Fabricated Foam

Through the process of grinding, cutting, and foam bonding, the foam is shaped to fit with custom containers. With the help of foam fabrication facilities, the foam insert is cut to match the shape of the equipment.

Finding the Right Foam Insert for Your Packaging Supplies

The primary consideration of any business, including an e-commerce site, is to assure that products are shipped safely to customers. Therefore, the biggest challenge for any company is to find the perfect combination of packaging and shipping supplies that ensure safe shipping of products and that too at a cost-effective rate.

It is also important to note that the cost of shipping and packaging supplies is affected by the type of foam insert required. The prices vary based on the weight and size of the shipment. Therefore, it is necessary to choose packaging and shipping supplies that provide adequate protection to the product while keeping the weight to a minimum.

Easy-to-Use Custom Shipping Tubes

Telescoping Mailing Tubes with metal ends
Does your company have the constant need to ship something using mailing tubes? The industry has a lot of different size and different custom printed mailing tubes to fit your specification.

Mailing tubes can be used to ship artwork, vintage posters, banners, graphics, posters, maps, blue printers, calendars, wood molding, tooling parts, and other elongated items. Recycled paperboards are used to produce spiral mailing tubes creating a sturdy packaging material.

Tubes for mailing can be customized to meet the specifications of each customer using different materials, shapes, and thickness. These packaging tubes are manufactured, combining high-quality materials protecting your product during shipping.

Features of Shipping Tubes that Make them Stand Out

Mailing tubes are available in varying features and in different styles to enhance usability and protection. The adjustable and flexible tubes allow insertion of items from the middle. You can also customize their length depending on the material that you want to keep inside the mailing tubes.

Padded mailing tubes provide protection against bumps and rough handling during shipping. The tubes have the features including seal and press closures. This reduces the requirement for additional packing materials. All you need is removing the back so that the package stays sealed completely.

Tubes with end caps make sure the seal is tight, and it allows the items to stay immobile until they are removed. The spiral round construction and reinforced corners offer added protection to these mailing shipping tubes.

The Many Different Tube Shapes

  • Here are some of the different shapes of shipping tubes:
  • The round shapes for mailing boxes protect photos, blueprints, and posters.
  • The triangular-shaped ones protect simple packaging and prevent rolling.
  • The square tubes offer enhanced space for those items, which are shaped differently. They reduce the requirement of using boxes that are very large for those items.
  • Flat and bags tubes offer sturdy option and rip resistant that keep wallpaper and fabric safe.

Durability Options when Choosing a Mailing Material

You can get tubes for mailing in various durability options. You can select them depending on the protection level that you require for the contents that need to be shipped. They are lightweight as well as durable and thick. The tubes provide adequate protection for sturdy items, which are not susceptible to damages.

The standard tubes retain photos, blueprints, and documents free from wrinkles and damage. Heavy duty tubes may be considered for soft items that require additional protection. Metal rods and industrial parts may be shipped because mailing tubes provide enhanced durability and minimize the risk of damage and bending during shipping.

What to Know About Large Volume Discount Mailers

Custom mailer box

Mailer boxes
are the best packaging material to protect your items from the rigors of long haul transport and shipping. These boxes are made from durable corrugated boards with interlocking flaps having the superb structural strength to withstand certain amounts of pressure. Of all the packaging material, mailer boxes are probably the best because they have double side walls to make them durable and stress-resistant.

Made from thick fiberboards, the side walls of a mailer box has fluted inner seams made with either one or two linerboards. The flutes also have S-shaped arches giving them superior strength. Gadgets, shoes, and especially items use this type of packaging to prevent damage during shipment. They are sturdy packaging materials and are good at protecting your items.

Choosing the Right Mailer Box for Your Merchandise

There are different considerations before getting a large volume discount mailers for your company’s needs. The first thing you have to determine if the size of the item you need to put inside the container. This would help you choose the right size and the proper design to complement what’s inside. If you are sending magazines or a small book, corrugated envelopes the best materials to use.

For larger or fragile items, it is better to use bigger boxes with ample space and a protective layer of cardboard or foam backing. These types of packaging material also come in different size and style to help you adequately choose the right ones.

The fluted walls of a mailer box provide adequate stacking strength while at the same time protecting the content from exposure to harsh conditions. Considering fragility, the weight, and the size of your product will ultimately help you choose the appropriate mailer box for your needs.

Compare Mailer Boxes by Considering their Board Strength

Unknown to many, mailer boxes are manufactured with different board strength and capacity. Each design goes through a rigorous testing process known as the burst test. The edge crust test or ECT is the most reliable way of determining how sturdy a packaging material is and the best way to help you decide if the packaging box can withstand shipment rigidity.

Burst strength rating is also affected by the box’s design quality. Double-walled mailers are stronger with better crush resistance values ideal for heavier items. Triple-walled mailer boxes are even sturdier than a double-walled mailer and significantly handles greater weights. They are ideally used by industries for stacking heavy loads on shipping pallets.

Custom Shipping Boxes that Attracts Attention

Custom shipping rsc box
Beyond its use, there are many things to consider when choosing the right printed shipping boxes for your products. One that stands out from your competitors is a surefire way of ensuring business longevity while at the same time satisfying your company goals and customer demands.

Packaging boxes come in many different shapes and sizes giving you an array of materials to choose from. Knowing what you have to package and how it will secure your merchandise will help you determine the right make and design to fit your needs. Choosing the box’s style also plays a crucial role in making your product unique. Presentation, durability, and product protection are essential aspects of attracting the attention of your prospective customers.

Durable Custom Shipping Boxes

Though a box has the primary purpose of safeguarding what’s inside, it has to be durable enough to withstand the rigors of shipment and everyday wear. Curious customers are bound to hold your items, and a misshapen box because of poor quality material will likely be rejected by the next potential buyer. If anything, the printed shipping boxes of your merchandise have to be durable enough to withstand everyday wear.

Custom shipping boxes are ideally better to make your product stand out. If a shopper goes through a line of product with the same box size and design, he will likely be attracted to a product with a different-looking packaging style. This is what’s called a visual advertisement in the marketing world. Potential buyers are likely to go for a product which stands out from a shelf.

Presentation Affects Your Product’s Reputation

Many businesses fall short in providing an excellent product presentation because they packaged their items with the wrong design and container. Custom shipping boxes are far better than other alternatives because they can be manufactured according to your specific requirements. And because packaging boxes are cost-effective marketing tools, one that highlights your product with the right message provides an excellent way of returning your initial investment.

How your product looks from the inside out affects your company and your product’s reputation. A shabby cardboard packaging material is less likely to get attention than a not so famous brand with an appealing box. This is because people are drawn to how the product is visually presented to them.

And because every company seeks to be on top, using custom shipping boxes that tells the story of your brand and the quality of your product is a way to get ahead of your competitors.

Boxes for Packaging Make Products Stand Out

Folding Carton with Foil Stamping

The material and design of your product packaging either make or break your sales efforts. Because people are drawn to items that are highly appealing, using boxes for packaging to make your product stand out is something you will want to consider before making that initial marketing run.

Corrugated packaging is known for its strength, lightness, and durability. Boxes made from corrugated paper material are also cost-effective alternatives providing both safety and design flexibility to meet your every demand. These types of packaging material are widely used in the food and cosmetics industry because of their quality and the protection they provide during product shipment.

The Best Types of Packaging Material

Corrugated packaging is the best options for your merchandise because not only are they standard market materials, but they also have a tremendous advantage over their counterparts. Among the most noticeable benefits of using corrugated box are its renewability, lightweightness, easy customization, and better printing capacity.

The best types of packaging material always complement the product more than disrupting its viability and the efficacy of your marketing strategies. Most items fall short in providing their customers with clean and decent boxes for packaging, making their items look dull and shabby.

It is always important to understand that although your product may be better than your competitors, using a cheaply designed packaging material will likely have an impact on its market performance.

Make Your Product Stand Out with an Appealing Design

People are likely to patronize your product if they see how well-designed and well-crafted your packaging box is. In fact, research has shown that most people are highly visual and their buying decisions are swayed with how appealing a packaging material looks. This gives your customers a sense of value and gratification even though the corrugated packaging is thrown away after.

There are several design tips to make your packaging interesting. Paying attention to every detail will allow your customers to see how you are meticulous down to the last element. Your corrugated packaging does not have to have an overly complicated design. A simple message to communicate what you want your customers to know is one way of capturing their attention.

Additionally, a logo and a highly appealing infographic should resonate with what your brand is about. Several colors stand out, evoking positive emotions which can go along with your brand and your product.

Consider that a customer’s purchase decision is substantially formed by visual factors determined by the type and design of the box you use.

Creating an Elegant POP Display

Custom Counter-Top Display Boxes

High-end stores are more than just known for its opulence, but they are beacons of marketing attracting the affluent customers who are willing to shell thousands for a brand. If you happen to be one of those emerging products competing for an audience share, the only way to get ahead is to create a display box highlighting your brand and making your products stand out.

A POP display can provide your product with dramatic visuals enticing shoppers to go and have a look at what you are offering. With high-end shops in premier malls, creating a boutique display that either complements the interior or contrasts with the inside architecture of the building will not only spruce up the retail space but arouse interest among shoppers.

Creating an Interior to Get People to Purchase

There are many different approaches to retail design and a store layout that effectively sells. The most common strategy is to create a focal point which captivates the attention of strolling people and wandering shoppers. High-end boutiques are known to provide a personal touch to their services, unlike a regular retail store.

A display box can be part of what you can offer to make things a little convenient for shoppers. It provides an excellent visual for hard to sell products and entices people to try them. More importantly, this type of marketing strategy is an effective means of supplanting product engagement that would otherwise be hard to get.

Real Selling Power with Pop Displays

Creating a store display that tells of your brand’s story has always been the most effective way of capturing every shopper’s attention. Expensive boutiques spend a lot of hours creating head-turning window displays and eye-catching signages creatively immersing every shopper with their stunning visuals.

Using pop displays have been one of the most effective ways of getting people to try a product without spending too much overhead on marketing and advertisement costs. A straightforward and elegantly designed point-of-purchase marketing material not only helps promote your brand but also influences purchasing decisions.

Though pop displays may not hold a significant space inside a boutique either because they are located at the back of the store or at the cash register, they have an intrinsic quality of boosting product sales. The marketing material has a good way of building desire amongst shoppers and helps change the minds of paying or wandering customers.

Wholesale Mailer Boxes are Not Just Options

Custom mailer box

With the increase in online marketing, more and more retailers and wholesalers are on the lookout for customized and affordable packaging. With the rise of such scenario, mailer boxes come in much handy and are cost-effective in comparison to other packaging options. With this proposition, we can conclude that they are not just options, but a must for businesses who would like to be on top.

With an array of features combining with top-quality material, design, and color, these boxes are the best for shipping products – be it for short distance or long haul. Some of the pros of opting for large quantity mailers or wholesale mailer boxes are faster turnarounds, complementary online proofing, and recyclable options.

Large quantity mailers can also come with features like the self-locking technology, easy assemblage, protective dust flaps, double-sided printing, and more. When your business product requires protection but also needs that touch of style, custom made wholesale mailer boxes is a must.

Get rid of the conventional packaging design

If you have a product that provides limited impact, then you have a traditional packaging design. You must distinguish what your product is about and everything related to it so you can create a voice. The more creative and innovative your solutions are the higher your brand will succeed.

Majority of the packaging boxes are square in shape which creates a feeling of boredom. Designing a different looking box will introduce an element of interest to the product while preserving its functionality. Mailer boxes can also come in high-quality prints and add-on foils to create a premium look. So, if you have a slightly higher marketing budget, you can opt for those premium packaging look to get rid of the boredom associated with traditional packaging.

A selection of boxes to suit your needs

Customized large quantity mailers do not require tapes or adhesives to assemble. Perfect for e-commerce packaging or retail-ready gift box, these boxes provide you with an easy-to-use box that does not need anything more.

Some of the custom printed mailer boxes include the kraft mailer box, plain corrugated mailer box full printed mailer box, printed corrugated mailer box, and the corrugated custom clutch kit mailer box. Depending on the purpose the box is required for, you can purchase large quantity mailers at affordable rates and fast turnaround time from reputed manufacturers.

Storage with Folding Cardboard Boxes

Custom Folding Cartons with Foam Inserts Pets Spark

Cardboard boxes are one of the most common storage options used for packing a wide variety of goods. Almost everything from fresh fruits and vegetables to products of long-term use is being stored and shipped using cardboard boxes. An improvised version of such packaging material from ready-made boxes to customized foldable ones has taken the market by storm.

Printed foldable boxes can be made from a single color up to four colors with Hi-Gloss UV coating or matte finish. The interior of the package can also be given the same appearance for a better product look. There are several benefits of using a printed foldable box, some of which are as follows

Easy to recycle and an environmentally-friendly option

While the conventional wooden fruit crates take reasonably large spaces during storage, folding cardboard boxes take the least space. They can be easy to dispose of or recycle giving them the versatility you need from packaging material. This makes them suitable for various products including fruits and vegetable which often gets squashed during transit.

The pulp of a non-virgin paperboard is often made from a recycled paperboard material. Moreover, scraps generated from manufacturing can be easily reused. This process of recycling and reuse in the manufacturing industry minimizes the negative impact on the environment by reducing the generation of waste products.

A customizable, flexible, and rigid packaging material

One of the primary benefits of folding cardboard boxes is the flexibility it provides. Each type of box can be tailored to meet the needs of business and designed to meet their demands. Features like windows and hanging tabs can be included give the box a unique look. Using wet-strength paperboard helps prevent moisture from damaging the products inside the container.

Paperboard used for different shipping products comes with a variety of weights to ensure the security of the content while remaining structurally sound. Cartons made out of corrugated board provide additional support to ship heavier products.

Different types of printed foldable boxes are used to house different products. The manufacturing company has diversified its product line to provide customers with ample amounts of choices. Some of the most used cardboard boxes include the straight truck-end, reverse truck-end, truck top auto-bottom, full flap auto-bottom, snap-lock bottom, and the sealed end.

It is easy to look for the type of box your business needs. More than providing protection, it can be used as a cheap way of advertising your product and a marketing strategy to make your business grow.

Enhance Your Brand with Custom Printed Boxes

custom suitcase box Patron
Think about the last product you purchased online? Did you notice the packaging? Perhaps, you might have seen a logo of the manufacturer or the seller over the printed box. Most of the time, this is what enticed you to purchase the product.

Custom printed boxes convey a deeper meaning to every buyer indicating a sense of reliability and reputation. The little benefits that they provide are enough to give your business the needed boost. A customized box helps you develop strong branding so people can quickly identify your products and relate to your brand.

Custom made boxes provide more than you think

While some people consider custom packaging to be a complete waste of money and an overhead on the price of the product, it actually contributes mainly to brand identity and consumer awareness. Some of the common reasons for retailers opting for a custom printed box for shipping their products are:

  • Simplify tasks for retailers. – Most retailer market different products from different brands. Receiving packaging with relevant product information will make the task of categorizing each product separately. Products having small units will make it convenient for the retailer to identify them before sorting.
  • Eco-friendly promotion – Customizing your packaging boxes with an attractive design and distinguishable logo can help in the widespread development of your business. With every brand going for environment-friendly alternatives, keeping a check on the eco-friendly option will be great for your brand. Environment-conscious customers are likely to patronize your product because it contributes towards reducing carbon footprint.
  • Stand out from your competitors – With the boom of technology, there is cut-throat competition in the market. Regardless of the product quality, its packaging will contribute towards creating a positive image in the minds of consumers. A custom made box and packaging can help you conquer a significant portion of the market.
  • Technical details – A reliable custom printing company will suggest you include the necessary technical aspects of a product such as the model, size, expiry date, quantity, etc. apart from other shipping details. This helps both the buyer and the seller at the time of delivery.

The positive side of a custom-made box’ cost factor

No one can deny that designing custom printed boxes increases product costs by some margin. But this is only true for products with low market demand. But also consider that an adequately designed custom made box, the need for the product also rises. This, in turn, leads brand participation which is the main ingredient for your business to succeed.

Potential of Cardboard Packaging Boxes

Sirius Specialty Box Folding-Carton
Cardboard packaging boxes powerful packing material that has been in use since the 1890s. It is light, affordable, and eco-friendly. Cardboard boxes are made up of corrugated Box and work as a cushion for packaged material.

Majority of delivery services use cardboard material for transport because it is cheap and can be customized based on specifications. A cardboard packaging box is recognized for its cost-effectiveness in terms of production, prize, and labor. It has been used all over the world because it has proven itself to be the top packaging material.

  • Highly Affordable – cardboard boxes are extremely affordable, readily available and all in all, a cost-effective packaging material.
  • Provides Protection – cardboard boxes are designed like a fibreboard. They work like a cushion for packaged materials by providing safety against mechanical shocks, vibration, and jerks.
  • Light Weight – Cardboard boxes being made up of paper material, makes them easy to handle and move during packaging.
  • Eco-Friendly – Cardboard boxes are eco-friendly. They can be reused and recycled over and over since it is customizable to any shape.

Boost Your Company Credibility through Packaging Box Customization

If you own a small or large business, giving a strong impact on your customers is very important. Have you ever felt that something is missing in your product? Advertising your products also need to be eye-catching. Cardboard packaging boxes are known to be customizable and can be manufactured in any shape and size. Being made up of paper material, it can be printed with designs and logos according to your business needs.

You can advertise your product effectively through the use of customized boxes with custom printed designs. Many large companies make use of the flexibility of these boxes to promote their brands and increase sales. Most of these companies have imprinted their brand in the people’s minds simply by using a customized packaging box.

Promote your Product with Good Cardboard Packaging Boxes

Packaging is a powerful tool to promote your products. Cardboard packaging boxes are customizable from design to shape giving the flexibility you need. Almost every company in the world use this packaging material from the tech industry, fast food and restaurant chains, and the transportation of expensive fragile products.

A packaging box more than just houses your product, it can be a good way to promote what you have to offer. By allowing people to read the message, you can get your voice heard and brand stand out.

Custom Printed Mailing Box for Your Business

Custom die cut mailer

Running your own business is a challenge especially today where competition for almost all market is fierce and cutthroat. No matter the industry, there are always businesses going head to head to see who can score the lion’s share of the market. With so much competition, it’s easy to see why businesses put in the time and resources to gain the competitive edge they need to succeed, whether its through better marketing strategies, innovative product differentiation, and more.

One of the ways businesses try to outdo the other is by using tried-and-tested strategies and devices to outsmart, surpass, and outmaneuver the competition. A popular means to accomplish this is through active brand development, and for small to medium-sized businesses that ship their products directly to the consumer, the most cost-effective way to achieve this is with the use of a custom printed mailing box.

Let Your Brand Be Known

By using high-quality custom printed mailing boxes for product shipping, your businesses can achieve higher levels of product differentiation. Applying unique designs and brand imagery to shipping containers reinforces the brand in the hearts and minds of the consumer.

In marketing terms, this is referred to as effective brand positioning. Apart from the actual products, a brand’s name and value lie in how the public perceives them. With the use of a custom printed mailing box, your businesses are in a better position to establish the brand and create correlations between product branding and excellent customer value and satisfaction.

Create Better Value

Custom mailer boxes don’t just benefit the business, but they also help the customer. High-quality custom boxes improve customer satisfaction by providing them with a more intimate and interactive shopping experience. Especially with the truly unique and innovative designs that go into some of these custom mailing boxes, customers get to experience something different, something they can only get with your brand.

The positive shopping experiences only help to enhance brand positioning, establish the brand as customer-oriented, and benefit the company in the long-term. Custom boxes not only increase the perceived value of your brand, but it also increases the actual amount that customers receive. What’ best of all, it’s relatively inexpensive to start using custom mailer boxes for product shipping.

They may not be as cheap and in as high supply as generic boxes, but custom mailer boxes with effective branding is a worthwhile investment that will pay off in the long run.

Types of RSC Shipper Boxes and Uses

Custom shipping rsc box

The Regular Slotted Container (RSC) is one of the most widely used box variety used for storage and shipping. It certainly has plenty of uses, both for commercial and personal. These boxes can be used as storage for toys, office supplies, kitchenware, and other essential items inside the house. Businesses, on the other hand, can also use it as a suitable means to ship goods and products.

RSC shipper boxes comprise of corrugated cardboard that is assembled to form two outer flaps that meet at the box’s center. The containers are secured using tape, staples, or high-strength glue. If the item placed inside requires additional protection, pads or foam can are added. These boxes can also come in a variety of materials and finishes. Businesses have the option to choose whichever custom printed shipping boxes they need.

Aside from the necessary RSC shipper boxes, there are also other varieties when it comes to size, dimensions, and some flaps.

Regular Slotted Container with Variable Flaps (RSCVF)

This box is similar to the regular RSC box; the difference is that one of the outer flaps overlap the other by a few centimeters. This design is ideal for boxing with a greater length – the overlapping flap will make it more secure. The folds protect items inside with the use of staples or masking tape.

Full Overlap Container (FOL)

The Full Overlap Container style is for products with narrower widths. The outer folds overlap the whole width of the box. FOL containers are ideal for heavyweight products such as appliances and metal items due to their strong carrying capacity.

Double Cover Boxes (DC)

This style comprises of top two interchangeable covers for the top and bottom. Having two coats makes it ideal to fit in heavy items that will be difficult to lower inside the box. The two sheets are arranged in a tray style.

Half-Slotted Box with Cover (HSC)

In a Half-Slotted Box, the top works as a tray style that extends less than the bottom. It is ideal when an open top container is needed and when one needs to remove the cover for display purposes or accessibility frequently.

Five Panel Wrap

The Five Panel Wrap is an excellent solution for flat items. The cover can be folded over the object to form a single rigid box. It has superior stacking strength and is ideal for golf clubs, hockey sticks, guitars, and similar-sized products.

As we speak, different varieties of RSC containers probably continue to be invented. There are plenty of different styles and functions to choose from that can suit specific needs.

Advantages of Custom Cardboard Displays


With stiff competition in almost every industry, it’s crucial for brands and companies to make sure their products stand out. Whether it’s an international manufacturer selling bulk products to stores around the world or a small enterprise competing in the market, it’s essential for your brand to stand out. Using custom cardboard displays are one of the most viable ways to grab the attention of consumers and make the sale.

A cardboard display is a piece of the container with an attractive message and clear images. The cutout can be customized to fit the exact specification of the product. Most often, these personalized display boxes capture interest because of their alluring message which instantly hits the attention of a buyer.

Personalize your brand with a custom cardboard display box

One way brands are doing this by investing in high-quality and well-designed custom cardboard displays. By using a specially-designed container to store items in retail establishments, brands get an immediate advantage over the competition. By using customized cardboard boxes – often with custom branding and logos, – to display their products, companies can make sure that their products catch the attention of customers who would have otherwise just walked past them in the aisle or counter.

Cardboard displays are favorite everywhere, including shopping malls, retail centers, convenience stores, and many other establishments. Display boxes are also used by some of the biggest brands as well as active local ones. Cardboard product displays, especially customized ones with custom branding and designs, provide customers with a visual representation of a brand’s identity and personality. Of course, product packaging also helps in this regard, but with custom cardboard displays, products are more capable of drawing attention and leaving the customer with a lasting impression.

Custom cardboard displays are economical

Moreover, considering the state of the market nowadays, with so many businesses serving just as many markets, the aspiring and ambitious businessman would take advantage of every opportunity to get ahead, including using tried-and-tested consumer behavior principles to boost sales with more attractive visuals and displays.

Apart from being very useful and almost mandatory from the marketing standpoint, using cardboard displays for products in retail stores are also very economical. Especially when it comes to using a corrugated display which makes use of sturdier, more durable fiberboard with better resistance to the elements, businesses get much value when investing in a proper, customer-branded cardboard display for their products.

Setup Boxes and Retail Packaging

specialty setup box Xbox
No matter what type of retailer you are, whether you are selling wines or jewelry, you could always use a little pizzazz when it comes to packaging. Putting some effort and creativity into the packaging will tell your customers that your product is high-value.

One way to do that is to present your product in a setup box. Also known as a rigid paperboard box, a setup box is usually made up of sturdy paper materials such as paperboard or heavy black chipboard. It comes in a top and bottom tray. These are then are glued together and wrapped in high-quality paper or lightweight fabric. A good thing about setup boxes is that they come assembled during manufacturing, so there’s no need for additional labor to set it up – hence the name ‘setup box.’

Make your product stand out with elegance and style

Using setup boxes will communicate elegance and style to the customers. These boxes are usually used for goods in businesses such as confectionaries, stationaries, cosmetics, jewelry, healthcare, liquor, among many others. It can also be used as a substitute for gift packaging since it can look very stylish and can protect the item very well.

There are many types of setup boxes available today. The right type will depend on the nature and features of the item you want to put into it. What’s great is that these setup boxes are highly customizable, you need to find the right manufacturer and supplier that can meet your needs.

Highlight your items with a setup box

If you want the packaging to highlight the product, a setup box with a custom die-cut foam insert is an excellent choice. These are perfect for perfumes, wine bottle, and other high-value items. There are plenty of exciting opportunities when it comes to the material for the cover – from metallic to matte, to anywhere in between. Popular finishes include linen paper, high gloss laminate, foil paper, embossed paper, and plain matte paper. It can also come in themes or patterns. Adding elegant calligraphy can also add a more personalized touch.

Whether you admit it or not, the visual presentation has a significant impact on how customers will perceive your product. Even if you are only selling a simple, utilitarian item, using a luxurious and elegant setup box can significantly add value to it. This is the reason why a setup box is an excellent retail packaging solution. It instantly adds elegance and glamour with minimal time and labor.

What You Need to Know about Shipping Tubes

Custom Mailing Tubes

There are different types of packaging materials and shipping tubes are one of the non-conventional material used but more likely to be helpful. Unlike the regularly shaped packaging material, custom tubes are cylindrical-shaped and can be used for items that have a shape that cannot be effectively accommodated by a conventional storage material. It is good when shipping sensitive materials, hazardous chemicals, or materials that are elongated or has a similar cylindrical or materials with an unusual length and conforms to the shipping tube shape.

Often called mailing tubes or cardboard tubes, these packaging materials are made from structurally sound cardboard material. It has a cylindrical shape and is commonly utilized because of their structural strength. Packages inside custom tubes often are protected by end seals either made of plastic or cardboard itself. It can also be used to protect subscription materials like magazines, paintings, documents, or letters without compromising their quality and shape.

Protect Your Materials From Damages Incurred During Shipping

Unlike cardboard boxes which sometimes incur dents along the way, these custom tubes are made from denser and thicker cardboard walls. They provide superior protection from dents, bumps, and accidental drops that may occur during the shipment process. Unlike the regular packaging square boxes that sometimes arrive with dents or small holes, shipping tubes are specifically designed to fully protect the items inside. This is because it has a thicker built and the shape itself does not bend or dent easily.

This tubular packaging material comes in a wide range of length and thickness, and can also be purchased and acquired in various diameters. It can perfectly fit whatever you are shipping to prevent any possible damage.

Shipping Tubes Can be Used Over and Over

A heavy-duty packaging material, shipping tubes can be used several times to serve its purpose. They can be recycled as many times as you want because they are manufactured to last longer than the normal square box. They do have limitations though, and only certain items can be placed and fitted inside, but this slight drawback cannot undermine its overall serviceability.

More than being a packaging material, mailing tubes can also be re-used in a number of ways. It can be recycled and turned into useful DIY projects to keep your things organized. It can be cut into small and equally sized pieces to organize socks or undergarments in your drawers or cut in varying lengths and stacked together to keep your desk clean.

Printed Shipping Boxes Can Help Save You Money

Custom shipping box
Packaging your product is more than just protecting what’s inside, but it is an ideal way of making your product stand out. As you are competing in a vast market which offers the same product like yours, packaging them with a custom shipping box can be an effective marketing tool. Not only does it save you on advertising expense, but people are more likely to respond when they see something different and enticing.

Some of the reasons why you would want to consider printed shipping boxes for your brand is because they can be easily recognized by your intended audience, it can be a good marketing tactic, and what’s more, it helps you save on packaging expense.

Create an Effective Brand Awareness with a Custom Shipping Box

There are several avenues to market your product, but one of the most useful and less expensive ways is to work on the outside packaging of your product. As television and magazine or newspaper slots are much more expensive, using a custom shipping box will help people remember what you offer immediately.

Brand awareness is something that printed shipping boxes can help you quickly achieve. You can utilize the blank spaces to present a clear and effective message about your product and use the empty side spaces to print your company logo and slogan. In most cases where a customer’s attention has been drawn in, it creates a ripple effect which helps grow your business to greater heights.

Save Money by Using Printed Shipping Boxes

By using a customized packaging, you are saving tons of money not just on ad campaigns, but also on having the ability to choose the exact dimension and right prints suited for your packaging requirements. Because these materials are created based on what your business needs, you are not paying for anything extra like inner packaging to make your product extra secure.

On top of that, a perfectly sized box ensures your product gets the needed protection during shipment. When properly packed, they will not incur damage during humps and bumps along the way. A custom shipping box is also a great platform to inform your customers about the benefits and what your product has to offer. It is a solid advertising platform with fewer investments required as compared to the traditional strategies we have gotten used to. Ultimately, you save money on printed packaging boxes because they can be ordered in bulk which often comes with a discount.

Make Your Point of Purchase Displays Stand Out

Custom Countertop Shipper Displays
Being competitive in every aspect of your marketing strategy is what needed to keep your business afloat and your products recognized easily. One of the most effective marketing campaigns you can utilize for your small items is to entice your prospective customers with display boxes. These are often those small boxes you can see on the pay counter or freestanding cardboard materials in the middle of the grocery and highlighting the stacked products.

In most cases where products are hard to sell, utilizing this type of advertisement is useful to keep people aware of the brand and lure them towards trying the product. And because they are highlighted inside the store, customers who are looking for things to buy are more likely to be drawn towards the visual display and presentation.

Consider Colors to Draw Attention to Buyers

One good way of drawing attention towards your point of purchase displays is to evoke strong emotion and perception through the use of colors. If your products have a specific color, create a powerful message by going against the backdrop to create a focal point that generates attention to your display boxes.

A good example is to use red or orange which is considered to be arousing colors, or perhaps use green or blue to evoke a calming effect on your intended audience. There is also a study that shoppers are particularly drawn to color more than anything else and they draw decisions within a minute and a half after being able to interact with what is being offered.

Make Your Display Boxes Appealing

If you have several products you want to include in your point of purchase displays, always make sure they are organized in a good way. Product grouping attracts customers and helps create a visual stimulus that draws their attention to the full. Use a color scheme or arranged them according to their use or item type can be neat to look at.

But on the side of it, you can also incorporate other elements to trigger their eyes and brains into looking twice at what you are offering. In many ways, capturing a prospective customer doesn’t have to come from being too organized. You can also create a perfect imbalance on your point of purchase displays so their brains are triggered into gazing at your display boxes. Whatever your strategy is, it is POP displays will always be a great marketing strategy.

Packaging with the Right Custom Box Maker

Die cut mailer cookie in the crate
There are many custom box maker in the market and it can be difficult to gain a partnership with most who offer high prices and low-quality materials. But when it comes to your business needs, nothing is more important than getting the right ally who can provide you with what you need.

Some of the most important things you have to determine before signing a deal are whether they’d be able to meet your demands and whether they have the right technology to manufacture the right amount of boxes based on your demands.

Consider What You Need the Box for

There are lots of things you need to look at before getting into a deal with a custom box maker. The first thing you have to consider is what the box will be used for and how simple the packaging would be. Being able to determine the simplicity or complexity of your packaging will help you rule whether the manufacturer can supply the type and amount of boxes you need.

There are also lots of different box sizes and being specific about the design is crucial to the custom box manufacturing process runs smoothly. Being involved from the initial step to the delivery process will guarantee you get the needed type of box and ensure that it passes through your quality procedures.

Determine the Packaging Features

The overall look and design of your packaging box are dependent on what has to be placed inside. For example, if you have an irregular-shaped item, it can be unique and appealing if you follow the curves of the item and have the box designed just like it’s shaped. This ensures you do not just have a conventional looking product and the custom box maker can devote their time designing a viable packaging for whatever your product is.

Material quality and box design also have to be determined prior to enlisting the help of a custom box manufacturing company. This guarantees you receive your packaging boxes without delays. Manufacturing a customized packaging material is not as hard as it may seem. Considering all of these external factors will help make a smooth transaction and your boxes can be delivered in less amount of time.

As with any other industry, getting the help of a reliable custom box manufacturer doesn’t have to come hard. You just have to understand what your needs are and get the help of a custom box maker who can give you what you need.

Why Use Heavy Duty Shipping Boxes

Heavy Duty Shipping Box

The main purpose of packaging is first, to keep the product safe and in good condition during manhandling or while in transit, and second, to make the brand more known to the customers. Most of the time, people purchase not only because of the sheer functionality of the item but also because of how safe and how aesthetically pleasant the item is packaged.

These are the most common ways of packaging goods and commodities for sale:

  • corrugated pop displays
  • custom mailer box
  • printed shipping boxes
  • custom printed mailing boxes
  • small quantity mailers

Aside from these, these packaging options, especially among small items, are used:

  • convoluted foam packaging
  • folding corrugated boxes
  • custom foam insert
  • custom printed shipping boxes
  • corrugated folding cartons
  • folding cardboard boxes
  • counter top display

These packaging options work well with small items, however, if you have to ship larger ones, the best way to do so is by using heavy duty shipping boxes, double wall shipping boxes, or cardboard packaging boxes. All these will ensure that your packages are safe while being shipped or being handled.

What are heavy duty shipping boxes?

These boxes are usually made with the use of corrugated cardboard. Since corrugated cardboard is flexible and easy to design, heavy duty shipping boxes can likewise be made into various sizes and thickness. You can make your boxes double-walled or single walled, as well as triple-walled depending on the safety requirement of the goods that you will be packaging. Triple walled boxes are best for extra heavy goods or material for packaging.

Ideally, heavy duty boxes are meant for goods and materials that would require extra protection and for things that are quite challenging to handle due to its weight. In these cases, heavy-duty boxes are also transported in pallets to hold the weight of the package.

If you’re not sure what type of packaging application is best for the goods and materials you ship, it is best to talk to a sales representation regarding the design and walling required. You can also test these boxes to make sure your packages won’t break while in transit.

Once you have decided on the boxes that are appropriate for the kind of materials you pack and ship, you can also ask your sales representative for a quote on the design of the same. Designing your boxes is also necessary to satisfy the aesthetic aspect of the packaging concept. You need this to make your brand more known to your target audience.

Benefits of Using a Counter Top Display


To get your product noticed in every retail store you display in, the best way to go is to have your own counter top display.

This can also be a form of packaging wherein you communicate to your target market the values and message of your brand. Other packaging methods prevalent in the market are the following:

  • folding corrugated boxes
  • folding cardboard boxes
  • custom printed shipping boxes
  • custom foam insert
  • corrugated folding cartons
  • convoluted foam packaging

For smaller and more delicate packages and items, the following are used:

  • small quantity mailers
  • printed shipping boxes
  • custom printed mailing boxes
  • custom mailer box
  • corrugated pop displays

For heavy and fragile goods and products, double wall shipping boxes, heavy duty shipping boxes, or cardboard packaging boxes.

Then again, if your intention is to provide flyers, disseminate more information about your products and services while also providing a sample of the same, you can set up a counter top display where you can insert and display your flyers along with product samples.

Of course, you must make your counter top sturdy and pleasing at the same time. To achieve both purposes, the best material to use is corrugated cardboard.

Here are the top 3 benefits of using corrugated cardboard for your counter top display:

Corrugated cardboard is flexible

You can easily fold or cut the cardboard so you have more freedom with the style and form of counter top you can make. Aside from being foldable and bendable in any way you want, corrugated cardboards are also easily designable. You can add stickers, decals, and digital prints on its surface to achieve a more pleasant look.

Corrugated cardboards are cost-efficient.

Counter top displays are part of your brand advertising. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to overspend for it. To be able to advertise while also keeping your company expenditure in check, the best way to go is to use corrugated cardboard for your counter tops. As of now, this is the cheapest packaging material in the market.

Corrugated cardboards are eco-friendly.

Another good reason for using this material is the fact that it’s environment-friendly. You can always reuse or recycle the same, thus, diminishing company expenses while also helping save the environment.

The History of Cardboard Packaging Boxes

Custom mailer box

The usefulness and simplicity of cardboard packaging boxes would sometimes make us think that it has always been there. What we often fail to realize is the fact that despite its plainness, it has a wonderful and dynamic history.

Did you know that in the past, repacking is an unusual seen to witness? It was only after the 1st and 2nd World War that packaging was noticed since it was modified to lengthen the shelf lives of the food made for soldiers out in the war zone.

How Cardboard Packaging Boxes Came About

Robert Gair is the man behind the discovery of these packaging boxes. He originally thought of the idea of creating boxes out by folding cardboard panels which were pre-cut. It was at this moment that the packaging industry was revolutionized. Since it is easier to transport goods with the use of boxes as packaging and also because of its cost-efficiency, modern packaging came about. It was only a matter of time after more sophisticated and better packaging solutions were discovered and utilized.

After boxes, transparent cellophane were invented in 1920. There were various technical innovations that followed after this until aerosol was discovered and released in 1952. Such phenomenon contributed to the use of aseptic cartons and the explosion of the carbonated drinks industry. Aseptic cartons were then used to lengthen the shelf-lives of milk.

Boxes and Packaging in the Modern Era

Boxes and packaging have gone a long way since its first conception during Robert Gair’s time. Currently, retailers, businesses, and corporations engage the services of custom packaging companies to come up with a packaging solution that is appropriate for the kind of business these companies and individuals have.

Some packaging methods available in the market include the following:

  • convoluted foam packaging
  • custom foam insert
  • folding cardboard boxes
  • double wall shipping boxes
  • corrugated folding cartons
  • custom printed shipping boxes
  • folding corrugated boxes

For more delicate and smaller items that need to be packed or repacked, the following packaging options are available:

  • small quantity mailers
  • printed shipping boxes
  • custom printed mailing boxes
  • custom mailer box
  • corrugated pop displays

For fragile and delicate goods, heavy duty shipping boxes are the most suitable option.

The reason why most businesses spend time conceptualizing their packaging design is that this is also a very good way for them to directly communicate with their customers and make their respective brand, products, and services known.

Grab Attention with Corrugated Folding Boxes

Custom Made Folding Boxes
The retail industry was left in frenzy with the introduction of product packaging. To capture every buyer’s attention, companies are now finding solutions on how to make their brand more known through their packaging. As a result of this need, product packaging now became a means of direct interaction between the brand and their target market.

Retail packaging can be defined as a packaging solution meant to assist retailers in running their respective brands and shops efficiently and seamlessly. With its colorful prints and stylish fonts, retail packaging is specifically designed to grab the customers’ attention. Aside from this, the packaging is also maintained to keep the product in good condition during shipping or manhandling.

Packaging made from corrugated cardboard is the best choice to achieve both functionality and style.

Why should you choose corrugated cardboard for your folding boxes?

The main reason for using folding cardboard boxes and other packaging needs is simply because this material is very flexible. You can fold it and design it easily because you can bend it any way you like. Also, this material is easily cut into any form and shape. While being artistic and functional, using corrugated cardboard can also help save the environment since it is easily recyclable and it is environment-friendly.

For companies who are looking for ways to save on the cost of packaging, corrugated folding cartons is also an ideal choice since it is the cheapest packaging material available in the market.

You can also add digital prints, labels, sticker, and graphic designs to the surface of the material, thus, enhancing its aesthetic value.

Where to buy quality corrugated cardboard material?

This material is easily available so you don’t have to worry about its supply. You can check out the internet for various packaging solutions offered and see which fits your needs and style.

If you are unsure, you can always seek professional advice from a folding carton company. Discuss with them the concept you want and ask them to innovate a design that can help you get ahead of your competitors.

Don’t wait for your competitor to outshine you. Call a corrugated cardboard manufacturer today and get that attention-grabbing packaging and design you need.

Creating Custom Printed Shipping Boxes

custom shipping rsc box

One of the many considerations when creating a brand is how you will customize your printed shipping box. As there are many different options to choose from, it can be quite understandable why most businesses fall short in delivering an effective packaging design that fits their business needs. In most cases, it deflects customer attention because they are either designed to be ambiguous or has an incoherently crafted message.

In more ways, the primary consideration you should make is to choose the right types of packaging based on several factors that affect the quality of your services. Durability, item security, and the overall quality of your services can be factored out when creating custom printed shipping boxes. Your client’s belongings have to perfectly fit inside the package and the message on the printed shipping box has to be delivered clearly and attractively.

Utilize the Printed Box to Highlight Your Brand and Logo

Because your brand is competing with many other services of the same niche, yours can stand out just with the quality prints and customized boxes you use. Many other aspects are part of what is considered by your potential customers including the type of materials you use to safeguard their belongings. In such a way, brand and logo presentation affects the overall worthiness of your services. It can be a determinant of how people perceive your company and their willingness to commit to the services you offer.

A well-designed logo and a message that is easily understood can entice people more than anything. It creates interest among people who see your logo so they can easily relate it to the type of services you provide. Growing your shipping business with custom printed shipping boxes is perpetually a component good reputation because people can easily recognize your brand.

A Good Logo and a Simple Message Always Gets Across Easily

Simple messages are always easily understandable and retain much better in the minds of most people. A complicated logo and perplexing message sometimes become so distracting that people often do not perceive what you are trying to emphasize. So when designing your printed shipping box, always remember that people have limited attention span and the more understandable your logo and messages are, the more people will remember them.

So when designing your custom printed shipping boxes, always remember that people will respond to messages they understand and a business logo they can relate with. It is better to have a good brand logo and a simple message people will be driven to action.

Understanding Digital Printing for Boxes

Cardboard digital print

Digital printing for boxes
is one of the most remarkable ways of really personalizing your product and creating a brand experience to your intended audience. Not only does it make your product stand out in a competitive market, but it also allows you to emanate the message you want to communicate.

With various technologies emerging, understanding how to make your product boxes customized will help you save costs and deliver the right appeal you want your product to exude. Digital printing for boxes is one of the most dominant ways of giving your boxes a professionally crafted appeal and has been used by almost all industries because it is low-cost and effective.

Why You Should Go For Inkjet Printing

Of all the various types of printing technology used for packaging boxes, digital printing for boxes or inject printing is one of the most advantageous because it has minimum set-up fees and offers the most typical uses for your various printing needs. It can be applied to corrugated printing shipping boxes, labels, folding cartons, and film packaging among others.

Inkjet or digital printing for boxes also have a quality print which can be likened to offset printing but at the fraction of the cost. It offers the same gradients making your graphics smoother and more noticeable.

Ideally, using digital inkjets for your corrugated printing shipping boxes is better because it offers a low minimum and has a quick turn-around and delivery time. This means that you can get your custom boxes immediately if you need them quickly. It is also ideal if you are on a small budget but wants to have crisp graphics and a photo quality finish for your shipping boxes.

Legitimize Your Brand With Corrugated Printing Shipping Boxes

Personalizing your packaging with digital printing for boxes is one way of making your business cry out for attention. With most companies looking for ways to attract potential customers, having a box that really compliments what’s inside can spell the difference. Your brand can be distinguished not of the product inside but on how your digitally printed packaging box entices everyone.

In a similar fashion where clothes are judged based on their design, a fully customized packaging box can be a precursor of highlighting what’s inside the box. It appeals to your intended audience and provides the message you want to convey about your product.

Brand Recognition with Custom Printed Mailer Boxes

Die Cut Mailer

Impressing possible customers with custom printed mailer boxes has always been beneficial not only for brand recognition but to elicit loyalty amongst your potential customers. Famous brands are not only known for the quality of the products they offer but also because they provide an added twist to help their brand stand out amongst their competitors.

Made either from corrugated paper material or using heavy duty paperboards, these packaging materials can be manufactured based on your specifications. It can have a custom printing and designed according to what your product and company needs. Not only do they provide an extra appeal to your products, but they also ensure your items are out of harm’s way during shipment.

A Unique Solution That Makes a Lasting Impression

Tailored according to what your brand is about, custom printed mailer boxes are the right solutions to give your products a certain edge. They can be used not only to customize your branding but also let your customers visualize how meticulous your business is when it comes to creating a lasting impression. It can be a good investment that gives you the ROI you need from your business.

This type of packaging material is precisely what their name implies. They are custom printed for your brand and has hinged lids which can have your company logo and the message your business stands for. Think of a pair of brand new shoes coming from your favorite store. They are packaged using custom printed mailer boxes to give new shoe owners an authentic feel of what they are buying.

Adds Versatility and Professionalism to Your Packaging

When it comes to versatility and a professionally crafted packaging, nothing compares to custom printed mailer boxes. It can be designed and printed with your business logo and can be painted inside out to create a more powerful presentation of your product. Customized mailer boxes can be used for various other purposes including subscription boxes, recycled box container or organizer, and a holiday gift wrapping container.

Ordering large quantities mailers from manufacturers can also be cost-effective because prices can be negotiable depending on your bulk order. And whatever the shape and size of your mailer box, it always possesses a quality that makes your product look more professionally made.

Unlike cheap packaging materials like plastic or thin paper boxes, a tailored mailer box usually does the trick of allowing you to market your product at a better price. Custom printed mailer boxes are simple and appealing packaging materials that guarantee your product is represented well and are well protected.

Convoluted Foam Packaging for Electronics

Custom Foam Insert

Also known as an egg-crate packaging foam, a convoluted foam packaging is made from durable polyurethane foam. With a structure that resembles an egg tray in grocery shops, this type of packaging material is highly ideal for sensitive electronics and fragile materials. It has a lightweight and sturdy design yet won’t cost any abrasion to your items being shipped.

Convoluted foam inserts can have a die cut and customized shape to exactly fit with the packaging box it will go along with. It removes unnecessary spaces within a package and prevents your items from bumping into each other. These custom foam inserts can also be purchased separately from shipping companies or suppliers with anti-static properties. Called an ESD Foam, it normally is dyed pink to signify that it has been chemically coated with surfactants to make it anti-static. The ridges support your sensitive items and cushion them from bumps during its transit.

A High-Quality Foam for Stronger Packaging

The soft open-cell structure of polyurethane makes it one of the most versatile types of packaging inserts. It can be manipulated into different shapes and sizes accommodating the fragility, weight, and size of your shipments. Custom foam inserts especially created to fit your item can be a good way of utilizing this type of material as it can effectively cushion your item against damages.

Interlocking foams create a solid protection able to take in shocks caused by the constant movement of the cargo vehicle. It can also recover quickly to its original shape and without having an impact on what’s inside the box. In more ways that you can imagine, a convoluted foam packaging is a great alternative to bubble wraps or packing pellets which often does not fully enclose the items being shipped. Custom foam inserts have a tight space where the item cannot move from side to side.

Anti-Static Convoluted Foam Packaging

ESD Foam has anti-static properties vital for the shipment of any computer, electronic, and automotive parts. Static electricity has positive and negative charges which can be changed with the presence of an electron atom. If your computer or electronic parts get exposed to static electricity, it can be damaged beyond repair.

Using an anti-static convoluted foam packaging, especially if you are shipping several items in one box provide a safe separation for the components. It ensures they do not get into contact with one another and prevent exposure to static electricity.

Why You Should Use Cardboard Mailer Boxes

Mailer Box HEYDAY

If you are selling goods online, chances are you are using ordinary cardboard boxes to package and ship your products. You may not be aware of it but there is a better way to package your product and help boost your business – cardboard mailer boxes and here are five reasons why:


Mailer boxes have an attached self-locking lid which makes packaging of products so much simpler. All you have to do is put your item inside the box, close the lid in place, and it is ready for shipping. With traditional boxes, the packaging process is much more time consuming and labor intensive.


Since you will save a lot of time and energy when using cardboard mailer boxes, you can pack more items in half the time and send them faster to your customers. Given that you will not be spending time on packaging and shipping, you can also focus on other business-related matters that can help grow your business. At the end of the day, you will get a lot of things done.

Aesthetic Value

Today, customers care about packaging as much as the product itself, which means having an outstanding item for selling is no longer enough. Majority of customers nowadays take photos of the packages they ordered online and capture the “unboxing” on video. Both pictures and video would then be uploaded to their social media accounts for the rest of the world to see. How would your brand make a good first impression if your packaging is just a boring brown box?

Use this opportunity to market your business. Customize your mailer boxes with a design and style that are both captivating and memorable. This way, potential customers will be encouraged to patronize your business once they see your products online.


Apart from being made from biodegradable materials which are environment-friendly, cardboard mailers can be reused and recycled in many ways. Unlike ordinary cardboard boxes that are normally thrown away, mailer boxes are used to keep the product for a long time, which means it wouldn’t go to waste.

Client Satisfaction

Ultimately, the goal of your business is to satisfy your clients because when they are happy, they will not only continue purchasing your brand, but they will also encourage others to do the same. Custom mailers will increase customer satisfaction considering its appeal and usability, things that are lacking in a traditional box.

Given the many benefits of using cardboard mailer boxes described above, isn’t it time for your business to ditch your boring cardboard box and use mailers instead?

What Your Custom Setup Box is Saying

Custom set up box

Gone are the days when product boxes are meant to simply protect the goods during transport. Today, more and more businesses are realizing the value of using customized setup boxes to hold their valued products as customers learn how to shop primarily with their eyes. Unlike ordinary and plain cardboard boxes, setup boxes with design and features that highlight your product will help boost sales because they speak to your customers.

Here are the things that your custom setup box is saying about your business whether you are aware of it or not:

Your Business is Unique

When you take the time to create packaging boxes that are attractive and completely different from your competitor, you are basically shouting to the world that your brand is unlike any other. Considering the high-level of competition in the market, any business who makes the extra effort to be original will definitely be noticed.

Your Business is Sophisticated

Try placing your product in a traditional brown box and one in a custom setup box and send them out for evaluation by random consumers. Without a doubt, the product in the plain box would be considered cheap and the one in the setup box would be deemed expensive and sophisticated. Because of this impression, consumers will not only buy your goods for their own personal use but even purchase them to send out as gifts.

Your Business Cares About Details

When your packaging is as wonderful as the product inside, your clients will appreciate your attention to details. They will realize that your brand is reliable because you do not take anything for granted. A business who does its best in everything, even in little things, will surely receive a loyal following.

Your Business Manufactures the Best Product

Presenting your product in elegantly designed setup boxes shows how much you value the items you produce. By looking at your product and its beautiful packaging, your target audience will think highly about what the items you offer since you care about where you house them.

Notice the millions of views that unboxing videos receive online. Its popularity is a testament to how packaging matters to the consumers. Numerous customer surveys also support how the adage, “Do not judge the book by its cover,” don’t really apply when it comes to marketing your product. Continue improving the design and features of your packaging boxes and your customers will hear what they are saying.

Why You Should Use Cardboard Display Boxes

Counter top display box

Using cardboard displays in your retail business can increase your sales especially if you place them in strategic locations such as near the register where customers can have a good look of the products you are showcasing because they are waiting for their turn to pay. Apart from attracting customers to buy, beautifully-designed display boxes also offer the following advantages:

Cardboard Displays are More Economical

Compared with other display boxes made from metal, plastic, wood, or other materials, you can save a lot of money when you use cardboard display boxes. Since they are much cheaper, you can have them in various designs, sizes, and shapes without breaking the bank. It is important to note that just because they are inexpensive does not mean that they would not last long. Corrugated display boxes are sturdy and durable, which means you can use them for a long time.

Cardboard Displays are Convenient to Use

Cardboard displays are easy to assemble, arrange, and showcase unlike other display boxes made from heavier and denser materials. This is particularly helpful if you are the only one who prepares and manages everything in the shop because you can easily move them around without any help. Since they occupy very little space, you can exhibit more products without making the counter look crowded or unsightly.

Cardboard Displays Can Entice Customers

With the right design, color, theme, and graphics, your cardboard display can serve a variety of purposes. For one, they can catch the attention of shoppers to make a purchase. Secondly, they can hold promotional materials or messages to boost your business. Lastly, with the aid of graphics and digital technology you can also use your pop-up displays to promote your brand and build a loyal following.

Cardboard Displays Will Help Your Shop Look More Orderly

If you have numerous items to sell, your shop may look crowded and messy. Apart from using shelves and tables, you can utilize countertop displays to organize and arrange the different products you are selling.

Cardboard Displays are Environment-Friendly

Since they are made from paper, cardboard countertop, stand-up, and other types of displays are sustainable and earth-friendly. You can point this out in your marketing campaign to attract customers who support entrepreneurs who advocate going green.

The benefits mentioned above are just some of the key reasons why you should utilize cardboard display boxes in your retail shop. With the right placement and design, you can promote and boost your business at the same time.

Sending Gifts Using a Custom Shipping Box

Custom shipping rsc box
Sending gifts to loyal clients is one of the most effective ways to build a long-lasting and beneficial relationship. While most businesses already aced finding the most suitable presents for their loyal following, it is unfortunate that they do not take the same amount of care in choosing and packing the custom shipping box that they use so that their gifts will not only be received in perfect condition, but the receiver will appreciate the thought that comes with it.

If you are guilty of completely focusing on the kind of gift that you would be sending out while ignoring how you would handle your packing and shipping, here are practical tips that you may want to consider:

Reuse Old Shipping Boxes

If you have large quantities shipping boxes in the office, you do not have to purchase new ones. You can reuse them, so you can save money and help the environment at the same time. Just make sure to remove old shipping labels and use your creativity to make old shipping boxes pleasing to the eyes.

Protect Fragile Items by Using Two Boxes

Shipping fragile items can be tricky. Instead of using one custom shipping box, try using the box-within-a-box method for added protection. Simply wrap your fragile item in thick cushioning material and place it in the smaller box. Place the smaller box inside a larger shipping box and make sure that it would provide adequate protection by filling it with crumpled newspapers, Styrofoam pellets, or peanuts. These box inserts will also keep the item firmly because there’s a greater chance of damage when it moves around.

Leave a Business Card or Personalized Message Inside the Shipping Box

To ensure that your client will receive the message you want to convey, place the card inside the box rather than outside the box where it can be ripped or removed. You can also include coupons or other promotional items so that your customer can learn more about the different products under your brand.

Use a Shipping Box Made from High-Grade Materials

Not all cardboard shipping boxes are created equal. Rely on shipping boxes made from high-quality material and manufactured by reputable box companies. Keep in mind that the safety of your gift depends largely on its packaging.

The items above are just a few of the most practical tips when shipping gifts to your valued customers. Do not forget that at the end of the day, your gift means nothing if it will be damaged during transport. Prevent this from happening by choosing the right shipping box and considering the tips mentioned here.

How to Use a Corrugated Ballot Box

ballot box with header
When you think about ballot boxes, the first thing that would come to mind is election since it is an important component in casting votes. But did you know that you can use a corrugated ballot box even if you are not holding an election?

Whether it is a floor standing ballot box or the conventional one, you will be surprised as to the different ways you can utilize the humble ballot box. Here are a few ideas on how you can use cardboard ballot boxes in your business.

Suggestion Box

An empowered manpower is critical in the success of any business. If you are a business owner, you are most likely trying out different strategies to ensure that your employees feel involved and valued. With the help of a simple corrugated ballot box, you can show your people that their voice matters.

Use the ballot box to serve as a suggestion box. Inform your employees that they are free to inform the management of any ideas, projects, or activities that will help them be more productive and push the business forward. All they have to do is write down their thoughts and drop them in the ballot box. Make sure to consistently act on the suggestions given so that everyone would know that the suggestion box is not just for show.

Raffles or Contests

Holding raffles or contests is an effective way of promoting your brand, generating leads, and increasing sales. Let your customers write their names and contact details in your product packaging and have them drop it in any of your designated cardboard ballot boxes. Showcase the raffle prizes in the boxes to encourage more customers to join your contest.

Fundraising for Charitable Causes

One of the pillars of successful businesses is how they give back to the community. If you are donating a portion of your profit to a specific charity, you can encourage your customers or employees to do the same. Just place a corrugated ballot box in a conspicuous area where anyone can drop their donations. You can even create a “charity corner” in the lobby where you can exhibit how the donations can help improve the lives of your beneficiaries. Apart from supporting a charitable cause, this simple act can serve as an effective marketing campaign since your clients can see that they are indirectly helping people when they patronize your brand.

The ideas above are just some of the ways you can utilize a simple cardboard ballot box to improve your business environment and boost sales at the same time. With a bit of creativity, you will surely find more uses for ballot boxes.

Multiple Ways to Reuse Custom Tubes

Custom mailing tube
More and more businesses are using mailing tubes not only to send documents but as innovative packaging solutions for their products. If you have numerous cardboard tubes lying at home, don’t throw them out. Help the environment by reusing them, there are different ways to you can do so:

Study Table Organizer

Choose old brightly colored or beautifully-designed custom tubes and cut them in various lengths. Arrange and glue them in place inside a cardboard box. Use the tubes to hold your pens, highlighters, or markers. Cover the box with colored-paper or any decorating material you want. Place the box on your study table to keep your area neat and organized.


You cannot help your favorite pants or slacks to have creases or wrinkles if you use hangers, but you can avoid them by simply using cardboard mailing tubes. Simply cut the tube in accordance with the length of the hanger and insert it in the hanger by slicing the tube horizontally. Mend the cut by using a masking tape. Now you can hang your pants over the tube to keep it crease and wrinkle-free.

Cord and Cable Organizer

You don’t have to let your computer cord and cables look like messy spaghetti noodles by organizing them using old cardboard tubes. Simply bundle the cables and cords up and slip them inside different tubes. Label them accordingly for easy identification.

Plastic Bag Dispenser

Make it easy for you to not only reuse your mailing tubes but old plastic bags as well. neatly fold each plastic bag and insert inside the tube until it is packed. Simply pull out a bag whenever you need one. Refill when necessary.

Unique Gift Box

Instead of using ordinary cardboard boxes as gift boxes, why not use cardboard tubes instead? Customize the tube using an attractive wallpaper or colored papers, insert the gift inside, seal the ends, then add a matching ribbon and personalized card as finishing touches and you are good to go.

The items above are just some of the ways you can turn old cardboard tubes into usable items. Use the ideas above to inspire you to create more things. Remember that by doing this, you are not only helping the environment but also giving yourself a productive and inexpensive way to relieve stress. Keep in mind that there are numerous studies that show how doing creative projects effectively combat stress hormones.

Ways to Make Your Folding Boxes Stand Out

Custom Made Folding Boxes

If you are one of the tons of online businesses in the United States, you need to have something different to offer to consumers. A recent study revealed that about seventy-nine percent of Americans shop online – that’s a lot of potential customers if you know how to set your company apart from the competition.

Since you or any of your personnel do not have any personal interaction with your clients, you should focus on impressing them by the things that they will get in direct contact with – your products and the folding boxes that contain them. While it is easy to just ship your product in an ordinary cardboard box, would this impress your client? No matter how great your merchandise is, it is important to create a good first impression.

Try to be in your customer’s shoes and see how you would feel when one of the products you ordered online arrived and it’s contained in a boring brown folding corrugated box. The following day, another one of your orders came in but this time it is packaged in a beautifully designed folding box. Which of the two brands would you most likely patronize again and refer to your friends? The product with customized packaging box, right?

Given this reality, here are easy and inexpensive ways to make your product folding boxes stand out:

Use Roller or Standard Stamps

Customizing your packaging boxes does not have to be expensive. You can customize standard cardboard boxes by using standard or roller stamps. You can also order a custom stamp with your own unique design and brand name and use it to personalize your boxes. This method is particularly helpful if you are new in the business and only shipping a few products a week.

Insert Your Own Personal Touch

You can truly impress your customers by making them feel special. You can do so by writing a personal note to your customer, including samples of your other products, or you can simply scribble your customer’s name and short message using a sharpie on the folding box.

Use Custom Sticker or Custom Tape

If you do not have the budget yet to order customized packaging boxes, you can order custom stickers or tapes instead. By choosing the right color and design, custom stickers and tapes can make your plain packaging box stand out.

Many business studies have shown how beautiful and gift-like packaging affects the perception of consumers regarding the brand. Impress your customers by trying out the tips mentioned above. See how you can boost your business by merely creating attractive and impactful packaging boxes.

Customizing Your Cardboard Packaging Boxes

Folding Carton with Foil Stamping
As a businessperson, it is easy to focus all your resources on developing your product. After all, it is your product — the item that you want people to buy. While having a terrific product is critical, you must remember that your cardboard packaging boxes also matter. Gone are the days when the sole purpose of packaging is to protect the product you are selling. Today, your product packaging is also a tool to attract potential customers and to grow your business.

Many research studies have shown the positive connection between packaging and consumer buying behavior. Customers tend to buy using their eyes, which proves how custom packaging is as important as the item you are selling. Apparently, when it comes to selling, the adage, “don’t judge the book by its cover,” does not apply as customers are easily influenced by the design and overall appearance of your cardboard packaging boxes.

If you are looking for ways to ensure that your product packaging boxes will create an impact on your customers, here are some practical tips that you may want to consider:

Aim for Your Target Market

Just because a particular color or design work for other brands does not mean it will work on yours. Instead of getting ideas from the packaging designs of other businesses, you should look at your target market. Get to know what design, concept, and packaging boxes would be most appealing to them and try to take these things into account when customizing your boxes.

Create an Experience

The millions of unboxing videos on social media sites and their countless followers prove the high interest of consumers on the packaging box as much as the product itself. This trend is something that you need to take advantage of. Make sure that your product packaging would create a pleasant unboxing experience so more people would be attracted to buy your product.

Look for Environment-Friendly Options

Surveys show that consumers tend to choose brands that work to create a positive social and environmental impact. Considering this result and the growing global interest in saving the environment, using environment-friendly packaging boxes would surely entice customers to try your product, especially if your competitor is not using one.

At the end of the day, you can create an impressive custom packaging by remembering how it is supposed to communicate with your customers rather than just serve a protective purpose. Essentially, your packaging box is also your product as customers will associate this with your brand, which means you need to make it count.

Tweak Your Custom Printed Box to Boost Sales

Die cut mailer cookie in the crate

If you are one of the many online businesses trying to market t-shirts, it is not enough that your product is made of high-quality materials and with impressive designs. You need to set your business apart from the competition and what better way to do that than by tweaking your custom printed box to create a wonderful unboxing experience.

Gone are the days when consumers simply rip apart the packaging box and throw it away. At this day and age of social media, customers consider the product packaging as much as the product itself because they are interested in posting photos of the products they ordered – from the time of delivery (while it is still inside the box) until they open it and get the product.

If you want your t-shirt business to get noticed and enjoy free-advertising by the number of photos your customers upload on their social media accounts, each of your product should be housed in an impressive custom printed box. Here are some tips on how you can create an Instagram and YouTube-worthy customized packaging boxes:

Think Outside the Box

Study the different t-shirt packaging boxes on the market today and see how you can make yours completely different. Your brand will only be noticeable if it is unlike the rest so do not be afraid to show your brand’s unique personality. Play with colors, logos, and images to find out what combination would create a positive impact.

Do the Unexpected

Your packaging boxes do not have to be plain, boring, and conventional. So, what if you are selling t-shirts? Do the unexpected with your custom printed box. For instance, you can use a pizza box design or a playing card box theme to house your product. If you are selling t-shirts in bulk, you can also have a packaging box designed like a luggage or a trunk.

Get Ideas from Your Target Market

Consider what your target market likes when trying to make changes with your custom made box. If you are offering children’s t-shirts, your boxes should be colorful, fun, and filled with images. You can also include inserts that your market will find interesting such as fashion tips on how to wear your product on various occasions for young adults.

Numerous survey and research studies have shown how consumers nowadays shop with their eyes. If they find the packaging box cute, unique, or attractive, they are most likely to make a purchase. In other words, the costumers buying behavior is largely influenced by the packaging box, so why don’t you take advantage of it? Try the suggestions above and see how these simple things help in pushing your t-shirt business forward.

Cutting and Folding Cardboard Boxes

custom folding carton Flint tinder

In this age of gadgets and smart toys, parents have a difficult time communicating with their children’ and holding their attention.

There are many indoor activities to choose from. However, there’s an activity that’s not so common but has great potential to be a hit. And that is cutting and folding cardboard boxes.

Best for imagination

Of course, empty boxes have always been a favorite toy. At least it was before the advent of Xbox and RPG. Kids simply folded the ears of the cardboard box and it becomes a car or even a spaceship. A smaller box with a hole cut out for the face served as the astronaut’s helmet.

Kids will find cutting and folding cardboard boxes engaging because it actually combines other activities. When they use plain white or brown cardboard, it will need to be painted to look more colorful.

Parents should know that imaginative play is not just fun. It’s actually a learning experience. Kids learn to process and understand ‘adult’ actions around them, as well as their own feelings.

Given an opportunity, parents should listen in to find out if there are internal anxieties that kids are working out.

Family Time

Playing with folding cardboard boxes can also be a fun time for the whole family. You can make dollhouses or doll furniture together. Use printed folding cartons for decorative items like pretend cabinets or a headboard.

And if your young men get squeamish with any mention of dolls, have dad set an example. You can also remind them that many architects and designers are men. Or maybe it’s that time for that ‘we are all the same’ talk.

Of course, you can also just make a puppet show. Again, this combines many art activities and is good imaginative play. But it is also appealing to all ages. Have each participant make one character that they will give a voice to and also accessorize.

To make your characters more artistic, use printed folding cartons and also other materials like colored yarn for the hair, small buttons for the eyes, and actual cloth for clothes and bags.

For the children who have become conscious of taking care of the environment thus early, remind them that glitters are a no-no. Like other kinds of plastic, these end up polluting oceans. Worse, glitter can be eaten by fishes that we, in turn, also eat.

Gadgets do indeed pose a challenge to our children’s physical and mental well-being. However, there is simply no option to not compete, to give up. Parents simply have to be more creative, a lot smarter and more engaging than these temptations.

Foam Insert Complement your Products

Custom Folding Cartons with Foam Inserts Pets Spark
Anyone who has tried using a box insert or a foam insert will tell you that these products were actually sent from heaven.

From micro and small business start-ups to medium and large-scale companies, packing your items using either of the two will definitely give you a major advantage over the competition.

But first, you must determine which of them are best suited for your products. In doing so, you will be able to maximize your packaging’s potential and achieve higher sales in the process.

After all, that is your main goal, right?

When Should You Use Foam Insert

For the unfamiliar, a foam insert is ideal for items that are usually given out as gifts. These may include gold and crystal jewelry, porcelain, chinaware or decorative candles. On the other hand, a box insert works best as protective packaging for fragile products such as electronic gear, guns, tools and other sensitive digital instruments.

You must always remember that packaging is a reflection of your product. No matter how good or elegant-looking your items are, a bad or inferior appearance will undoubtedly turn off prospective clients. In short, people will be moving on to other shelves instead of picking your product and lining up at the counter. This is the last thing you would like to happen.

When Should You Use Box Insert

The key, therefore, is to strike a balance between aesthetics, practicality, and functionality – everything a foam insert can give you. In the meantime, you would want to use a box insert to highlight the elegance of your products such as jewelry, cosmetics or cologne.

This type of packaging will also protect your items from breakage and ensure that you don’t need to write off another expensive bottle from your inventory.

As we know, transporting goods from the warehouse to the shelf is a delicate process requiring companies to be mindful their products don’t end up as broken shards of glass or inoperable pieces of equipment. And as a business person, you always have to keep your customer’s satisfaction in mind. You must continue to find ways to innovate and tickle their imagination.

In today’s global village where a product’s sales are largely determined by how customers perceive them to be, image plays a central role.

Your packaging thus becomes a central part of the business equation. It is like telling your customer: “We can read your mind and we know what you want. We are here to serve you.”

Using a foam insert or box insert will guarantee that your products bring out a wide smile from clients and signal to them that your company will pull out all the stops to satisfy their needs.

Custom Shipping Boxes and Online Shopping

Custom shipping box
What could be the relationship between custom shipping boxes and online shopping? Should a printed shipping box be part of this discussion?

With the preference most customers give towards shopping for some of their needs and wants via an online app or platform, the shipping industry has been greatly involved. Online sellers have been getting the help of shipping companies to send their customers’ orders right at their doorstep.

While this has already become a regular business scenario these days, it is worth noting that as a seller, your clients’ satisfaction is a must. Therefore, you should do everything just for them to be happy the moment they receive the package from you.

Satisfying Customers’ Expectations

Talking about receiving a package, there are requirements that online sellers must consider. You must ensure that your shipping boxes would meet their standards. To achieve this, you need custom shipping boxes, which might include a printed shipping box.

A report revealed that those who patronize online shopping have high expectations. These online sellers want to receive orders that are exactly the same as how they are presented in your posts. In short, you should create a good impression so that the chances of having them as constant buyers are high as well. Or, make the wrong move and you will lose them.

However, you could avoid the latter if you package their orders well. How to do it? Of course, you need custom shipping boxes! Once you use the right packaging material, the products inside are protected. You could prevent some damage, especially if the box used is too small or too big.

You could also opt for the printed shipping box for the package to look more customized, making the customers feel that you value them enough.

Packaging as an Experience Itself

Packaging is an experience in itself. When you greet your customers with a well-packaged order, they would become more excited of what is inside. You could really imagine their smile once they receive the package.

Being an experience, your custom packaging boxes must be capable of communicating with your buyers; that you are a seller committed to providing only the best. Always remember that the way you package your products is your medium to inform customers of how you are as a seller.

As online sellers, it is your responsibility to deliver what you promise in your posts. And yes, the key here is to maintain product quality and excellent customer service. With the help of custom shipping boxes, you are not far from achieving this.

Counter Top Display: An Entrepreneur’s Guide

Counter top display box

How important is an impressive counter top display for an entrepreneur? How would a display box contribute to his or her success?

In sales, creating the first impression is very important. This means that you should create an impact the first time you introduce a product to a new client or buyer.

Could you imagine the number of orders you would get if that potential buyer is impressed the first time he or she talks to you and sees what you can offer? Think about this.

Choosing the Perfect Look

If you are in a retail business, appearance is a vital requirement. You are expected to squeeze your creative juices so that you can decide on the theme of your countertop display.

Do you want your display to look like a nook during a tea party? Or, would you like it to exude a fairytale-like ambiance?

By looking at a space, you can already draw a picture of a theme in your mind, including the props and colors you would use. You can already point out as well where the display box should be, and where the lights should reflect.

Considering the Layout

The space of your store is something you must consider when achieving the ideal look you have in mind. You need to check the sizes of everything you would put inside, including the countertop display.

In doing the layout, you must likewise consider the arrangement of your display box and other furnishings. As a result, you would achieve a smooth flow of traffic inside your store.

Old Goes In, New Comes Out

It is advised that you should keep your display fresh all the time. You can do this by putting the new stocks on the countertop display that is more accessible for customers. Meanwhile, the old ones could be placed in a display box in the inner portion of the store.

If you do this, you give your clients a chance to experience your tenderness as a store owner. You would be helping them find the most recent offering with ease.

Keep Everything Unique

Seeing the same color, arrangement, theme, and design in one store is boring, right? Therefore, you must look for ways on how to make everything in your store unique.

The use of the right countertop display and display box could help. You may ask your supplier for different display cases and cabinets available from them. You may also tell them to give you a menu of their designs, sizes, and capacity for easy decision-making.

Creating Your Custom Cardboard Packaging

Software packaging box

If you are a home-based business who thrives by selling personally made products on Etsy or other online marketplace platforms, you should not be satisfied by merely creating good products. Even if you are alone in your venture and you don’t ship products by the thousands, you should pay close attention to your packaging. To help you out, here are tips to create your own custom cardboard packaging to boost your business:

Customize every inch of the box

While you may be inclined to only focus on the outside look of your corrugated packaging, you should consider all available spaces to increase its appeal. For instance, if your product is girly, you can line the interior of the box with dainty floral patterns. This small change and attention to detail can make your product appear more upscale.

Remember that simple works best sometimes

Before considering using bold and loud colors, see first if a simple design would work. Most of the time simplicity is key, especially if the kind of product you are selling dictate so.

Think about creating an unboxing experience for your customers

Nowadays, consumers care about the “unboxing experience” as much as they care about the product you are selling. If you are unconvinced, search for unboxing videos on YouTube and you will be surprised to see that such videos earn millions of views. To create this effect, placing your item inside a box would not do the trick. You can use a “layering” technique to add appeal. You can place your product in a separate container like a pouch or in a much smaller box.

Make sure that your design complements your product

The primary consideration for your packaging design is your product. Before you start thinking about design concepts and colors, focus on the product that you are selling. For instance, if you are selling food products, you should customize your boxes using colors that stimulate the appetite and designs that appeal to your target audience.

The tips above are just some of the most important things that can help you get started. Customizing your cardboard packaging will surely help in setting your brand apart from the competition. You do not have to be a large organization to attract customers. You just have to make them realize that you sincerely care about them and your customized packaging can effectively express it.

What to Know About Heavy Duty Shipping Boxes

Heavy Duty Shipping Box

Everyone is familiar with heavy duty shipping boxes. You use them to send items to loved ones or customers, you rely on them to hold your things and belongings as you move to a new home, and you even use them to store old memories and paraphernalia in the attic. But apart from their many uses, what else do you know about heavy duty shipping boxes? Read on to find out more.

They are used for extra protection.

Heavy duty or double wall shipping boxes are specifically made to provide the highest level of protection to items or products that are difficult to handle or transport such as televisions, computers, machinery, and tools. Considering their innate strength and toughness, shippers can stack shipping boxes without fear of damaging the products or compromising their quality.

You can make the most out of your shipment when you use them.

When you need to ship multiple items, whether for business or personal use, using heavy-duty cardboard boxes can help you save on shipping or fuel cost. Instead of using several boxes, you can consolidate several small items and place them in one shipping box. If you are engaged in manufacturing or supplying products, this will make every trip of your truck or vehicle worthwhile. You will not only save on packaging costs but in transportation expenses as well since you can lessen the number of trips needed to deliver your products. Moreover, you are also helping the environment since your fuel use would be reduced.

You need to consider several factors before you buy them.

If you need cardboard shipping boxes for your business, you cannot readily purchase what you have been offered. You need to carefully select the most suitable type for you need taking into account the size, shape, weight, durability, strength, and cost.

They have tons of other interesting uses.

Apart from storing, transporting, and protecting products and belongings, heavy duty shipping boxes have plenty of other interesting uses, so you should not readily discard them. If you have young children at home, you can make their fantasies come true by creating playhouses, castles, fort buildings, or even oversized blocks from old cardboard boxes. You can also create household items using them such as toy boxes, pet beds, food storage, and many others.

Whether they are customized heavy duty shipping boxes or unattractive and unadorned brown double wall shipping boxes, one thing is certain – life wouldn’t be the same without them. Remember the many fascinating facts mentioned here and you will surely never look at a shipping box the same way again.

Advantages of Using Hemp Oil Dividers

81 cell Box Divider

CBD and hemp oils are steadily increasing in popularity because of their therapeutic benefits. Retailers usually package them in small bottles, place them in boxes, and ship them to customers. To protect the tiny bottles, some businesses merely rely on crumpled paper or Styrofoam pellets but what level of protection do they actually provide, right? Instead of using these seemingly ineffective methods, it is best to use cardboard hemp oil dividers for the following reasons:

High-level of protection

Using cardboard hemp or CBD oil dividers will protect your fragile products better. Cardboard box partitions or inserts provide the best protection because of their innate strength. Shipping boxes with cardboard dividers can withstand both top and bottom compression and prevent product contact so that your CBD or hemp oil bottles will reach their intended customers without damage.


Cardboard dividers and inserts are also environment-friendly and can be recycled and reused without trouble. There are many interesting and useful do-it-yourself products on the internet that show tons of remarkable items that you can do using cardboard inserts or dividers. When you continue using Styrofoam inserts or pellets, your business would be causing much harm to the environment. Keep in mind that consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious so many of them are looking for environment-friendly businesses.


Shipping costs largely depend on weight. Using cardboard boxes with inserts or dividers of the same material would help you save on shipping cost since they are light-weight. In addition, cardboard inserts are generally inexpensive, which will help your business save on material costs.

Ready to Use

When you order cardboard CBD and hemp oil dividers from a reputable supplier, you will receive them fully-assembled and ready to use. This means that you will save a lot of time and energy as you can readily package and ship your products without much trouble.

More appealing

When you use cardboard dividers and inserts, it increases the appeal of your CBD and hemp oil products. When your customers see that the small oil bottles are securely fixed in place inside its box, they would know how much you value giving them high-quality products. Try customizing your packaging as well and you will earn free publicity when your current customers post your product on popular social media platforms.

The items above are just some of the top benefits of using cardboard inserts or dividers for your sensitive and fragile items like CBD or hemp oils. Considering all these things, you should immediately ditch your Styrofoam inserts and shift to cardboard to experience better advantages.

Custom Made Box for E-Commerce Business

Custom Mailer Box

Records show that e-commerce sales are reaching trillions of U.S. dollars yearly. This shows that this industry is booming, not only in sales but in competition as well. If you are an e-commerce store owner who wants to earn more and be far ahead than the competition, you need to realize that the product you are selling is not the most important part of your business. Instead of merely focusing on improving your product, you should also pay extra attention to your packaging. Here are the reasons why placing your product in a custom made box is essential to your business:

  • It creates a memorable experience for customers.

    Shipping your products in gift-like custom printed mailing boxes will not only meet but exceed your customers’ expectations. The moment they receive their order and see that it comes in an attractive customized box, you will immediately give them a memorable and pleasant experience. This first impression would further boost the appeal of the product you are selling.

  • It encourages free advertising.

    In this day and age of social media, everything is shared online, particularly brag-worthy things. If you impressed your customers enough because of you premium custom made box, their excitement would encourage them to share pictures of your product on their social media accounts, thereby generating free publicity for your business.

  • It can generate more customers.

    If your products and their beautiful packaging are posted and liked on various social media platforms, there is a great chance that you will gain more customers. Note that consumers tend to look at social media content posted by their peers when they are thinking of buying products online, hence, make sure that every product you ship is “Instagram-worthy”.

  • It inspires more people to give your products as gifts.

    When you use attractively-designed custom printed mailing boxes as your product packaging, it would give the impression that what your selling is classy, expensive, and of high-quality. Given this perception, many of your customers will be encouraged to give your products as gifts to their loved ones, thereby increasing your sales and profit.

Given the many reasons discussed above, particularly how important it is for your customers to be inclined to share their purchase on popular social media platforms, it is clear that shipping your products in plain boring boxes would be detrimental to your business. Shift to fancy custom-made cardboard boxes and experience its impact on your e-commerce venture.

Why Printed Folding Cartons are Necessary

Sirius Specialty Box Folding-Carton

Decades ago, businesses only saw packaging boxes as something to contain and protect their products, which is why they barely had aesthetic value. But if you are a business owner nowadays who wants to compete and emerge as a leader in your market, you cannot hold the same business principles especially when it comes to packaging.

To give your brand an edge among its competitors, you cannot remain complacent and use generic folding cardboard boxes. Instead, you should be aware of the environment and the demands of the social media era. Here are the reasons why you need to customize printed folding cartons for your products to push your business forward in this day and age:

  • Consumers are inclined to share pictures of products that come in unique cardboard boxes packaging.

    It does not take a study or a survey to know that most people are connected to various media platforms. Majority of individuals spend countless hours posting and scrolling on their Facebook or Instagram accounts trying to see what netizens are posting and how their own posts compared with those. Consumers, in particular, are obsessed with posting “new finds” or products that come in pretty printed folding cartons. if your products come in interesting and one-of-a-kind folding cardboard boxes then you get free advertising once your patrons upload images of your products online.

  • Consumers seek an “unboxing experience”.

    There is an “unboxing” trend going on that customer no longer simply seek good products but a satisfying unboxing experience. Millions of people watch unboxing videos on YouTube and share them on other social media platforms. If you want your products to be noticed, it is not enough that its quality is top-notch, but it should also be a feast for the eyes as well. Get rid of your ordinary brown packaging and start customizing your folding cardboard boxes to suit the taste of your consumers.

  • Consumers subconsciously associate product packaging with gift-wrapped presents.

    Whether they realize it or not, consumers enjoy unwrapping packaging boxes because the act reminds them of gift-wrapped presents they used to anticipate and love as kids. So why not make the experience even more memorable by giving extra attention to your product’s cardboard boxes? Customizing your printed folding cartons will endear you to your customers and make them even more loyal to your brand.

Times are changing and businesses who can’t keep up with the trend will undoubtedly become obsolete. Keep up with the times and get ahead of the competition by simply choosing a unique and special packaging for your products.

Choosing Suitable Food Grade Packaging

Food Packaging

It goes without saying that any container or packaging that will be used to store food products should be suitable and not cause any harmful reaction with the food material. If you are engaging in a food product business, it is important to remember to rely on custom food packaging since your food boxes will serve beyond a protective and decorative function.

If you want to secure suitable food grade packaging, you should consider the following dos and don’ts:

Do Choose the Right Packaging Material

A good food packaging material should not only secure and protect the food product from external elements, but it should also preserve the quality of the food. For this reason, you should be cautious about the type of material you will use for your product. Note that while metals may appear sturdy and classy, some of them contain toxic substances that can transfer to the food. Plastics, on the other hand, can react negatively to some food materials, apart from containing toxic substances as well. Instead of using metals or plastic, you would be better off utilizing cardboard food packaging.

Do Take Into Account the Packaging Design

While food safety and suitability are the primary factors in choosing your product packaging, you should not forget that the design elements are important as well. Your food packaging should also help market your business. This can only be done if you create a unique and interesting design that will fit the kind of food product you have and the target market you are aiming at.

Don’t Forget to Work With a Reputable Food Packaging Supplier

While there are many companies that boast of providing high-quality food grade packaging, not all of them are created equal. Make sure to check the company’s history, experience, as well as past and present clients to have a better idea on how they perform as a business. A reputable packaging supplier takes pride in delivering excellent service to their clients.

Don’t Fail to Consider Cost-Effectiveness

Keep in mind that just because something is expensive does not mean it is of good quality and just because something is affordable does not mean it is no good. When choosing a suitable food packaging, consider cost-effectiveness and not just the cost.

Failing to secure a suitable custom food packaging can do a lot of damage not only to your product and customers but even in your business as a whole. The right food grade packaging, on the other hand, will help your business by preventing product spoilage and boosting sales.

Designing Tips for Custom Setup Boxes

Custom Setup Box

If you are a business owner who is thinking about changing your custom setup boxes to generic ones to save some money, you better start browsing “unboxing videos” on YouTube. There you will see how millions of consumers are eagerly watching YouTube personalities, not for their talent but how they meticulously open the customized setup boxes of their featured product.

Judging by the continuous and consistent rise in popularity of unboxing videos, it is evident that consumers are interested in the packaging boxes as much as the product it contains. This means that to move your business forward, you should take meticulous care in designing your custom setup boxes. Below are some helpful designing tips to create a satisfying unboxing experience for your customers.

Think About Your Customers

The first thing you need to do when designing your product’s setup boxes is to identify your audience. What is the target population of your product? Is it for kids, teens, or adults? Are they professionals or homemakers? Thinking about your customers and what you want to convey to them would greatly help in thinking about design concepts. For instance, if you are trying to sell toys to kids, your target audience should not only be the kids but their parents as well. Apart from colorful or interesting packaging boxes that appeal to children, the setup boxes should also be functional for easy storage so that moms would love them too.

Draw Your Customers In

When your designing the packaging boxes, be more personal with your customers. Give them a glimpse of what your company is about. Let your customers know that your product will benefit their lives because you care about them. Find a way to make your packaging tell at least a bit of your story. Customers tend to be loyal to brands that are honest and keeps them engaged.

Choose a Reputable Supplier

None of your design will matter if you fail to select a reputable packaging supplier. A reputable setup box supplier will provide you with the best material and will even guide you on the right type of box for your need and vision. Box suppliers who have been around for many years and has served various customers will be able to translate your design vision for your packaging box a tangible reality.

The tips mentioned above will increase the chances of your customers having a satisfying unboxing experience. Remember that when your patrons are happy with your custom setup boxes and your product, your company will also experience better business.

Cardboard Ballot Box for Product Promotion

Custom ballot box

If you are planning to boost your business or product by promotion, you can always consider opening up a contest for your customers. Engage them with package promos with your products as the prize to be given away to selected winners.

Of course, you can do this online via social media or emails. But do not limit yourself to online contest especially if you have a physical store that people can actually visit. Take time to think of having your promotion offline, as well.

Consider getting a cardboard ballot box for your business product promotion. Take a break, sip a coffee, or sit down with your marketing team on what perks and prizes you can offer to the winners for this contest.

Create forms to help your business grow or find ways on improving the product and service you are selling. Ask questions on how satisfied they are with your product. And do not forget to add a comment space for their own suggestions as to what they think could improve your product.

If you cannot still see the advantage of getting yourself a ballot box for business and product promotion, read further to know what the reasons are as to why you should get one.

Customer Engagement

Aside from patronizing your product, you will be engaging your customers to participate in your contests depending on how enticing your prizes will be. Even your target customers who are just passing by where your floor standing ballot box is located can join in the contest.

With that, you can get feedback from them to further improve your products and services.

Durable and Portable

The technology used for these boxes are similar to what is used in shipping boxes. It means these boxes are made to stand strong with different logistics. If you have tried receiving packages with boxes, you can see by yourself how these boxes are strongly made.

You will also won’t have problems where to hide this box. Due to its foldable ability, you can easily store this with a small available space you have.

Cheap and Recyclable

Using cardboard boxes, you can spare yourself from spending too much to promote your business or your product.

If your promotion period is already done, you can always re-use your cardboard box as a storage box. Due to its durability, it can store any product you have yet to sell or supplies you have in your store.

Now that you have enough knowledge of the advantages of getting cardboard ballot box for your product promotion, be sure to place it where people can easily see it to make your promotion more effective.

The Search for a Custom Shipping Box

Regular slotted carton Sandal Essence

If one is away from their families, they tend to send out gifts very often. During birthdays, holidays and other special occasions, their families will be waiting for their surprise housed in a shipping box. As someone who occasionally does this, they make sure that all that is inside will be properly delivered to their loved ones.

And, as a company who offers delivery service, it is your obligation to ensure that all deliverables are successfully delivered, unscratched, unopened. To help you actualize this goal, we provide custom shipping box and printed shipping boxes.

Top 5 Qualities People Will Look Into When Searching for a Delivery Service Company

If you want to be ahead of your competitors, you should build your name and deliver everything in perfect condition and with no delays.

Proven Record

The first thing customers will look in to before dealing with your services is your track records. Once they got a hint that you did something wrong to a past client, your name will get tarnished. Issues such as delays, mishandling, and opened boxes are just a few of the things that will bid your business goodbye.

Positive Reviews

Upon working hard in delivering shipments to different places, and by investing in good printed shipping boxes that carry your company’s name, you will surely get your company’s name known in no time.

Always treat your customer’s shipment like your own, that way you can deliver your service well and gain more loyal customers who trust no one but you. And, this is because your service has a sense of personal touch that most clients are looking for.

Durable Shipping Boxes

The best way to get the job done is by investing in a durable and custom shipping box. This way, you can offer your customers a wide variety of boxes that perfectly fits their needs. Those that are not too tight, too big and too small, but just enough.

Also, if you have a durable box to house your customer’s shipments that can withstand any type of mishandlings and mishaps, you are not doing business but also is helping your customer too. Once you have proven this, they will surely come back to do business with you again.

Fast Delivery

Once you promise a fast delivery without any issues, many customers will surely look into you. To make them more eager in dealing with you ensure them that you handle shipments best with your trustworthy team and durable shipping boxes.

Reasonable Price

A long time ago, this factor used to be at the top. But, in today’s time, quality is preferred more than quantity. This does not mean you should charge customers really high, or else you will lose your business. Having a reasonable price that matches the quality of your service is the best price you could ever offer to your customers.

Quality Custom Tubes for Your Parcels

Custom Mailing Tubes
Every sender’s goal is to be able to deliver documents complete and in good condition. And, the best thing to do is to enclose it in a container that best fits its dimensions.

If the document to be delivered is confidential and is highly important, you should never send it out without any protection. If you are able to send in the documents properly to your receiver, just imagine how much relief you could get from doing so.

The Importance of Keeping Documents in Tubes

Listed below is the importance of placing your documents in mailing tubes.


Nobody wants to have others peeking in their parcels, most especially if it is highly confidential. Whether it is a personal document or a business document, confidentiality in sending documents is really important.

Just imagine getting reprimanded for having a leak of information because one person in your courier service is an acquaintance of your company’s competitor. All this happened because you sent the document with full trust and in bare sight. This incident might just bring in a great loss to your company. So avoid doing so.

Sturdy Mailing Tubes

As your documents travel to its destination, it goes through a lot of hurdles. The truck carrying it might travel a bumpy road so if your document is not protected and placed in a sturdy mailing tube, it might end up smashed and crumpled. And there is no way to bring it back to its original phase.

Avoid Mishandles

If by chance the courier services mishandled you document by accidentally falling it, you can have your documents protected if it is placed in a mailing tube.

Benefits of Using Mailing Tubes

Here are three benefits of using mailing tubes.

Reusable Mailing Tubes

Mailing tubes are made from materials that are durable and reusable. You can reuse them as many times as you can and deliver a different type of documents inside it. This factor is one good reason why you should invest in mailing or custom tubes.

Secure Mailing Tubes

Aside from being one good reason to use mailing tubes, security is also a benefit you can get from using it. Custom and mailing tubes will prevent others from looking through your documents.


Another benefit of using mailing tubes is that they are customizable. With custom tubes, you can order specially made mailing tubes that best fits your documents and other shippable items. The advantage of this is that if the object is housed in perfect and exact dimensions, there is lesser room for it to be easily damaged by outside forces.

Getting Wholesale Boxes in California

RSC with variable flaps
When looking for cartons and boxes to be used in your business, do not just stop by having a functioning box but look for one that brings in more business for you as well. The world that we are currently living in right now is all about the visuals. Once you attract people through creativity, your brand will never leave their minds.

Things You Should Consider When Looking for a Box Company Provider

If you are looking for wholesale boxes in California, make sure that they do not only deliver ordinary boxes but durable and creative ones as well. You can look for a company that will allow you to have a customized one to have your trademark printed on it and important details that need to be clearly seen.

Here are some of the things to consider when looking for a wholesale corrugated box company to deal with.

Quality and Durability

The first thing you should look in to is the quality of their boxes being offered. Once you use these boxes, it will house your products and this will also serve as a signature of your brand. So, if you have one sloppy looking and crumpled box, expect complaints and frustrations from your customers. Giving your customers their purchased products in a mint condition is your priority.

Cheaper Wholesale Price

Of course, the price will always be a factor since you are also doing business. But, never compromise quality over quantity. This is where most businesses tend to go downhill.


You should try to find a company that creates customized boxes that will best fit your needs. Having the perfect box dimension to house your products will make it less susceptible to outside forces during transport.

Room for Creativity

Like we said, you can beat your business opponents by simply housing your products in attention-grabbing boxes. Just like how chocolate boxes are being made to catch the attention of buyers, you can try doing so as well to lure more customers in.

Truthfulness and Professionalism

Once you have your personalized boxes done, make sure that your designs and preferred box materials will never get leaked by your box company provider. Despite it being just a box that houses your products, successful companies take pride in it because it carries their brand’s name. How the box looks like will greatly affect your company. Like when you see a sluggish and ugly looking shipping box, you would automatically think how un-sturdy it is so you avoid buying it.

Start Your Business with Cardboard Pop Displays

Counter top display box

Nothing beats a good cardboard pop display to hold your products in and get noticed by customers. If you are able to grab the attention of many with your artistic and creative display ideas, your business will greatly benefit from it as well.

There are considerations that you have to take in when choosing a design for your cardboard pop displays. And, being able to have one is a good step towards your business’ success and brand’s name. Here are a few things that you should consider before having the final design of your cardboard pop display

4 Things to Consider For Your Cardboard Pop Display

Before you buy your cardboard pop displays here are some of the things you should consider in order to avoid problems in the long run.


The first that you should consider before coming up with the designs is the area or location where your point of purchase displays will be displayed. Whether it will be displayed on a countertop, a shelf or an open area. By knowing where you’ll display, you can have a basis on how to strategize the design to make sure it can grab the attention of many.

In this factor, you should also include considering the display’s dimensions. Coming up with a perfect dimension will do the job in no time.

Choice of Materials

Needless to say, you should choose that are durable and sturdy so that your displays can last longer. Also, looking for the best combination of colors and looking for the best material to use this will make your displays stand out even more. Always remember that the brighter your display is, the more attention it can get.

Stick to Your Concept

Aside from planning how to make your displays look really good, we highly suggest you that you keep your brand’s concept. That way, you will be remembered by many through your display’s concepts. Consumers nowadays are more inclined to visuals, so the way to grab their attention is to leave them an impression that they will never forget.

2 Things to Look for in Your Display Provider

  • Shares Creative Ideas

    Instead of planning on your own, finding a good company to provide your displays that will lend you a hand and conceptualize your display is truly amazing. Once you found one, treat them like your business partner and listen to their ideas as well to help you come up with only the best concept and design.

  • Loyalty

    Make sure that after sharing your business concept with them, they are ethical enough not to share it with your competitors and leave you at a loss. Finding a good partner is something but finding a loyal one is even more amazing and perfect.

Folding Cardboard Boxes – Now the Popular Choice

Custom Made Folding Boxes
It is very common to see cardboard boxes used as the popular choice of storage. They can be very useful especially when it comes to storing a lot of goods and when shipping fresh produce like vegetables and fruits. In addition to that, they can be used to store significant documents.

Folding Cardboard Boxes Easy for you to Recycle

One of the reasons why many loved using folding cardboard boxes is that they can be easily recycled. With old wooden fruit crates, they will take a huge amount of space than the folding cardboard boxes. And, if they will not be used again, it may be difficult to dispose of. With cardboard, it can easily be recycled. This is also the reason why vegetable wholesalers and retailers boxes because they are eco-friendly.

Moving Firms Save Money

Before, moving or removal firms are using wooden storage crates. However, it is obvious that these crates will take a huge amount of space or room. This is because of the fact that they could not be easily folded flat. Now, folding cardboard boxes do the same job just like the wooden crates. It is just that they can be folded flat especially when not used. Thus, the removal firm will save a lot of money. They will no longer need to use a huge storage area. The boxes are also strong enough to store goods or to move household belongings. The boxes are also cheaper as compared to other storage options. Thus, they can help the company save more.

Folding Cardboard Boxes Can be Easily Stored

Folding cardboard boxes can be stacked on top of the other to such a considerable height without getting damaged. But, if they do get damaged, it is so easy to replace and dispose of them. If they will be thrown to the landfill, they are considered as biodegradable material. In addition to that, you could buy waterproof-type of cardboard boxes. They are very ideal for the purpose of storage.

Some of the long-term uses for cardboard boxes include document storage. There are now a lot of companies that make use of cardboard boxes for long-term storage purposes. It is not only cost-effective but also an eco-friendly option. In fact, really durable folding cardboard boxes are now available. They have stapled and glued seams that can hold very large weight.

Save a lot of money by using folding cardboard boxes and folding corrugated boxes today, for your ease and convenience!

Custom Printed Box Design Purposes

Custom Mailer Box

There are several companies that make use of custom boxes for the purposes of promoting and packaging their products. The only problem is they have no specific resource that will allow them to manufacture boxes for distribution and packing. That is why they need to depend on companies that sell custom boxes for their distribution and manufacturing concern. These boxes are valuable to use for their different purposes like distribution, packaging, and storage. Other benefits could include customer satisfaction and sales increase.

Custom Printed Box Comes in Various Designs and Shapes

A custom printed box comes in many various designs and shapes. This way, it helps facilitate the organizations and businesses in the preservation and packing of the products. It also helps dispatch the product and goods all across the globe. The benefits, however, are not just limited to storage and packaging. The benefits are also as follow:

Reduction in Costs

If your business will pack products for transportation and presentation in customized boxes, it most certainly will reduce costs relevant to storage and transportation of companies. There are huge benefits that can be obtained from an easy and effective distribution of products and inventory management. The products could also easily be arranged for the purpose of storage and transportation.

Brand Recognition

A custom printed box is designed to provide specific and special packaging of the products. This will, therefore, help consumers prefer and use the products of a certain company. This will help increase the consumption of people of the products.

One more thing that you need to understand is that a custom printed box is useful when making a relationship between a product and a buyer. This is simply because of the fancy and appealing packaging of the products. This will bring out a big impact on the users and for them to use the products on a consistent basis. And as a business owner, you will need to increase your visibility in the products that you sell. This will only be possible with the help of custom box manufacturing. You will also be able to reach a lot of consumers and will increase the popularity of the brand in the market.

Safety of the Products

A custom printed box will promote the safety of the products. You will also increase its shelf-life. Through this box, you will save a lot of space when packing the products and secure them throughout the transportation. This also helps secure perishable items during the transportation.

It’s a good thing that there are companies ready to provide you with custom printed boxes in all its shapes and sizes. They might just as well increase the visibility and profitability of your business!

Convoluted Foam Packaging Adds Protection

Custom Foam Insert

If your business involves shipping of products to your customers, it makes sense to know the proper way of packaging the goods.

Shipping a product to your customers can be challenging particularly if the goods are fragile or delicate. To ensure that the merchandise will reach to your customer in good condition, the best thing to do is to employ durable and strong packaging solutions.

This can be possible by using convoluted foam packaging and foam inserts. These types of foam add an extra layer of protection as compared to other fillers.

How Do Convoluted Foam Packaging and Foam Inserts Work?

Aside from the utmost protection, these packaging solutions work in many ways such as:

  • Cost-effective. As compared to other packaging solutions, convoluted foam packaging does not only protect the goods, but it is also cost-effective. It saves a huge amount of money from the company for the replacement of broken or damaged products.
  • Enhances brand image. Shipping products using foam inserts enhance the brand image. Your customers will know that you value their hard-earned money by ensuring that the products they bought will reach them in perfect shape. Thus, customers most likely will buy again from you knowing how much you care even the small details.
  • Complements the product. As the main function of convoluted foam packaging is to protect the products, the same way that it complements the goods. These packaging solutions keep the goods in place while in transport that’s why customers will see the products in the best condition. You can also customize using colored foam inserts that boost the marketing value and aesthetic.

If you’re looking for packaging solutions that you can use in shipping products to your customers, make sure to choose a supplier that has a good reputation. The company should use high-quality materials that guarantee shock absorption.

There are different materials used in manufacturing foam inserts or convoluted foam packaging including polyurethane and polyethylene. Make sure that the foam is manufactured using equipment that ensures functionality and precision.

As much as possible, you should choose packaging solution that is suitable for the products. For delicate, lightweight products choose foam inserts that are made of polyurethane, while polyethylene is perfect for heavier items.

Choose convoluted foam packaging and foam inserts that are moisture and chemical resistant and can reduce vibrations. Otherwise, if the goods are broken due to lack of protection, it won’t only affect the merchandise but also ruin the image of the company.

Cardboard Packaging Boxes History

Cardboard Packaging Boxes
Do you know that boxes for packaging have a dynamic and wonderful history? You may as well have noticed before that your grandfather dragged those wooden and heavy boxes when moving things. Before, it was uncommon seeing a lot of repacking. Packaging was once noticed around the 1st and 2nd world war. The packaging scene was changed to protect the food of soldiers in the battle zones.

Discovery of Cardboard Packaging Boxes

It was Robert Gair who discovered cardboard packaging boxes. He thought of pre-cut cardboard panels folded to create a box. It was during this time that the industry of modern packaging really started. The ease of transportation and cost-effective price made it the most used process of packing. After several years, better and more sophisticated packaging was discovered.

In 1920, transparent cellophane was invented, which became the next step in the industry of packing. Later on, a lot of technical innovations were discovered.

In 1952, the discovery and the release of aerosol became popular on the market. Cans also followed and exploded on the soft drinks industry. Then, aseptic cartons that were invented in 1961 were used in the preservation of long-life milk.

Modern Times of Boxes for Packaging

In the modern times, cardboard packaging boxes have truly become a new art form. You just need to look for a specific box that will meet a specific task. Will the boxes be useful in protecting the products from shock, vibration, and heat? Does the packaging help stop decay? Do you need packaging for the purpose of security measures? Do you still need to re-pack the products into small-sized units? Will it be essential for the packaging to be easy to store, pack or open?

Small Role to Play in the Modern Society

Cardboard packaging boxes have played their role in the modern society. These are also proven to be valuable when it comes to minimizing loss and conserving all resources. Through these boxes, you will be able to manage all your resources. You will also be able to plan for a long-term. Truly, modern packaging changed the industry of logistics. It has also simply affected the chain of supply of modern organizations. It is just so easy to transport precious belongings and works of art to far places.

In all these, cardboard packaging boxes have become an essential part of our lives – not only in our business but in our day to day affairs.

Boost Profits Using Counter Top Display

Custom Counter-Top Display Boxes

If you own a retail store it is a must that every square inch of your shop is used to boost your business. This includes all available floor space and most especially your retail counter. By using the right counter top display, you can increase your profit in no time. Below are some tips that you can consider to make this happen:

Choose the right products

You cannot just put any item on your counter without carefully thinking about it. Remember that your number one goal for putting a counter top display is to make a sale. This means that you should only put items that are small, affordable, and used by many. In this way, your customers can readily pick them up without much thought. Surveys have shown that manufacturers of gums and candies as well as magazine companies rely heavily on impulse purchases for a huge bulk of their sales. You can think along this line.

Make your display boxes eye-catching and orderly

Pay special attention when you order your counter top display boxes. Its design should be enticing enough to catch the attention of your shoppers. It should also complement the overall design theme of your store and not go against it; otherwise, it will look out of place. Make sure that the most eye-catching boxes carry the items that you desperately want to sell. This way, your customers would be most drawn to it as they wait to pay for their purchases. Moreover, take the time to keep your display neat and in orderly. Shoppers would most likely ignore products that are not presented well.

Use your retail counter to advertise

If you have ongoing promotions, discounts, and other activities that you want your customers to know, your retail counter would be the best spot to put your signage. As your customers wait in line to pay for their purchase they can readily see what your store is currently offering. Make sure that your ads speak “we care enough to provide these things for you” message. People are naturally drawn to things that will benefit them, whether they are aware of it or not. Most importantly, make sure that your signs and posters look professional and appealing. Scribbled materials will never do the trick.

It is important to note that your retail counter is not just another area in your store but a point of purchase. If you are creative enough with your display boxes and use the tips mentioned above, you are on your way to better business.

Boost Your Business Using a Corrugated Ballot Box

Custom ballot box

One of the best ways to promote your product is by initiating a contest wherein people can win prizes and know more about your merchandise. Unlike other marketing strategies, a contest will keep your audience engaged as they wait to learn if they are winners or not. How exactly will a contest help boost your business? Here are three ways:

It will put your product in the spotlight

While it is great to do something nice for your customers, remember that you are holding a contest primarily to draw attention to your product. You want more people to know what your merchandise is about and why it is worthy of their attention.

To do this, make sure that the corrugated ballot box that will contain the entries is designed specifically for this purpose. Whether it is a floor standing ballot box or a regular one, its colors, fonts, and graphics should speak loudly about your product. It must be professionally-done because your cardboard ballot box will represent your product and your company as a whole.

It will help you gain valuable information

Your contest would be a good opportunity to learn more about your customers and what they want. You can include research questions in your contest forms that can help you improve your product, make it more marketable, or develop a new one. For instance, if you have toothpaste as a product, you can include questions about what makes them purchase a toothpaste. Is it the ingredients, taste, after-feel in the mouth, or something else? The answers you can collect would be a valuable help to your research and development team.

It will help you save on marketing costs

Compared to other common marketing strategies, contests are less costly but can have a huge impact. For one, you can save money on promotional items since your corrugated ballot box can fulfill this purpose given the right design and handling. Secondly, the information you can gather through this method can lessen your company’s research cost. Ultimately, given the right planning and efficient action, a contest can help you save valuable resources.

Given the many benefits of contests described enough, it is evident that a simple contest can have a huge impact on your business. It is important to note, however, that it requires a lot of attention, preparation, and careful thought to experience and maximize all these advantages.

Ideas to Reuse Printed Shipping Boxes

Custom shipping rsc box
A custom shipping box has a lot of uses apart from containing products during transfer. It can serve as a great marketing tool for manufacturers in various industries while at the same time protect the items inside it. However, if you are not involved in the manufacturing or shipping business but you have tons of printed shipping boxes lying around, here are some creative ways you can make ordinary cardboard boxes benefit you as well:

Turn it into a practical pet bed

Carve a “door” in one of the phases of the cardboard that is large enough for your pet to comfortably enter. After cutting, you can paint the shipping boxes to any color that you or your pet wants. Line the “floor” with comfortable beddings or any fluffy fabric to serve as a bed. Accessorize the house with trinkets and other decorative pieces to increase its aesthetic appeal.

Turn it into attractive containers

Cardboard shipping boxes are often used as containers in attics and garages. To make these boxes suitable for use in your living room or bedroom, cover them with fabric. You can mix and match colors, so you can use them as containers and room décor as well.

Turn it into functional baskets

If wrapping a custom shipping box with fabric is not appealing to you, how about wrapping it in strings? Use a large paper twine in any color or design you want and glue it to wrap the entire box. Once you’re done, cover the entire thing with mod podge to seal everything and make sure it stays in place. Line the inside with drop cloth and nobody will know that your basket is actually an ordinary cardboard box underneath.

Turn it into labeled storage bins

Storage bins that you can label can greatly help in organizing your things, but they can be pricey if you buy new ones. Instead of spending precious dollars on containers, just buy a chalkboard paint to cover used shipping boxes and chalkboard markers to label them.

Turn it into flower boxes

Beautify your window sill by adding flowers contained in flower boxes made from old printed shipping boxes. Cover the surface of the boxes with sticks then add a bow and your favorite potted flowers inside. The rustic look of the boxes will definitely highlight the colorful flowers and make your home more attractive.

It is important to note that when you consider doing the ideas mentioned above, you will not only practice your artistic skills, but you can even do your part in helping the environment.

Reasons to Use Customized Setup Boxes

Custom setup box paperboard Cereus
Your wedding is one of the most important moments of your life, which is why you should ensure that every detail is well-thought out and selected. While you are busy worrying about your dress, the venue, and the caterers, do not forget to pay close attention to your wedding favors. Your souvenir is basically the icing on the cake of your wedding event so make sure that it is contained in customized setup boxes than ordinary packaging for the following reasons:

It communicates elegance and class

A custom setup box speaks class and elegance at the onset. Regardless of the content, your guests will automatically assume that whatever wedding favor you have inside the box is expensive and valuable. Whether you are aware of it or not, many psychological studies have shown that people do “judge the book by its cover.” No matter how expensive an item is, if it contained in an ordinary box, people will think it’s cheap and common. However, if an ordinary article is inside a visually appealing box, people immediately regard it as a precious piece.

It adds value to your wedding favor

Using customized setup boxes to hold your wedding favor will make it more unique and memorable. It will show that you put a lot of thought of what you are going to give others to show your gratitude. It also sends the message that the event is indeed special and that you truly appreciate your wedding guests.

It reflects who you are as a couple and as individuals

Your wedding favors and your entire wedding, reflect who you are as a couple and what you value the most. An ordinary wedding favor that anyone can buy a dozen with a dime shows that you couldn’t care less about the most important day of your life. It essentially undermines the beauty and significance of the event. On the other hand, if you take the time to carefully select your wedding favors including the boxes that will hold them, your guests can readily see how much you value the occasion.

It is understandable that you desire a perfect wedding. To make it happen, every element should epitomize perfection including your wedding favor. You do not have to think long and hard about how to make this a reality. With the help of a carefully designed?custom setup box, you can readily experience the many advantages described above.

Benefits of Using Heavy Duty Shipping Boxes

Heavy Duty Shipping Box
The importance of heavy duty shipping boxes is already quite clear because these boxes are the main storage or package for multiple heavy items that need to be shipped or delivered from point A to point B. These heavy duty shipping boxes were basically made from corrugated cardboard, a strong type of cardboard with fluted cardboard made on machines using flute lamination.

Everyone needs this kind of shipping boxes – both individuals and businesses – because a heavy duty box delivers lots of benefits. These benefits range from the shipping box’s quality to productivity, and to its Eco-friendliness.

Strength and Durability

There are different types of heavy duty shipping boxes – single wall shipping boxes, double wall shipping boxes, and triple wall shipping boxes. These types determine what kind of corrugated cardboard was used in creating these boxes. A single wall corrugated cardboard means that it consists of three layers of papers – top, bottom, and middle part. The middle part is the fluted cardboard, which means that this is the most crucial part, as this determines the strength of the cardboard.

The double wall corrugated cardboard consists of two layers of the single wall corrugated cardboard, while the triple wall corrugated cardboard consists of the three layers. So basically, the more layers or walls of corrugated cardboard the box was made of, the sturdier and the stronger it will be.

The single wall shipping boxes can already provide a strong container for heavy materials, items, and products. The double wall shipping boxes and triple wall shipping boxes can definitely handle heavyweight items that will ensure the safety and security of the items once in the process of shipping and delivery.

Ability to Carry Multiple Items

Because of the strong foundation and the quality of these heavy duty shipping boxes, these can also increase productivity. If these boxes are strong enough to carry multiple items without the fear of damages and defects, it is possible to ship multiple heavy items through these boxes, thus increasing the chances of delivering and shipping a lot of products in a single ride. This can also increase a brand’s sale.

Recycle, Up cycle, and Reuse at Home

These shipping boxes are primarily used for shipping, of course. However, that is not all! Because boxes are versatile and made from Eco-friendly materials, these can be recycled and reused. Given the description that these boxes are strong, these can be used as a storage box for different items at home or can be used as a container when moving to other places.

If reusing these boxes is not possible, cardboard can still be repurposed. When these boxes are dumped, these will be compressed and will undergo the hydro pulper that will turn the boxes into a slurry or pulp. This way, it can still be repurposed into a new fiber product or even paper.

Why You Need Custom Printed Mailing Boxes

Custom die cut mailer box

Do you remember that in marketing, you need to add your personal touch or your own branding to the product that you are offering? Aside from the retail packaging and non-retail packaging, custom printed mailing boxes will definitely give a personal touch to the products you are shipping or promoting. While you might be wondering what this mailing box means, these are the mailers with an attached self-locking lid and a company logo, product’s name, or any other information on it.

In layman’s term, the custom printed mailing boxes that come as small quantity mailers or as large quantity mailers are the shipping boxes dedicated to one company and its products. While a lot of small entrepreneurs think that only large businesses can take advantage of these mailers, they are wrong. Aside from the shipping purposes, these mailers are also used for online sales and product promotion.

Do you need this custom printed mailing box for your business now? Yes! Here’s why.

Branding and Recognition

These boxes are custom made with your business name on it. This means that this is a form of branding. Aside from the common investment on TV ads, bills, and retail packages just for the sake of branding, a custom printed mailing box is also an effective way to build your brand without even spending a lot of fortune.

Just by including your brand’s name on the shipping box, which is already a sale and the cost is already covered by either the company or the customer, you will be able to market your brand name. During the shipping and handling process, it is not just the buyer or the customer that will see your box, but also the people who will be delivering the boxes and the people who are around the delivery men and the customer. People will start recognizing your business.

Competitiveness and Professionalism

Now that it is clear that the main purpose of these mailing boxes is for branding, you should also know that these boxes will promote competitiveness and professionalism. People that will start recognizing your business’ name will now think that your business is somewhat “bigger” than it is in its current condition. This will make the potential customers think that your brand is well-known because it is everywhere because there is shipping at almost everywhere. Custom printed mailing boxes will eventually make the potential customers trust your brand and turn them into actual customers.

Communication and Information

Aside from the business name on the mailing boxes, you might want to add some vital information connected to your business. This information includes address, contact number, website, and email address. You could not just simply build your brand and leave the potential customers clueless on how to contact your business. You should also disseminate information that will lead customers to your business. Establish communication with your potential customers as they slowly learn about your brand.

When to Consider a Custom Foam Insert?

Custom foam insert

Do you know what a box insert is? From the name itself, box insert is the material that is placed inside the box that will further protect any items inside a particular box from damages and other risks. However, this does not literally mean that a “box” insert should be made from a cardboard. Instead, the usual box insert is made from foam.

When do you really need to consider using a custom foam insert? The simplest answer would be when you are packaging or shipping a certain product or item that is fragile and you want to protect this from any damages and any other risks of defects. The custom foam insert is an ideal way to protect the item and prevent any destruction and disfigures because of the perfect fit.

What are these fragile and delicate products and items that need some custom foam insert before final packaging and shipping? Let us find out!

Glassware and Mirrors

The most obvious products and items that need the custom foam insert are glassware and mirrors. Since these products, including porcelains and any other items that are breakable, are very fragile, these need custom foam insert to be safely delivered from point A to point B without any breakage and damages. Aside from the costs of the product, broken glassware and similar products can also bring harm to the customers and people of the destination. Broken glasses can be a cause of serious wounds and injury.

Electronics and Appliances

Of course, electronics and appliances should always be packed with a custom foam insert to avoid any defect as a result of constant pressure and trauma during the packaging and shipping stage of the product. While not all appliances and electronics have screens and other parts made of glass and glass-like materials, all appliances should be handled with care because their parts are too valuable and complicated.

Furniture Needing Assembly

Aside from the appliances and electronics, furniture that needs assembly like cabinets and dining tables also require custom foam insert to avoid scratches that can decrease the quality of the item. A decreased quality will not only affect the item itself, but also the customer satisfaction. If a customer is not satisfied with the product they received, this dents and scratches will backfire to the company or brand, making them lose their customers; therefore, the brand will also experience a sudden decrease on sales.

The Benefits of Food Grade Packaging

food packaging baking mix

Have you ever heard of food grade packaging? For the uninitiated, food grade packaging is storing or keeping any type of food from breakfast to dinner that you plan to eat. It is important that the food packaging products that you are going to use are non-toxic. This means that the container will not contaminate the food stored or transfer any toxic substance that will affect the food quality.

Food grade packaging using the best, non-toxic, and safe food packaging products surprisingly brings lots of imperative advantages and benefits, not just to the stored food, but also the consumers or whoever will be consuming the food.

Is food grade packaging important? Sure, it is. Let’s find out what benefits and advantages this will bring to the food and to us.

Protection and Hygiene

The main obvious benefit of food grade packaging is food protection and safety. The food will be protected from harmful microorganisms that will decrease the food’s quality. This will not just protect the food from the organisms not perceived by the naked eye, but this will also protect the food from insects, rodents, and other pests that will most likely contaminate the food as well.

Food grade packaging also protects the food from temperatures – heat and cold – that can be harmful to the food, depending on the type. Moisture and oxygen can somehow affect the food’s quality, too. Rest assured, food inside great food packaging products are safe and protected.

Lastly, but not the least, food grade packaging prevents damages to the food during shipping, delivery, and handling process.

Preservation and Long Shelf Life

While the clear benefit of food grade packaging is a way to protect the food from contaminants, it should also be obvious that this can preserve food. This will prolong the food’s shelf-life. For example, there are certain foods that discolor, grow mold, and spoil when exposed to air. Food packaging products will be able to protect the food from too much air exposure, thus prolonging its shelf life. That is what the retail packaging and every food packaging is for – prolonging the shelf life.


Now, this is important. A food packaging product can establish a “communication” between the food and the consumer. For example, the food packed on its original package at the store will have a label, nutrition facts, ingredients, expiration date, and any other information that a consumer needs to know. Another example is at home. When you store your food at a specific container, you will often label it with the name and the date that you placed it on the container to avoid confusion when you are ready to consume the food.

Hidden Uses of Fiber Tubes

Custom mailing tube
Do you know that fiber tubes are more than just tubes that are mostly used for your tissue papers at home? If not, and then this is your chance to discover the hidden, yet amazing uses of these fiber tubes!

First, what is a fiber tube? As the name suggests, fiber tube is a “tube” made from “fiber”. This means that these are the cylindrical container used in different industries, which are created through the continuous wrapping of cardboard on a shaft to form a strong tube.

Now, that you know what a fiber tube is, how important is this in the society? Although cardboards are underrated, these tubes are widely used in the society and different businesses and industries today. Do you want to find out what are its uses? Check this out!

Mailing or Shipping Tubes

Aside from the obvious use of these fiber tubes as the center of the toilet papers, these are also used for shipping and mailing. In fact, custom tubes are the most effective way of sending important documents. Unlike the normal parcels and envelopes provided by couriers, these mailing and shipping tubes are a stronger container. Because these are made from wood pulp fibers that were wrapped simultaneously, mailing and shipping tubes can protect the documents from dents and damages, provided that the end cap is cardboard, plastic, or metal.

Usually, blueprints, posters, and banners are the documents that require mailing and shipping tubes.

Retail Packaging

Who would forget the iconic cylindrical retail packaging of your favorite American potato snack chips? Fiber tubes are also used as the main retail packaging of a certain product. Now, there is proof that fiber tubes are not just part of the product, but also the branding of the product. Aside from being the retail packaging of the famous potato chips and other foods, fiber tubes are also used as the packaging of perfume, cosmetics, and other beauty products. Somehow, a cylindrical container increases the elegance, sophistication, appearance, and overall appeal to the consumers of the product.


Since fiber tubes are used as mailing or shipping tubes and retail packaging, you may want to reuse your cylindrical containers. Just like the shipping boxes, custom tubes can be used as a storage container for your personal stuff. If shipping boxes can hold a variety of items, including clothes, shoes, vases, display items, small furniture, and cooking wares, shipping tubes can definitely take care of the important, yet smaller stuff at home. You can store your documents (of course!), jewelry, and mobile accessories such as earphones and phone chargers in a mailing tube.

In addition to that, fiber tubes can definitely be recycled and repurposed into DIY projects.

Different Types of Folding Boxes

Custom Folding Carton Flint Tinder

In the packaging industry, folding boxes are the in-demand form of packaging. Aside from the proven sturdiness and strength of these folding boxes, these are also made from eco-friendly materials, which is what the world needs today. After the primary use of these folding cardboard boxes, such as retail packaging and shipping boxes, these can be recycled, upcycled, and reused.

The primary and secondary uses of these folding boxes are simple. The materials used to create these boxes, such as paperboards and corrugated cardboard, are also simple. However, there are different types of folding cardboard boxes – straight tuck end, reverse tuck end, snap lock bottom, and sealed end to name a few.

Straight Tuck End

The straight tuck end type is the most common type of folding boxes. Almost every product requires this kind of packaging, especially when the front display panel is large transparent window type front, which is used to endorse the products inside. Both top and bottom enclosures “tuck” from the front portion to the rear portion of the box, preventing any raw edge exposure.

Reverse Tuck End

The reverse tuck end is the type of folding boxes that is quite similar to the enclosures of the straight tuck end. The only difference is that the top enclosure of the folding cardboard box covers or “tucks” from rear part to the front part of the box, while the bottom enclosure seals or “tucks” from the front part to the rear part of the box. This type of folding boxes is usually used when the front display panel is not transparent, not opened, and not exposing the product inside. Cosmetic products are the most common type of product using this packaging type.

Snap Lock Bottom

Now, the snap lock bottom is the type of folding boxes that is not similar to the straight tuck end and the reverse tuck end types, but this is still a common type of packaging. Unlike the straight tuck end and the reverse tuck end types that can be formed and closed by machines, the snap lock bottom type is locked and enclosed manually by hands.

The bottom enclosure has different sizes of locking panels. The large piece should go first and be followed by the two dust flaps and the smaller piece to finally seal the bottom part of the folding box. The snap lock bottom is usually used for cosmetic products, pharmaceutical and medical products, and other retail products that are heavier and require additional security.

Safer Travels for Your Products with a Setup Box

Custom Setup Box
A very effective way to provide both a marketing edge and at the same time a protective layer to your product is to use a setup box. These are not containers just for show. It shows the clients that the company is technologically savvy and aesthetically current.

Why Setup Boxes are Important to Your Business

Companies that do not use a setup box would be at a disadvantage. This is because a setup box for a product is almost a necessity in retail stores since most products are encased in one. You can see that in products that target high-end markets. Look at those bottles of perfume, boxes for jewelry and even the high-class chocolate pastries to people love.

Even better, getting custom setup boxes for your products add individuality. At the same time, custom setup boxes still give your products enough branding power because there will be an underlying theme with them.

Keep Your Product Intact and Protected Using Setup Boxes

A setup box will also add better protection due to the fact that it is designed for the product that is stored. Most of the times, a one size fits all approach to designing and producing containers is enough for transport. This is especially true for freight and cargo forwarders.

However, any variance in the uniformity of size of the products can be detrimental to the safety of the cargo. Cargo containers, while extremely sturdy on the outside to protect from external forces, can still make unnecessary motions inside. That is the reason why there are dividers in a container. This is to prevent those unwanted shaking.

A setup box can take the place of a divider but with the added value of being presentable. If you want to make your products fly off the shelves like pancakes. Here are a few more additional advantages of a custom setup box:

  • You are helping the environment a lot. A custom setup box would be typically a little bit more expensive, but this is because of not only the effort but also the naturally sustainable materials used.
  • You can market to an audience with deeper pockets. When you move your clientele to those who prioritize value over price, the profit margins increase and the lesser would be the need to cut down on expenses.
  • It is easier to scale your production. Once the marketing roadmap has been assisted with a great custom setup box, there will be a change of focus from marketing to the production of products, since a setup box will be a great way to ramp up both marketing and product protection.

A setup box might be the push that your business is looking for. Take care of your marketing and product protection needs by using a good custom setup box.

Leverage Point of Purchase Displays

specialty product display box
In a retail setting, first impressions do last and the use of great point of purchase displays would be. An ACEEE Study shows that CFL sales increased by as much as 706% in four Arizona stores when the point of purchase displays shows a great idea at a discounted price. This was further supported by a Harvard Business Article that shows great increases in revenue, specifically KODAK, Atari and even Ford Motors, and that their clever use of point of purchase displays have helped them reach their target market demographic at lesser cost.

Cardboard pop displays are also a great way to get the attention of your market. These eye-catching displays are also immensely cost-effective. This is because they help not only in advertising but also in selling your product. The judicious use of cardboard pop displays would not only serve as an educational tool to inform the potential buyers of your product. They also serve as a crucial sales brochure material that may convince your target market to buy your product.

However, just putting up cardboard pop displays will not guarantee sales. Point of purchase displays needs to be strategically designed in order for them to be effective. Here are a few useful tips to apply.

  • Combine the power of both your packaging and point of purchase displays with a theme. By designing your cardboard pop displays similar to your containers, you are not just imprinting the product and container in the minds of the customers but are also attracting potential costumers to go to your product’s display space and get a second look.
  • Point of purchase displays are loved by retailers since they make shopping less drab and more fun, and you can use this as a negotiation card when extending your product contract with the retailer. By adding a break of the monotone panorama of products and price tags, you give your product a marketing edge. This will also help convince retailers to continue getting more of your product as their inventory, further increasing your revenue. Use this information to convince retailers to adopt your product.
  • Point of purchase displays can be used to streamline your distribution channels. Distribution channels and we are not just talking about general retailers like grocery stores but also merchandisers and specialty shops will have an anchor for the industry or product area using your point of purchase displays. By marking your heavily-contested area with your displays, distribution channels will not need to use a lot of human resources to help people get to where your products are located. Your cardboard pop displays will also function as a shopping landmark.

By using creative point of purchase displays, you can be assured of a better marketing edge. This advantage can increase your market share, which will bring more revenue and profit for your business.

Fiber Partitions Give You More Space

e liquid vape box dividers
Every day, millions of containers are used to protect important cargo. But using just a container without a divider will not do your cargo any good. A carton container using fiber partitions as a divider can solve your problems with space and cost. These containers, compared to Styrofoam or wooden boxes, are used due to the fact that they are cheap to produce and easy to open and discard.

In fact, carton containers can be used more than a single time if the materials are good and the is properly thought out. This is especially true if there are fiber partitions that can give protection against any kind of pressure in the carton container itself.

Fiber Partitions: Environmental and Practical

Fiber partitions do not give only internal protection from pressure or make efficient handling of cargo, they are also very practical due to the cost they can save. This is because fiber partitions are usually made from any excess materials of the container. That means a very practical divider in terms of cost and pragmatism.

Another great thing about fiber partitions is that they are easy to dispose of as waste since they can be 100% recyclable. That is why a lot of logistics and cargo forwarding companies use fiber partitions since they are a more responsible way to take care of the environment.

This would also mean a more standardized quality within your container as well. You can be assured that the cargo in the container will be very stable due to the fact that the materials for both the container and the divider would not have any variance in strength since they are literally made from the same thing.

Chipboard Partitions: For Those Who Have Unique Space Needs

If you want a different provider, you can actually use chipboard partitions instead of the fiber ones. Using chipboard partitions would also make business sense for companies, especially for those who are transporting products and cargo of different sizes and shapes in the same container. This is because chipboard partitions are very adaptable and pliant to the product. But flexibility is not the only reason why they are used. They are also known for giving good protection from other products in the container together.

If you are going to use containers for cargo, make sure that you are using the right dividers. Both the fiber partitions and the chipboard partitions have their own use, with the fiber divider useful for products with uniform sizes and shapes and the chipboard partitions for the different cargo. At any rate, using dividers would give you peace of mind that your cargo is safe and sound.

Choosing a Custom Box Manufacturer

Custom mailer box

One of the most cost-effective ways to do both marketing and product physical protection is by getting a custom box for the product. Forming an idea about the proper container for your product is the first step in ensuring that your products arrive at the retail stores or direct to customers safe and sound. The next step would then be finding a good custom box maker that will help you in making custom boxes of excellent quality, both in sturdiness and design. A partnership with a good custom box manufacturer would solve your need for a great packaging service that is tailor fit to your products.

If you are on the fence as to why you should get a custom box manufacturer instead of making the containers yourself, then you need to see the benefits. A custom box maker would give you a lot of advantages such as:

Save Money on Running Capital

Making a container takes materials, labor, machinery and even human resources. All of these can cost you a pretty penny and will really tally up to quite a big hole in your pockets. By partnering with a custom box maker, you will save a lot of cash that you can use for other endeavors. A custom box manufacturer will already have all of the facilities that you need.

Provide Especially Designed Boxes for Your Product

The containers made by a custom box manufacturer will be of higher-quality compared to those made by the manufacturer of the product that the container protects. This is because a custom box maker has the specialized expertise in designing custom boxes. This would mean that they can give your products improved functionality without having to negatively impact the aesthetic design and marketing power of the customized box.

Have Peace of Mind

A custom box manufacturer will give you time and peace of mind. Not only will your partner custom box maker lessen your cost, they can also free up your time that you would have spent with designing, producing and applying the containers to your product. Deploying the custom boxes takes expertise as well. This will allow you to focus your freed-up time and mental energy on other important matters to grow your business.

Employing a custom box manufacturer for your product container needs is a great idea. The containers will cost less, be of higher quality and can free up your resources to pursue other value-adding activities for your business.

Common Uses of Printed Folding Cartons

Custom Made Folding Boxes

Did you know that folding cartons are actually the root of the packaging industry? You read that right! It was in the 1840s when cartons were folded and tacked together manually by hand, but the folding cartons were just used for small, but expensive items, such as jewelry and pearls, due to its meticulous production process. Thanks to an accident at the Robert Gair Company in Brooklyn, New York, the machine mass production of folding cartons was developed. The production process of different printed folding cartons became inexpensive that invited manufacturers to provide packaging to all products, whether it is expensive or not.

Today, almost every country and every city have a folding cartons manufacturer. The printed folding cartons are now a billion dollar industry. Due to the eco-friendly and recyclable materials, the very high demand is always met. But, what are the uses of these printed folding cartons and why there is a very high demand? It turns out that printed folding cartons have a lot of uses.

Marketing Different Products

The main purpose or usage of folding cartons is a packaging tool for marketing different products. Let’s put it this way – when going to the supermarket and grocery stores, well-packaged products are always what customers seek. Sometimes, people really tend to “judge a book by its cover” because they are unsure of what’s the content of the product. So, it is crucial for a manufacturing company to select printed folding cartons that will promote what the company sells.

How to find the best packaging for the product? Every company should ask their folding cartons manufacturer for a “design” that will pique the customers’ interest – color, shape, and appearance. Also, the printed folding cartons should be able to supply essential information, including the name of the product, the name of the company, how to use the product, and other essential information.

Safe and Secured Packaging

Aside from marketing the products, printed folding cartons are also used for safely transporting the products from one point to another. The common products that need packaging that is strong, safe and secured are food. For example, bakeshops are using folding cartons for their cakes and pastries for proper transportation. The folding cartons that are used for safety reasons are usually carefully stapled or pasted together.

Presentable Gift Boxes

Folding cartons are not only used for commercial products, but also for personal uses like gift boxes. A folding cartons manufacturer usually has an option for customized boxes, but can also provide a generic type of folding cartons that can be sold to a larger market. These are the common folding boxes that we can also see in stores. These folding cartons are perfect for packaging any gifts of any shape and any size, providing ease and convenience in wrapping presents for an important someone.

Improving Sales with Cardboard Displays

Custom Counter-Top Display Boxes
The cardboard displays are normally used to encourage impulse buying, including the counter top display and the stand-up display. These types of unit are proven to increase the sales of a certain product because of its attractive appearance that promotes the product itself. The idea of these cardboard displays began in the 18th century that improved and developed throughout the years.

How do the cardboard displays increase the sales? These units can attract the customers, especially the counter top display that is usually placed on the counter, just in time when the customers are ready to buy. These are usually colorful and designed in a way that customers will be informed that there are promos, sales, and discounts on that certain product. However, not all cardboard displays are compelling. So, there are some things that one should consider when getting these displays as promotional materials.

Visually Attractive

First and foremost, all cardboard displays should be visually attractive. The graphics, design, colors, and shapes should be able to have a bright modern look that any age will look into. For example, gums and chocolates are usually placed on the counter and the counter top display is usually colorful, bright, and enticing with retail products on it. As a result, customers will then pick up a product just in time before paying at the counter.

Accurate Information

Not all cardboard displays have products or items on it. There are units that only contain texts and information, especially the counter top display that is shaped like a rectangular pyramid. This type of cardboard display entices the customer to inquire about the product. All of the information should be accurate and well-written to be able to attract the customer to buy the product. Misleading information will never yield good results and this might even drive the potential customer away.

Does Not Use Too Much Space

Yes, cardboard displays should be enticing with “big fonts and big designs”, but that does not mean that these should also be big that these already occupy a lot of space. For example, a counter top display should not block the whole counter, making the customers lack space when dropping off their items. The same goes with the stand-up display; the display should not be blocking passages and hallways, making it impossible for the people to pass by.

Remember, cardboard displays are proven to be an effective tool in boosting sales, but there are things that need to be considered, in order to ensure that the customers will still be comfortable.

Things to Consider with a Ballot Cardboard Box

Custom ballot box

We all know that a ballot cardboard box is a sealed container that is not just limited to election usage today. The corrugated ballot box is now used as comments or suggestions box, lotteries and raffles, and other commercial uses. But before it was used as a commercial and marketing tool, ballot cardboard box was first used in 1872 by the British. Also termed as “secret ballot”, the first ballot box was sealed in wax that is now being held at the Pontefract Museum after it was used under the Ballot Act 1872 during the election.

However, the ballot cardboard box is known to have been used during the first federal vote in Washington D.C. Today, the corrugated ballot box is being used not just during elections, because almost all of the countries are already using an automated voting system, but in a wide range of locations. Before getting a corrugated ballot box, always consider these things first to ensure that the ballot will be effective and efficient.

Security and Seal

Before purchasing a ballot box, always ensure that the seal is included in the feature. Security should always be the top priority to avoid damages and maintenance costs. One thing to consider is the material that the whole ballot box was made of. For the ballot cardboard box, look for the boxes that are made of corrugated cardboard, because this can ensure that the ballot box is sturdy enough to withstand some natural causes.

Also, consider the places to store the corrugated ballot box. Remember, although the ballot boxes are sturdy enough, it is always safe to store in an area that is dry and not frequented by wet weather or by people passing by.

Size of the Ballot Box

What is the use of the ballot box that you are getting? Is it for raffles, lotteries, suggestions, comments, or registration? After ensuring the safety and sturdiness of the ballot boxes, the next thing to consider is the size of the ballot box you are getting. It really depends on how many “entries” are you expecting. For example, if you need a comments or suggestions box, it is wise to get a small to medium size corrugated ballot box. On the other hand, if you need a ballot cardboard box for raffles and lotteries, you should consider the number of tickets and participants before getting a box.

Size of the Insertion Slot

The last thing to consider, but also important is the size of the insertion slot. The common guideline in determining the slot’s size is how large the “ballot” or the form is. If it’s big and foldable, then consider requesting for an insertion slot that is big enough, but not too big for the hands to invade the boxes.

Remember, the size and the quality of the ballot cardboard box should always be considered.

Importance of Heavy Duty Shipping Boxes

Heavy Duty Shipping Box
Heavy duty shipping boxes
are currently in demand by both businesses and individuals. Although other people might say that these are just mere cardboards, these large shipping boxes are actually important in today’s fast-paced modern world. Industrially, these cardboard boxes are primarily used for packing goods, items, and products. People might say that cardboards are just made of paper, but what people don’t know is that cardboard boxes are actually very reliable.

The heavy duty shipping boxes are made of the material called corrugated cardboard, making these large shipping boxes withstand pressures and heaviness of the items. These are the strong and sturdy type of cardboard that consist fluted cardboard and flat linerboards, made on machines using flute lamination. There are different types of corrugated cardboard – single face, single wall, double wall, and triple wall – that are designed to provide a strong container for any items, big or small.

When do you need to use heavy duty shipping boxes? The name decided for itself – when shipping items. However, these large shipping boxes are not limited to shipping purposes; there are other situations that one should consider in buying these boxes.

Shipping – Business and Individual

Of course, the first usage of these boxes is for shipping. For businesses that are handling fragile items, it is important that these products will be transported accurately and efficiently. In order to avoid damages and other maintenance costs, heavy duty shipping boxes are needed. Some companies need to transport their products all over the world and that is when these boxes that are “squash-free” are needed.

For individuals who would like to send items, gifts, and products to the other corner of the country, or even overseas, large shipping boxes are needed to withstand any pressure from stacking and prevent damaging of goods.

Moving To Other Places

Are you moving from one city to another? No problem! It is proven that heavy duty shipping boxes are sturdy enough to hold items like clothes, vases, and other household items than bags and suitcases. Although made from cardboard, a triple wall shipping box can withstand a certain amount of water, apart from pressure. Another reason why this can be your next best friend in moving to other places is that these are easy to stack due to its shape. Unlike irregular-shaped bags, these boxes can be easily stored inside the vehicles, without worrying about falling off.

Storing Items

Not sending anything and not going anywhere? Well, heavy duty shipping boxes can also be used for storing items that are no longer needed. These are proven to protect the items, whether in good or bad condition. Just like in moving out, these boxes can be easily stacked and stored in a single room, provided that these are properly sealed, and there’s no need to worry about damages.

Top Uses of Food Packaging Products

Food Packaging

Almost all patrons who consume various food products do not realize the amount of time, money, and effort spent by the manufacturing company to simply come up with the most suitable food grade packaging solutions for their products. Little do they know that every color, graphic, text, and cardboard material used to create the different food packaging products were all made to play together to provide the following uses:

To Protect and Preserve

The primary role of custom food packaging products is to protect the product from environmental components that can affect the integrity of the product such as moisture, dust, and harmful lights as well as biological elements like insects and rodents. Sturdy cardboard packaging also protects food products from damage, especially during shipping or transport.

To Provide Information and Serve as a Marketing Tool

Customized packaging products also help the manufacturing or distributing company to provide critical information about the product they offer and also serve as an effective marketing tool. Numerous studies have shown that the buying behavior of consumers is greatly influenced by the design and aesthetic appearance of the packaging used. A well thought out and strategically designed food packaging product can help generate sales, improve profit, and boost the business. On the customer’s side, on the other hand, the food packaging aids in providing valuable information such as nutritional value, ingredients list, net weight, manufacturer information, and even production/expiration dates as well.

To Ensure the Convenience of Consumers

Every food packaging product is carefully designed to ensure that consumers will have no difficulty in handling, using, and even disposing of the product. Businesses in the food production and service industries work to come up with packaging solutions that will not only highlight the strengths of their products but also help their audience to best appreciate the food products they offer.

To Guarantee Food Product Quality

One of the best features of food packaging solutions is its tamper indication feature. This helps consumers to determine if the products they are buying have been tampered or adulterated. Food products should always be kept safe and in good condition considering that consuming altered products can lead to serious health conditions.

Ultimately, the various uses of food packaging products mentioned above all boil down to ensuring that food products are contained in the most efficient and cost-effective way that will meet the requirements of the food industry, the needs, and convenience of the consumers while ensuring food safety and least damage to the environment.

Questions when Ordering Printed Shipping Boxes

Regular slotted carton Sandal Essence
When ordering printed shipping boxes for your business, you cannot merely call a supplier and ask them to create them for you. You need proper preparation, a lot of planning, and a reputable manufacturer so that your expenses can turn into a worthy investment. Before you start ordering customized shipping boxes, it is important to ask yourself the following questions to guide you on your next steps of action:

  • Does the manufacturing company have the capability to produce the cardboard boxes according to your requirements?

While there are many packaging suppliers in the industry, not everyone can deliver their commitment, which is why you should make sure that the company you are dealing with has the capability, experience, and expertise to manufacture the kind of custom shipping box you want. The supplier should be able to create the shipping boxes as you have designed and visualized it; otherwise, it would be a complete waste of your money.

  • Is the design that you want on your customized shipping boxes possible without sacrificing essential elements of the cardboard box?

While you have the liberty to design shipping boxes according to your taste and liking, you should still ensure that the box would still be able to deliver its basic purpose such as protecting your product during shipping. If the same would be compromised because of the design, it is best that you think of other packaging solutions that would satisfy both creative and protective elements.

  • Can the packaging supplier provide you with environment-friendly options?

Having earth-friendly shipping boxes will significantly improve your brand image considering that a growing number of customers would rather choose to patronize businesses that are mindful of the environment. Use this growing trend to your advantage by partnering with reputable packaging suppliers who provide eco-friendly options.

  • What is your budget per custom shipping box?

Your design team should be completely attentive to the budget allocated for each shipping box so that they will not design something that will exceed it. Keep in mind that every person involved in the design and order of the shipping boxes should always keep the budget allocation for the project in mind.

Needless to say, there are many things that you need to consider before your company starts ordering custom cardboard boxes for your business. At the end of the day, you should make sure that you end up with the most cost-effective and efficient choice since it would be most advantageous for your organization.

Practical Ways to Recycle Custom Tubes

Custom Mailing Tubes
If you regularly receive artworks, posters, or other documents encased in cardboard custom tubes do not throw them away. Apart from reusing them to keep papers that you do not want to be folded, there are a dozen practical ways you can recycle cardboard tubes such as the following:

  • Cord Organizer. Unkept computer, television, radio, or other gadget cords can be a total eyesore. Instead of bundling them up and tying with a rubber band or nylon cord, you can use several fiber tubes to organize them. Simply make sure both ends of all tubes are open and then decorate them using colored papers or stickers and place one folded cord per tube. You can label them accordingly for easy identification and use.
  • Wrinkle-Prevention Tool. Avoid wrinkles and creases on your pants and skirts when you hang them by simply attaching a cardboard tube on a hanger. This way you can be sure that your pants and skirts would be wrinkle-free all the time.
  • Seedling Nursery. Instead of buying small pots to grow seedlings for your garden, you can use a couple of custom tubes. Just cut them according to your desired height, fill them with garden soil, drop your seeds, and your all set.
  • Artistic Piece. Exercise your creative muscles by creating a wall art using cut-up rolls of cardboard tubes. Simply glue them together to create interesting patterns and shapes. Color them in hues that complement your wall paint and you will have an art piece that you can show your friends.
  • Drawer Organizer. If you have a lot of accessories or personal items inside your drawer and you are finding it hard to keep them in order, you can create a drawer organizer using several packaging tubes. Just cut them much shorter than the height of your drawer, glue several tubes together, and place them in your drawer. You can then use each compartment to keep your jewelry, scarves, and other accessories.
  • Parking Garage for Toy Cars. For your little boys who have tons of die-cast cars and other vehicle toys, you can create a parking garage by using several mailing tubes. Get a wooden crate and let it stand. Cut a couple of tubes that will fill the crate and glue them together. Let your child design his garage and fill each tube with his toy cars.

The ideas mentioned above are just some of the best ways you can reuse old fiber tubes. Without a doubt with a little imagination and a dash of creativity, you can find more ways to use those versatile cardboard tubes lying in your home.

Selecting a Custom Box Manufacturer

Custom Suitcase Boxes
If you are currently looking for a new custom box manufacturer for your business, it is important that you set the terms and that you only shortlist reliable cardboard packaging companies that can truly address your packaging needs. Below are several factors that you need to consider so that you can be assured of selecting a reputable packaging company to partner with:

Reputation in the Industry

If you do not want to encounter issues later on with your packaging supplier, it is critical that you find a dependable firm to meet your needs. You can do so by conducting a simple background check on the company. For one, you can find out how long it has been operating in the industry. The longer the years, the better since it implies experience and stability. You should also talk with their former and current clients to have a more accurate information on how the company conducts its business.

Packaging Capability

Make sure that the custom box manufacturer offers a wide range of packaging options to deliver your current and even yet to be identified future needs. Suppliers who provide numerous packaging solutions know the demands of various businesses in any industry. This will work to your advantage since you will have several options to choose from.

Price Estimates

A reputable packaging manufacturer can instantly provide you with price estimates and even complete packaging assessment at no cost. If the company cannot readily provide free quotes and takes some time to answer your inquiries, ditch them immediately since their failure to deliver simple requests mean they do not have the capability to deliver what they are promising.

Customer Service

Make sure to learn about how the company deals with its customers. Learn if they will assign a point person specifically for your company and if this person can be reached anytime and any day, especially during emergencies. A reputable company knows the value of their clients and find ways to provide high-quality service at all times.

Company Guarantee

An organization that is confident in its ability to deliver high-quality products has no qualms in providing guarantees. Make sure to find out what guarantees are provided in case of failure to deliver commitments.

There are many cardboard packaging companies out there and all of them promise outstanding service, which is why it is up to you to find the most suitable and reliable manufacturer that will satisfy your requirements. Take into consideration the factors above and you can be sure to find the right company in no time.

Custom Setup Boxes Speak to Customers

setup box Ad action interactive
Successful businesses know that custom setup boxes do more than simply protect and encase products, which is why they spend serious time and resources to come up with ideas on how they can maximize the use of a simple setup box.

If you want your setup boxes to influence the purchasing behavior of your customers, encourage them to refer your product to others, and to keep them as loyal followers, you should not ignore the power of a highly thought-out and strategically designed custom setup boxes.

Below are some tips on how you can make your setup boxes effectively speak with your target customers:

Make your shipping box warm and friendly

If your goal is to encourage loyal following, then you should “greet” your customers in a warm and friendly manner. How can you be friends with your customers if you don’t personally meet them? Use your packaging box to greet them. Instead of shipping products in dull and boring brown cardboard boxes that say, “We don’t care about how you feel”, you should even add sincere notes and other accessories on your custom setup boxes to make your customers feel special.

Create a pleasing first impression

Your customers, whether you like it or not, will judge your product according to its packaging. A beautiful setup box will give your customers the impression that your company is professional, organized, and high-class. Unfortunately, if your goods are contained in a shipping box that looks shabby and disfigured, it is almost impossible for your customer to take your product seriously, regardless of its quality. Keep in mind that consumers buy through their eyes, which is why you should ensure that you give them a pleasing first impression of your brand and what it stands for.

Add interesting printed materials inside your setup boxes

Your customers need suggestions on the different ways to use and enjoy your product. Make sure you provide them with everything they need to know, especially those that they will likely fail to consider. Add them inside the box but makes sure that they are printed and done in an interesting and enticing manner.

Maximize the potential of your custom setup boxes in contributing to the growth of your business by taking into consideration the various pointers mentioned above. At the end of the day, instead of stressing in words that your business is different, make sure that your packaging box concretely shows how your brand is a cut above the rest.

Components of Cardboard Pop Displays

countertop display First juice

A study conducted by the Point of Purchase Advertising International (POPAI) revealed that cardboard pop displays significantly influence the purchasing decisions of customers to as much as 82%. Without a doubt, a carefully thought-out and extremely appealing pop display boxes provide numerous benefits to any retail business such as increased sales and improved brand image, among many others.

It is important to note, however, that pop displays can only have an impact if they adhere to several key factors that include the following:


Your display boxes should catch the attention of your target audience. It should “pop” enough that your customers cannot help but look at what you are trying to offer. Your aesthetics should trigger the curiosity of your customers. For instance, if you are selling products for young kids, your pop display should be colorful, it should have interesting graphics that children are familiar with, and they should be interactive. How can you entice the kids to notice your product if your display comes in black or other muted colors and your texts do not speak to young kids?


Your pop displays should speak to your target customers. Its graphics, notes, and other elements should make your customers think about how their lives would be better and more satisfying when they use your products. You cannot simply put your logo and your brand color and expect consumers to be excited and purchase your products. If you want them to be enthusiastic, then you should create a pop display that will evoke such emotion.


Do not forget that the reason you are investing on a customized pop display is to encourage your customers to buy. To motivate your consumers into action, you should make them stop, look, and notice your display longer. If you have promotional offerings, you can include them in your display complete with exciting graphics so that your target audience would be encouraged to try out your product.


When you design your pop displays, keep in mind that you are not only introducing a specific product, treat it as if you are personally introducing your brand to your customers. Your audience should feel and experience how it’s like to be associated with your company through your pop display.

The next time you design your cardboard pop displays for your goods, it is best that you take the abovementioned factors into consideration. Keeping each one in mind will ensure that your pop displays would offer more than simply holding your products in place for display purposes.

Storing Folding Corrugated Boxes

Sirius Specialty Box Folding-Carton

Businesses can hardly survive in this day and age of modern technology if they do not offer shipping options. Gone are the days when people will find the time to physically go from store to store to purchase the things they want. Customers who are opting to shop online and to receive good through shipping are steadily increasing every year.

If you are have recently introduced shipping options in your business, you will discover that storing folding corrugated boxes and printed folding cartons can be stressful especially if they start to pile up and take much space in your store.

Here are some dos and don’ts that can guide you on how to store folding boxes more effectively:

Do Invest in a Reliable Box Supplier

You can only keep printed folding cartons in good condition if they are of good quality in the first place, which is why you should choose a reliable box supplier for your business. Instead of looking at boxes as mere packaging expense, see it as a worthy investment. Ultimately, the packaging of your product is the first thing that your customer will notice and as most studies show, customers normally shop with their eyes and their buying behavior is usually affected by how they appreciate the packaging. Before accepting the boxes from your supplier, you should inspect them first before storing to ensure that you only get good quality folding boxes.

Do Keep Your Folding Cartons Inside

Even if you have a wide space outside your facility, you should store all your boxes indoors. Rain, sunlight, pests, animals, and other elements can ruin your boxes if you insist on storing them outside.

Don’t Store Boxes Lying Flat on the Floor

Instead of stacking the boxes flat on the floor, it is best that you store them vertically on a shelf to protect them from getting soiled or dirty.

Don’t Store the Boxes in Hard to Reach Areas

You should keep your cardboard shipping boxes in places where your packaging team can readily access them. Apart from better efficiency, this will also ensure that all your stocks would be used and nothing will be wasted.

Apart from the practical tips mentioned above, it is important to note that while reusing old folding corrugated boxes can help you save on packaging costs, you should know when the quality of the boxes is no longer suited as packaging for your new products. When this happens, it is best that you sort them out and donate them to local libraries or charity organizations rather than keeping them in your storage facility.

Build Your Business with Custom Printed Boxes

Custom die cut mailer

If your business is relatively new in the retail industry, you should explore every possible avenue that can potentially help your business grow. While you concentrate on advertising and marketing campaigns, you should not ignore simple components of your business as they also have the capability of drawing in customers such as custom printed boxes.

It may be hard to believe that a simple printed mailing box can impact customer behavior but studies and surveys will convince you otherwise. One survey conducted by Dotcom Distribution revealed that over 50% of customers would purchase a product again from the same brand based solely on its packaging. The same survey also showed that 40% of consumers shared photos of deliveries they receive on various social media platforms if they arrived in enticing and unique packaging.

There are many ways on how customized mailing boxes can be advantageous to your business such as the following:

Help Generate Savings

Packaging boxes that are customized to securely fit your product may seem more expensive when you compare it with generic or ordinary boxes. This may be true if you will only consider on price alone but if you take into account all factors you will realize that you can generate more savings if in the end if you used customized boxes.

For one, your goods will be best protected when they are contained in packaging boxes specifically created for them. This means that your customers will receive the products in good condition. If you use ordinary cardboard boxes that can fit, albeit securely, your product, there is a great chance that it would be damaged during the shipping process. When this happens, you have to deal with an angry customer who would most likely never purchase from you again and you have to send a new product that will replace the broken one. You do not only lose financially but you gain a negative reputation as well.

Provide Customer Engagement and Experience

A carefully designed printed mailing box can speak well to your customers. The moment they receive your product enclosed in a unique package, you immediately leave a good impression and provide a satisfying unpacking experience. If you manage to hook your customers, at first sight, they will most likely order from you again and even refer your products to others. If they are so enticed with your customized packaging box that they post it on social media, imagine how much positive attention it will bring to your product.

Create Better Brand Image

When you sell your product, you are also selling who you are as a brand, which is why you should make sure that every time consumers encounter your products, they are filled with a positive impression. If you manage to impress your target customers with your packaging, you will undoubtedly influence their purchasing behavior towards your favor in the future.

New businesses should find consider all possible ways and means to push their business forward. Given the competition in the retail industry, you should not fail to explore how you can use your custom printed boxes to your advantage.

Ways Custom Mailer Boxes Can Help Your Business

custom printed mailer boxes

According to recent statistics, e-commerce is steadily on the rise, growing over 20% every year. This is not surprising considering that 51% of Americans would rather make their purchases online rather than physically go to stores. Given this trend, businesses can only stay marketable if they have an online presence and able to ship their products to their customers.

It is important to note, however, that sending products to clients is not just a mechanical task considering that it can create opportunities to increase sales and profit by simply using custom mailer boxes. If you are currently using large quantities of mailers that are standard and unappealing, it is high time you consider shifting to custom printed shipping boxes for the following reasons:

  • It can improve your business image.

Custom mailer boxes can make your business appear more professional and organized. Keep in mind that first impression is important and whether you like it or not, your shipping presentation can affect how the customer appraises your company.

  • It can serve as an effective marketing strategy.

You no longer have to enclose fliers or invest on expensive marketing campaigns if your shipping boxes already contain your business logo and what your company stands for. With customized boxes, there is also a greater chance that your “advertisement” would be noticed and read, rather than fliers that usually end up in the garbage bin.

  • It can set you apart from the competition.

Considering the number of businesses in your line of industry, every company needs to be unique for it to stand out from the rest. Using customized shipping containers that are attractive and appealing will help attract your target audience and even encourage them to refer you to other potential customers.

  • It can ensure that your product will reach your customers in good condition.

One downside of shipping your products instead of handing them out personally in stores is that it can be damaged in the transporting process. This likelihood is increased if you are using ordinary boxes. If you customized your boxes, you have the chance to choose the best material, thickness, and other factors that will best protect your product so it will reach the intended customer in good condition.

E-commerce will continue to thrive, which means product shipping will be an important vehicle for reaching out to your customers. If you want your business to make the most out of shipping and to experience the various benefits mentioned above, it is high time you think about investing in custom shipping boxes.

Advantages of Convoluted Foam Packaging

Custom Foam Insert

Modern technology has helped level the playing field for many business people. The use of the internet provided avenues for talented individuals to market their products even if they do not have a physical store. Transactions are done online and goods are shipped to the customers.

One of the major challenges of this set-up, however, is ensuring that the product will reach its intended recipient in good condition. Towards this end, the majority of online businesses and companies that offer shipping options use strong and durable packaging solutions. They also use shipping peanuts and other fillers to add an extra layer of protection. While fillers like this may be suitable for bulky and less sensitive products, foam insert and convoluted foam packaging are still the best options for maximum protection.

Apart from providing utmost protection, using convoluted foam packaging also provide many other benefits such as the following:

  • Cost-Effective Foam Insert

Considering how much it protects the merchandise, companies can purchase this kind of packaging solution at a reasonable cost. Moreover, since it provides maximum product protection, it will save the company tons of money on product replacement. Businesses can opt for ordinary packaging that gives a certain amount of protection but if it fails to keep the product in good condition, the company will spend more replacing and sending a new product.

  • Foam Insert Improves Brand Image

Companies that ship their products with foam inserts give the impression that they are reputable, highly professional, and a leader in the industry. Products with this type of packaging also appear to be of high-value and quality. Customers would most likely order again if they see how much the company cares about the tiniest detail.

  • Foam Inserts Complements Products

Customized foam inserts or convoluted foam packaging also tend to showcase the product in a positive light. Since they keep goods firmly in place, customers will be able to see the products in their best state. Customized foam inserts in colors that best complement the product also provide additional aesthetic and marketing value.

At the end of the day, business owners who are involved in selling products through shipping or mailing can only build a good reputation if their products reach their intended customers in the best condition possible. Goods that are damaged for lack of protection will not only affect the product itself but ruin the company’s image as well. If you want the improve the layer of protection for the goods you are transporting, consider using convoluted foam and experience its many benefits.

Rigid Versus Folding Cardboard Boxes

Custom Made Folding Boxes
Successful businesses know that the box where the product is placed has far more value than simply having something where products can be kept. Because of competition and easy access to information, customers nowadays are more discerning about the companies they patronize.

Unlike in the past wherein clients hardly ever cared whether their purchases came in attractive folding cardboard boxes, customers now care about packaging the same way they pay attention to the product, if not more.

Without a doubt, boxes are included in the list of preferred packaging by customers, which is why the demand for product boxes is continuously growing. If you are thinking of using boxes for your products, you should know what kind would best suit your needs. While you may be inclined to immediately fill your storage area with a high volume of folding boxes, remember that rigid boxes are also popular and unless you assess the benefits of each, you may never know which one is right for you.

To help you in the decision-making process, below are the benefits of rigid and folding cardboard boxes:

Rigid Boxes:

  • They create a better first impression as they are seen as more expensive and valuable by consumers.
  • They are stronger and more durable because they are inherently thicker.
  • They are ready to use; hence, packaging would be more convenient and less burdensome as extra time and manpower would not be needed to construct the boxes.

Folding Boxes:

  • They generally require lower transportation cost considering that high volume of folding boxes can be transported at the same time as they can be forwarded and stored flat.
  • They are generally less expensive than rigid boxes since materials used are not as thick.
  • They can be produced more easily which means you don’t need to wait for a long time before your order arrives.

While rigid and folding boxes have their own advantages, it is important to note that both types also share similar advantages. For one, both can be easily customized to include your company logo and other designs that will help improve your brand image. Secondly, both can be made from earth-friendly materials. And lastly, both can have unique structural designs.

Ultimately, you can only know which type of box would be most advantageous for you and your company by assessing your business requirements, the needs, and expectations of your customers, and by considering both these factors as a basis for your decision.

Improve Your Brand Using a Custom Shipping Box

Custom shipping regular slotted carton box
The impression of the brand is at times more important than the actual quality and condition of the product itself. A strong brand image largely impacts consumer behavior. Majority of customers patronize products manufactured by companies that were able to develop a strong brand image through the years even if similar goods with better quality from competitors are available.

There are many ways your company can improve its brand image. Some of these methods are expensive and require a long process but there are techniques that you can do during product shipping that can help your brand get the attention it needs.

Here are some ways you can improve your brand image during shipping:

A sad-looking and ordinary cardboard box can create a negative impression not only on the product you are selling but to your company as well. Imagine if your customer receives your product packaged in a common box and another merchandise wrapped in customized packaging from a different company at the same time, without a doubt the customer will think that your company is unprofessional and cheap. Using custom printed shipping boxes gives the impression that your company is professional and high-class.

  • Consider using custom shipping tape.

To make your brand name and product more noticeable you can also consider using custom shipping tape that will greatly complement the design and look of your custom printed shipping boxes. Note that customers are always drawn to products and packaging with high aesthetic value.

  • Make use of custom shipping bags when needed.

For small and dainty items like accessories and books, you may consider using custom shipping bags that will highlight your company logo and colors. You can also consider completing the elegant look by using colored tissue paper, ribbons, and other trimmings that will bring a smile to your customer’s face.

  • Make use of environment-friendly fillers like biodegradable packing peanuts.

Instead of using plastic bubble wraps that are harsh to the environment, you should consider using biodegradable shipping peanuts instead. While these fillers may not literally contain your brand or logo, the act itself gives the impression that your company cares about the environment and most customers find it appealing.

The ideas above are just some of the simple ways you can improve your brand and market your products at the same time. It is important to realize that majority of consumers shop with their eyes and first impressions usually last.

Reasons Custom Setup Boxes Help Businesses

Custom Setup Boxes
Many businesses who underestimate the impact of packaging do not reach their full sales potential. Rather than seeing customized setup boxes as a worthy investment, they think that ordering them is a total waste of money.

If you also believe that custom setup boxes are mere accessories that your business can do without, you should ponder on the following reasons why using setup or rigid paperboard boxes will actually help your business:

  • It effectively protects your product. Since a setup box is made from heavier weight and high-end paperboard that are glued permanently and securely together, this type of packaging will help ensure that your product remains in its original and appealing state. This is particularly helpful when you have to ship your product to your customers considering that custom setup boxes will protect your merchandise so that it will reach your customers in good condition.
  • It increases the perceived value of your product. At the end of the day, people shop with their eyes. If the product comes in an elegant package with an exclusive look, customers will most likely buy it, even if the cost is a bit higher than the competition because they perceived it to be a high-quality merchandise.
  • It serves as a marketing tool. Customized setup boxes are marketing tools themselves especially if you include company details such as logo and contact information. You can also strengthen your branding through this kind of packaging.
  • It will help you save valuable time and labor cost. Since setup boxes are already “set-up”, meaning ready-to-use, you don’t have to hire additional people or require existing staff to devote time just to assemble generic folding boxes.
  • It caters to your direct needs. Since a setup box is customized, you are in direct control of its every element – color, size, shape, thickness, overall appearance – everything! You can do anything on the packaging that will help increase your brand recognition.
  • It is reusable. Since setup boxes are durable and sturdy, your customers will definitely reuse it. If your product is non-perishable like games or tools, your clients can even use the box to store the item every after use.

The items mentioned above are just some of the advantages you can experience once you try shifting from ordinary and unappealing packaging to custom setup boxes. Each benefit may seem little on their own but once you consider their collective impact, it is clear that it has the potential to push your business forward.

Ordering a Customized Packaging Box

Folding Carton with Foil Stamping
There are many customers surveys that reveal how packaging affects their decision to purchase. A product that comes in a customized packaging box that suits the preference of the target customer will be more appealing and saleable than one in a generic box.

Before you start hoarding a large quantity of cardboard packaging boxes that look bland and cheap, it is best to invest in customized packaging boxes that will help boost your brand and give your merchandise added value. However, before you even contact a company that will carry out the customization for you, it is best that you consider the following critical factors first:


Packaging boxes differ in material, size, texture, thickness, and many other things and the only way to find out what would best work for your product is by first identifying your needs. For example, if your goods are fragile, then you need a thick cardboard material that can protect and secure them in place. If you ship your products most of the time to your customers then you should also choose a material that will keep the merchandise in good condition.


You should have an estimate of how much your packaging box budget allocation at the onset. You cannot meet the manufacturer or start ordering without knowing how much you can spare. At the end of the day, you should be able to persuade your supplier to adjust their price as much as possible to meet your budget and not the other way around.

Design and Appeal

Take some time to research on designs and overall appeal that will best highlight your product. Do you know that a simple color can influence your customer to buy or reject your product? A study published at the University of Delaware revealed that the color of the packaging box accounts for almost 85% of why a customer will buy the product. Apart from color, do not forget that your design should also feature your product the best way possible, like including a window for pastry products for example.

Customer Convenience

Always keep your customers in mind even when coming up with a customized packaging design. If you can make the box more convenient for them then you should take the opportunity to do so. For instance, it should be easy to open or can be reused for other things.

The factors discussed above will ensure that the customized packaging boxes you will order will help improve your sales and customer base. Keep in mind that a custom-design packaging box can do much more for your business than just hold or secure your merchandise if you approach it with the right strategy.

Maximize Your Cardboard Pop Displays

Custom Countertop Shipper Displays
The manner of presenting the products to the customers is critical for businesses that involve the selling of goods. Presentations that catches the eye and highlight the merchandise can greatly boost sales and profit, which is why the use of cardboard pop displays has been popular for several years now.

It is important to note, however, that the effectiveness of cardboard displays depend largely on many factors. The high volume of cardboard display boxes in your warehouse will have little value if you don’t plan and strategize how to best use them.

To ensure that you will get the most out of your cardboard pop displays, here are important dos and don’ts that you must consider:


  • Do take into account the overall effect of the color, shape, and size of your display.Take some time researching what colors, shape, and size blend well together and what combination will truly capture the essence of what you are trying to sell. For instance, if your target customers are kids then rainbow colors may appeal to them than neutral ones. You can also customize the shape of your display similar to the packaging of your product.
  • Do make your display box interesting.While graphics, colors, and shapes can make your display interesting, try to think outside the box and consider other things that will make your display standout such as putting an activity board or other elements.


  • Don’t try to put too much graphics or design on your cardboard display boxes.In your eagerness to showcase several aspects of your product, you may be tempted to put too many words or graphics in your display box that it already looks messy rather than organized. Concentrate on a single theme and focus on it.
  • Don’t forget that your product is the star of your display.Always remember that your cardboard box display should, at the very least, complement your merchandise. The design and overall appearance of your display box should magnify and draw attention to your product. It should help your customers to focus their attention on what you are trying to sell.

While tips mentioned above cannot completely guarantee that every single customer who sees your cardboard display will patronize your product, it will, at the very least, convince those who are thinking of buying to get your product rather than the competition. Keep in mind that at the end of the day, everyone shops with their eyes.

Ways to Reuse Heavy Duty Shipping Boxes

Heavy Duty Shipping Box

If you enjoy shopping online, there is no doubt that you have numerous heavy duty shipping boxes stored at home. If you think that the boxes’ jobs are done after protecting your item so that it will reach you in good condition, you are mistaken.

Take out all your double wall shipping boxes from the attic immediately and be ready to transform them into the following items:

  • Laundry hamper or sorter – use boxes to sort your dirty laundry rather than buying plastic ones.
  • Trash (Bin) box for dry items – put a small-sized box under your home office table or beside your children’s study table for disposing of used or broken school and office items.
  • Recycling or Recyclables Box to sort your garbage – why use plastic garbage bags that defeats the purpose of going green. Utilized shipping boxes and you will truly help the environment.
  • Practical insulation for the sides of your newly installed air-conditioning unit – instead of using foams and other materials that you will spend money on, you can use cardboard boxes instead.
  • Pet house or bed – just put a soft pillow and small blanket to make your pet comfortable and you’re all set.
  • Litter box for your cats and other house pets – keep your home clean and spotless, put some sand in one of the wide boxes and train your pets to use it.
  • Storage bin – use boxes instead of plastic containers for storing things in the garage or garden.
  • Large building blocks for your kids – secure the lid of different sized boxes and let your kids build a fort, a skyscraper, and many others. Let your kids’ imagination run wild!
  • Puppet stage – be a star in your children’s eyes. Make puppets out of recyclable materials and use a large double wall shipping boxes to create the stage.
  • Toy car – bond with your son by creating and designing a toy car made from shipping boxes.
  • Extraordinary Halloween Costume – enough with the princess or scary costumes, create an extraordinary get-up for your kids trick or treating escapade using boxes – robot, empire state building, train, cars, and many others.
  • Instant painting canvas – unleash the artist side your kids by cutting out cardboard canvas so they can paint to their heart’s content.

The items above are just some of the unique ways you can reuse your heavy duty shipping boxes. Exercise your creative brain and think about some other ways you can make the boxes useful again. Keep in mind that when you do this, you are not only helping the environment but developing your artistic abilities as well. Happy crafting!

Showing You Value Your Customers with A Box Insert

Custom foam insert
A box insert is mainly used to protect fragile items or valuables that are being shipped to customers. But what if you can take advantage of these box accessories in order to let them know how much you value their business?

People have been used to using bubble wraps to protect gadgets or any other breakable goods. This is not to say that they don’t work, but they work only to a certain extent. With the right amount of pressure and force, a bubble wrap won’t be able to protect your gadget.

Box Insert

A box insert, meanwhile, guarantees a snug fit because they can be cut and fashioned into the shape of the gadget or item being shipped. There’s no room for the item to move around even if you ship to international destinations. Even if the forwarder is less than delicate in moving your cargo, the chance of something happening to the valuable contents inside is minimal.

Convoluted foam, for instance, is the ideal way to ship valuables because they are designed like egg crates. Now you really get the idea of how safe your products are going to be when they are ensconced inside a capsule. They will cushion the gadget while at the same time oppose any external force applied to the package. But you can even take it a step further.

There are many ways to use these box accessories for value adding. One clear benefit is to personalize your interaction with each customer. If you are shipping large volumes of orders, you can’t expect perfect service each time. No matter how hard you try, it’s not a realistic proposition especially if you don’t control the delivery chain.

But you can turn that frown into a smile, for instance, if you have a box insert which says, “We’re sorry for the delay” when they open the package. Or even better: how about a message that says, “We’re sorry, please take 10% off of your next order?” Even just a simple message that will tell them to “Have a nice day” will surely be appreciated by your customers.

Box Accessories

Fortunately, manufacturers can easily customize these box accessories according to your specifications. And it’s really much more affordable than you think. The important thing is the result. You will really take the unboxing experience to a whole new level because the customer will look forward to whatever surprise the package will hold, apart from the goods of course.

Large Quantity of Custom Shipping Boxes

Custom shipping rsc box
Investing in your brand means putting attention to every detail, and that includes a large quantity of shipping boxes that roll out of your production line. Regardless of the industry, competition is always going to be stiff. You can stand out from the rest of the pack, for instance, through a printed shipping box with your logo in it. It might seem a small thing perhaps, but you have a virtual representative no matter where your package will end up.

Below are the common questions on large quantity of shipping boxes:

What are the types of packaging that you can buy?

Nowadays, there’s not much that manufacturers could not do. It’s a sweeping statement to say that you are only limited by your imagination, but that’s very true in this case. From the size of the box, color, custom mailers, overlap cartons, corrugated boxes, pop-up boxes, you can order just about anything under the sun.

I always hear about the term flute, what is it?

The corrugated cardboard substrate has different levels of thickness. The industry term for this is a flute, which refers to the ridges in between the two cardboards. Manufacturers also have different designations when you are trying to order. For instance, the F-flute means there are 128 flutes per linear foot with a height of 1/32”. This is perfect for cosmetics, jewelry, and other fragile materials because of its superior crush resistance.

Is there a limit to the number of large quantity of custom shipping boxes?

No, there’s no limit to the volume of order. In fact, it’s recommended that you order in bulk so you can enjoy a huge discount. Most manufacturers profit on the scale, so they are more likely to offer special incentives to large orders.

What type of print should I choose in the printed shipping box?

The manufacturer should be able to recommend the ideal print for you depending on order volume or the type of branding you wish. You can choose from flexographic, litho label or digital. The last one is best for smaller quantities. For a large quantity of custom shipping boxes, flexographic will be your best bet although it will cost you due to the printing plate that will be created specifically for you. Say, you need at least 1,000 boxes to maximize your expenses. Litho label, meanwhile, doesn’t need a minimum order although it’s more expensive compared to the flexographic.

Product Image with Custom Designed Mailing Tubes

Custom Mailing Tubes

If you are in the paper or poster business, having custom designed mailing tubes is a necessity. Of course, there are almost unlimited types of contents that will fit inside the tube. Although retailers and distributors carry standard sizes, you can order from manufacturers to customize the dimension of the high volume of mail tubes.

Custom designed mailing tubes allow you to personalize your service. With your brand imprinted in the canister, it evokes a certain type of professionalism and luxury compared to your standard receptacle.

Make sure, however, that you are dealing with a manufacturer that has a reputation for quality. Unfortunately, not all cardboard tubes are created the same. You might be compromising quality if you insist on being cheap. In the same vein, affordability and quality are not mutually exclusive. This is why due diligence is important for you to find the perfect distributor who will offer both.

Plus, quality-made products ensure longevity. Like it or not, you are going to be judged by the superiority of the receptacle.

Imagine the PR nightmare when you ship the order to your customer and it arrives in tatters just because the mail tube is substandard? As an added bonus, the customer can reuse over and over again the mail tube. Remember, it has your logo in it so you basically get free advertising.

Size matters, too. A small item in a big tube is a bad mix. The cardboard canister should be able to hold the contents in place. That means the item doesn’t shift and move around during transport in order to minimize the chance of damage.

Thinking about using the US Postal Service to ship your custom designed mailing tubes? Consider these tips:

  • You will need to input the size of the tube in some zip codes so you will get the accurate rate
  • If the weight of the contents in the mailing tube is less than 16 oz., you can use the First Class Package Service
  • You can also send overseas through the International Shipping Label.
  • After closing the tube, you are required to tape the ends with a packing tape

Customized orders will only make sense if you order a high volume of mail tubes, as everything operates on a scale. It’s also a way to protect the contents inside—particularly when you are dealing with delicate items. High-quality pipes ensure that the orders reach the intended customer in one piece.

Things You Can Do with a Cardboard Packaging Box

regular slotted carton

If you are a newbie in moving houses, you will experience the irony of the entire event after you have carefully unpacked the last moving box.

Remember the agony of searching and accumulating a large quantity of packaging boxes just so you will have enough to pack your things? Those days are over but in a twist of fate you’re again faced with a box-related dilemma – how do you get rid of all those boxes?

To help you out, here are 5 practical ideas on what you can do with your moving boxesGive your cardboard packaging box a chic makeover.

Choose a couple of small boxes that are relatively new, unleash your hidden creative genius and give them a makeover. You can use them as decorative or storage pieces by simply covering them with fabric or modern wallpaper in contrasting colors and by adding buttons or other accessories.

Save money with a cardboard packaging box

If you have little children, you will be surprised as to how much fun a few cardboard boxes can give them. You can build a playhouse for your little girls, a fort or race track for your boys, or even a puppet theater that they can all enjoy. In fact, you don’t have to do them yourself, especially if you have school-aged kids. Just give them the boxes and other art materials and let their imagination run wild.

Cardboard packaging box donation

Make friends with the people in your local library by donating your cardboard boxes to them. You will be surprised at how much they will appreciate the simple gesture. Make sure, however, that you will give them the strong and sturdy boxes as they will use them to store and transport books.

Use the cardboard packaging box to organize your attic

If your new house has an attic, basement or large garage, the boxes are great solutions to keep your things organized. You can label them accordingly and pack them securely to protect the items that are kept inside.

Ask around and give them away.

Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues that you have cardboard boxes that you are giving away. You will be surprised by how many boxes you can dispose of through this method.

The various options mentioned above are doable enough for you to accomplish without having to invest a considerable amount of time and energy. With proper planning and commitment, you can readily get rid of unnecessary cardboard packaging boxes that’s taking too much space in your new home.

Commercial Uses of the Corrugated Ballot Box

ballot box First data

The common misconception about the corrugated ballot box is that its use is limited to elections. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, retailers, shopping malls, and even government offices can benefit from installing somewhere a cardboard suggestion box, for instance, which will help solicit ideas from customers and clients or address complaints as soon as possible.

Corrugated Ballot Box with Header

One such type is the corrugated ballot box with a header. It looks exactly as it sounds. You have a piece of cardboard that extends beyond the container. You can put your logo on the header, or an arrow pointing to the hole in the box, along with the words “suggestions/complaints.”

Raffle Drawings

Another commercial use of the cardboard ballot box is for special draws or lotteries during anniversaries or any milestone in your store. The mechanics can be printed on the header, as well as the prizes they can win. This is a good way to promote your company, and also create a bond with your loyal customers as well since it will make them feel valued.

Registration for an event

The cardboard suggestion box can also double as your registration counter. For instance, if you have a fun run or a trick or treat event, you will just place the carton in a conspicuous place. No need to appoint a staff to man the fort, so to speak, and register each and every individual who comes along. Just make sure to put the registration form and a ball-point pen nearby. Again, that’s a godsend if you are operating a small mom-and-pop store with a limited number of staff members.


A corrugated ballot box is sturdy enough to withstand abuse. You know how kids can be and putting the box in a prominent place is just a magnet for toddlers. No matter how many times it will fall on the floor, you can be assured that the receptacle will stay in place. That means you don’t have to buy new ones every few days to replace the one already in your store.

The best thing about a well-built corrugated ballot box is that you can use it over and over again. If the raffle draw has already come to a close, or registration to your store event has already lapsed, you can just hide the box in the storage. The next time there’s another event, just replace the print with a piece of paper and you’re good to go.

Factors to Consider When Purchasing Printed Folding Cartons

Custom Made Folding Boxes
Printed folding cartons are arguably the most in-demand packaging solution anywhere in the world. Its popularity is due to its many advantages such as cost-efficiency, versatility, easy storage, and practicality, among many others. Printed corrugated folding cartons are also thick and strong, safely protecting your products from being damaged during stacking or shipping.

While this type of packaging material is widely available, choosing the most suitable one for your product can be confusing especially for first-time buyers. To help you find the best printed folding cartons for your needs, here are some of the most important factors that you must consider before you start ordering:

  • Your Requirements

Before you even start searching for a supplier either online or in person, you need to know first, what your needs and requirements are – level of protection, size, thickness, shape, color, and design, among others. For instance, if your product is fragile and will be shipped rather than displayed in the store, a printed corrugated folding carton could be a good option. If you are after aesthetics, you may opt for a higher-quality material with excellent finish. Essentially, when you have accurately identified what you want and what you need, you will be in the best position to acquire the most fitting packaging for your product.

  • Manufacturer/ Supplier

You should take the time to do a background check on the manufacturer of the folding boxes you will be purchasing from. Acquire critical information such as years in the business, reputation in the industry, and a list of clients served. While it is easier to read and believe the manufacturer’s portfolio and advertisements, these things will not give you an accurate picture of what the company is about. It is best to ask trusted and knowledgeable family and friends for referrals or to ask former and existing customers for feedback.

  • Quality and Cost

While it is almost automatic for any business to go for low cost to ensure more savings, you should never sacrifice quality in the process. Ultimately, quality and cost should be considered together rather than separately. Note that just because a folding carton is priced high does not necessarily mean that it is made with high-quality material and vice-versa. You need to shop around and compare prices so that you can get the best deal possible.

The various factors mentioned will greatly assist you in your search for the most suitable printed folding cartons that will highlight and increase the aesthetic value of your product. Keep in mind that the first impression is crucial in any business transaction and your product packaging can greatly influence your customers.


Reasons You Should Use Corrugated Partitions

55 Cells Custom Box Divider
Shipping your products is one of the easiest ways to grow and expand your business considering your items can reach countless customers anywhere in the world. In order to succeed using this avenue, however, it is critical that your products are still in the best condition when they reach the client. Towards this end, you will need container solutions that will ensure the safety and protection of your items during shipping such as corrugated partitions.

Here are five reasons why using corrugated dividers when shipping your products would be beneficial for your business:

  1. Highly Versatile

Corrugated box dividers can be used to protect a wide variety of items – from the most delicate such as glasses and small trinkets to the bulkiest such as large kitchen items. This type of partition can also endure heavy and prolong stacking since it is made with much thicker and stronger cardboard.

  1. Heavy Duty

Corrugated dividers are long lasting and durable because of its innate strength. Your products will be able to withstand the usual wear and blow of shipping and inappropriate handling because this type of divider provides the best cushion and protection.

  1. Economic

Considering that corrugated boxes and dividers are manufactured in bulk at low cost you can purchase them at the most reasonable price. This means more packaging savings for your business. Moreover, since it is made from recyclable materials it is highly sustainable and friendly to the environment.

  1. Customizable

Corrugated dividers can be readily adjusted in terms of thickness, size, shape, and height, among others so that it can suit your product perfectly. They can also be treated with coatings and other solutions to make it resistant to fire and insects or be covered with printed designs of your choice. Basically, a corrugated partition can be readily customized to perfectly suit your requirements.

  1. Increases Aesthetic Value

Boxes with partitions do not only protect the quality of the products but it also helps to maintain the cleanliness and order of the items while inside the shipping box. The dividers also provide a more organized and cleaner look that will surely impress your customers.

Given the advantages mentioned above, it is evident that using corrugated partitions greatly protect your products from damage during shipping. Note that fiber partitions, chipboard dividers, and other similar box dividers essentially serve the same purpose. At the end of the day, box partitions will provide much-needed strength to ensure that your precious items will reach its destination in good condition.

Types of Custom Boxes

corrugated display box

If you are looking to create a custom box for your business and products, you may be overwhelmed by the number of choices that are available to you. When searching for the best box, presentation, cost, and durability are all important, as you want to effectively market your business and product while ensuring it arrives at its final destination safely. By learning more about some of the custom box options that are available to you, you can choose the right one for your business.

Custom Boxes: Die Cut Boxes

A die cut box is designed to accurately fit your product, and the fact that they are produced based on the product shape makes them completely different from one another. These custom boxes are made through the use of cards or smooth paper, and they are useful for packaging almost any item, including jewelry, watches, pens, and even larger items.

Custom Boxes: Box Mailers

Box mailers are a great option for mailing wedding invitations or other important announcements in order to provide the recipients with a unique presentation. They can be customized to accommodate stationary and envelopes of any size, and they are offered in a variety of colors so that they fit with the theme and décor of any event.

Custom Boxes: Folder Boxes

Folder boxes may also be useful for shipping your products. These boxes involve one more combined board pieces that create an unobstructed bottom surface. The rest of the board can then be scored in order to fit around the product.

Custom Boxes: Rigid Boxes

Rigid boxes consist of three pieces: two end panels that are identical and one body piece that folds in order to create the side panels, the top, and an unbroken bottom. The end panels will be attached to the box body through the use of special equipment, and the flaps needed to create the joints can be on the body, end pieces, or both.

Custom Boxes: Display Boxes

Display boxes are a great option for promoting your items at commercial and retail locations. They are available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, and they allow customers to see your items showcased in an organized form. They may work best for smaller items, such as candy, makeup, and small toys, and they can also feature your company logo and other marketing flair in order to increase the recognition of your business brand and product.

The Many Uses of RSC Shipper Boxes

Custom shipping rsc box

Regular Slotted Cartons or RSC Shipper Boxes are commonly used by business owners who regularly ship items to their branches in various locations or to their customers. It also serves as an effective storage box for various items for both commercial and home use.

Considering its versatility, durability, and low cost, it is not surprising that a high volume of custom shipping boxes are being manufactured daily to supply the demand of the market. If you think that such boxes are only used for shipping and storage, you better think again. With a bit of creativity and patience, you can transform RSC Shipper Boxes into practical items that you can use in your home or serve your family.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Playhouse or Fort

If you have little kids, you can make them a playhouse or fort using new or used shipping boxes. The larger the box the better so your children and their playmates can fit comfortably inside. You just need a cutter, packing tape, decorating materials, and a little imagination and you are good to go. Make the process more memorable and exciting by involving your kids. Let them paint and decorate their playhouses. You can build several houses so they can have an entire “neighborhood” in the backyard. Call their friends over and you will not only be popular among your kids but to the other moms as well.

  • Desk Organizer

Trying to get things done on a cluttered desk or workspace is stressful. Working beside a pile of folders and documents can drain your energy and make you anxious. to address this problem, you can use an old shipper box as a desk organizer. Cover it with an elegant wallpaper or beautiful fabric and put cardboard partitions inside the box to separate your items. Let the appearance of your desk organizer express your personality.

  • Stylish and Modern Home Storage

Create a set of chic storage containers from RSC shipper boxes that you can also use as decorative pieces at home. Simply secure the boxes with packing tape to keep it in place and cover all of them with fabric in various designs and colors that will complement your home décor. Display as a set and use it to store magazines, books, and other items.

Beautiful and wonderful things are created if you just allow your creative juices to flow freely. By thinking outside the box, you will be surprised as to how a humble RSC shipper box can turn into something extraordinary.


All You Need to Know About Custom Setup Boxes

Custom Setup Box

If you haven’t heard of these boxes yet, then you’re in for a pleasant surprise. Setup boxes are highly durable. The cover and the bottom parts of these boxes are made from resilient chipboard, making them the practical option for most businesses, especially those with fragile or luxury products. This chipboard tray base is then wrapped with either cloth, foil paper or simply paper, which can be flat or textured, plain or printed. Aside from the main purpose of protecting your product, they also make your packaging look neater and your product more pleasant on display.

Upgrading to Custom Setup Boxes

You have the option of customizing your setup boxes to suit the specific size and shape of your product or display concept. Furthermore, you can personalize them even more through custom graphics, wherein you can have your logo or slogan stamped, printed or embossed on the boxes’ paper wrapper. In this way, you can emphasize and showcase your business brand, identity and the message you wish to relay to your customers.

Custom setup boxes are practical for your business and attractive to customers because they carry both durability and elegance in one. A favorite of the game console and medical supplies industries, setup boxes are also ideal for a wide variety of products, such as: perfume, chocolate, cellphones, business cards, luxury soaps, candles, puzzles, stationery, jewelry, shoes, clothing, shop display and whatnot.

Advantages of Custom Setup Boxes

Setup boxes can be a costly investment in the packaging aspect of your business, but they are definitely worth your salt. Read on and find out why.

  • Customizing means gaining more control on the sizes, colors, design and other specifications that contribute to and make up your brand. If the packaging is custom-made, your product can sit more securely while on the display shelf. Not only that, you can enhance its appearance and make it look more enticing and attractive. As a result, it can stand out better and catch the eye of more consumers.
  • Custom setup boxes are a great marketing tool. Since it is sturdy enough to be kept and reused instead of being disposed of after one-time use, your customers can always be reminded of your brand every time they see the logo on that box.

Only a reputable company can have a high volume of custom setup boxes mass-produced without compromising on quality and consistency. Therefore, never settle for cheaper but lower quality deals. Choose a company that meets your standards. As long as it can honestly deliver what you pay for, higher price doesn’t matter since every penny will be accounted for.

A Custom Printed Mailing Box Can Boost Your Business

Mailer Box ISSI

Did you know that even the mailing boxes you use for shipping your products are yet another medium for promoting your business and standing out from your competitors? That’s why you should definitely look into utilizing a custom printed mailing box that ‘says it all’ about your branding the moment the package is delivered to the client and even before it is opened. It also gives you the chance to please your customers at first glance and make a lasting positive impression. Of course, people are smart enough not to judge a book by its cover (or a gift for its box so to speak); however, in the business world, the trite saying ‘first impressions last’ almost always does apply.

Business Psychology

According to basic business psychology, how you advertise and promote your brand should involve the following points:

  • Attracting your customers’ attention.
  • Holding your customers’ focus on the slogan your business carries.
  • Imprint or impress that message on the minds of the customers.
  • Make the message easy to remember so that it’s the first brand a customer will first think about when choosing among other competitors.

With these important concepts in mind, a box is never just a box after all. It is something you can use to promote and advance your business. In other words, you have to be creative and utilize all avenues of advertising and brand promotion. That’s why you have logos and slogans to support your identity, promote your brand and make a lasting impression. In this way, customers may always remember you over other brands.

The Importance of Customizing Your Mailing Box

Instead of settling for just a plain old box when shipping your products, you should definitely invest in custom printed ones that carry your logos and slogan. By transforming an otherwise ordinary shipping box into a custom printed mailing box, you are hitting two birds with one stone:

  1. Not only are you securing your package into an appropriately sized box with the right thickness and strength;
  1. But that very same box can be used to advertise and promote your business.

Find a Reliable Company

Sad to say, your poor choice of company can result to putting a large quantity of mailing boxes to waste. Therefore, make sure to choose a company that has a good track record of meeting (or even surpassing) the standards, expectations and deadlines of previous clients. More than just checking feedback and testimonials, do confirm references.

Custom Printed Shipping Boxes Can Build Your Customer Base

Regular slotted carton Sandal Essence
If you own a company that ships products around the world, you know how important packaging can be for those products. Yet, too often, business owners allow shipping to be an afterthought, sending out orders in non-descript brown boxes with no identifying marks. When your package leaves your company to be delivered to a customer, thousands of people see the box, from mail carriers, truck drivers and even neighbors of your customer who will see the package as it is delivered. The need to brand those packages is critical as it gets your company name out without adding major additional cost. These simple ideas can help you use your shipping materials to promote your brand.

Custom Labels

If you have already purchased large quantities of shipping boxes and want to give them a unique look with your branding, consider creating customized labels. You can have labels printed professionally or create them as you need them using your printer. Many label companies offer templates and a wide range of label sizes so you can create a label that your customers will notice.

Custom Printed Boxes

The best way to get your company name out there is to purchase custom printed shipping boxes. These shipping boxes have your company logo, name and any other identifying information you wish to choose printed right on the box. They look extremely professional and the costs are not much different than purchasing plain boxes.

Print Postage Online

Today, you can create your own postage directly from your computer. Most packages can be shipped using the USPS website or you can choose a company like, which sometimes offers more options for parcels than the USPS website. Even UPS and FedEx now allow you to print your own postage, making it easier than ever to send packages. The printed postage also gives your package a more professional look and it eliminates standing in the line at the post office.

With more and more customers choosing online shopping with delivery of products right to their door, the need for quality shipping materials is growing. Companies need large quantities of shipping boxes on hand to be sure that customers receive their packages in a timely manner. You also want to be sure that your brand is seen by as many people as possible which is why these tips can help grow your customer base simply by adding your brand to the outside of your packaging.


10 Tips for an Effective Counter Display

display music for kids

The aim of a counter display is to encourage your consumers to practice impulse buying, thus, increasing your profit in the process. However, to make your counter cardboard displays effective, you should know how to set it up properly, otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to achieve your end goal.

Here are 10 tips that you should consider to make your counter display successful:

  1. Use cardboard displays that can catch the eye and attention of your customers, particularly if your shop is frequented by children since they are the ones who will make their parents buy.
  1. Keep your counter display updated at least every two weeks so that it will not lose its appeal and impact
  1. Carefully select the product that you will display so you can maximize your sales. The product should appeal to the majority of your customers and not only for a certain demographic so that your profit potential will be limitless.
  1. Choose an inexpensive item for display considering that it is much easier to tap the impulse buying nerve of your customers if they don’t have to think twice about it because the price is affordable.
  1. Make sure to do promotional suggestive signs that will subconsciously lead your customers to buy. For instance, if you operate a grocery store, you can display signs all over the shop that says, “Grab a snack before you head out!”.
  1. Select a product that is popular and quite easy to sell. While it is tempting to display a product that is barely moving, the risk that it wouldn’t be bought is too great, which is why it is better to stick to fast selling items.
  1. Make use of display boxes that readily catch attention and make your customers immediately interested.
  1. Learn about the effects of color to ensure that your product will not only stand out but will leave a good impression to your customers. At the end of the day, it is better to choose bright color display than dark and depressing ones.
  1. Match your display to the overall theme and feel of your store as it will show consistency and order.
  1. Engage your employees in the process, especially those who are assigned in the counter, so that they will feel accountable and committed to what you are trying to push for your business.

Wise business people know that one can never underestimate the value of an outstanding counter display in making last minute profit. If you are new to this, the tips above can help you since they are all simple and doable. Try them out and see its positive results.

Why You Should Use Custom Foam Inserts

Custom Folding Cartons with Foam Inserts Pets Spark
One of the most lucrative businesses nowadays is manufacturing high-technology gadgets and toys. If you are involved in this kind of product, you would know that producing them is one thing, getting them to your customers in the best condition is a completely different challenge, which is why you should consider using custom foam inserts.

Foam inserts have been around for a while, they are specially designed to fit and secure your fragile products perfectly keeping them safe and in good condition. While custom foam inserts may cost more than conventional packaging, it is still the most cost-effective choice when all things are considered.

If you have a high quantity of box inserts in your warehouse which is why you are hesitant to invest on foam inserts, all you must do is segregate your products according to sensitivity in transporting. Choose foam inserts in transporting your most sensitive and high-value products.

Below are some of the reasons why you should use custom foam inserts for your highly sensitive products:

Utmost Protection

No other kind of packaging can provide the same level of protection as foam inserts. High-quality foam inserts are made from high-quality foam that can withstand the stress of storage and transportation. It is particularly fitted to your product which ensures that the same is protected from damage caused by impact, among others.

Packaging Efficiency

Using foam inserts makes packaging your product fast and easy. Since this kind of packaging shows the exact shape of the product, it is much easier and convenient to pack them while at the same time eliminating errors. Moreover, you no longer be needing bubble wraps, foam balls, and other similar packaging tools to protect your product.

Outstanding Product Presentation

Without a doubt, a product that is packaged using foam inserts appears to be of high-value and quality. Your customers will surely be impressed seeing their order arrive neatly and in its best condition rather than receiving a dented box with tons of bubble wrap inside. Leaving a good impression will help your business in maintaining clients and at the same time increase your chances of being referred to others.

Given the above reasons, it is evident that foam inserts will greatly help your business in making more profits as it ensures that your product stays in its best condition and received by your customers in its most impressive state. Thereby, helping you save money that may otherwise be spent on returns and repairs.

What Are the Benefits of a Custom RSC Box

Custom Size Regular Slotted Carton Shipping Box

The custom RSC box is the most common box style. It has a highly efficient design that can be used for many applications. In this design, all the flaps are of similar length. The outer flaps are usually one half of the containers width. This ensures that they meet at the center when the box is closed.

The RSC box is less expensive as it consumes less board. This has helped them gain immense popularity as a packaging solution. A high volume of RSC cartons is extensively used in several industries due to its many benefits.

Lightweight and Easy to Handle

The RSC boxes are lightweight and easy to handle. This attribute is usually a major requirement for end users when they are packing and moving the valuables from one place to other. When you choose custom shipping boxes for packaging you will be able to pack and ship a wide range of products and keep costs low.

Professional Look

The custom boxes can provide a professional look to your company. You can choose to print logo, address and contact number inside the box. This helps improve the visual appeal of the box. They can create a positive impression on the consumers.

The colorful designed box is more attractive than a plain brown packaging box.

The well designed and attractive boxes can help in branding and advertising at no extra cost. Marketing messages can be printed to target existing and new customers.

Sized to Order

When the boxes are too large for the products they hold, they may require added packaging material to prevent damage. The added paper consumption and weight can increase cost. By choosing custom boxes you can easily manage packaging and keep costs low.

One of the big benefits of choosing a custom box is that you can get any size you want that is the best fit for the products. This can help save money as the packaging material is customized as per your specific requirements. When the packaging fits the size of the product perfectly it can help safeguard it against any damage.

The high strength of these boxes make them suitable for both packing durable and non-durable products. The material they are made of is usually recyclable and this makes them environmental friendly. When comparted to other packaging solutions they are available in different styles and designs and you can easily customize them as per your specific requirements.

Cardboard Packaging Boxes with Logos

Custom Made Folding Boxes

Within an era of empowered consumerism, the importance of customization within a brand’s marketing plan can’t, at any cost, be underestimated. Customization has gotten to a point that it’s offering individuals the option whether to add chocolate syrup onto their ice cream – or not. This plan is being pursued more and more by several businesses to gain a competitive edge. As a matter of fact, these days, a fairly high amount of customization is used in nearly all industries.

Custom packaging increases brand loyalty

Customized boxes for packaging will increase brand loyalty and bring traffic; therefore, a boost in productivity is obvious. It’ll elevate customer engagement and loyalty. Individuals notice the custom-made box because it’s designed with entrancing artwork. Beyond the size of the opportunity, research has shown that consumers are more engaged with a company which sells using customized boxes; it has increased productivity and boosted sales. Brands increase loyalty during a time of the year when it’s required the most.

No wasted space with custom packaging

In using custom made cardboard packaging boxes, you’ll ensure that there isn’t any wasted space. Moreover, you also will be sure that you are saving funds by not spending on wasted materials or standard box space. Consumer satisfaction is expected to rise with the improved fit in between the customer requirements and product offering, provided a manufacturer may facilitate customization using a reasonable price.

Custom boxes have logos

Custom boxes that have logos is one other method of differentiating various products. Individuals are willing to pay 20 percent more for the packaging.

Custom boxes provide durability and solid construction

Custom boxes provide durability and solid construction, and ensures that your product gets to the consumer securely and as it does and the consumer is satisfied, more loyalty and sales is guaranteed, meaning your productivity will rise.

Custom packaging shows an increased level of care

As a package gets to the customer inside a customized box, it’ll show an increased care level on the merchant’s behalf. It’ll create a positive impact which not just will augment the branding and packaging efforts, it’ll help the consumer feel like they’re having a special shopping experience from start to finish. Due to this positive experience, they’re more likely to buy from the exact same retailer and share their experience with family and friends. Family and friends will also share on social media and increase traffic even more!

Professional Die Cut Box Manufacturer

Mailer Box HEYDAY
Die cut boxes are broadly utilized to package retail products and additional objects. The boxes are extremely special; they may be custom-made to any desired size or shape that suit your items. They fully preserve and protect your items from destruction, and additionally add some style and beauty to it. High-tech die cut technology and machinery is what experts use to make these gorgeous boxes.

Die Cut Boxes are User-friendly

A die cut box manufacturer that creates the custom die cut boxes have made them to be extremely user-friendly. Aside from the truth that they may be molded into any desired shape or size, the die cut box manufacturer additionally uses special techniques to enhance the durability of the boxes. For that, they’ll use specialized UV coatings, lamination, as well as additional finishing options which are available.

Die Cut Boxes can be used for many purposes

The specialized die cut boxes are utilized for packing apparel items, postal items and also make great gift boxes. Die cut boxes amongst additional inspirational packaging boxes may be used to get the attention of customers. The die cut boxes wholesale are utilized by top brands for this purpose. You may launch your new products inside them. For a clothing brand, they may be utilized to successfully launch them. Die cut boxes have shown themselves to be very helpful amongst a variety of businesses. Products such as grocery items, cosmetics, and additional commodities may be made to be more attractive and exciting for consumers.

Die Cut boxes can be personalized for special events

If you have a special occasion coming up, and you have a desire to make the occasion special, it’s possible to personalize the event through the gift and favor type of die cut boxes. It’d make your guests feel special as they attend the event. For birthday bashes, it’s possible to have the boxes printed with best birthday wishes, or add some embellishing accessories such as bows, special ribbons, buttons, laces, and additional features to make them worth opening. For celebrations such as Christmas, it’s possible to have die cut boxes customized with likable color themes. It’d double the joy of loved ones.

You don’t need to struggle or waste resources before getting the proper packaging for the products. All it’ll take is for you to diligently perform your research to locate the proper vendor to do the printing.

Ways to Pack Heavy Duty Shipping Boxes

Heavy Duty Shipping Box
Whether getting prepared for a move, sending an order to one of your valued customers, or shipping a gift to a friend, how you pack a box is important. As you pack using correct techniques for shipping box packing it’ll assist in ensuring that no matter what you put inside your box it’ll arrive without damage and within one piece. To begin, you’ll require corrugated cartons of the weight and size best appropriate for the item you’re shipping, packing materials like bubble wrap, paper, or additional flexible cushioning material, as well as packing tape. First off let us take a look at the shipping carton you’ll need.

Try to definitely avoid the use of non-corrugated cardboard containers. They won’t provide the tensile strength needed to correctly protect and enclose the article to be shipped and may easily shred or tear.

Heavy-Duty Shipping Boxes

Now, if the heavy-duty shipping boxes were flattened, you’ll have to reassemble them and staple or tape their bottoms closed. Usually, 1-1/4 width heavy-duty staples are used. If you use staples it generally is an excellent idea to additionally use tape. If the articles going into the boxes are heavy, utilize multiple overlapping tape strips to make sure the bottom is going to stay closed within the full trip. If your objects are fragile, wrap inside bubble wrap or paper and place into your box. Bubble wrap is a cheap material to use, due to it weighing less. If there are gaps, fill them using crumpled paper, Styrofoam packing material referred to as “peanuts” or additional cushioning material to make sure the objects don’t shift while in transport. “Peanuts” include a lightweight alternative which will save on shipping, and comes in anti-static for electronic products and parts.

Heavy-Duty Shipping Boxes Security

As you’ve filled your box, close its flaps and softly shake it. If the movement from inside seems substantial, put more packing material within the box to secure your articles. If its flaps sink into the box, put some packing materials atop the objects to keep its flaps level, not sinking within the box, which will decrease their protective factor. As the box appears and feels securely packed, tape its top shut. Usually a single strip of tape is adequate; however, several overlapping strips may boost security.

At last, label or address the double wall shipping boxes. If shipping a box through the mail or an additional carrier, you can address according to pre-set standards.

How to Go Green with Custom Box Manufacturers

custom suitcase box Up3
In our world today, environmental degradation is a real issue. Non-biodegradable waste littering the area, oil spills, smog as a consequence of smoke from exhaust pipes, incorrectly disposed toxic sewage from sectors. The list will go on and on. Our environment suffers with the actions of humans; as a result, animals and humans also suffer. Diseases such as lung cancer are increasing, breathing-associated sicknesses are rampant, and animals continue to go extinct. It’s time we did our part to save our earth for our kids and their kids, and all who refer to planet Earth as home.

What to Do to Go Green

There are many things all of us can do which will save the earth, a little at a time, like:

• Utilizing renewable energy sources, like the sun, the wind, and water. Such energy sources aren’t harmful to our earth, and may be used safely and continuously.

• Recycling: Recycling materials includes another method of keeping our planet safe. Some materials, such as Styrofoam and plastic, are non-non-biodegradable, that is, they’ll never decay. These items may be recycled to make other products which are safe to use, are eco-friendly and may be recycled even more.

• Treat waste disposal: The majority of industries are recommended to treat their waste prior to disposing, in order to decrease the risk of diseases in humans and animals.

Custom boxes manufacturers also have gone green, and some still are converting to the environmentally-friendly method of making their boxes. How are these manufacturers coming along?

Going Green with Custom Boxes

Custom boxes are designed and made as per a customer’s request then boxes are utilized for anything from shipping and packaging to house storage. Going green is not merely for corporations and businesses: it’s for everyone. You may get environmentally-friendly packaging to use inside your business and your home, and it’s virtually easy to do.

The Environmentally-Friendly Solution

The majority of custom box manufacturers say they provide the environmentally-friendly solution for their custom boxes on their website pages when sending out large quantities of custom printed boxes, so that it’ll be easy to choose where you want to order the boxes from.

The environmentally-friendly solutions specify just how green their products will be. A few of them are 100 percent recyclable/recycled material, a few are 95 percent, yet all of these numbers are good, when it comes to eco-friendliness.

Effective and Cheap Printed Foldable Boxes

Custom Folding Carton Flint Tinder
Folding box-board packaging includes a special type of packaging designed from layers of chemical and mechanical pulp which is bleached. The material produced usually is a manila white shade. Such folding board includes the base for most packaging options. It’s used in cosmetic, food, photographic, medical, and frozen food sectors and many other ones. Then the folding box board may be coated for numerous packaging needs. It may have many treatments applied, which includes adding aluminum foil or lamination to serve specific requirements. The board may be highly polished to a gloss or matte shine.

Grease proof linings sometimes are utilized in folding box boards in order to accommodate various products. The board may be adapted to be appropriate for several things, which include clothing, beverages and toys. If you require packaging for a product, you ought to discover more about effective and cheap packaging such as a folding box board. Specialist printed foldable boxes suppliers may answer all inquiries you might have about such packaging material. There are multiple specialist businesses online. It might be worth taking a peek into their services and products they’re able to produce for you.

Printed Foldable Boxes

Folding box board design samples may be requested to review the suitability for your needs. The box board may be varnished, embossed, decorated, colored, and various additional adaptations. Many suppliers have an in-house design team or you may offer your own prototype concept for production. Product launch samples, promotion, and marketing include some of the provided services. Good suppliers are going to have an impressive clientele list and generate quality goods. Excellent retailers work with you whether the design is bespoke or in house.

Such packaging is highly flexible and perfect for several multi-purpose packaging needs. It has been tested and tried in durability and transportation for decades. It’s a lightweight, solid but strong material which is a reliable, cheap, and effective enclosure for all products. Also, it’s simple to fold and crease into place to be glued together or interlocked. This kind of packaging is extremely cost effective even while purchasing small amounts. The multi or single layered board may be printed on to using commercial printers and ink.

Usually, folding box board is utilized in the manufacturing of many types of packaging. It’s utilized in regular packaging and sample or promotional packs as you are sending out a high volume of folding boxes.

The Benefits of Custom Display Boxes


Using custom display boxes may bring a ton of benefits for your company and you. It may assist in saving more money, receiving more publicity and exhibiting a more professional impression. The majority of the leading companies utilize such boxes because of their host of benefits.

Custom Display Boxes – Professional image

Ask yourself: “How can I show my professionalism using custom boxes?” It’s possible, and there are several methods of doing so. One instance might be printing inside the box your company’s physical address, in conjunction with the company’s logo, your organization’s email address and contact number.

Custom Display Boxes Sizes

One main benefit is that you’re able to get any size you want in order to obtain the ideal fit for your products. In doing so, you will be saving a ton of money by decreasing the packaging material needed. One other benefit is that you’ll additionally save funds on purchasing smaller boxes.

Visually Appealing Custom Display Boxes

It’ll look a lot better than a plain brown box that does not have anything on its sides, as compared with a colorful box that has a company name, logo, contact details, email information, and is a certain design and size, instead of a standard, boring brown square of a box.

Locate a custom box manufacturer

With your design in mind for the cardboard displays, it’s time to consider a reputable manufacturer who is able to get the boxes done. Depending upon your area, you’ll find various kinds of box manufacturers.

Considerations when getting custom display boxes

  1. You may hear the idea of “flute size,” which refers to the cardboard substrate’s thickness.
  1. The ideal materials to select to make the boxes include White, Kraft, and Kemi White. Kemi boxes comprise of clay coated substrates that look good, and prevents ink from liner penetration. It also creates a glossy finish.
  1. White boxes cost a bit more because you’ll receive a higher printing quality.
  1. The most common of the three, Kraft, is the most affordable, has a brownish color and is designed from recycled materials.

The most popular box style is the mailer, as it’s possible to use it with your boxes. However, not all mailers are created equal; therefore, if you want to be certain, ask for a few samples in order for you to check which one is the best fit for you.

Reduce Packaging Costs Using RSC Boxes

regular slotted carton
Everybody in a shipping room utilizes shipping boxes to ship their products out. Whether you’re just setting a new company up and are searching for the lowest cost packaging or an established manufacturer, this post was created to assist you in reducing your packaging costs, especially how to decrease your corrugated box costs.

Check the box sizes

Check the box sizes to be certain they fit the product they’re shipping and protecting. One good rule of thumb for protection is 2-inches around all products. If you’re utilizing a box which requires a ton of stuffing (over 2-inches all around) you may locate a smaller stock shipping box. As the majority of packaging supply businesses have more than 100 stock box sizes, odds are you may locate the right size.

Select the right box style and design

Selecting the appropriate box style and design. A good rule in corrugated boxes is “Deeper is Cheaper”. If you’re able to configure the box so that it’ll open on the smallest dimensions and largest dimension is the deepest, it’ll allow for the least amount corrugated to be utilized to make the box. And thereby “Deeper is Cheaper”. There will include many available box styles. Standard RSC cartons style shipping containers are the most common; however, if you have a narrow, long product a FOL or Five Panel Folder may work better and might be made utilizing less corrugated. Check with your RSC boxes supplier as to your alternatives.

Be certain you’re using a box which is rated to transport the quantity of weight that you’re packaging. There are several corrugated grades. Corrugated grades that range from “non-test” to over 1300# Triple wall all are common. Get in touch with a packaging expert for the correct board strength for the product.

Industry knowledge of paper and paperboard prices

Industry Knowledge may be invaluable; knowing when paper board and paper prices rise and fall may permit you to better negotiate with the corrugated supplier. Utilize sources such as Pulp & Paper magazine that is available on the Internet to collect paper pricing and industry news. As the paper price goes down, request better prices to save you a large amount of funds on shipping cartons. If paper rises the corrugated supplier ought to notify you and offer you the capability of pre-buying before the effective date of the price increase.

Selecting a Rigid Setup Box

setup box Ad action interactive
What are some of the characteristics of folding chipboard boxes? As the most typical type of packaging, chipboard folding cartons generally are made with every print, paper stock, or design. The different kinds of chipboard folding cartons, as the names implies include: RTE-reverse truck end, STE-same end tuck top, TTAB-tuck top auto bottom, RTE with hang panel, dispenser box, and RETT-rolled end tuck top. The advantage of custom chipboard boxes, which include some being environmentally friendly, is they use existing paper stocks such as SBS (solid bleached sulphate), CCNB (clay coated news black), and 100 percent recycled chipboard paper. Using a variety of coatings such as UV coating, the process of custom printing involves up to a four-color process. Options of chipboard customization include emboss or deboss, film laminate, soft touch coating, and some integrate coatings specifically designed for food products.

Setup Boxes

What are some of the characteristics of a rigid or setup box? A rigid set-up box is designed out of paperboard that is thick paper which is sturdy enough to be utilized for packaging a large quantity of setup boxes. The paperboard utilized for set-up boxes may be 4 times thicker than paperboard utilized for folding chipboard cartons. Therefore, the interchangeable word for setup box or rigid box. Rigid boxes can’t be collapsed and have to stay in box form from the manufacturer to the end user. As folding cartons have the process of printing applied directly to the box itself, generally rigid boxes have a different wrapping of a variety of potential materials, instead glued to the box. A broad array of wraps might be applied to a set up box, which includes leather, padding, fabric as well as flocked (decorative finish achieved by applying fine fiber particles to an adhesive coated paper surface;

Similarities for both include:

  • Sophisticated, complex structural designs
  • Made from recyclable, sustainable materials
  • High-quality printing, foil-stamping, embossing
  • Manufactured with relatively low carbon footprint

Differences include:

-Folding Chipboard Boxes

  • Usually doesn’t require separate lid and base
  • Quicker production speeds and lower unit prices
  • Shipped folded flat lowering delivery/transportation costs

-Rigid Setup Boxes

  • Requires no setup for product filling
  • More durable for extended reusability
  • High consumer appeal within select luxury markets

Rigid setup boxes and chipboard boxes are each efficient tools to sell and market services or products. The package has to be visually appealing and creative to attract the consumer and concentrate their attention on the product.

Subscription Boxes that use Chipboard Partitions

e liquid vape box dividers

People like to receive surprises. There’s the pleasure of welcoming new gifts into life and anticipation of treasures unveiled. Plus, the industry of subscription boxes capitalizes on that fundamental tendency to earn profits and pamper buyers.

It’s very simple for somebody – say a beauty product enthusiast to go on the Internet and sign up for a month-to-month subscription of products from well-known brands that are curated with care and delivered inside an appealing packaging with chipboard partitions directly to the doorstep. As the actual contents will remain a mystery, the boxes theme aligns with the subscription company’s niche.

Consumers expecting goody boxes of organic food won’t find lingerie nestled inside the delivered package. Subscription boxes that have fiber partitions are going to satisfy the need to obtain items of interest and they are going to automate the process – and ensure delivery of a bundle one time per month, without fail. But there’s one element of this model which might deter customers from upgrading to full-sized products based upon premium performance by the samples and that’s visual appeal.

This is the part where the importance of the subscription boxes design – both structural and aesthetic will come into play!

Clipboard Partitions

The answer’s simple. Packaging here will become prime real estate where a positive impression may be made on a user. As there isn’t any flattering lights, no expensive display cases and no rack cards, the delivery box itself has to do triple duty to take over the duty of those tools of influence. The top products do not inspire desire if they’re poorly ensconced within bubble wrap and brown cardboard which usually turns soggy with moisture.

Subscription boxes are experiences. It’s a carefully assembled and small medley of items a recipient probably hasn’t tried before. As they’re admired and opened in the privacy of a living room or bedroom, there’s a big opportunity to get attention without the distraction of a million rival products shouting their presence.

What Are Other Leaders in the Industry Going With?

Keeping that fact in mind, most innovative box players opt to put in a good amount of thought in which their packaging is concerned. The structure’s integrity has to be maintained. It ought to have the ability to bear jostles, thumps, and drops along the way without having to affect the contents inside.

Custom Boxes for Food Grade Packaging

Food Packaging

The way in which we introduce anything will play an important part in making one’s brand stand out from the crowd. Likewise, a well-presented burger may make a big difference. Brand awareness and first impressions keep customers returning. Meeting a customer’s expectations is important and the quality of a product is vague without a customized burger box for food grade packaging. Below are a few points that will help in promoting your brand through this custom food packaging method.

Promote Branding

How might a customized burger box help to advertising your product either offline or online? A customized burger box will display your brand name’s tag with it. The minute a consumer takes away or delivery driver delivers an order, the brand’s name gets across to different people who retain the message in their minds. That’s how it promotes a brand. In the exact same way, people additionally like to click images of what they eat and share it on social media; this also helps to promote their brand on the Internet.

Sixty percent of consumers share their product images on the Internet, according to Dotcom Distribution Packaging Report. A quality food item inside a quality box will meet customer expectations, consequently influencing other audiences and boosting sales.

Lastly, customized burger boxes will become an ad asset for your company.

What is the power of a logo?

A logo will have more power as it’ll come to customized boxes because it speaks louder and is more identifiable. For example, a customer easily can identify well-known brands just by their logos. Therefore, they serve as a mobile advertisement for restaurants, in return, promoting their sales.

Serving a burger just does not seem tempting and isn’t appreciated until it’s served in a presentable, luxurious way with a food wrap. It’ll help to captivate the customer’s attention and also enjoy the taste.

Cost of customization

These types of boxes are expensive, yet it really just depends upon the quantity, if you order bulk it’ll cost less. Also, the charges vary from one packaging business to another.


A few customized burger boxes aren’t limited to presenting burgers; it may be re-used to store baked goods or to store other items as well. In that way, it’ll make your brand even more valuable.

With these types of brands people like to share their experience with others which will help to retain all existing customers and make new customers.

Better Custom Printed Display Boxes

Custom Countertop Shipper Displays

Packaging will play a substantial part in defining the quality of the items which are packaged using them. If a product’s packaging isn’t of the highest quality, it might pose a threat to the quality and safety of a product. Also, it may be a great reason for the poor look of the product when using point of purchase displays. The corrugated and custom printed display boxes include the most widely utilized packaging materials within industries. The quality of the packaging boxes have to be properly tested to offer the best strength and quality to the boxes so they could offer the best safety to the items. Also, alongside strength, the aesthetic look of the boxes has to be tested so that it might leave an enjoyable impression on the mind of the clients to influence his/her purchasing decision.

It’s important for the manufacturers of packaging boxes to test their boxes’ quality so that just the boxes that have best strength and quality are offered to the clients. It’ll assist the industries in making sure of the best safety and quality of the items.

Custom Printed Display Boxes Tester

Corrugated boxes are stored inside the warehouses by stacking that will exert a high quantity of compressive pressure upon the boxes. The compressive force may be extremely hazardous for the quality of the boxes as the force may significantly deform the boxes and threaten the safety of the item which is packaged inside. It’s important for the manufacturers to test out the compressive strength of the corrugated boxes so that it might be determined how much maximum force may be applied to a box without having to cause deformation of the box. It will help in the determination of the stacking capability of the boxes. A box compression tester is an effective and efficient testing device which is utilized for figuring out the compressive strength of a corrugated box. The test is done by putting the test sample underneath two jaws then a compressive force is applied to a box until the box is deformed. It’ll help to find the minimum quantity of force which is required to deform a box and help the designer in determining the factor of safety for a box. In that way, the box offered to the customers is of the correct strength and helps to provide the best safety to the items.

How a Packaging Box Attracts Customers

Custom Made Folding Boxes
Marketing nowadays is everything, without the correct resources and strategy for advertising, your business won’t generate the results you expect. To create these, you’ll also require a good looking, nicely crafted product and obviously, a custom box for shipping and packaging, because looks matter. More importantly, looks sell; therefore, if you want to increase your product sales, make certain that you create a professional and unique image of the product using a custom packaging box, which will fit your product and add a visual impact which determines customers to purchase it. Let us see how your customized box ought to look, to make a hit when sending out a high volume cardboard packaging boxes.

Packaging Box Colors

Statistics show that for each kind of product you ought to use a different color which fits the product description. For instance:

  • For the food industry, it’s suggested that you use red, because it’s discovered in several fresh products.
  • The color brown may be used for wooden objects and furniture because it represents wood’s natural color.
  • The color green usually is related to ecological products; therefore, if your company is anything about environmental protection it’s your color.
  • Black may be used for miscellaneous things or household objects, it inspires control and confidence, that way showing that you rule the marketplace.
  • White it’s related to cleaning products because when you view white it typically means cleanliness.

You may blend as many colors as you want and of course, you do not need to go by these rules yet as I said, these will match the product description; therefore, these ought to be your first choice. However, color is not everything, style will count, as well.

Packaging Box Minimalist Design

For a minimalist design, it’s recommended to utilize a blend of two colors, one for the background and one for the text, typically, one good option includes associating black and red, or gold and white. These colors create an elegant appearance and add more value to a product.

What kind of box should you use?

There are multiple kinds; however, you need to select one which makes your product stand out above the rest. For instance, you may use Corrugated Trays for food products, Regular Slotted Container for smaller items or Full Over Lap for heavier objects, select the one which matches the product.

Experiences using Custom Printed Shipping Boxes

Heavy Duty Shipping Box

Selling products which are made by a different business somehow might swallow the distributing organization’s identity. That might be because changes to even the smallest of things such as packaging might pose an issue. However, there are a couple of things that this type of a company may do to set themselves apart when sending out large quantities of shipping boxes.

Make custom shipping boxes appear delightful and welcoming

Cardboard shipping packages are usually the standard shipping mode for many businesses. For a client, the box will merely look boring, plain, and whatever is inside of it will just be reached after multiple layers of unwrapping. Distributing companies may better this experience for a client by ordering customized boxes that might portray their slogan, logo, or colors.

Also, the company might determine to use packaging tape which is customized or use labels which are branded. Stickers might also be added to plain boxes. It’ll offer the ideal way for an organization to set themselves apart, yet additionally avoid spending too much cash. In that way, the organization’s brand is set up from the start. Infusing an organization’s brand into any printed material, packaging slips or instructions also will assist in promoting a delightful package opening client experience.

How will packaging tie to an organization’s general branding?

The message the brand portrays always must be consistent, in spite of the form it takes, or where it must appear. Everything which is connected to packaging – be it the instructional sheets for the shipping carton or text printed upon transportation bags – will represent the organization’s brand in one way or the other.

One sentence that has the wrong tone, or incorrect colors or misused font, all will portray an incorrect message. It’ll mean the organization is being misrepresented, and not showing precisely what it stands for or what it does. It’ll mean that the quality that is being promoted by the organization already has been compromised.

Packaging in Customized Boxes will form a big part of any given company

There’ll be something off with an organization which has a luxurious looking, information filled site for some pricey jewelry and gemstones; however, just ships the jewelry inside plastic bags without any documents. No matter the type of custom printed shipping boxes packaging, it must have the ability to represent the company in a single glance.

Advertising with a Counter Top Display

Custom Countertop Shipper Displays

The objective of any retailer includes selling more of their products and making more money. One great way to assess which kinds of products are assisting you in achieving your goal includes looking at your sales per square foot. As you do, you’ll potentially discover those products you know ought to be selling better than they currently are. Trendy objects or the ones at a fantastic price are expected to fly off of the shelves. As they do not, there are a couple of things to do to witness a better turnaround:

  • Move your products to a different place.
  • Make a customized presentation box which gets noticed.

You are not limited to a counter top display which only can hold smaller items. Floor displays which are custom made with clever messages and bold graphics may bring personality to items which otherwise would go unnoticed. Discover the main features which make it the product which customers are likely looking for. This might be better nutrition from a food processor or the lowest price in the city on designer jeans.

Consider the kind of customer who’s likely to purchase the item, and the ideal placement for the large quantity of display boxes to be noticed. Obvious gift objects are better displayed close to the checkout in which they’re more likely to be bought as an impulse buy. Consider placing products which are not actually a part of any one department close to the walkways in which more possible customers will lay eyes on them.

In Summary

Turn into a custom fit. If you’re displaying a smaller product, slots might be suitable to keep it organized. Just throwing things inside a box doesn’t look attractive. It even can cheapen a product.

Select the proper graphics and colors for the occasion. If you’re promoting a holiday item, snowmen or Christmas trees may be the best graphics to add.

Some products need to have a working product connected with the display so consumers can try it firsthand—for instance, a handheld video game which children can play, to check if they want to purchase it.

Do not overstock the display. If the products are spilling out onto your floor, it may have a negative impact upon a consumer. It’ll just make it look as if you have too many of the product and have it at the forefront of the store so you can sell it.

Packaging Trends, Fiber Partitions

Custom Box Divider
According to, 95% of all products will fail within one year of launch. In order to survive, new items must stand out from the competition. Even established items must be distinct, as even excellent products may become crowded out of a marketplace if customers get bored with them or become impressed by flashy redesigns or campaigns by rival companies.

Some obvious trends in packaging have come about within 2016 which are expected to continue on through 2017. One significant one is that of minimal packaging. An increasing amount of manufacturers and businesses are discovering the value in minimal packaging for products. Most luxury brands have discovered elegance and sophistication in simplistic designs, like solid packages that have a small logo. Besides generating a more attractive end product, this packaging approach will take the clutter out and place the logo front and center, in which a customer always recognizes and sees it for the quality it’ll represent.

Box Dividers/ Box Accessories

Utilizing intersecting sheets of cardboard material, box accessories like dividers will create different compartments inside a bigger box. Dividers and fiber partitions are ideally suited to assist in a product maintaining a specific position or to cradle objects that are fragile.

Eco-Friendly Packaging for Retailers

It turns out that many individuals actually do care about our environment. Also, they have concerns about the practices companies use in their marketing and manufacturing processes. Eco-friendly retail packaging allows customers to know that they’re taking measures to decrease their footprint on the earth. They’ll feel good about purchasing products they know are becoming responsibly sourced.

Ol’ School

Customers like to revisit the old days with items which are packaged to appear like they did in the past. This nostalgic approach to packaging has increasingly been a popular trend for 2016, and it’s expected to rise throughout 2017.


Brands which utilize small batch packaging, or the ones that are made with crafty designs also are getting noticed. Customers like to buy products which seem more authentic and “personal”. It’ll translate to the use of fonts which appear like actual handwriting, or hand-drawn graphics and print.


Assigning various products a name, mood, or additional characteristic includes one way to provide consumers personalization. Packaging designs that are personalized are expected to increase in popularity in 2017, because of the success of such campaigns by mega-brands like Coca Cola.

Benefits of Printed Foldable Boxes

Custom Made Folding Boxes

Packaging will be more than merely a wrapper or box containing your products – it also is one of the most efficient tools you have that can sell your product. Customized printed boxes such as folding cartons are a simplistic, but amazingly successful packaging option, permitting companies to package their items in a versatile container which easily is illustrated with a broad array of design selections.

Packaging will perform several functions. It’ll keep products secure and safe in stores and in transit. It’ll grab customers’ attention, assisting products in standing out. It’ll offer directions and crucial details that have printed graphics or instructions. Also, it’ll help businesses in building their brand identity.

Printed Foldable Boxes Variety

Printed foldable boxes offer a variety of benefits for businesses using these customized printed boxes to market their items. To begin with, they are an eco-friendly option. Most paperboard utilized to make folding cartons is comprised of recycled materials. In addition, folding carton makers constantly recycle scraps from the process of manufacturing. One poll by Nielsen reports that 55% of global consumers online are more willing to buy items from businesses dedicated to making positive environmental or social impact. As the general public becomes more aware of environmental issues, utilizing sustainable packaging may aid in generating goodwill for your business.

Printed Foldable Boxes

One other important advantages of using a high volume of custom printed boxes is that they’re extremely amenable to sharp graphics and color. A few packaging mediums are less conducive to color and graphics, and result in restricted design choices or final products which are of low quality visually. As you utilize folding cartons, designers have the ability to utilize a broad array of colors and print clear, sharp designs on packaging. It’ll enhance the appeal of the packaging, and make it more attractive to customers.

Folding cartons are simple for a designer to tinker with, offering a lot of choices to make a customized printed box for your items. Folding cartons may be created in a number of sizes and shapes, and clever aspects such as windows and hanging tabs may be incorporated into a design. Designers also may pick the kind of paperboard utilized for packaging to address practical needs, like resisting moisture.

Also, folding cartons may offer sturdy storage for the items, as some of the heavier kinds of paperboard are very resilient and able to ensure your items arrive on store shelves, and at a consumers’ home, in correct condition.

Corrugated Ballot Box for Information Collection

ballot box First data

Are you experiencing problems organizing a vote in classrooms, at town meetings, or at your workplace? A corrugated ballot box is the perfect solution. The affordable cardboard displays come in countertop and floor standing models to work appropriately for all situations. Utilize the stands to conduct voting at the town hall, hold classroom elections or as an employee suggestion box. The ballot boxes are extremely affordable, permitting buyers to purchase in large quantities if needed. An abundance of storage space is included inside these boxes, and suggestion cards can be sold separately if necessary. Utilize markers to color the displays or you can decorate the sides of these boxes to provide a special flair.

Wanting to gather information of possible customers at a trade show? A corrugated ballot box is the perfect option! A floor standing ballot box is the perfect height for individuals to insert forms at the top, and its design permits them to completely fold flat. Easily transport the affordable ballot boxes from venue to venue, without having to waste precious car storage space. With so many individuals visiting your trade show booth, it might be challenging to talk to everyone. Gather information using a suggestion box to obtain emails and addresses to add individuals to an online newsletter or mailing list. You also could use the lead boxes to gather entries to contests and raffles!

Corrugated Ballot Box

Use the corrugated ballot box for offices and schools, too! Organizing elections is simple with these boxes. You can custom label every voting box in order for participants to know precisely which option they’re selecting. Also, some of the displays have pockets to store brochures, suggestion forms, and educational pamphlets. Teachers also can use them as a complaint or request box. Students may voice issues or concerns with others they do not necessarily want to state aloud. Make the students feel more at ease in an environment in which they know they’re able to voice complaints if needed.

As emails are a discreet method of voicing a concern within an office setting, they’ll take away the capability of remaining anonymous. Comment boxes are great forums in which employees may raise issues, offer credit to other workers, or share general ideas without having to be identified. At the end of each month, managers may then go through boxes and address the whole team either through a meeting or in an email, so individuals may have an honest and open discussion about workplace issues.

Food Grade Packaging Designs and Styles

Food Packaging
No matter which kind of product you are shipping, a folding carton probably can assist in promoting and protecting your merchandise. Additionally, folding carton boxes are very versatile and often are utilized for a variety of different industries for food grade packaging and shipping products. As folding cartons will have so many styles and options, we are helping you to narrow down those differences by listing the top folding carton styles and designs. We are even going to discuss their most typical uses.

Straight Tuck End

A popular folding carton style includes the straight end tuck, in which the box will open from either end, with its flaps running perpendicular to each other. The style often is utilized to wrap energy bars and chocolate or additional smaller food products, cosmetics, lightweight electronic devices, and cosmetics.

Food Grade Packaging Sleeve

As its name suggests, just slip the open-ended, sleek box sleeves over the product, or utilize sleeves to slip around the packaging to further spruce your custom designed boxes up. The packaging won’t just be prepared for its social media close-up, yet it also will have an additional security layer.

Food Grade Packaging Cake Box

Although you probably have seen them in the window of a favorite pastry store, a cake box actually can be utilized to transport much more than just sweets. Perfect for more lightweight products, such as clothing pieces and pastries, you also can order cake boxes for a large quantity of food packaging boxes that have a translucent panel to provide customers a peek at what is inside. Durable enough to guard even the most valuable of cargo, cake boxes will fold one end on top of the other to make sure that everything remains in place.

Hanger Box

Searching for an excellent way to assist your favorite store in saving shelf space? Shipping individual products or smaller batches to customers or stores? Hanger boxes are super-convenient options, which close at one end then have small hook spaces at the other, in order for it to hang from metal rods inside stores. Perfect for smaller pieces of technology, cosmetics, and tools.

Food Grade Packaging Tuck Top

Even though it might sound like a synchronized diving move, reverse tuck folding boxes open at one end, and have durable flaps which lock into place. The boxes are perfect for shipping heavy products, while still being easy to open. You might’ve seen them encasing wine and perfume bottles, snacks and goodies on the run, computer chargers, or office supplies.

Packaging Fragile Products in a Custom Shipping Box

Custom shipping box
Let us go over a few ideas on fragile product packaging, in corrugated cardboard and chipboard packaging forms for high quantity of shipping boxes.

Custom Shipping Box for Fragile Items

If you are searching for ideas for light bulb packaging (or pretty much any other fragile package options), chipboard partitions may be a great solution. Chipboard partitions come in an array of thicknesses, and individually cradle every product you are shipping. They’re particularly helpful while packaging and shipping products with non-traditional shapes, or products which are heavy, but still fragile. They’ll ensure items will not slide around and hit each other, yet they additionally provide an ultra-organized, sleek appearance to the packaging.

Box Partitions

And best of all? They are very cost-effective, and they are designed from recyclable materials, which makes them an option that is excellent for both your wallet and Mother Earth!

Custom Shipping Box Abundant Sizes

Corrugated cardboard boxes include an additional excellent method of shipping bulkier, fragile individual products. As with the partitions, they’re available in various thicknesses, sizes, and shapes Also, they have many different options for closure, so you may be sure that no matter what you are shipping, your box will not come apart while in transit. Fan-like or fluting folds in between the corrugated cardboard layers, assist in ensuring further protection. In addition, the box’s folds typically interlock with each other and are secured using strong packing tape in order to ensure everything arrives within one piece.

Custom Shipping Box Material

A corrugated cardboard box is tested not merely for its resistance to being crushed, yet additionally for any unexpected weather it might encounter along their way to a customer’s door.

Make It Look Great

Now that you have some ideas about how you can keep your items safe, it is time that you direct your attention to the actual design and look of the packaging. Just because your products are of an odd shape or because you have ordered extra thick cardboard does not mean the packages cannot still be attractive. We suggest creating a customized box design which integrates your brand’s motto, logo, colors, and explains the benefits of the product.

Custom Shipping Box

Consider designing choices for both the exterior and interior of the custom shipping box, so that your party does not end once the customer opens their box up. For an added injection of cool, why not have a personalized touch? Jot your customer’s name on his/her box, or have a special quote from the product’s maker.

Benefits of Shipping with Custom Mailer Boxes

Custom Mailer Box

The truth of the matter is that the many successful retailers will set themselves apart, at least to an extent, with their company packaging. Just consider the favorite items you grew up with, for example, your first favorite pair of sneakers, then consider the packaging. Did anything stand out? Odds are that the packaging assisted in maintaining a consistent image, as well as reinforce the positive elements of product ownership. If you are sending items to customers’ doors inside plain brown boxes, you are sending a message that you do not care about the packaging. If you do not care about the packaging, what will this say about how you care for your own products?

Brand Reinforcement Benefit

Each time a customer opens up a package which arrives to their office or home in custom mailer boxes, they’re being greeted with a logo or image which reinforces a brand before they get their hands upon the product they’ve bought. It’ll make it more likely that they’ll relate the product with your brand name. As you expand your branding efforts, people only will have to see a reminder of the brand image, from a blend of colors to a similar phrase or image, to remember positive memories of products related to that brand.

Heightened Shipping / Shopping Experience

Occasionally the little things may make all the difference, and while opting to ship the products in customized printed cardboard boxes does not necessarily cost a much more, it may go a long way in creating a more interactive shipping and shopping experience for your customers. As a package arrives inside a custom box, it’ll show a heightened care level on a merchant’s behalf. It’ll create an all-encompassing, more positive experience which not just augments the branding and packaging efforts, yet assists a customer in feeling like they’re having a special shopping experience from beginning to end.

Printed Box that has a Logo

Developing a brand identity and ordering custom cardboard boxes that embody that identity is not always easy, of course. Most businesses cooperate with consultants to develop their logo designs and branding identity. And as it’ll come to producing and customizing the boxes and dealing with a large quantity of mailers, it is better to work with a shipping box provider which offers a broad array of services and products which meet your needs. With efficient branding, packaging and marketing for your items, customers are certain to see the quality waiting in the box.

Graphics for Custom Setup Boxes

custom printed box set up box
Graphics are able to make or break a setup box. Add a one-color, simple line art logo or four-color, vibrant photo image to the box. Cactus Containers provides foil stamping, process printing, as well as embossing for the set up box, both inside and out. In addition, aqueous, varnish, UV coatings, as well as film lamination may be added if necessary. The choices for a box are only limited by the imagination.

Process Printing

It’s possible to add graphics to the custom setup boxes using conventional printing. One or two-color line art upon colored or white paper is the most cost effective method. However, it is the four-color, rich process, photo images on a box which will catch a consumers’ eye.

Foil Stamping

Add an appearance of distinction to the setup box using foil stamping. With foil stamping, it is possible to accomplish a brilliance which can’t be copied with ink. A broad array of gloss, matte, holographic, or metallic foils are available. Blend the ideal foil shade with one of thousands of patterned, colored, or theme papers in order to achieve an appearance which matches a corporate image.


With embossing, Cactus Containers is able to add texture by raising the graphics off of the box. It’s possible to add any shiny or pigmented foil stamping atop the embossing, or you can keep it “blind” for an elegant, classic look. Blind embossing includes the development of a raised image which isn’t foil stamped, and resulting raised image will be the same exact color as the paper. Make a picture through texture using blind embossing. Embossing a box is going to add class and value.


It is possible to add a protection layer or a matte or gloss finish to the setup box by coating a printed wrap. Options of coatings involve aqueous, varnish, film or UV lamination. For simplistic logos, varnish oftentimes will add enough additional protection to keep the printing from rubbing off set up boxes. Aqueous coating will be a harder coating and provides the protection required on heavier print coverage. UV coating will really make a difference by making images pop off of the paper. Film lamination can be used to offer protection when no additional coating will do.

Adding graphics increases a product’s value, communicates product details, establishes brand recognition, conveys a marketing message, and separates your product from the competitions’. Why should you settle for a plain ‘ol “box”, when graphics may be added for a minimal fee to make an excellent “package”!

Large Quantities of Custom Food Packaging

food packaging baking mix
Every great chef knows that people eat with their eyes first. The appearance of food plays a role in how people think it tastes. That is why chefs spend so much time thinking about how their food looks. They will worry about making the food colorful and make it look appetizing. The same things need to be considered when considering the food packaging that is found in stores. If the packaging does not look appealing, people will wonder if it will taste good. They may choose to buy something else based on the packaging. That is why business that use large quantities of custom food packaging need to spend time and money on the packaging of their products.

Keep the Food Safe First

While appearance is very important, if the food that is put inside of the packaging is not protected from damage or exposure to bacteria and other harmful things, problems will arise. When a business invests money in the product to fill the high volume of food grade packaging, they do not want to find out that all the food inside has spoiled because of bad packaging.

Vacuum packaging of the boxes and making sure that they have a tight seal are some of the things that can be done. Food packaging may also benefit from the use of safety seals. When a consumer sees the safety seal has been broken, it may alert them that something has gone wrong and to look for a package without a broken seal.

Make it Look Great

While keeping the food safe is very important, it also must have an appearance in the packaging that is appealing. See through packaging may help some products. Packaging that keeps the different ingredients separate is another popular choice. Packaging that can be used as a serving vessel add convenience to the consumers. When it comes to creating large quantities of custom food packaging, the number of different ways to do it is only limited by the imagination. Adding the right graphics to the right packaging is one of the best ways to help a business sell their products.

The cost of food grade packaging can be more than other types of packaging. It is a necessary expense that anyone selling packaged food must consider. The best way to lower that cost is by purchasing a high volume of food grade packaging. The more that is ordered, the lower the cost per unit will be.

When all the things are carefully considered about food grade packaging, it is possible to make whatever is inside taste that much better. It is something that will help a business become more successful.

The Benefits of a Printed Display Box

Custom Counter-Top Display Boxes

There may have been a time when a box was a box, but that is not the case anymore. Boxes come in different sizes and shapes. They can come in different strengths and they can be covered with custom graphics. It is no longer just a matter of placing an order for boxes, a business needs to consider what the right box is. In many cases the right box would be a custom printed display box.

Printed Display Box

A display box is something that can hold the product inside so consumers can see it. These types of boxes do not have to be unpacked. They are simply opened and put into a place where customers will find them.

The display boxes can come in any size depending on the product they are holding. They can be designed to sit on a shelf or they can be a freestanding design. Business can order a few of these boxes or they can save money by ordering large quantities of custom cardboard display boxes. These are just some of the decisions that must be made when considering the use of these boxes.

Why Use Printed Display Box

While understanding what a custom printed display box is the first step, figuring out why they should be used is also important. There are several benefits to these types of boxes.

  • Ease of display – The boxes are designed to make it easier to display what is inside. Instead of having to take the product out of the box and create some type of display, these boxes have to be placed on the shelf and opened up. No extra work is needed.
  • Eye-catching Graphics – It is common to add custom graphics to the display boxes. The graphics can help make the display more visible to the consumers. The graphics may entice the consumer to purchase what is being displayed. When the boxes are in the right place, they can help increase sales.
  • Easy storage – Until the boxes are needed for use, they can be easily stored. They do not require more space than other boxes of the same size.

While some businesses may choose to use small quantities, there are plenty of businesses that can use large quantities of custom cardboard display boxes. The great thing about them is that they can create their own demand and that may be the reason that business will continue to make larger and larger orders of these display boxes.

How to Save Money on a Custom Die Cut Box

Custom Die Cut Box used for Shipping
There is nothing better for a business than finding ways to save money. Saving money typically means more profit for the business. If things are done better and cheaper and business should consider the idea. When people hear the word custom, they may think it goes against the idea of saving money, but there are a few ways that a custom die cut box will save money.

Custom Die Cut Boxes Saves Money

One of the basic ways to save money is to buy in higher volume. In general, when more of an item is purchased, the cost per unit will go down. Discounts are offered for businesses that can buy a high volume of custom printed die cut boxes for their business. It can help bring the cost down to what is paid for other smaller quantities of boxes.

The problem that people have with buying in volume is that there are additional costs involved. If those costs are less than what is being saved by ordering in high volume, it is something that is worth considering. Some of the extra costs will include tying up extra money in the inventory of boxes and the cost of storing the boxes somewhere. These extra costs can be determined to see if it is a worthwhile idea.

Other Savings

There are other savings beside the lower cost per unit of high volume of custom printed die cut boxes. The ability to get the right sized box for what is being put in them can reduce the costs of packaging supplies. If the boxes fit the products better, they will also offer more protection for what is inside. That can mean less damage to the product that the business must absorb the cost of.

There is also a hidden cost of these types of boxes that is easily overlooked. The ability to add custom printing to the box is a great advertising opportunity. Boxes are seen by many different people during their lifetime. They will not only be seen when the product is shipped from the business to the consumer, they will also be seen after the box has been opened. The reuse of boxes is very common and that means that one custom die cut box can be seen by many people. That type of advertising is hard to put a value on, but it can be very effective.

A business needs to fully evaluate the costs and savings they can get from a high volume of boxes to decide if it is the right choice for them.

How are Custom RSC Boxes Made

regular slotted carton
Boxes are all around us. They hold new products in stores and warehouses. They are used to store things in people’s home. They are used to help people move from one home to another. The boxes that are all around are often taken for granted. People know they are there, but have no idea where they come from. The most commonly used boxes are the regular slotted cartons. These boxes come in a variety of shapes and sizes. It is interesting to find out how these boxes are made.

Custom RSC Boxes Cardboard

It is impossible to have a cardboard box without the cardboard. Cardboard consists of three parts. There is a flute. That is a piece of cardboard that has been folded repeatedly to form pleats. Two other pieces of cardboard paper are glued to the two sides of the flute. The result is a much stronger piece of what is known as corrugated cardboard. These pieces are flat sheets that can come in a variety of widths and lengths.

The strength of the cardboard that is made will also vary. It depends on the thickness of the paper that is used to make the papers and the flute. The thicker the paper, the stronger the cardboard will be. Once the cardboard is made, it is ready to be turned into the regular slotted cartons.

Making Custom RSC Boxes

The manufacturers will make the boxes that customers need. They will have standard sized boxes, but are also able to meet specific needs of their customers. The customer provides the dimensions and the shapes needed for the custom RSC boxes and the manufacturer sets up the die to do the work.

The sheets of cardboard will be cut to size and will have other cuts made to allow for folding the cardboard and creating the flaps. The cardboard is a flat sheet until it is folded together. There are two flaps on the top and the bottom of the cardboard that will meet in the middle to form the top and bottom of the box. These flaps can be sealed with glue or tape to complete the box.

Once the custom RSC boxes are completed, they are ready to either be shipped to the customer or they can have custom graphics added to them. The graphics can include any information that the customer thinks is important.

The great thing about these boxes is that they can have many lives. Whether they are used to store things in people’s home or if they are sent off to the recycling plant, the boxes will always live on.

What to Know About Vape Shipping Supplies

custom e liquid vape box dividers

Vaping is becoming very popular. People use it as an alternative to tobacco cigarettes. It is supposedly healthier than traditional cigarettes not only for those that use the vaping supplies, but also for anyone around the person that is vaping. In order to engage in this habit, people need to have the right vape supplies. There are some things that a person buys one time and there are other supplies that have to be bought over and over again.

Vape Packaging Supplies Retailers

In order to get the vape supplies that are needed, may turn to online retailers. That means that the online retailers need to have the right vape shipping supplies they need to get the product to the customers. Customers expect to receive their vape supplies undamaged. Because some of the items are fragile having the right vape packaging supplies is also very important.

These are some of the things that should be considered when looking for the right vape shipping supplies.

  • The box – When a person purchases the vaporizer, they are often spending a fair amount of money. The box needs to look like it is holding something special. A custom designed box with custom inserts is a great way to not only protect the product, but also to display the product.
  • Packaging materials – While a custom box and insert is a great way to send the initial order and vaporizer, more money is made when people have to reorder the vaping liquids. Having the right vape packaging supplies is important to ensure that the liquids arrive undamaged. The containers the liquid is in may be fragile and if they break during shipment, it can cause many problems. Whether custom inserts are used or if some other type of packaging materials are used, finding ways to protect these vape supplies is very important.
  • Labels – Labels serve many purposes when it comes to vape supplies. They can be used to make sure that the package is delivered to the right address. They can also be used to inform anyone of what type of product is inside. Because the rules around shipping the vape liquids can vary, it is a good idea to make sure that the package is clearly marked. The labels are also good for helping build the brand awareness of the business that is selling the supplies.

Selling Vape Packaging Supplies

Selling vape supplies is a smart idea. It is an industry that will continue to grow as more people turn away from traditional cigarettes. The businesses that succeed in this market are the ones that take the time to learn how to ship their products to the customers the right way.

A Second Life for Custom Designed Mailing Tubes

Custom mailing tube

Mailing tubes have many uses for business. They are a great way of shipping papers, posters and other types of products that do not fit in a typical round box. Custom designed mailing tubes can include graphics that can help market a business or a product. Custom mailers can come in different sizes. The diameter of the tubes can vary as can the length of the tubes They have many different uses when it comes to shipping products.

Custom Designed Mailing Tubes Business

Custom tubes can serve the business that needs to send products well, but what happens to the tubes once they have finished that task. These tubes are usually made of a sturdier cardboard product and can last for years once they have been used initially. The worst thing that can be done is to throw these tubes in the trash. That is not what the business that printed its logo or other graphics wants to happen. They want that tube to live a long time and to allow plenty of people to see what they took the time to print on the tube.

The solution to avoiding the dumpster for custom designed mailing tubes is for people to learn alternative uses for them. These are some of the ways to consider.

  • Reuse them for what they were designed to do – The easiest thing is to use them the way they were designed, to hold posters and papers in. Many have old posters that they do not want to get rid of, but have no way to store them without ruining them. Turn to the tubes to solve that problem.
  • Cut the tubes to create storage holders. Small sections of a tube placed in a square box are a great way to organize pens, pencils, scissor and other like items.
  • Store plastic bags – Open up both ends of the tube and shove the plastic grocery bags inside from the top. When you need a plastic bag, pull it out from the bottom of the tube.
  • Make a toy box – Get a large wooden crate. Cut the tubes to a size that is the same height as the crate. Fit the tubes inside the crate. It is a great way to store toys, cars and other similar toys and it will look great in any kid’s room.
  • Recycle – If no use can be found for the custom tubes, the very least that should be done is sending them off to be recycled.

Marketing Advantages of a Custom Built Box

Custom setup box paperboard Cereus
Many people are taking advantage of the ability to start an online business. They find it easy to take orders online and ship the products to the customers. All they have to do is have the products, find the customers and get the product to them. In order to do that, many online businesses need to have shipping boxes. They may think that it would be easier to use standard, plain brown boxes, but they may also be surprised to learn about the advantages of a custom built box.

Custom Built Box Size

A standard sized box is usually bigger than is needed. That means that a business will have to spend additional money on shipping materials to protect and properly ship the products they sell. Some business may try to combat this by keeping several different sizes of boxes on hand, but this may mean more money tied up in inventory and storage of the extra boxes.

A custom built box can be made to fit the products that it is supposed to hold. It can also be made to better protect whatever is inside of the box. This can result in lower costs for shipping materials and less money replacing any damaged product. It may end up that a custom box is actually cheaper than a standard box.

Custom Built Box Graphics

One of the best things about a custom box is the ability to add graphics to the box. Custom graphics added to the boxes are a great marketing tool that many businesses miss out on. They may not realize it is just as easy to get small quantity boxes as it is to get large quantities of custom printed boxes. It is possible to have a design created that can be reused many times.

Adding graphics is a great way to advertise a business or a product. It can help create brand awareness. It is also a great way to provide important information about what is inside the box or where it is supposed to go.

A custom built box is seen by many people from the time it is shipped from the seller until it reaches the buyer. They also can have a life after the product has been taken out. Boxes can be reused in many ways and a business that has invested in large quantities of custom printed boxes can spread their messages far and wide for a long period of time.

Businesses need to take advantage of any opportunities they can to help their business grow. The ones that do not consider a custom box are going to miss out on a big opportunity.

Getting the Most out of Custom Setup Boxes

Custom Setup Boxes
Many businesses are taking advantage of what custom setup boxes offer them. These boxes are typically made out of a heavier weight cardboard than traditional boxes. They are also often glued securely to provide a more rigid box. Custom graphics are added to help display whatever is being held in the box. Businesses spend more on these boxes because they are a better way to hold many different things.

Custom Setup Boxes-Storage

Many businesses do not have a need for large quantities of these setup boxes and turn to small quantities setup boxes. This means they have fewer problems with storage and lower costs of inventory. Storing the custom boxes may be more difficult, but having fewer on hand makes it easier for a business to handle them.

While businesses have found a way to deal with the custom setup boxes, the customers that purchase the products that the boxes hold may not have solved the problem. They look at these boxes with custom graphics and specific sizes and wonder if there is anything they can do with them once they have been emptied of product. Often times the solution is to throw it in the trash. This is not only bad for the environment; it is also a lost opportunity. There are plenty of ways to reuse the setup boxes if a person takes the time to think about it.

  • Pencil boxes, jewelry boxes and other similar storage boxes – One of the most common kind of custom setup boxes is the ones used for greeting cards. When the cards are gone, these sturdy boxes are perfect for keeping all of the loose pens and pencils or other small office supplies in the home. The boxes often have printing on them that makes them look appealing for these uses, but if they don’t, they are easy to recover.
  • Shelving – The sturdy boxes can be attached to the wall and can act as a shadow box frame to display different knickknacks.
  • Shoe Boxes – Another common type of setup box are the shoe boxes used today. These can be easily found as they are not usually small quantities setup boxes. Shoe boxes can be used to make dioramas for kid’s projects and to store just about anything small in the home.
  • Recycling – No cardboard product should ever end up in the trash. At the minimum they should be recycled to help the environment.

The only limit on reusing setup boxes is the imagination. It takes a little effort, but the rewards are worth it.

High and Small Quantity Shipping Boxes

regular slotted carton
The growth of online shopping is being celebrated by many people. Businesses big and small are taking advantage of the market that has developed. Online retailers can make just about anything a person could want available. There is no need to shop in stores anymore. Instead, it is easier to find what is needed on a computer and have it delivered to the door.

When something is bought online and shipped somewhere, there is usually a need for packaging and the most common type of packaging is a shipping box. Most are aware that boxes come in many sizes, but they may not realize that the businesses that make the box offer both high quantity and small quantity shipping boxes. Learning the difference can help many of the online retailers.

The Difference is Simple

The difference between high quantity custom shipping boxes and small quantity is not just about the number that has to be ordered at any one time. While high quantity means more boxes are ordered at any one time, that is only part of what makes it different. There are other things to think about.

  • Cost – In general, the larger quantity that is ordered, the cheaper the cost per unit will be. But the cost of the small quantity or high quantity boxes is more than just the price per unit. If the boxes are not used, money will be tied up in storing them and waiting until they are used. The space and time spent in inventory should be considered.
  • Storage – Boxes need to be kept in an environment that does not allow them to deteriorate. Moist environments and inadequate space are the biggest challenges to storing boxes. The more boxes that have to be stored, the more challenging it can become.
  • Sizes – If a business only needs one size box, then buying in large quantities may make sense. When many different sizes are needed, small quantity shipping boxes may be the right choice.

Some businesses may assume that in order to get custom boxes, they have to turn to high quantity shipping boxes. This would be wrong. No matter what number of boxes are needed, it is still possible to get custom boxes and to have custom graphics put on the box. There will be a cost associated with it, but that does not mean it is not possible.

All online retailers have to make the decision about whether they are choosing to buy large or small quantity boxes. They need to make sure that look at the overall picture to make the right decision.

What to Look for with Custom Display Boxes

Custom Counter-Top Display Boxes

Custom display boxes
are one of the best ways to display and sell a product, particularly when the product is new to the market. By strategically placing the appropriate custom printed display box where it will be seen by customers, retailers can increase impulse sales by more than half of the number of sales they would otherwise achieve.

Custom Display Boxes

Marketing is a crucial part of making a sale. And, as any seasoned marketing professional can attest, the display where a product is made available to the public can have a significant impact on the likelihood of achieving a sale. At top container companies, they should automatically have a wide selection in their inventory in stock. Whether you are selling small items such as key chains, pocketknives, or pocket coin holders or larger items such as posters, tools, or insulated cups, we have a custom printed display box that is perfect for the occasion.

Remember that boxes come in all shapes and sizes, therefore affording you the opportunity to accommodate many different items. Furthermore, because custom display boxes generally have custom print, you should be able to provide them with your own exciting marketing copy and we can put it right on the box. Alternatively, if you prefer, pre-printed boxes that you just set up, fill with the product, and place in a high-visibility area in your location should be available.

Marketers will tell you that there are four crucial elements of making a sale: product, placement, promotion, and price. Using a custom printed display box lets you readily address both the placing and the promotion of the item you are trying to sell. Don’t miss out on the additional impulse sales that you can achieve by using the right combination of product, placing, and promotion.

It is imperative that the company that you choose really prides themselves upon the quality of their custom display boxes. Knowing that you have a number of display manufacturers from which to choose, they should take their responsibility as your chosen custom printed display box manufacturer very seriously.

Boxes should be considered to be of outstanding quality but at reasonable prices. Meaning that you are able to afford to display your products in a sophisticated and effective manner without breaking the bank. Whether you need something small to put on a countertop next to a cash register, or something larger that will sit on the floor and grab attention, we are here to help.

Corrugated Partitions Are Your Solution!

55 Cells Custom Box Divider

Whether you are operating a business or sending some personal items to someone, you may be looking for a low cost and effective means of shipping multiple items in the same box. There is no need to spend extra money packaging items in their own boxes, and you can save a lot of time by using only one box, but you need a way to keep the items from knocking against each other and being broken or damaged by the rigors of shipping.

You should try chipboard partitions. These partitions are a simple and efficient way to separate your single box into several different compartments. Simply place one item into each compartment and you will be able to ship everything in a single box without worrying about the items colliding and breaking.

Using partitions—whether chipboard partitions or corrugated partitions—is simple, and saves you time and money. What’s more, it helps save the environment! With partitions, you are able to reduce the total number of boxes you need for a shipment. That is fewer trees being cut down to make boxes, and fewer boxes that have to be transported to the final shipping destination.

Gone are the days of choosing between using multiple boxes or spending time individually packing and wrapping each item. Instead, you simply drop in chipboard partitions and you’ve got a fast, easy solution.

If you are shipping heavier items such as coffee mugs or bottles, you’ll want more padding between the items: corrugated partitions are perfect for this job. On the other hand, if you don’t need a significant amount of padding in between each item and you’re more interested in saving space, you should consider chipboard partitions, as they save roughly 25% of the space in the box.

Regardless of what you are shipping, there is a perfect partition system for you. Chipboard partitions and corrugated partitions come in a variety of sizes and heights, so we can accommodate your needs regardless of what they may be.

Find a company that is proud of their reputation as being among the best providers of shipping and packing materials. Take a few moments and browse the website. If you do not find exactly what you are looking for please do not hesitate to contact them. They are there help you, and should be more than willing to go above and beyond to earn your repeat business!

Looking for Custom Boxes?

Custom Mailer Box
If you are looking for a reputable custom box maker, you can easily conduct a search on the Internet. The company should be proud of their reputation as the place to go for custom boxes. Whether you need small boxes to ship items such as keychains, larger boxes for storage, or ballot boxes for use in your business, they should carry the perfect box for you!

Offering a wide variety of box types as well as numerous options on printing is imperative. You can purchase custom boxes with your company’s logo and contact information pre-printed on the side. Alternatively, if you are interested in the most economical boxes on the market, having a large selection of pre-printed boxes is a necessity.

The choice of which custom box maker to use is actually an important choice: imagine the disaster that could result if you purchase a poorly made box that falls apart in the mail. You could end up losing valuable inventory or irreplaceable family heirlooms, all because you chose a low-quality box.

The top companies in the industry will work hard every day to justify their reputation as the best place to find custom boxes. We believe you will find boxes to be of great quality; what’s more, the leaders in the industry will work hard to keep prices low, meaning that you do not have to choose between quality and cost. You can truly have the best of both worlds.

Do you need help figuring out which custom boxes are the best for you? Utilize their expertise to help you find exactly what you need. Or, perhaps you have decided that you want a custom logo printed on your box, but you’re struggling to come up with the perfect color combination? There are specialists who can assist you with that, too!

Whatever your needs, know that you will need to find knowledgeable, reliable, and helpful people. Choose the top custom box maker of choice for people across the country, and we believe that you will agree with their legions of satisfied customers that they utilize and go for quality, efficiency, and convenience.

Take a few moments to browse the various sites and see if something catches your eye. If you do not see exactly what you are looking for, or if you have a question about a particular item, never hesitate to contact them! Remember they work for you and are trying to earn your repeat business!

Custom Printed Die Cut Boxes Have Never Looked So Good

Custom Mailer Box

Several companies specialize in providing only the best custom die cut boxes available today. Regardless of what you need them for, there is a huge selection and great pricing which is sure to put a smile on your face.

Custom Die Cut Boxes Variety

If you are looking for something that is fast, standardized, and nondescript, checking out the large number of custom die cut boxes available on company websites is the way to go. Or, if you are interested in putting your company’s logo or contact information—or anything else, for that matter—on the outside of the box, there are several companies that offer custom printed die cut boxes of all shapes and sizes.

Do you need a simple ballot box to collect customer feedback or employee suggestions? Only the top in the industry will have the perfect custom die cut boxes to do the job. Or, perhaps you want to mail a product to a customer, and you’d like for the box to make an impression? These are the types of things that you should be looking for when you are searching for the best.

Retailers have long known that printing corporate information on their shipping boxes is a great way to get advertising not only at the immediate moment but also for years to come. Customers frequently reuse shipping boxes for their own storage needs, so if you are using custom printed die cut boxes you can be sure that customers—as well as all their friends and family—will see your corporate logo again and again for years to come. You can’t beat advertising like that!

Or, if you are trying to keep your costs down and just want a simple box, we offer custom die cut boxes in a solid color. You just put it together, set it in place, and you’re good to go.

All boxes should be manufactured using nothing but the highest quality materials. You should not have to worry about a box ripping or tearing, and many of our customers reuse their boxes again and again.

Ensure that the company that you choose works for you. They should know you need reliable and affordable boxes, and be proud to count ourselves among the leaders in the industry for custom printed die cut boxes. Take a few moments to browse the various websites. If you do not see what you are looking for, do not hesitate to call to see if they will be able to accommodate your specific needs.

Custom Box Inserts Protect and Display Your Product

Custom Foam Insert

If you are shipping something that is fragile you want to be sure that you are providing adequate protection. If you are a business, you don’t want to deal with an unhappy customer who opens a box only to find their purchase in pieces. If you are shipping personal items of a fragile nature, you want to be sure that you adequately protect your precious family heirlooms. In either event, using a custom foam insert will ensure that the item gets to its destination safely and without incident.

Custom Box Inserts-Prevent Breakage

Custom box inserts are the perfect way to package contents that may be prone to breakage. Wrapping your products with old newspapers is both unprofessional and time consuming. Likewise, packing materials such as bubble wrap or other shock absorbers may not always work and tend to be overly messy. Styrofoam peanuts are not any better, and you may end up with a client who is annoyed at the mess left over.

The way to ship your products is by using a custom foam insert. These inserts come in a variety of styles, depending on what you need them for. If you are looking for something that will protect your product, you may want to consider using convoluted foam inserts. These inserts resemble foam egg crates and provide good protection for fragile items.

If you are interested in protecting your product while, at the same time, making a good impression on a client, the type of custom box inserts you would want to consider are the ether die cut foam inserts. These inserts will keep your product cushioned and safe, and will double as an impressive display for the product when the box is opened.

Other types of custom box inserts include foam pieces that fit over the corners of your product, end caps that completely encapsulate the ends of the product, and custom built inserts that will fit your product perfectly.

Find a company that prides themselves on quality and low prices. A company that is worthy of your business will have built a reputation as one of the best shipping materials companies on the market today, and do whatever is necessary to ensure that their customers are happy with their products and satisfied with the services rendered, as well as, provided. Take some time to browse through company sites and see if you find the kind of custom box inserts you need. If you do not see what you want, never hesitate to call to see if they are able to help with your needs.

The Advantage of Regular Slotted Cartons

To some people a box is a box. It is something that is made out of cardboard that you can put stuff in. Some may overlook the intricacies of boxes, but businesses that rely on boxes to hold their products and to get them to consumers knows better. They take the time to learn about the different kinds of boxes and which one is the best for what they are trying to do.

One of the ways to do this is by comparing a regular slotted carton to a full overlap box. These are two of the most common types of boxes being used by businesses today.

The first comparison is the definition. RSC boxes are the boxes that have four panels on the top and the bottom of the box that meet in the middle. FOL boxes have four panels on the top and bottom that overlap and extend to the opposite side of the box.

What is the Difference

Both of the boxes sound similar and in many ways they are. They are both made out of cardboard and they can both come in just about any size. They are both the shape of a cube and will require some type of packaging material to keep whatever is placed inside from being damaged. They do differ in the strength of packaging they offer.

Regular slotted cartons are taped in the middle where the panels meet. The full overlap box is taped at the edges where the one panel meets the side of the box. Because there are two layers of cardboard on the top and bottom of the overlap box, it tends to be stronger than the regular slotted box.

Because the RSC boxes require less cardboard to make, they tend to be less expensive. Both boxes can be folded flat, but the slotted boxes will require less space in storage than the overlap boxes use. For some businesses this can be a very important difference.

Both boxes can be custom printed and both can be made out of different types of cardboard. The biggest advantage that the overlap boxes offer is protection. If a business is using boxes that do not have to be very sturdy and that do not need as much protection, it makes more sense to turn to the more economical regular slotted boxes. It is the choice that many businesses are making every day.

Small Businesses and Custom Printed Mailing Boxes

Die Cut Mailer
There are many people that have created an online retail website with the hope of turning into something much bigger. It is a goal that may be shared by many, but not everyone will be able to reach that goal. One of the problems that these businesses run into is people look at them as being small and that they cannot offer the same things that bigger, more established businesses can offer. The solution is that a small business needs to find a way to make it look like the big businesses. One of the ways to do that is through the use of custom printed mailing boxes.

The Branding of a Business

When packages see a sneaker with a swoosh or a pair of golden arches, they immediately associate those images with big, well-known companies. They have trust in these companies because of the reputation that has been established. That trust may or may not always be justified, but it is there and it creates business.

A small business needs to find a way to create that same type of trust. If they send out packages that look like they were hand packed, addressed and are void of any images of notices, they will not be able to gain the trust of the people receiving the packages. Custom printed mailing boxes can give the small business the professional image they are looking for. It can also be used to show off the brand of the business and to start to create brand recognition. The more people that see and recognize the brand on the custom printed boxes, the more trust that will be gained.

The Obstacles that are Faced

Small businesses can give plenty of reasons that they will not use custom printed boxes. It often boils down to one thing: cost. The business thinks that they will either have to invest a lot of money in large orders to get the custom printed boxes and then they will have to invest money in storing the boxes that can take them too long to use up.

To avoid this problem, a small business can turn to small quantity mailers. Instead of ordering more mailers than a small business can use in a reasonable amount of time, it is possible to find suppliers that offer small quantity mailers. The cost will be a little more per unit than a large order is, but money is not tied up in unneeded inventory. It is a great way for a small business to look bigger and to gain the trust needed to grow.

How is a Custom Shipping Box Made

custom shipping RSC
Every day, trucks around the United States are filled up with boxes that have to be delivered to other businesses or to individuals. Many of the boxes look very similar except for some of the writing that is on them. They may be addressed to different places and they may be different sizes, but they all look alike. The exception is the people that chose to put something in a custom shipping box.

The custom box stands to from others. It may be a different type, shape or color than all of the other boxes. Custom printed shipping boxes can include the logos of a company or may include special messages on the outside of them. These boxes are not like the others and they get noticed by a lot of people.

The ability to get noticed can be a powerful marketing tool for a business. It is a way to build brand awareness and can help a business become more successful. The use of a custom shipping box can be a very smart move for any business. All they need to do is learn how these custom boxes are made.

Start with the Box

The design starts by choosing the type of box that is needed. It could be a mailer box, a regular slotted box, a full overlap box or some other type of box. The type of box depends on what a business is trying to out in, where it is going and how well it needs to be protected.

Once the type of box is decided upon, it needs to be customized. This can be done by using a different color box. Brown boxes are common, but a brightly colored box will stand out and may be more effective. It is very easy to change the color of the box.

In addition to color, adding graphics is another important step. Custom printed shipping boxes are easy to do. Adding graphics can also help a box stand out even further. It is important to choose the right graphics on a box. Important information such as the name and address of the business are a good idea. Adding a logo is another way to build up a brand. Other messages can also help identify what is inside of a box.

Businesses that want to be successful will want to make their products stand out and it often starts with the box they use to ship their products in. Take some time and learn how to take advantage of the box.

A Corrugated Ballot Box is for More Than Elections

Ballot Box with Header

Every four years, Americans head to the polls to vote for a president. Now most of the voting is done electronically, but there was a time when people used to write down their vote on a piece of paper and stuff it into a ballot box. The ballot boxes would be collected and the votes would be counted. It was not always the best and most accurate way to elect the President of the United States, but it worked for many years. Just because presidential elections no longer rely on them, does not mean there is not a place for a corrugated ballot box in today’s world.

The Basics of the Box

Ballot boxes can come in different styles and sizes. It is possible to choose a ballot box that sits on top of a counter or a floor standing ballot box can be used. The box has the sides and bottom of a typical box, but comes with a slot usually on the top of the box that the ballots can be put into.

While the basic structure of the box is not complicated and the only real decisions are whether to choose a countertop box or a floor standing ballot box, the design and the graphics on the box are much more open to variations.

Graphics can explain what is the ballot box is being used for and can provide instructions or information about the company that is using the ballot box. It can include a place to hold paper ballots that can be filled out and a place to hold the pen to fill out the box. The design of the graphics is often the most important part of the ballot box.

How to Use a Ballot Box

Once the design part is done, it is up to the business to decide how to use a corrugated ballot box. The only real limitations are the imagination of the user. Ballot boxes are a great way to get people to fill out contact information that allows a business to send out advertisement mailers to them. The box can be linked to a contest that gives people a chance to win a prize.

The box can also be used to help build a brand for a business through the use of graphics. The more people that take the time to stop and look at the box the better. Ballot boxes may not be used for presidential elections anymore, but they still can help businesses become more successful.

Why Spend Extra on a Custom Setup Box

custom printed box set up box

Businesses are supposed to make money. That is their ultimate goal. To make money, the business needs to bring in more money than they spend. It may sound simple, and in some ways it is. Businesses that struggle either spend more money they should or they do not generate the revenue they need, or they suffer from a combination of both of these things. There are many things that a business can do to generate more revenue, and there are many things that they can do to cut costs. Finding the right balance of these two things is often the key to success.

One of the costs for many businesses is the packaging for their products. Some companies will choose to put their products in a plain and simple cardboard box, and others will choose for more expensive custom setup boxes. It may not make sense to some why a business would spend extra on a special box when controlling costs is so important, but there are plenty of reasons to think about the expense of a custom setup box and what it can do for the business.

  • Display – A plain brown cardboard box says nothing about what is inside. It does nothing to draw a customer’s attention to the product. The custom box is the exact opposite of that. It is designed to display whatever product it is holding and to make the product more appealing. The right packaging of a product is one of the best ways to increase the amount that is sold.
  • Graphics – The ability to easily add graphics to the setup boxes is another advantage that they offer. The graphics can be used to talk about the product or to build product and brand awareness. Adding graphics is another way to catch a person’s eye and to entice them to buy what is inside of the box.
  • Protection – The custom setup box can be designed to fit the product, and any insert that is included can also provide more protection for the product. It means there is less chance of the product being damaged which can cost a company money.

There is no denying that adding a custom box is more expensive and that it will add to the cost of a product. It is also true that a custom box can help the business sell more of its products and can help build the reputation of the business. It is a case where spending a little extra money in one place is a way to increase the revenue of the business and in the end help reach the goal of making more money.

Designing a Custom Printed Display Box

custom countertop shipper displays

Many people look at a cardboard box and do not see much. It is typically brown in color and very plain. It might have a simple message printed on it, such as this end up or fragile, but nothing else. The businesses that leave their cardboard boxes plain are missing out on a great opportunity. It is not hard to create a custom printed display box. The impact of what is printed on a box can help a business or product become more successful.

The key is figuring out what to have printed on the box. It can be an elaborate design that includes graphics and many different colors. It can be a simpler message that is printed in a single color. It is up to the business to decide what they want printed on their box. In order to do that, they have to spend some time designing their cardboard display box.

The Purpose of the Design

When starting the design, it is best to think about the purpose of the design and the box it will be on. If the purpose of the design is to help build brand awareness, the name of the product or business will need to be prominently displayed on the box. A logo may also be a good idea to help build the awareness of the brand.

If the box is to be a custom printed display box, information about the product it holds or the box’s purpose will have to be included. It should be eye-catching so that people take the time to see what is on display in the box. These display boxes will typically benefit from the use of color and images in their design.

Creating the Design

Once the purpose of the box is decided upon, a graphic designer can be used to help bring the design to life. The images, brand names and everything else can be created and developed to fit the needs of the customers. At this stage, it is a good idea to go back to the purpose of the box and make sure that all of the graphics can fulfill the purpose.

When creating the design for a cardboard display box, it is a good idea to think about the costs of the design. While the display boxes are meant to last longer and to do more things than a typical cardboard box, they should not cost more than is needed. The more intricate the graphic design is, the more it will cost to put on a box. Forgetting about this could be a problem that ‘s hard to overcome.

The use of designs on display boxes is a very good idea, but time should be taken to make sure that it is done the right way.

Choices when it Comes to E-Liquid Dividers

custom e liquid vape box dividers

Owners of businesses have to make choices every day. Make the right choices and the business can thrive. Make the wrong choices and the business may be doomed. The one thing that a business cannot do is avoid making the choices. If they do that, they will have the same problem as if they make the wrong choices; they will be destined for failure.

Since making the right choices is important, knowing how to make them is also important. The key to making good choices is information. When a person has the right information, they can make the right choices. In packaging, gathering the right information may not always be as easy as it seems.

Some businesses do not look at the importance of packaging. They may think that a box is a box, and as long as their product fits inside of the box, it is fine. They may be making the wrong choice. Some boxes can have a significant impact on how secure and safe a product is, how well the product is displayed and the marketing ideas for the business. Getting information about things like E-liquid dividers and boxes is one thing that may help a business make the right choice.

These dividers can come in different sizes and shapes. They can be made from various materials. They can be dividers that can be removed from a box separately or they can be a part of the box. They all serve different purposes and can be right for different products.

The most common types are the e-liquid cardboard dividers. Cardboard is an inexpensive packaging material that can be shaped in whatever way is needed. These dividers are typically a cylinder that the e-liquid is placed in. That offers the most protection possible when it is put in a box. The cylinders can be made to be removable from the box, or they can be a part of the box itself.

The box and the cylinder also can offer marketing opportunities. The box with the e-liquid dividers is often perfect for displaying the content. Graphics can be added to the box or to the dividers that promote the product, company brand name or something else. It is an opportunity that should not be missed.

E-liquid cardboard dividers are becoming more popular and widely used because of what they offer. The businesses that stick to the old ways of packaging their products and that do not take the time to learn the advantage of this packaging may be wondering why they are not doing as well as they should.

The Process of Making a Custom Made Box

Custom Folding Carton Flint Tinder

People take boxes for granted. They often think they are just something that is used to hold something else. To most people, a box is just a big piece of cardboard that has been cut a little bit and then taped back up to form a cube. Most people are not aware of all of the steps that go into making a box. If it is a custom made box, there are additional steps.

What Makes a Box Custom Made

Custom boxes are similar to the boxes that people are used to. The difference is that they are made to fit a specific product and come in different sizes. Most boxes come in a standard size and shape, but the custom made box does not have to do this. Many custom made boxes can also include graphics and print that make the box even more special.

How They are Made

A custom box starts with the design. Many times the design of the box will be based on the product that will be put inside of it. The designer of the box will typically use software that allows them to come up with the perfect box. The graphic designer will work on the print that can be added to the box. Once the design is complete, the boxes can then be manufactured.

The manufacturing process starts with the cardboard for the box. There are several types of cardboard that can be used that vary in strength and protection that is offered. After the cardboard is made, it is cut into the size of the box. Additional cuts are made that will allow the box to be folded together.

Once the shape of the box has been made, the graphics can be added on. The graphics can be printed or some other method can be used to apply them to the box. At this point, the manufacturing of the box is often complete. Now the custom boxes are flat and are easy to store until they are needed.

When the box is needed, it will be folded together and the joints will be connected. Tape is the most common way to seal the joints, although glue is also used. The completed box is now ready for the product it is designed for.

In the end, not all boxes are the same. It is not that difficult to a custom made box to fit the needs of a business.

The three Rs of Folding Cardboard Boxes

Folding Cardboard Boxes

When a business makes their product, they usually put it into a cardboard box so it can be shipped to the consumer. Once it has been delivered to the consumer or to the business that will sell the products, the boxes are emptied. That leads many people to wonder what happens to the folding cardboard boxes once they have outlived their initial purpose. The answer is many different things can happen.

Protecting the environment is important to many people in the world. They have come up with the three R’s that they hope will help the environment. Those three R’s are Reuse, repurpose and recycle. One of the great things about folding cardboard boxes is how easily they can do any of these three things.


Reusing cardboard boxes is very common. People will often put the products back into the box for storage or they fill the boxes up with other products. They can be used over and over again because of the durability of the cardboard. Folding corrugated boxes are even stronger than regular boxes and can be reused over and over again. This ability to reuse the boxes means that fewer new boxes have to be made, and there is less waste and less stuff being put into landfills.


Cardboard boxes are also very easy to repurpose. Their size and shape lends them to many different things. From being used to help pack up a house for moving or creating a table in a new home until more furniture is found, the ability to repurpose a cardboard box is only limited by a person’s imaginations. Many parents wonder why they spend so much money on Christmas presents when their kids seem to have so much more fun playing with the boxes their presents came in. Repurposing is something that is learned at a very young age.


One of the great things about any paper product is the ability to recycle it. Once the box has outlived all of its other uses, the cardboard can be ground up and used to make a new box. Most folding corrugated boxes are made out of recycled cardboard boxes. In that way, the box just keeps on living forever.

Cardboard boxes play a vital role for businesses and individuals around the world. Not only do they help businesses get products to people, but they also have many other lives after that. It is time for people to embrace all that these cardboard boxes do for them and the environment.

What Can You Do with a Custom Printed Die Cut Box

Custom Mailer Box

There are many different types of boxes that are being used. The most common boxes are the plain brown cubes that are used in business and in people’s homes. These boxes come in standard sizes and are considered the most economical choice.

When people hear the words custom die cut box, the first thing they may think about is the cost. They may assume that because of the word custom, the price will be much higher. It makes many people wonder what they get for the extra money involved with one of these boxes. If a business or individual choose to get a custom printed die cut box, that question about cost may become a bigger issue. Instead of focusing on the price of these boxes, it may be a better idea to learn what can be done with them.

Better Packaging

While there are standard sized boxes, not all of the things that go into the boxes are a standard sized. Many products are put into boxes that they do not fit that well in. The result is that more protective packaging will have to be used or the product will not be packed in a safe and secure manner. In the end, the boxes that are not the right size can cost additional money either through the expense of additional packaging or the cost of damaged items.

A custom die cut box can be made to the size that is needed to fit the package. It can help keep the product secure and can prevent damage. In addition to the cost savings of the custom box, the box can also display what is put inside much better than a standard box. Custom boxes provide much better packaging opportunities than a standard box does.

Marketing Opportunities

In addition to better packaging, the idea of a custom printed die cut box should be looked at as a marketing opportunity. It provides a business with the chance to advertise their brand or logo. It can provide information about the product that is inside. A standard box provides the customer with no additional information. The more people that can see what is printed on a box, the more it can help a business grow.

Boxes are not only used by businesses. They are also used in homes to store different items. That means the printing on the box will be seen over and over again. The advertising is something that goes on as long as the box lasts.

It is a good idea to look at all that a box can do before making a decision strictly based on the cost of the box.

Using Custom Box Inserts to Protect Products

Custom Foam Insert

When you manufacture and ship a product, you want to be sure that the product reaches its destination in as good a shape as it was in when you placed it in the mail. The postal service—or other package delivery services—can be quite rough on the contents of a box and it is not uncommon for a product to reach its destination damaged or even broken altogether.

Custom Box Inserts-Protection

For this reason we recommend using custom box inserts when you package your product. A custom foam insert will fit your product perfectly and help shield it from the wear and tear of shipping.

You don’t want to have to deal with an angry or dissatisfied customer. Whether it’s your fault or not, when your product reaches its destination in anything less than perfect condition, it reflects poorly on your business. An angry customer will tell his or her friends, and may leave negative feedback on rating sites; this act can damage your business even further.

Even if the customer is not at risk for spreading negative reviews of your business, you surely do not want to deal with the hassle of asking them to return it and/or sending out another piece of product. This costs you time, money—in the form of additional postage and replacement product—and hassle.

It’s much better to adequately pack your product in custom box inserts so you can be certain that nothing happens to it before it reaches your customer. Further, a custom foam insert will fit your product and make your organization appear to be more professional and trustworthy, as opposed to some of your competitors who may just throw something in a box with a few crumpled newspapers and hope for the best.

Custom box inserts are cheap, too. When you consider the cost to your organization of not using a custom foam insert—costs such as the replacement cost of damaged inventory, increased employee time in dealing with elevated numbers of returns, and a loss of goodwill from customers who are not satisfied with your shipping practices—you see that it really does make sense to use our product.

Don’t settle for anything less than the best, and that includes your shipping material too. Other packing materials may not adequately protect your inventory, and may even contribute to its breakage rate. If you want to protect your business, insist on custom box inserts.

Using Chipboard Partitions Saves Time

Box Dividers

If your business manufactures multiple sizes of products, you already know that you cannot ship multiple items in the same box without taking some steps to ensure that the products are kept organized and separate. This is especially true if you are shipping products such as glassware, computer equipment, or ceramic containers, as these products can easily break if they come into contact with each other.

At the same time, it is often not economical to ship multiple boxes to the same customer. If your business followed this practice, you would have to deal with increased shipping costs, a greater chance of something becoming lost or broken, and confused phone calls from customers wondering why only part of their order was delivered.

For this reason, we provide chipboard partitions for use in your shipping boxes. Now you can use the same box to ship multiple items, and because the boxes can be divided by chipboard partitions or corrugated partitions you don’t have to worry about the products hitting up against each other and becoming damaged.

What’s more, the use of corrugated partitions can help your customers to better organize their order and understand what all has been included in the shipment. By using chipboard partitions, you realize the benefit of lower postage, lower breakage rate, and a more satisfied customer base: it’s a win-win-win situation all the way around!

Chipboard partitions are a very cost-effective way of managing your shipment options, too. Rather than pay for the entire cost of a new box, you can simply use an economical chipboard partition or corrugated partition in its place. This has the added benefit of being good for the environment: fewer boxes that you use mean fewer trees cut down to manufacture them, and less waste being shipped to the landfill.

Using corrugated partitions just makes sense for your business. Why pay more for shipping additional boxes? Why increase the chance that products will become lost or broken? Why deal with increased storage needs by using more boxes than you need to? Instead, use chipboard partitions to help manage and protect the products that you are selling, and keep things simple for both your employees as well as the customers they serve.

Finally, corrugated partitions and chipboard partitions are both cheap. Now, for a small fraction of the cost of another box, you can ensure that your product is properly shipped and protected.

Use Fiber Tubes for Shipping Documents

Custom mailing tube

When your business has worked hard to manufacture a product, you don’t want it to be crushed or damaged during shipping. This danger is especially relevant when you are shipping items such as papers, documents, posters, or paintings. These products are too large to fit inside a traditional shipping box, and you run the risk of them being damaged if you use a flat container—such as a large envelope—to ship them.

For this reason, we provide custom designed mailing tubes of all shapes and sizes for use in shipping flat products such as posters and documents. These fiber tubes are durable and rugged, and can stand up to the wear and tear to which they will be exposed as they travel through the mail from your business to your customer.

Further, using custom designed mailing tubes will help you keep costs to the absolute minimum that they have to be: if you use a box large enough to hold the flat product you are shipping, the box will have a significant amount of dead space inside it. This wasted space will require the use of more cardboard for the construction of the box and will cost more to ship than a fiber tube designed for the purpose of shipping flat items.

Fiber tubes are strong enough that you don’t have to worry about them being crushed or bent. Because of their makeup, and especially because of their shape, they tend to transfer the stresses placed on them to the next item in the shipping container rather than absorbing that force—at the risk of being crushed or bent.

Finally, you want your customers to know that you are a savvy business. It would make no sense at all to ship your customers a flat product in a large box, and you can be assured that your customers know this. You don’t want to leave the impression that your business is unprofessional or employs questionable judgment, so make sure that you use custom designed mailing tubes for your flat-product shipping needs.

Our fiber tubes come in a variety of sizes and are all high-quality, so spend some time browsing through our offerings to make sure that you purchase the product that most closely fits your needs. We are here to help, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Why Use Custom Printed Shipping Boxes

custom shipping rsc box

When you run a business, you are always looking for better ways to increase brand recognition. What better way to put the name of your business out there than to use a custom shipping box that has been printed with your company’s name and logo?

By using custom printed shipping boxes, you are able to address two needs at once: first, you need to have something in which you can ship your product, and a custom shipping box is a great way to do that. Second, you want a way to maximize the number of times your customer sees your company’s name. After all, name recognition can continue paying dividends long after the original product has been received and used.

It is not uncommon for a customer to re-use the custom printed shipping boxes you use to send him or her an order. Thus, every time he or she opens your custom shipping box you can be assured that he or she will see your company’s name and think about the great experience he or she had with you.

In addition, it saves you money to use our custom printed shipping boxes. Everyone knows that you pay more when you buy in smaller quantities, and by providing you with the option to purchase your shipping boxes in bulk, we can provide your business with serious savings.

We are here to help you grow your business and make it more successful. This includes helping you save costs on materials such as the price you pay for shipping boxes. It also helps you maximize your advertising revenues—and what better way to get advertising than to use a box you were already going to purchase anyways!

Finally, by using a custom shipping box you distinguish yourself from your competitors—especially the ones who are trying to save a few bucks by re-using other shipping boxes or using plain, unexciting packaging materials. In contrast to the competition, when you use custom printed shipping boxes you are able to convey an image of professionalism and competence to your customers.

You want your customers to be excited when they see your box. Further, you want other people who see the box to see the name of your business. Since you’ve got to ship product to your customers, the best way to do is by using a custom shipping box.

Why Spend the Extra Money on Setup Boxes

Custom setup box paperboard Cereus

In business, controlling expenses is very important. A business will often look for the cheapest way to get things done. Many times this is the right choice. There are times when the cost of something may not be the determining factor in whether a business should use it or not. Packaging and boxes are one of the costs that businesses need to examine carefully.

For some business, the choice for boxes is the cheapest ones they can find. They do not worry about getting the perfect size or the strongest box, they tend to use standard sizes that can be ordered in bulk. Other companies realize that the boxes and packaging do matter and are willing to spend a little bit extra on setup boxes. There are plenty of reasons that this can make sense for a business and could actually save them money.

What are they

The first thing that a business needs to learn is what a custom setup box is. It is a box that is designed for the particular product that it is going to hold. It is often referred to as a rigid box. Some of the most common uses for these types of boxes include:

  • Shoes
  • Business cards
  • Jewelry

There are plenty of different ways that setup boxes can be used. They offer more protection and are a great way to display anything that is inside of them.


The reason to spend extra on these boxes is the advantages that they offer in packaging. There are plenty of things that these boxes do that a standard cardboard box cannot do.

  • They fit the product inside – There is less need for packing material which can actually make the cost of these boxes lower. The product can be better protected, especially when custom foam inserts are put in the boxes.
  • They can be displayed – rather than having to invest in display racks, the boxes can display the product that is inside.
  • Graphics can be added – It is very easy to add graphics to a custom setup box. The graphics can identify what is inside or can be used to build brand recognition.

Since businesses are concerned about the bottom line, they may think that spending extra on these boxes does not make sense. If you add in the extra value that comes from using custom boxes, it becomes clearer that they are saving money in other ways. Whether it is lower costs for display, less cost for damaged product or a cheap way to advertise a product or business, these boxes offer a cost effective alternative.

Recycling of Cardboard Packaging Boxes

packaging boxes eco friendly
There is a lot of talk about how important it is to take steps to protect the environment. One of the catch phrases in America is the three r’s. Not reading, writing and arithmetic, but another three r’s that people are talking about. These “R’s” are reduce, reuse and recycle. These things are designed to keep people from ruining all of the natural resources that the Earth has to give them. Cardboard packaging boxes are an example of how people can work together to help protect the environment.


In order to reduce the amount of cardboard packaging that is used, it is important to learn about the ability to order in small quantities and to have custom sized boxes made. This will help a business use less boxes and less material for the boxes that they do use. Rather than having boxes that have a lot of empty space, a business can have a box that fits the product that will be put in it. Most cardboard packaging companies can handle custom sized boxes and small quantity orders.


Cardboard packaging boxes can be reused in so many ways. They can be used to store stuff, they can be used for shipping, they can be used for moving, they can be used as kid’s toys and so much more. People need to think about how they can use a box before they decide to get rid of it.


Cardboard boxes are the perfect thing for the recycling bin. Instead of sending them to the local landfill to deteriorate over the course of a few years, cardboard is easily recycled so it can be reused. Corrugated cardboard is typically made out of recycled material. Many other boxes are also made from mostly recycled cardboard.

Recycling may not always seem easy. It requires taking old boxes to a special facility that can handle recycled material. It can make communities spend extra money to set up a program to collect recycled material. While it may not always be easy to do, it is something that is worthwhile. Cardboard packaging companies will buy the old boxes and will reuse them to make new boxes. The recycled boxes can be less costly than a box made from new material. It not only makes business sense; it helps protect the environment.

Not everyone is willing to take the time and effort that recycling requires. Both business and individual will find excuses not to recycle and will leave that up to others. Because cardboard is so easy to recycle, it needs to become more common. It is the right thing to do.

Selling Businesses on Custom Display Boxes

Custom Counter Top Shipper Displays
It would seem that the job of selling boxes would not be that difficult. Many think that boxes are all alike. They think they are made out of cardboard, have six sides and are designed to stack on top of each other. If this is the only thing that is thought of when it comes to boxes, someone is not aware of all of the options that are available. It is why it is important that the makers and sellers of boxes educate their customers on the different types of boxes. They need to know how to sell different boxes, including custom display boxes.

What Makes them a Hard Sell

The biggest obstacle in selling display boxes is their cost. Because they are custom designed and because they can come in just about any size and shape, they are often more expensive. They are also not usually made in the large numbers that drives down the costs of other, more common box sizes and shapes. The second obstacle that is faced is convincing businesses of the need for a box that can be used as a display. The businesses may think that they can achieve the same results without having to worry about getting a special box. It is up to the salesperson to convince a business that the custom display boxes are the right choice.

Overcoming the Obstacles

When a business worries about the cost, the sales person can explain that the extra cost of the boxes can be recouped in many ways. The boxes are designed to store easily and will not take up any extra space in storage. The fact that the product inside of the box does not need anything extra to be displayed is another cost saving for the business. In many instances using these boxes can be more cost effective than standard boxes for packaging.

The second obstacle can be overcome as well. The display boxes can be placed on counters where customers are more likely to make impulse buys. They are visually appealing and can provide customer with information that makes them want to buy what is inside. If the boxes are standup boxes, they can create extra shelf space for a business.

The great thing about these boxes is that they do make sense for many products and many businesses. They may cost a little bit extra initially, but because of all they offer and because of what they can do, they may actually be much more cost effective and the right choice for a business.

Make Your Small Business Big with a Custom Printed Mailing Box

Custom Printed Mailing Box

The goal of most small businesses is fairly similar. They hope to one-day grow and become considered a big business. Even the small businesses that do not harbor the dream of growing bigger, still often want to be able to look like the big businesses. Big businesses have a polish to them and they can offer things that others cannot because of their size. A big business can use its purchasing power to do things that look custom, but do not cost as much as what others have to pay. Their ability to purchase and do things in a larger volume is something that small businesses may not think they can match. If small businesses take the time to learn about small quantity mailers, they may find out that they can do things like the big boys.

What are they?

In order to get the lowest prices on boxes, the common thought is that you have to order in bulk. For small businesses that need boxes for shipping, this may not make sense. Spending a lot of money on boxes that they may not use for a long time means typing money up in inventory. It also requires finding the space for the boxes until they are needed. These things do not make sense for a small business.

Instead of buying large quantities of boxes, there is the option of buying small quantity mailers. This means that the business does not have to tie up their money in shipping materials they do not need and they do not have to worry about storing the boxes.

Adding graphics

Another way to look like a larger business is by adding custom graphics to the boxes. In combination with the smaller quantities, the custom printed mailing box gives the small business the opportunity to do something they may not have considered. The graphics can be used to help grow brand awareness or they can provide useful information. Just letting people know where a package is coming from is something that customers appreciate.

A custom printed mailing box will cost more for a small business than a generic, standard mailing box, but it does offer a lot of value. Advertising and professionalism are gained with these products. These can be another tool that helps a small business grow and eventually they may not have to worry about ordering smaller quantities because they will need to order their custom boxes in bulk.

How to Give Cardboard Cartons New Life

Custom Size Regular Slotted Carton Shipping Box
The first time cardboard cartons are used is to hold some type of product. They are used to pack the product for shipping and to store the product until it is ready to be sold. In order to do this, boxes must be big enough to hold the products and they must be strong enough to protect what is inside. These qualities make them great for their initial use, but it also makes them something that can be used over and over again. The key is learning how to use the cardboard boxes in different ways.

Some of the Uses

Regular slotted cardboard boxes are the most common box that is used. These are boxes that can be folded together and that the flaps on the top and the bottom can be sealed closed. The result is an empty cube that has a lot of uses. Here are some of the ways that cardboard boxes can be reused over and over again.

  • Shipping and moving – The most common way to reuse cardboard cartons is for moving, storing and shipping of stuff in the home. They can hold lots of different things and can be sealed closed and stacked when in storage.
  • Signs – Cardboard is a great product for making signs. People holding a garage sale or doing a school project can make the signs they need without spending a lot of money on materials.
  • Gift-wrapping -Boxes can be reused in the same way they were used originally. Putting a gift in a box and wrapping it is always a good idea.
  • Children’s toys – For years’ parents often say the best present they gave their child is the box that the real present came in. Oversized boxes can become clubhouses, sleds, cars and much more. Smaller boxes can be turned into building blocks or something else. The only limitation is the imagination.
  • Pet Beds – Shallow boxes can be turned into pet beds very easily
  • Furniture – When moving into a new home, the regular slotted cardboard boxes that were used for moving can be used again for furniture. Tables, chairs or other furniture can be made from boxes.
  • Eclipse watcher – Many kids have learned in school how to make a pinhole camera to view an eclipse safely from a cardboard box.

These are only a few of the ways to reuse cardboard boxes. In the end the only limit to the number of uses for the old boxes is the creativity of the person that owns the box.

Explaining Custom Die Cut Boxes

Custom Mailer Box
People that are in the business of manufacturing boxes will know what custom die cut boxes are and how they can be used. The problem is that not everyone is in that business and they may not realize what this type of box has to offer them, how it is made and how it can be used. Taking some time to learn about this type of box may help a business that can use them.

What are they

The custom die cut box is a box that is designed to fit the shape of the product that is inside. They are commonly made out of smooth cardboard or paper, although they can also be made with corrugated cardboard. The boxes can be made without any tape and can be stored flat until they are needed. When they are needed, they can be folded into the shape they are designed for.

How they are used

The best thing about these boxes is the number of different ways they can be used. They can be used to show off a product in a much better way that a standard box does. They are often used as gift boxes. Because they are made out of cardboard, they can also be reused over and over again. Because they are custom designed they can be made in any shape or size and out of the material that best fits the product that will be inside.

The businesses that do not choose to use these die cut boxes will give many different reasons. They may say they are not necessary and that a plain old box will do. They may think that the cost of creating and making these boxes is prohibitive. What they do not realize is that the custom made boxes can usually be made in small quantities as well as large quantities. Once the die has been created for the box, it can be used over and over again for future orders. That brings the cost of the boxes down over time.

The other important thing that many people do not realize about a custom die cut box is the ability to add graphics to them. That turns every box that is made into a piece of advertising. Since boxes are reused by consumers, the advertising can go on for a long time. It is a relatively cheap form of advertising for any business.

It is a good idea for a business to learn about the advantages that the custom boxes offer them and to find out how they can use them for their own business.

The Many Uses of Large Shipping Boxes

high quality folding boxes

On Christmas day, children around the world head over to the Christmas tree and start to rip open all of the presents that they see. They look at the presents and smile big when they see them, but before long they are playing with different toys. The toy that ends up being the most popular is the large shipping box that the presents came in. Children use their imagination to get hours of enjoyment out of these boxes, but they are not the only ones that find uses for boxes that have been emptied of the products that came with them.

Heavy duty shipping boxes can have many lives before they finally end up in the recycle plant. Think about all of the different ways that these large boxes can be used.

  • Toys for kids – Kids will find plenty of ways to use larger boxes. They can become a fort or they can turn them into a hiding place. Doors and windows can be cut into the box to turn it into a playhouse. If the box is broken down it can be used as a sled or a wagon. The only limit to how the large shipping boxes are used is the parent and child’s imagination.
  • Storage – One of the things that people have in common is their ability to accumulate stuff. Often, the hardest part of collecting stuff is getting rid of it. That is why people fill up their homes, garages and attics with all of the stuff. They believe they will need it someday. In order to manage all of the stuff, it is best to put it into the large boxes that have been collected. The boxes can be marked with what is inside and are much easier to store.
  • Furniture – Furnishing a home can be expensive. Heavy duty shipping boxes can serve as furniture for a much lower cost. They can work as tables or as clothes storage. They may not be a permanent solution, but they can definitely help out for a while.
  • Moving – The one thing that people need when they move is boxes. They need to pack up everything in their home and often the large shipping boxes are the best option. As long as they are not overloaded and made too heavy, they are a great asset for anyone planning to move.
  • Passing them along – Even if one person does not have a need for a large box, there is someone else that probably does. Giving boxes away to others is one of the best ways to keep using them.

Steps to Creating a Custom Made Box

Custom mailer Marquis

Many businesses are starting to realize the advantage of a custom made box. While some businesses may think that the added expense involved in using custom made boxes is not worth it, there are plenty of others ones that see the value that these boxes offer. In order to learn how to best use the custom made boxes, it is necessary to learn the steps involved in creating them.

Custom Made Box Steps

  • Start with the Product – One of the best things about custom boxes is their ability to properly fit the product they can hold. The boxes can be shaped into many different forms and can be opened or closed in a variety of ways. When the box is the right size and shape for a product it can offer more protections during shipping and storage and it will require less packing materials. That can often end up making the custom box more cost effective.
  • Think about the material – Custom boxes can use different materials to make them. Corrugated cardboard is more difficult to shape, but offers more protection and better durability. Chipboard boxes can easily be transformed into whatever shape is needed, but they do not always offer the strength of other materials.
  • Design the graphics – One of the most important advantages of the custom designed box is the ability to add custom graphics to the box. The graphics can accomplish anything that the business wants. They can help build brand recognition and they can provide information about the product or instructions about how it is to be used. Much of the time creating these boxes I spent designing the graphics for them.
  • Determine the quantity needed – One of the reasons that standard sized boxes are less expensive is because they are made in larger numbers. The ability to manufacture larger numbers can reduce the cost of the box. Some may worry that they will not be able to order a custom box if they do not order a sufficient quantity. They may worry that they will have to invest too much money in the inventory of boxes because they have to order a minimum amount. What they may not realize is that many manufacturers offer small quantity custom made boxes. This allows businesses to figure out what they need and not order more.

Custom Made Box for your Business

A custom made box may not be for every business, but it is something that is worth looking at. It may surprise many businesses to find out how effective they can be and that in the long run they may end up helping make more money for the business.

A Corrugated Ballot Box is Not Just for Elections

custom ballot box Red Robin

Before the days of hanging chads and electronic voting booths, the most common way to vote in an election was by placing a folded up piece of paper into a ballot box. Once the election was over, someone would remove the ballots from the box and count them. This method was not always the most secure or accurate. Stuffing ballot boxes and rigged elections happened more than anyone wanted to admit and because of that, the ballot boxes fell out of use.

Although the ballot boxes may not be used in politics, that does not mean there is not a place for a corrugated ballot box in the world today. In fact, there are plenty of ways that a business can make effective use of this tool.

Ballot Boxes as a Marketing Tool

A ballot box can be a great marketing tool when it is used right. Ballot boxes can come in different sizes and configurations. A floor standing ballot box or a counter ballot box are just two of the ways that the boxes can be used. The choice depends on why the ballot box is being used and where it can be used in the business.

When it comes to marketing, the corrugated ballot box offers a few options.

  • Creating mailing lists – One of the most common uses of the ballot box is collecting information that can be used to create a mailing box. The person filling out the ballot may think they are entering a contest, but what they are really doing is providing a business with information that can be used to contact them with other marketing information.
  • Graphics – Ballot boxes provide an opportunity for a business to add custom graphics that can send whatever message a business wants. Graphics need to attract a customer’s eyes so that they take the time to read any information that is on the box.
  • Getting customers to stop – When customers see a ballot box, they often stop to look at them. Not only will they see the ballot box, they will also notice anything that is around the ballot box. This works with a floor standing ballot box or any other type of ballot box.

Like any other marketing tool, the ballot box needs to be used the right way. It has to be put in the right place, has to have graphics that catch the eye and needs to be kept up. When a business does all of these things, they will find out a ballot box still has some uses in today’s world.

What Can a Custom Box Manufacturer Offer

Custom Suitcase Boxes

If you add the word custom to anything, it is easy to assume that also means more expensive. If something is custom, it is designed for a special purpose and because of that it may cost extra to make. Businesses depend on boxes for many things. They use them to store products and to ship products. A business may wonder if a custom box is something they should consider. It is a good idea to talk to a custom box maker to find out about the costs and what a custom box can offer to a business.

Products are Not Always a Standard Size

When a person wants a box for their product, they may look at what are some standard sizes for boxes. These are boxes that are mass produced and because of that, may be sold at a lower price. The question a business needs to ask is how their product or products will fit inside of a standard size box. If the box is too large, it will require additional packing material to keep everything inside of it safe. If the box is too small, the products may have to be forced inside to fit. Either way, the standard size box may end up costing more because of the extra material or possible damage to the product. A custom box manufacturer can create boxes that fit the products inside of it properly to make sure they are protected during shipment and storage and do not require a lot of extra material inside of them.

Do Not Underestimate the Power of Graphics

A plain cardboard box does not say much. It may have the address of the person that it is being shipped to and it may contain information about what is inside, but it does not do much more than that. A custom box maker is able to add graphics that turn the box from something very plain into a powerful marketing tool for a business. The graphics can be used to provide more information about a product or they can be used to help a business build its brand and make its logo more recognizable. Because people reuse boxes and keep them for a long time, that message can be seen by many different people. For a relatively small cost a custom box manufacturer can create a powerful marketing tool for a business.

Instead of ignoring the positives of the custom box and claiming they are too expensive, it may be worth looking at the benefits and the things they can do for a business at a low cost.

The Benefits of a Custom Shipping Box

custom shipping RSC

Running a business is expensive, so many small business owners are constantly on the lookout for ways to save some money. Unfortunately, this could lead them to choosing cheap and ineffective shipping and packaging options, which in the long run could end up costing even more money when items are damaged during transport. When it comes to shipping, you should never compromise quality, and there are a variety of great benefits to choosing high-quality custom printed shipping boxes over some lesser competitors.

You’ll Save Money

One of the most important reasons to choose high-quality shipping and packaging items is the cost savings that you’ll enjoy. While it’s true that items of a higher quality are often more expensive, you’ll end up saving money. A good box and packaging will be able to adequately protect and preserve your product. Buying a less expensive product might save you money up front, but your items are more likely to be damaged, and additional costs may include product loss, repeat shipping, and possible attorney fees due to lawsuits.

Easy to Store

When you choose poor grade packaging and shipping materials, storing them could be a problem. These boxes are liable to collapse if you attempt to stack them, so your items will take up a lot more space than necessary. High-quality boxes allow for better pallet and shelf stacking while minimizing space and making your shipments easier to handle.

Preserve Your Product

When using a high-quality shipping box, you’ll reduce the risk that your product arrives at its final destination in a state of disrepair. A vast majority of damage can be reduced when items are packaged properly. Quality boxes will reduce distress on the product and the other packaging materials, decreasing indentations, punctures, and other damage.

Easier Transportation

A high-quality custom shipping box will be much easier to transport than other options. More efficient stacking comes with drastically reduced transportation costs. Your items will also be better protected from the elements while being transported from one location to another, and they won’t be affected by dramatic temperature changes that often occur when moving items from a cool warehouse to a hot truck. High-quality custom shipping boxes are also able to withstand environmental issues like mildew, mold, and other airborne particles.

There are a variety of tips and tricks to use to save your business money, but skimping on quality when it comes to your shipping supplies shouldn’t be one of them.

RSC Boxes Benefit Shipping and Retail

high quality folding boxes
When running a business, you have a lot of options to choose from when it comes to packaging your products. Wouldn’t it be convenient if you could just find one box that you could use for both your retail and shipping activities? Well, that is entirely possible with RSC boxes. By choosing one type of box, you may be able to meet a majority of your business packing needs.

What Are RSC Boxes?

Regular slotted cartons, or RSC boxes, are one of the most common styles of boxes. This box is useful for shipping and storage and also holds its own when it comes to retail packaging. This cardboard box features two outer flaps that fold inward and meet at the center, and they can easily be sealed with tape. Theses boxes are highly efficient and provide minimal waste – a plus for any business that is trying to reduce its environmental impact.

How Are RSC Boxes Used in Retail Displays?

RSC boxes are a great option for creating retail displays and promotional materials because they are flexible, lightweight, and durable. If you find an RSC box manufacturer with which you are comfortable, you can have these boxes manufactured to meet any size or shape that you need, and you can also have them customized with labels or imaging that can market your brand. Whether you are looking for a small display for your retail store countertop or need a larger RSC box to sell one of your bigger items in, RSC boxes will be able to meet your exact needs.

How Are RSC Boxes Used in Packaging and Shipping?

Traditionally, RSC boxes have been most well-known for their use at packaging and shipping goods across the country. These corrugated boxes will provide great protection from damage, and since they have great load-bearing properties, you can stack several on top of each other during shipment. RSC boxes are great at packaging and shipping small and delicate items, but they are strong enough to carry a piece of heavy equipment that you need to ship to a customer in another state. Simply talk to your RSC box manufacturer about your exact needs, and boxes can be created to meet your specifications.

If you are tired of investing in different types of boxes for your many business activities, RSC boxes may be the way to go. These popular and efficient boxes can be used to meet almost all of your packing needs.

Design for Your Cardboard Display Boxes

display music for kids

Do you have a new product that you are ready to set up in a retail store? If so, you’ll need an eye-catching strategy to draw attention to it and make it stand apart from the competition. Cardboard display boxes may be just the solution that you are looking for, as long as they have the right design. Keep these tips in mind when choosing a design for your upcoming display.

Ensure Text and Labels Are Easy to Read

Any text or labels that you include on your display boxes need to be readable and legible. This will likely be the first experience that your customer has with this product, so they’ll want to fully understand what it is before they make a purchase. While a fancy script might look nice, it might not be the easiest thing for everyone to read, so spend some time considering the font size and style that will work best for your display.

Use Images Wisely

Effective packaging designs often include images, and the same can be said about display boxes. The picture that you choose should capture the attention of customers, and whether you are choosing a picture of the actual product, a cartoon character, or any other image, you should be sure that the resolution is high to provide a crisp picture.

Improved Convenience

A good custom printed display box will be convenient for both your customers and the retail location. These boxes will help to keep your item organized and in one place, which is especially beneficial for small items. Make sure that your display box is able to effectively hold your items to keep them in order while also displaying them adequately.

Be Creative – To an Extent

If your cardboard display looks the same as every other display in a store, chances are slim that you will get the attention that you are looking for. In fact, the same thing is true with your actual product packaging. It is important that you use your creativity to come up with a design that is special and unique. However, you’ll want to make sure that you don’t go overboard with your creativity – an item that is difficult to open or confusing to your customers isn’t likely to be purchased.

A cardboard display box can be extremely beneficial to marketing your new product. By considering the design scheme wisely, you can get the most out of this advertising and organizational tool.

Custom Box Inserts and Branded Packaging

specialty setup box Xbox

A branded packaging experience involves carefully selecting shipping and packaging materials that will provide the best presentation for your product. From custom box inserts to the actual box your product is sold in, these elements all add value for your customers as well as your business, as you’ll be able to create a memorable purchasing experience.

Custom Box Inserts Play a Big Role in Branded Packaging

A custom box insert will wrap around your product to keep it safe during transport and before it is sold, protecting it from damage. Even though the insert takes up a vast majority of the inside space of a package, many companies fail to consider that it can be a vital part of the branding experience. Regardless of whether you use cardboard or custom foam inserts, never pass up the chance to make an impression on your customers. Choose a color that will match the rest of your packaging, or place your logo or seal on the insert in order to make it stand out.

Other Ways to Offer a Branded Packaging Experience

When it comes to offering a complete, branded packaging experience, a custom foam insert won’t be enough to do the job. There are many other components that you’ll want to consider:

  • Shipping boxes. If your products are being shipped in a sturdy, brown box, you’ll be sending the message that you simply want to get the job done. Your shipping box is a great opportunity to wow your audience, so you’ll have to weigh the cost and visual aesthetics wisely when choosing your boxes.
  • Tissue. Many products are wrapped in tissue paper, creating an extra element of excitement, mystery, and surprise to your customers on the receiving end. You can brand tissue paper by choosing a certain color or investing in a custom printed option.
  • Promo materials. Many businesses stick some promotional materials into their packaging in order to encourage customers to shop with them again. If you want to get the most out of this method, personalize the promo materials so that you are sending something that will likely be of interest to each individual customer.
  • Samples. Once you know a little more about your customers, consider adding a sample to your packaging in order to introduce them to new products.

Is your packaging doing enough to adequately represent and market your business? If not, you need to be taking some steps to create a high-quality branded packaging experience.

Convey Luxury with Custom Setup Boxes

Custom Setup Boxes

When purchasing a luxury item, the packaging and design of your product will play a crucial role in the experience. After all, you wouldn’t want to buy an expensive watch as a gift and then have the sales rep package it in a plastic grocery bag. Creating a package that conveys luxury will reinforce your brand, add value, and boost customer loyalty, so if you are interested in luxury packaging of your custom setup boxes, consider the following tips.

Add Some Special Touches

Take some time to consider the special finishes on your product before it hits the shelves or you start sending it out to customers. Embossing is one option, and hot foil stamping can also add some appeal to your packaging. You might also want to consider adding a letterpress seal to your packaging in order to provide a sense of luxury and charm. In fact, if you use the seal on all of your product packaging, it can become synonymous and recognized with your brand.

Appeal to the Senses

The sensory qualities of your packaging can also help to portray luxury. Consumers may respond well to the texture and touch of your packaging choice, creating a special connection to your brand. Even the way that your package sounds when it is being opened can be a sensory experience. Ensure that your packaging design is appealing to all of the senses rather than just being attractive to look at.

Choose the Right Color

When trying to convey luxury with your packaging, muted colors tend to be better options than bright, bold colors. While a bright yellow package might get your product noticed, it’s not likely to send the right message to your customers and convey luxury. Colors that are a little more subdued are generally better options for this type of packaging.

Consider Shelf Appeal

If your product is going to be sold in retail locations, you’ll want it to stand apart from the competition when seated on the shelves. Therefore, you’ll need to do something that gives the package the appearance of being “premium quality.” Choosing artisanal materials and matte finishes for packaging your setup boxes can be extremely helpful in providing the appeal of a high-class product.

Are your custom setup boxes portraying the luxury and quality of your brand and product? Make sure that you are investing in the right packaging qualities and materials to enhance the appeal of your luxury item.

How is a Custom Built Box Made

Custom Suitcase Box NuBest
The design of most boxes is relatively straightforward. It takes a piece of cardboard that is cut in such a way that it creates six sides that can be folded together into a box shape. The size of the box can vary, and it can be made of different materials, but the basic cardboard boxes are very similar. A basic cardboard box is not the only type of box that can be found. It is also possible to find a custom built box as well.

Why Turn To A Custom Box

The first question some businesses may ask is why they should turn to custom boxes. They may think that any box will be able to handle their packaging and shipping needs. This is not an entirely wrong assumption, but it does not take into account what a custom made box offers.

The custom box is able to fit the product that it holds better, plain and simple. It is the right size, shape and design to protect the contents and to display the contents once they arrive at their destination. It is also possible to add custom printing to the boxes. This can be an excellent and low-cost marketing tool for the business. Once a company can see the advantages of a custom built box, they may want to find out what the process is for getting them.

The process

The process of designing the boxes takes several steps.

  • The contents – The contents the box is going to hold plays a large role in the design. It can help decide what type of box will be needed. These can range from ballot boxes to display boxes to suitcase boxes. It is important to choose the right type of box to fit the product.
  • The size – Determining the size is the next step. It will depend on what the box is supposed to hold and how much it should hold. It also depends on where the box will be stored or displayed.
  • The design – It is fairly common for custom boxes to include a custom printed design on it as well. Coming up with the design depends on what the purpose of the box is.
  • The quantity – While it is true that the more boxes a business orders, the lower the price will get that does not mean that a business cannot find affordable smaller quantity boxes. This will allow them to purchase only what they need and not have to store extra boxes.

Business large and small can benefit what the boxes that are custom made can offer them.

What Happens to Folding Cardboard Boxes

custom shipping RSC

Every day, millions of boxes are being shipped around the world. The boxes come in all shapes and sizes. Some are just plain brown boxes, while others include lots of custom printing. With the growth of online shopping, the number of boxes being shipped has grown rapidly.

When it comes to boxes, one material is often used. Cardboard is the most popular material for making boxes. Folding cardboard boxes are sturdy enough to carry what is inside and easy to store when not in use. Their ability to fold flat makes it easy to keep them on hand without wasting space. The cost of cardboard makes this a very cost efficient method of packaging. Businesses turn to two types of cardboard. There is the plain cardboard that is just a strong paper material, and there is folding corrugated boxes that offer greater strength.

While businesses use boxes to ship their products in, that is not the end of the life for the boxes. They have a lot more to give to anyone that gets their hand on it. Cardboard boxes have many uses after they are sent out the first time.

  • Storage – Everyone’s home is full of folding cardboard boxes that have been filled with stuff and stored in a basement, attic or garage. The boxes are easy to stack and can hold things that are not needed at the time.
  • Toys – Many parents realize the favorite present a child receives is not what is inside the box, but the box itself. It can turn into so many things when a child’s imagination is involved.
  • Signs – Cardboard boxes can be cut up and can be written on by anyone that needs a sign. It is a cheap and quick way to create a sign for a yard sale or any other use.

These are only some of the ways that people use cardboard boxes in their home. Whether it is a regular cardboard box or folding corrugated boxes, they tend to be used over and over again. Even when the box is no longer needed, it is not through being useful. Cardboard is recyclable. When new boxes are made, they often use recycled cardboard that comes from the old boxes. This helps protect the environment and lowers the cost of producing boxes. In that way, a cardboard box goes on forever and ever. It is truly a product that keeps on giving.


Ways to Use a Custom Die Cut Box

Custom mailer Berocca

Most people are familiar with a custom die cut box. They have been used to hold entries for contests and as a way to display items. While most people are familiar with them, not all businesses are using them as well as they should. It is always a good idea to learn the different ways to use these types of boxes.

Custom Die Cut Boxes Variety

  • Ballot Boxes – These boxes include a slip in the top. They are a perfect way to allow people to slip a ballot into them for a contest or special promotion. A business can use these boxes to collect information about customers and to create an excellent mailing list that they can use to market their business.
  • Display boxes – The boxes can be cut, so they act as a storage container for the products that they hold. When a box includes custom printing on it, it allows the business to tell people more about what is inside the box. These boxes are perfect for POP displays.
  • Mailers – Custom printed mailer boxes are the perfect way to ship products. The boxes can be opened and reclosed easily. The ability to add whatever printed material one desires on the box makes them a great marketing tool and a terrific way to build brand awareness.
  • Cut out wraps – This type of box is perfect for shipping products. It is easy to open and can hold many different products from books to electronics. One of the great advantages of these boxes is their ease of storage. They do not take much room and can be quickly put together around whatever needs to be shipped.
  • Suitcase boxes – These boxes provide the user with a handle and are often reused after the person has received the product inside. That makes it a marketing tool that last a long time when there is a custom design printed on the box.

Many small businesses may steer away from a custom die cut box because they are afraid it will cost them too much or that it will be more difficult to use. These issues are very easy to overcome, and once a business starts using the custom boxes, they will realize how powerful a tool they can become. People remember the packaging they receive things in. That can help turn them into regular customers and can help build the brand of a business up. All of these things are crucial to the success of any business.

Custom Printed Mailing Boxes and Small Businesses

Die cut mailer cookie in the crate

Big businesses love to put their name on any mailing box that they have. It makes sense to do this. When a person sees the name of a company on the box, it helps build brand recognition. Building a brand is always a goal of the marketing teams of the big businesses. Small businesses may think that they cannot create the custom printed mailing boxes that large businesses use. They often stick with a generic brown box that does nothing to help them market their business.

Custom Printed Mailing Boxes for your Small Business

Before a small business gives up on the idea of using custom printed mailing boxes they need to understand how they can help.

  • Recognition – The people that receive the box are not the only ones that see it. Many other people will see the name on the box. The building a brand name is one of the best ways that these boxes are used.
  • Professionalism – Using a printed box looks more professional. It will make a company seem bigger than it may actually be. This can help build trust with customers.
  • Information – The information on the boxes can help the consumer understand what is inside and any other information that needs to be included on the packages.

These are some of the reasons that the custom printed boxes are popular with big businesses. Small businesses think they cannot use these mailing boxes because of the cost. They assume that in order to get these types of boxes, you have to order more boxes than a small business can use. They do not realize that it is possible to get small quantity mailers made if they look.

These mailers may cost a little more in small batches than when ordering a large quantity, but that does not mean they are not affordable. It makes it possible for a business to get smaller quantities of different size boxes. It resolves the issues of tying up too much money in the boxes or having to deal with the storage of the boxes until they are needed. The small quantity mailers can still have the custom printed design and can offer the small business all of the advantages that larger companies have been using for so long.

Small businesses need to figure out exactly what they need and how often they will reorder the boxes. This information can help them get the items they need at a price that is affordable. The result is a small business that looks bigger, and that can utilize a very effective marketing tool.

How to Use Chipboard Dividers

Wine Box Insert Divider
There are many different reasons that businesses are using chipboard dividers. When they are used in boxes for shipping products, they help separate the items in the box. They can protect the item from damage during shipping and storage. The use of dividers in boxes is not new, but the ones made of chipboard offer advantages that make them a better choice.

  • Recycled material – Chipboard partitions are made from recycled material and are better for the planet.
  • Fire protection – These dividers offer more protection from fire and heat than other partitions.
  • Cost – The use of recycled material means the cost to make these dividers is less.
  • More items in one box – The use of partitions allows the packer to put more items safely in a box. This can help with the costs of shipping and packaging.

These are all reasons why the business that is shipping things should consider using chipboard dividers. They are a very effective product for both big and small companies. While it is good to think about how a company can use these dividers, it may also be smart to think about how the consumer is using them as well.

Different uses

People can use the chipboard partitions in many different ways, aside from separating products in the box. They can be utilized in the home for a variety of different purposes as well. All that is required is a little imagination and a little work.

  • Suitcase dividers – Travelers usually end up with a suitcase that is full of a pile of clothes and other junk. It becomes difficult to find anything, and it is hard to tell what is clean from what is dirty. A chipboard divider can be used in a suitcase to keep things separated and accessible.
  • Drawer dividers – A junk drawer is a common thing to find in a home. When a divider is placed in the junk drawer, it becomes less cluttered and less junky.
  • On the wall – Using a divider on the wall can provide a person with a place to display knick- knacks.
  • Lunch box separators – Kids often do not like their food to touch. Keep everything separate by fitting a divider in their lunchbox.

The only limit to the ways that these dividers can be used is the imagination. If one of the advantages of a divider made of chipboard is that it comes from recycled material, then finding ways to reuse the dividers makes them even more environmentally friendly.

What Custom Designed Mailing Tubes are Good For

Custom mailing tube

They are taking up room in many businesses and in many people’s homes and it leads people to wonder what custom designed mailing tubes are good for. Unlike other cardboard boxes that fold flat and are easy to store, mailing tubes are not as easy to store. Their round shape means that require more space and they can easily roll away if they are not stored properly. Despite this, many businesses have figured out what the advantages of this type of packaging is and they continue to use it.

The Advantages

It will surprise people to find out that custom tubes offer many advantages. From the materials used to making the tubes, to the size of the tube to the ability to include graphics on the tube, there are many things that these packaging materials offer.

  • Materials – The materials used for the mailing tubes can vary. While most tubes are made of cardboard, they can also include other materials such as metal to increase the amount of protection that they offer.
  • The Size – Custom designed mailing tubes can come in many different sizes. The length of the tube, the diameter of the tube, the size of the end cap and many other parts of the tube can be custom fit to the product that is being held inside. The result is a product that is delivered without any damage.
  • The Graphics – Adding graphics to the tubes are easy when they are custom designed. Different colors, logos, and printed information can all be added to the tube to enhance the marketing of the product inside.

Choosing the Right Tubes

While many people imagine that all mailing tubes are the same, it does not take long to realize they are mistaken. Custom tubes come in different shapes, sizes and colors. They can have an open end or a close end. They can be crimped, they can be telescopic. They can be a rectangular or triangular tube. It is possible to have the custom tube that fits whatever is supposed to be inside.

Mailing tubes may not be right for all products. But when you are trying to send posters that can be rolled up or something that is long and thin like a fishing rod, the mailing tubes are a much better choice. As long as a person or business can overcome the few shortcomings of the tubes and learn about the advantages, they will soon find out how valuable a shipping tool these tubes are.

The Importance of a Good Box Insert

specialty setup box Xbox

Many online businesses that ship products to their customers make a big mistake because they do not bother with finding a good box insert. It is happening every day. People order something from an online website. They wait anxiously for it to arrive. When it does arrive, people look at the box and begin to open it. When they open up the product inside, they realize that it is broken. This leads to a lot of headaches for different people.

The person that received the damaged product expects to get what they paid for and they contact the company they bought the product from. That company may try to blame the shopper and try to make them pay for it. Regardless of how it works out in the end, someone is out money, whether it is the customer, the shipper or the seller. All of this can often be avoided if a good box insert had been used in the first place.

What does the Insert Do?

Most boxes that are used to ship products are bigger than the product themselves. That means the shipper has to include some type of material to keep the items inside the box from shifting around during the shipping process. If a product is not very fragile and is not likely to be broken if it is shaken around, the type of packaging material does not have to be very protective. The more fragile a product is, the more important the packaging material becomes.

An insert is designed to fit around a product. If foam inserts are used, it can actually conform to the shape of the product. That gives the product even more protection. The product is held securely in place to prevent it from moving around. The insert protects the product from being struck by anything during the shipping. The result of the use of inserts is products that are delivered without any damage and no money is lost by anyone involved.

Businesses that are shipping products need to decide when it makes sense to use foam inserts or any other inserts in their boxes. The answer is often based on the cost of the inserts versus the likelihood that the product can be damaged during shipping. That cost has to include the value of a happy customer that receives a product that is undamaged. While it is not always easy to figure out when to use these in a business, it is often smart for online businesses to err on the side of caution.

Using Regular Slotted Cardboard Boxes

Online businesses may realize they need to use regular slotted cardboard boxes. They need the boxes because they are shipping products to their customers. The problem for many online businesses is that they think of the boxes as an afterthought. They do not realize how important they can be to the success or failure of their business. If they would take some time to learn the best ways to use these boxes, they could find it easier to succeed.

Why are the Boxes Important?

Some online businesses will think that a box is a box. They will figure that if they can shove their products into a box, and slap a shipping label on it, their job is done. The reality is that they may end up losing more money doing business this way than they think. There are a few reasons that this can happen.

  • Proper fit – It is not good enough to choose any box for shipping products. If the box is too big, it will require more packaging material and that will add to the cost for the business. If the box is too small, it may not end up with enough packaging materials and the product may become damaged during shipping. This will cost the business to replace the damaged or broken products. By turning to custom RSC cartons, it is possible to get boxes that fit the products being shipped.
  • Wasted time – The faster that a product can be packaged and the easier it is to prepare for shipping, the less money is spent on the labor of the business. Regular slotted cardboard boxes are easy to construct, fill, seal and ship and that means less wasted time.

Using the Boxes

The ease of use of the RSC cartons is one of the benefits that online businesses will appreciate. Some of the things that make them easy to use include:

  • Storage – Until the boxes are needed, they can be flattened and stacked for storage.
  • Closing – When the box is needed, the flaps of the box can be easily closed and sealed. When the box is filled, the top flaps are closed and sealed easily.
  • Labeling – The boxes can either use preprinted labels for shipping or they can include custom graphics and print that can help advertise the business that is shipping the products. It represents a great opportunity for many businesses to create brand awareness.

How to Use a Custom Printed Display Box

custom counter top display boxes
Businesses that use a custom printed display box often miss out on many opportunities because they do not use them properly. The boxes offer an opportunity for a business to increase the amount of things they sell and they offer a product the opportunity to attract new customers. This only happens if both the business selling the product and the business that makes the product use the boxes the right way.

What the Maker of the Product Needs to Do

Before the custom display boxes reach the store, it has to be designed to hold the product. There are several elements that have to be considered when designing one of these boxes.

  • The size – The size of display boxes can vary widely. It depends on the size of the product and how much of the product is go be displayed. Storage of the boxes should also be considered. If the boxes are too large, a business may not want to use them. If they are too small, they may not be able to get the return on investment that they should.
  • The style – There are generally two styles of display boxes to choose from. Shelf display boxes and standalone displays are the most common. The display needs to fit both the product and the business they will be used in.
  • The graphics – The reason that display boxes are used is to attract the attention of the customer. The graphics on a custom printed display box plays a large role in this. Designing graphics that sell the product and that let people know what the product is, takes a lot of work and needs to be done right.

What the Business Needs to Do

No matter how great a display box is, if the business that is supposed to display it does not do their job, it will not work. The business also needs to make sure they take care of certain things.

  • Placement – Custom display boxes need to be placed where customers can see them. If they are standalone displays, they should not be placed in a corner of the store. Shelf display boxes are often best used near a register where the customer is more likely to make an impulse buy.
  • Upkeep – The business needs to make sure that the display boxes are stocked and that they do not get damaged, if the display boxes are used outside, damage from weather needs to be taken care of. A display box that looks like it is in bad shape can do more harm than good.

When both parties work together to use display boxes the right way, they both can be successful.

Getting Small Quantity Shipping Boxes Makes Business Sense

custom shipping RSC
If a small business is shipping products, they may want to learn why small quantity shipping boxes makes sense. Running a successful online business that ships products to their customers takes many different things. It requires having the right products that people want, it requires getting people to the website to buy the products and it requires getting the products to the customers that buy them. While many businesses succeed at the first two parts, they fail when it comes to getting the products to the customer. That is often because they overlook the most basic part of shipping anything. They forget about the package that they are putting the product in.

A Box is More than a Box

The box that people put their items in is much more than a piece of cardboard that is folded in some way to turn into a box. It is something that is supposed to be a cost effective way to package the products. It is something that is supposed to protect the product from damage during shipping. It is also something that can be reused by the customer after they receive their products. For these reasons, it is a good idea to turn to custom shipping boxes.

Custom shipping boxes are the right size and shape for the product they are holding. They use the right material to protect the contents of the material. They can also include custom graphics that relay important messages or that advertise the business that is sending the products out. They are almost as important as the products that are placed into them. Despite this, many businesses think that using these custom boxes is not practical for them.

Overcoming the Obstacle

The problem that many smaller businesses will claim when it comes to custom boxes is the cost. They think that they have to order more boxes than they can use in a reasonable amount of time. They worry about dealing with storage of the boxes until they are needed and they worry that the boxes will become damaged over time. The solution to this is to turn to small quantity shipping boxes.

Instead of getting large quantities that are more than a business needs, it is possible to get smaller quantities that represent what the business needs for a shorter period of time. This resolves the issues of storage and damage. It is a solution that businesses need to learn about and take advantage of.

Use Custom Boxes to Promote Your Product

Custom mailer Marquis

Are you considering sending out free samples to potential customers or former clients in order to promote a new product? This is a great way to get your new items noticed, and sending out your samples in a custom made box can help you to get the most out of this marketing strategy. Find out why you should be using custom boxes to send out your free samples and to improve your business.

Why You Should Send Out Free Samples?

Sending out samples, especially when the goods are branded with your name or logo, is a great way to market yourself to a wider audience. Many companies use this method in order to deliver samples as well as other items like custom mugs, stationary, or T-shirts. There are a variety of potential benefits to sending out free samples:

  • Builds brand recognition
  • Drives traffic to your website or physical location
  • Gains interest in your products, services, or goods
  • Requires no risk or investment from the consumer
  • Builds immediate awareness of your service or product

Why Custom Boxes Are Best for Sending Out Your Free Samples

Custom boxes are a great way to send out your free samples to new and past customers, as there are a variety of benefits to choosing this packaging method:

  • Differentiation. Your customers will be impressed by receiving a free sample in a custom made box with your logo or high-end customized print on it. A standard brown box from UPS isn’t likely to achieve the same, positive effect.
  • Brand reinforcement. Each time that a potential customer opens a box that arrives in a custom made box, they will be greeted with your logo, an image, or other graphic that reinforces your brand. This will make them more likely to associate your product and generosity with your brand name.
  • Promoting your environmental awareness. By choosing custom boxes that are made out of recyclable materials, you can give yourself the opportunity to brag about the fact that your company is green. Many customers are now looking to do business with organizations that are environmentally conscious and aware.
  • Provides for easy ordering. If you are hoping that your free sample will encourage your clients to place more orders, you can provide instructions, your web address, QR codes, and any other information that you want within your custom boxes to help them find their way back to your company.

Custom boxes are a great solution for sending out any of your products, including free samples. By taking the time to create a unique packing solution and to send out free samples, you’ll be sure to get your business noticed.

Use a Cardboard Display Box to Present Your Product

Custom Counter-Top Display Boxes

Finding a great cardboard display box is important for getting your products noticed while keeping them organized, especially when arranging small displays on a counter or tabletop. These displays can be extremely beneficial to your overall marketing strategy. Find out how to get the most out of your corrugated display boxes when organizing your products.

Create a Great First Impression

A retail display for your corrugated display boxes can draw the interest and attention of potential buyers who may have otherwise walked past your display. To get the best first impression, try to place your displays at the front of the store near the entrance. You should also consider taking your product out of its original packaging so that customers can get the best possible look at it. Depending on the cost of your item, you may want to have an attendant manning your cardboard display box in order to ensure that your products stay safe.

Use Your Corrugated Display Boxes to Create a Break

If you have your own retail store, corrugated display boxes can be a great way to provide a break for your customer in long aisles of products. By placing an attention-grabbing or striking cardboard display box within the middle of an aisle, you can provide a visual break while reminding your customers about the product and a potential special offer that they could have seen earlier in their shopping experience.

Choose a U-Shaped Display

Many business owners have learned the importance of choosing a U-shaped design when creating a product display. Think about it – a simple table is easy to walk by, and your customers may barely look at your products before moving on. A display that is U-shaped will hold your customers for a longer period of time, as people tend to respond to this design by subconsciously moving into the circle. A U-shaped partial wall for your display could be a great option to gain more attention.

Lead Your Customers

Your displays should also be used to lead your customers somewhere. This could be in the aisle where the products are actually displayed, or it could be to an attendant that is prepared to interact with the products to show customers how they work.

The fact that you are attempting to find a creative way to present your product to your customers says a lot about your business. A cardboard display box is a great method for presenting your product in a unique way, and you’ll be sure to get your items noticed.

Reasons You Should Be Using Die Cut Boxes for Shipping

Custom Mailer Box
Are you considering an investment in die cut boxes in order to ship out your specialty items? This is a great decision, as this packaging and shipping option can provide your business with numerous great benefits. Find out why you should be considering die cut containers to meet your business needs and to improve your shipping process.

Die Cut Boxes Are Affordable

Die cut boxes are extremely affordable when compared to other packaging and shipping solutions. Other cutting methods require the use of multiple machines and tools, but die cutting is affordable because only one machine or tool is needed in order to create the boxes. Creating a custom package will also reduce the amount of packing materials that you need to ship, which can lead to reduced delivery costs.

Greater Uniformity within Packaging

Die cut containers can provide uniformity within your shipping materials, helping your business to stand out and look professional. The die cutting process will create numerous identical forms. The end result will be as many boxes as you need that are all of the same size and shape, adding credibility to your business.

You’ll Get Added Protection

Custom die cut boxes are a great way to give your valuable or fragile products added protection. Choosing customized packaging materials can keep food items fresh, and they can also provide a waterproof barrier that could keep your items safe in the event that they contact water or spills throughout transit. Custom packaging containers can also reduce the risk of your items breaking or suffering damage.

Custom Packaging Will Increase Visibility

Custom die cut boxes can have your marketing slogans and logo printed along the side, so potential customers within the delivery and distribution process will be able to view your message. By creating a memorable packaging solution to ship your products, your company will become more visible without needing to put a lot more money into your advertising budget.

Die Cut Boxes Produce Less Waste

The die cutting process will leave behind less waste materials than other methods of creating customized boxes. This is because the dies can easily be lined up as closely as possible. When you reduce your waste, you’ll be benefiting your business as well as the environment.

Choosing to invest in die cut containers is a great business decision, especially when shipping out specialty items. Your customized containers will ensure that your items end up at their final destination safely while keeping money in your pocket.

Custom Setup Boxes and Tips for Creating a Trade Show Display

Custom Setup Boxes
Could your trade show display use some work? Do you feel that your booth setup is disorganized and isn’t attracting the kind of attention that you want? Read on to get some tips on how custom setup boxes and other options can improve your trade show displays.

Revamp Your Product Displays

Your product displays will be different based on the items that you are selling, and they need to fit with the overall personality of your display. However, you should be sure to use setup boxes at various levels to add height and texture to your table.

Don’t Overcrowd Your Display

An exhibit that is overflowing with products will look more like a flea market than a tasteful trade show display. You should avoid clutter, so consider only bringing your new products and biggest sellers to your trade show. A custom setup box can help to keep your items organized and coordinated within your display, giving you a professional appearance.

Mount Large Products

If you want to get some attention for your large products, setup boxes on your table might not be the best option. Instead, consider mounting your large products to the wall so that they can get the attention that they deserve. By placing heavy and valuable products at eye-level, they will be more likely to be noticed by potential customers.

Do a Product Demo

While allowing potential customers to see your products is certainly a good idea, you can make an even bigger impression by showing exactly how they work. A good product demonstration can be a great way to stop traffic, engage potential customers, and leave a long-lasting impression. This is one of the best advantages of marketing at a trade show rather than using other media sources. Spend some time creating a great demo for your trade show, and go through your speech to practice.

Set Yourself Apart

A trade show is a great way to set yourself apart from the competition. You can do this by displaying your items in custom setup boxes that have been manufactured to market your business, as graphics that support the benefits of your products can make the advantages of doing business with you more obvious. If your products can last longer than the competition or will cost less, make sure your customers know how you stand apart from your competition.

Trade shows are a great way to get your products noticed, but a disorganized and cluttered display can do you more harm than good. By following these tips to better organize your trade show display, you’ll get the most out of your experience.

Choosing Between Die Cut and RSC Boxes

custom shipping rsc box

Are you in the market for new boxes to package and ship your business materials? There are a variety of options on the market, so it is important to do your research in order to choose the one that is right for your business. Many businesses find themselves choosing between die cut and RSC boxes, and while both of these options can be great selections, learning the difference between the two can help you choose the best one for your business.

The Benefits of Die Cut Boxes

There are several advantages of die cut boxes that you should consider when trying to find your next packaging solution:

  • Affordable. Die cut boxes are affordable, as the process works to reduce waste, only requires the use of one machine, and can keep shipping costs low.
  • Attractive. Die cut options are extremely attractive since they can be printed and are customizable. This offers a professional appearance.
  • Protection. Die cut boxes are durable, providing your valuable or fragile products with added protection to keep them safe from damage.

The Benefits of Regular Slotted Carton Boxes

With a regular slotted carton box, all flaps will have the same length, allowing them to meet at the center of the box when they are folded. These boxes offer a highly efficient design that can be useful for numerous applications. Manufacturing waste is minimal, and the RSC box style can be used when packaging most products. Additionally, this option is the most common style of box on the market.

Now that you understand some of the benefits of both die cut and regular slotted carton boxes, you should take note of some of the differences between the two:

  • Die cut options tend to require less tape than RSC boxes, which can lead to reduced costs and less packaging time.
  • RSC boxes tend to be easier to put together than more complicated die cut designs.
  • RSC boxes tend to be less expensive than die cut varieties because they consume less cardboard.
  • Unless an RSC box is extremely small, it won’t require the tooling necessary in creating a die cut box.

Both RSC boxes and die cut options are great packaging and shipping solutions for any business, and it really comes down to personal preference in terms of which you should choose. By doing your research to understand the characteristics, pros, and cons of each, you’ll be sure to make a decision that is best for your business.

What You Need to Know about Boxes and Cartons

Shipping requirements vary from product to product. As many different items that need to be shipped, there are as many boxes and cartons to choose from to keep your items safe throughout the entire shipping and delivery process. There aren’t just size options to consider for correctly fitting the item inside. There are also options to customize it’s appearance and choose levels of thickness for corrugated boxes. Whatever your shipping needs are, there is a practical and affordable packaging solution.

What is the Difference Between Boxes and Cartons?

Choosing between a box and a carton is as simple as choosing a corrugated or pressed cardboard material. A carton is made from pressed cardboard material (think cereal box), while what is commonly referred to as a box is made from corrugated material. Still confused? It is a common misconception that they are one in the same. In fact, corrugated boxes are often called cardboard boxes by mistake. The most common ‘cardboard’ boxes used on moving day and for shipping are corrugated boxes.

What Does Corrugated Mean?

The inner flute is a wave-like pattern that distributes force along the inner flute (or folds) to provide a high level of stability.

There are commonly three levels of corrugated cardboard that offer three levels of protection. As a general rule of thumb, the wider the flute, the stronger the box.

Versatility of Cartons

Because cartons are pressed cardboard, they can easily be folded to make the best custom cartons. They are easy to print on so adding your logo and choosing the color of your carton make for excellent customization options to set your company apart. They are easy to store until you are ready to use them because they are so thin, making them extremely practical. They can easily be assembled when you need them with just a few folds along a pre-folded line.

Their lightweight design makes shipping your merchandise in them cost efficient. It also doubles as a unique storage case for when your product arrives at its destination. This makes it easier for clients or customers to contact you with questions or more orders.

So whether you need a corrugated box or a carton or both boxes and cartons, there are solutions to all of your product mobility needs.

The Advantage of Folding Corrugated Boxes

custom shipping rsc box

Corrugated boxes are the most versatile box used for shipping any and all types of products. They are a safe way to ship items to anywhere in the world. Even large bulky items can be shipped using a corrugated box. Which is pretty great news in today’s market, when household items and service parts and even foods are being shipped every day.

Storage Solutions

With so many items hopping on a truck or flying across the ocean, storing these needed components to commerce is simple when using folding corrugated boxes. They aren’t just durable, they can be assembled as needed. They lie flat and stacked until you need them. This is because of the way they are made.

Kraft-y Solutions

Corrugated boxes are made from simple Kraft paper. It is thicker than regular notebook or printer paper. It is almost the thickness of construction paper, but it is stronger than that. Folding corrugated boxes are made from three layers of Kraft paper. Two sheets make up the walls that you can easily touch and see. The third sheet is folded along in between the two sheets to make a flute. The lightweight material is surprisingly strong. When formed into the box, the ergonomically engineered design distributes weight in a manner that upholds extreme stacking strength.

Economical Solutions

Because of the fact folding cardboard boxes are made from simple inexpensive materials, that cost savings is passed on to you and to your consumers. But the fiscal benefits do not stop there. While it does cost extra to have your company logo printed on the box or to use your own company logoed tape, think of how many people will be handling that box as it goes through the postal service and as it arrives at its destination. Boxes are often reused. You never know who will see your box. Your box could serve as a useful marketing resource.

Organization Solutions

Many folding boxes that you ship your items in can also double as the display for your merchandise. They are an affordable option to transform your unique shipping box into an eye catching solution for any setting.

The practicality of folding boxes extends far beyond a quick pick at the post office. So even if the box ends up with little kids pretending they are fighting dragons and sea monsters, you know that their parents think of your company every time they walk by.

Finding the Right Custom Box Manufacturer

Die cut mailer cookie in the crate

Starting up or expanding into the e-commerce market, you need a unique way to affordably and efficiently ship your product. If you’ve tried going to the local post office, you will find yourself quickly rethinking the idea. Shipping boxes from home improvement stores lack the professionalism you need and may not be saving you any money. Let’s face it; you need a custom box maker.

Before the Search

Each custom box manufacturer is different. They may offer a lot of similar services, but different equipment can be used for printing, and they may or may not have certain machinery on the premises. Because they each bring their strengths and selling points to the table, it is important to know what you are looking for in a package. What size packaging are you going to need? Is your product fragile and require adequate filler protection? What is your budget for customization?

Let the Search Begin

Once you have a good idea of what type of services your business needs, you can start to narrow down your choices. Why not take advantage of the internet? Your local custom box maker may not be your best option. Just like the person ordering from you may be hundreds or thousands of miles away, the best bang for your buck may be in another state or country. Many of the custom box manufacturers will gladly send you a small sample of their material or print quality so you can make a more informed choice.

Take Your Time

Your packaging material is like a first impression. You don’t want to cut corners. Even if your budget only has room for a small logo printed on a plain mailer tube, you want it to be the best. It is okay to wait a couple weeks while samples come in, and you get the chance to talk with the manufacturer about pricing. They usually don’t put that info on their websites because each client presents with unique shipping needs. What you think you need may not be what you need.

Review Your Top Picks

Finding out what others have to say about the custom box company can provide valuable insight into common issues or frequent praises. These are other business professionals who value their time and money just like you. It never hurts to come back and add your review after your experience.

Once you have settled on the right one, make the call and get started on the exciting journey of watching your vision become a reality. It is a landmark move in the starting up or expanding of your business that will pay off.

Custom Printed Mailing Boxes Set You Apart

mailer Full Litho 4 color on E Flute

Your customers’ attention is being vied for every day across their television screens, social media apps, radio stations, and even billboards. Every opportunity should be taken advantage of to leave a lasting and favorable impression to promote customer loyalty. One of the most affordable ways to make such an impression is by using custom printed mailing boxes.

Designed for Simplicity

Mailing boxes are simply single pieces of corrugated or cardboard that can be folded to form the perfect box. They are easy to open and easy to close; eliminating the need for awkward scissors or box cutters that may damage your product when being opened. The need to use packing tape is eliminated which keeps your overhead costs down.

Mailing boxes are great for sending promotional items and serve to display the item at the same time with a special insert. When they are custom designed and printed on, they truly become a great way to leave a lasting impression.

Get Creative

Word of mouth marketing is making a comeback in this fast paced market where availability of products is at the fingertips. You need custom printed mailing boxes to creatively imprint your business on the minds of clients and potential customers alike. Mailing boxes can be directly printed on in a broad range of options. Alternatively, they can be coated in a lithographic laminate for more intense colors and a glossy shine. The options are up to you.

Versatility of Mailers

They come in an array of materials and sizes to compliment your shipping needs. Corrugated mailers are just like your standard boxes. They can be customized and also come in white. They are the thickest type of mailer best suited for heavier items.

Suitcase mailers are perfectly hand held and can even come with an option to have a handle. Because of their compact design they can handle moderate weight. They are also useful for things like software, literature and other unique products you want to showcase.

Small quantity mailers are perfect for when you want to go all out for a few high-end products. Spending the extra time and resources on packaging your valued merchandise just right will set your company apart as a world class competitor in a fast-paced global economy.

When you display a level of care and confidence in your product’s packaging, you are telling everyone your product is worth their investment. It shows you care about more than the highest profit and care about doing the best job you can. That translates to trust to your clients and customers.

Chipboard Partitions and Other Box Dividers

Box Dividers

Shipping items in today’s market is common business practice. Our rapidly approaching global market economy means shipping needs are on the rise. And a lot goes into shipping products. It isn’t just a box with tape and some packaging peanuts. While that may suffice for some shipped merchandise, heavier or bulky items require an alternative option for protection methods; box dividers.

Chipboard Partitions

Chipboard partitions are perfect for saving space. They are accommodating for large and heavy items. They are roughly 30% smaller than other partitions but provide just the same amount of protection you would expect from your box dividers. They are even less expensive than other options because they are made from recycled material that has been glued together in layers to form a sturdy yet smooth surface. They are very easy to use, come in different thicknesses and can be cut down to any size you need. They are truly a versatile option for cutting down on shipping costs without sacrificing the integrity of protection.

Corrugated Partitions

Corrugated partitions provide a heavy duty layer of protection for heavier items as well as extremely delicate products. While they do take up any more space than most box dividers, they are specially created to provide the greatest level of protection available. Taller merchandise benefits greatly from having a strong source of compression from the top and bottom layers of the corrugated partitions.

Another advantage to using a corrugated divider is the practicality of having notches placed for pieces to be interlocking. This creates a solid barrier to shock from potential damage while in delivery. When it comes to having your merchandise shipped in today’s market, one damaged delivery could mean a lost client or customer. When shipping heavy items, they are usually expensive. The extra cost is marginal when compared with the opportunity cost of lost business.

Fiber Partitions

These dividers are popular because they are the most compatible with assembly line packaging equipment. They are much smaller than the corrugated and chipboard partitions, but they are perfect for smaller boxes. They are manufactured from recycled material and have much less paper dust. They are a cost effective means of providing an adequate level of protection for merchandise that needs to get where it’s going in one piece.

Anything can be shipped virtually anywhere these days. It may present a new bridge for some companies expanding to a more E-commerce friendly status or maybe your company is leading the way. Alternative box dividers are affordable solutions that can help you take the extra precautionary step for your merchandise and your company’s reputation.

The Types of Transportation the Custom RSC Box Goes Through

custom shipping RSC

You know that once you sell a product you have to ship it, but do you give thought to how that product/box is being handled after it leaves your establishment? Chances are it is tossed, turned, and manhandled in many different ways. Are you confident that your product can withstand all of that and more? If it is not packaged correctly, it might not be able to handle it, which means a broken or damaged product reaching your customer’s doorstep, which equals an unhappy customer. The best way to ensure your products are safe is to use regular slotted cardboard boxes that are custom made for your products to ensure their safety no matter how they arrive at their destination.

The Many Modes of Transportation

Just how many modes of transportation can a product go through? Depending on how far it is traveling, your products could see a truck, plane, or train. In some cases it could see all of the above! This means that your product is experiencing vibrations, jostling, high speed, different elevations, and different temperatures. This is all in addition to the handling it will go through whether from people moving it around or machinery, such as a forklift moving it. The bottom line is that your products are going to see and feel many different things; if they are not protected with the right type of box, they could get damaged.

The Custom RSC Box is the Right Answer

The only way to ensure that your product is safe is to order the right custom RSC box. It will be as if this box was made directly for your product because you determine the size, shape, and color. The box itself closes securely with each of the four flaps meeting one another and closing with packing tape. If you choose to add additional packing materials inside the box to ensure the safety of very fragile products, you can allow room for that when ordering your custom boxes. In addition, you get the benefit of being able to add your company name, address, phone number, or website to the box, giving your business even more exposure to those that handle your products.

Regular slotted cardboard boxes can handle a variety of products, no matter their size or how fragile they may be. They allow you to ensure the safety and effectiveness of your shipping efforts, allowing you to have a successful business in the long run.

Benefits of using Cardboard Display Boxes

Custom Counter-Top Display Boxes

The checkout portion of any retail establishment does not have to be the end of the advertising efforts on the part of manufacturers or retailers. This is a great opportunity to capture the customer’s attention and is sometimes even more effective than any efforts made throughout the store. While at the checkout, you have a captive audience, especially if there is a line as they wait for the cashier. This is a great place to roll out new products or display a special product that is being promoted. Cardboard display boxes make this task easy, whether you need to place small products directly on the counter or larger products on the floor, directly in front of the cashier’s line.

Countertop Displays

Create custom countertop displays with the name of the product, its slogan, or any other pertinent information that will catch the attention of the customers in any store. Do you have a limited time deal that is going on in order to create excitement in the product? Use these custom display boxes to portray that offer to the customers. Remember, use bright or bold colors and unique shapes and you will have the attention you need, allowing you to promote and sell the latest product in your store.

Custom Stand up Displays

If your products are larger or you want to make a bigger statement, custom stand up displays are a great option as well. They can be strategically placed right at or near the register so that it is one of the last things that customers see as they are getting ready to head out. This is always a great place for impulse buys or at the very least, the best way to linger in the mind of the customer, possibly prompting them to come back and purchase your product at a later time. Stand-up displays are custom made so that they can fit your product perfectly, ensuring a successful display, rather than a disaster on the floor.

If you are trying to increase the awareness of your products or to increase your sales, consider using custom display boxes at the register of the stores your products are sold. You will likely find that sales and brand awareness increase as a result of your efforts. Custom boxes can be made in your desired colors, shapes, and with the desired fonts/logos to ensure that all information is portrayed while you have the attention of your audience that you desire.

How Custom Shipping Boxes can Save you Money

Custom shipping box
You own an eCommerce business and need to ship in order to stay profitable. That is a given. However, the cost of shipping can get so high that it can eat into the profits of any business. In order to save money, many businesses begin to cut corners in the shipping department, thinking it will help them stay profitable. In the end, however, it usually ends up working the opposite direction because cutting on shipping supplies can be detrimental to the delivery of your products. Rather than cutting costs, consider the benefits of custom shipping boxes and their ability to help you save money.

Custom Shipping Boxes Keep your Products Safe

Boxes that were custom made for your products are much more likely to keep them safe. You order the boxes how you need them, including the shape, type of cardboard used, and the style. This way you can ensure that the box meets the requirement of your product without leaving too much room for damage. In the end, this saves you money because you do not have to replace damaged products or pay for expensive insurance on each shipment.

Shipping Costs can be Lower

When you order boxes that are the exact size that you need, rather than using one-size-fits-all boxes that may be too large for your products, you are able to save money. The bigger the box, the more it weighs, and the more it costs you to ship in the end. This will not only eat into your profits, but also cause customers to look for stores that do not charge as much money for shipping.

Ordering the Quantity you Need

When you order custom boxes for your products, you may feel like you have to order several years’ worth of boxes in order to make it worth your while or to meet the minimum requirements of the company. This is not the case, however. There are small quantity shipping boxes that are offered to allow companies of all sizes to take advantage of custom boxes.

Custom shipping boxes solve many answers for companies of all sizes, including the need to save money. Rather than cutting corners and taking chances with your shipments, consider boxes that were made specifically for your products to ensure that your products arrive in one piece and that you are able to stay profitable!

How Custom Box Inserts Can Enhance Your Product

custom foam inserts
You might not think that box inserts can have much impact on your products. After all, isn’t it more about the products you sell and not the box that you provide them in? While it is true that you must sell a quality product in order to stay in business, custom box inserts can greatly enhance the feeling your customers get when they open your products. This is especially true if the product being sold is one of high value. Your customers would much rather open a box with beautifully colored, protective packaging rather than seeing the product they just spent a lot of money on flopping around haphazardly in a box.

Custom Foam Inserts- Color

You might not give much thought to the color of the custom foam insert that you purchase for your products, but it plays an important role. The foam is just as important as the box, not only because it protects your product from becoming damaged, but because the color can invoke certain feelings in your customers. Deep colors that invoke happiness, such as red, orange, or yellow are a great way to get the good feelings flowing when your customers open your boxes. If you are selling jewelry or anything of emotional value that is similar, deep shades of these colors, especially red, are very effective at invoking the right feelings when the box is carefully opened.

Custom Foam Inserts-Shape

Just as important as the color is the shape of the custom box inserts that you use. The shape should be one that cradles the product you are selling to ensure its safety during transport or even after it is in the hands of your customer. The right insert will protect all sides of the product, ensuring that it does not get jostled around in the box, and remains safely protected no matter where it may go. When you combine the custom foam inserts with a custom box that was made just for your products, you ensure that your items are well protected and provide the good feelings that customers desire when they open your boxes or when they give them as gifts to others.

Don’t overlook the need for custom box inserts for each of your products that have value, need protection, or just need a little bit of excitement added to ensure that good feeling whenever anyone opens the box.

Custom Printed Die Cut Boxes and your Promotions

Custom Printed Die-cut Box

Are you trying to promote your brand? Maybe you want to send samples to potential customers or you want to utilize your packaging to help current customers remember you. Rather than shipping your products in regular boxes or sending samples out in clear, plastic bags like many companies do, consider doing something special and sending them out in custom printed die cut boxes. The impact that these little boxes can have on your sales is dramatic and can make a difference between a company that takes off and one that remains stagnant while those around you flourish.

Designs the Way you Want Them

The custom die cut box is made to your specifications. Each box is one piece, with a lid that locks on its own, but the similarities end there – you decide the shape, size, and color of the boxes that will be used for your promotional use. Whether you are sending out samples or information CDs/DVDs, these boxes are a great way to further your advertising efforts. Not only are you providing a sample or information that the potential customer can use, but you are providing them with even more information right on the box. Consider placing your company’s name on the outside of the box, whether the top or the side and then a slogan for them to remember you. In addition, you can put your contact information inside the box, right where the person receiving the sample is going to see it the most because they have to lift the lid in order to get to the sample or product.

Get the Excitement Going

It’s no secret that everyone loves to receive mail, but they don’t love junk mail. Why let the promotional material that you send out about your company take the chance of being thrown in the trash before it is ever opened? Instead, invest in custom printed die cut boxes and send your potential audience something exciting! When it is a sample of something that you know they will love, you are giving them a tangible reason to learn more about your company and what you have to offer.

The custom die cut box is the perfect answer for any type of business that sells products or services. The boxes can be made to fit any type of promotional material, whether informational or a sample of your product itself. In the end, the box helps you to sell your products – it does not get any easier than that!

The Advantages of Using Custom Printed Shipping Tape

custom printed tape

So you’ve boxed up your customers’ merchandise and it is time to seal the box. Now, you have a choice: you can go ahead and use that plain old shipping tape and make this the same old boring experience for your customer, or you can use something that your customers are going to remember.

Custom printed tape is a great way to catch your customers’ eye and possibly the eye of new customers. With many styles, colors, and materials to choose from, there is no doubt that you can find the custom printed tape that is perfect for you.

Custom printed tape can have your company’s name and logo printed on it for the whole world to see – it’s another unique opportunity to enhance your branding.

Printed custom tape isn’t just for the office. You can also create tape with your name and special messages; perfect for those packages mailed out during the holiday season. Your loved ones are going to be delighted when their packages are sealed up by custom tape printed with a special message just for them.

Custom printed tape is versatile and attractive, and comes in a variety of sizes and colors. It’s a great way to make an impact for your company or create a special moment for your family.

For more information, contact the experts at Cactus Corrugated Containers today.

What You Need to Know About Mailing Tubes

Custom Mailing Tube
Mailing tubes are special cylindrical shipping items that can be used to ship things like posters, drapery rods, hardware and more. Heavy duty mailing tubes can be used for shipping telescopes and other delicate instruments.

These fiber tubes are basically used to protect your items from damage when being shipped, as they are designed to be waterproof and crush proof.

Mailing tubes come available in a wide variety of colors, styles, and sizes. As your trusted professional box manufacturer, we use only the highest quality of materials to create the most durable mailing tubes. You can have your order fully customized to be suitable for your shipping needs.

Some advantages of our mailing tubes include:

  • Expert design
  • Fully recyclable
  • Durable and resilient
  • Customizable features
  • Plastic or metal secure end plugs

Getting custom mailing tubes for your business means that you will save time and money when shipping your items, not only will they be safe from harm, but you will ensure that you are paying for exactly what you need in terms of features.

For more information on what mailing tubes can do for you, contact Cactus Corrugated Containers today.

Custom Box Manufacturing: What You Need to Know

The box…it’s a topic most people don’t think about, or think is not even worth thinking about. For most people, boxes have always been thought of as simple containers to put stuff in – something to store, ship and mail things in – without thinking about their design. We’re here to tell you that box design and construction are crucial, especially to businesses both physical and online.

Eye-Catching Style

Today, custom boxes are becoming very popular for packaging of retail goods. Custom boxes can help to reliably hold items in place for shipping or storage. They can also be used to display and showcase the item that it encases. Brick-and-mortar stores are using custom boxes to display their items for sale. Custom box manufacturers can also print on their boxes, whether it’s your company’s logo or attractive graphics of the product.


Box styles and materials have changed over the years. Corrugated cardboard is very popular as it is stronger than regular cardboard. As a business owner looking for durable and reliable packaging, one should also consider a box’s wall construction: there are single, double, and triple-wall construction options. Partitions or dividers can also be considered for multiple items, further enhancing the security and dependability of your custom box.

To get the right box for your needs, trust a custom box manufacturer with experience in the industry.

The Right Packaging for E-Commerce is Crucial

shipping and packing materials
Starting an online business is a popular option for entrepreneurs these days. It comes with the potential benefit of lowered expenses such as rent and utilities, but that doesn’t mean one should skimp on other crucial expenses. One important area that online retailers should focus on is the sourcing of their shipping boxes.

Many e-commerce business owners tend to spend a great deal of time thinking about the status of their website, such that they often forget about the quality of their shipments. Having the adequate packaging supplies on hand at all times is extremely important.

Packaging Supplier

An experienced packaging supplier can offer anything that an e-commerce business would ever need to ensure the safety, reliability and uniqueness of their shipments. It’s important to use properly sized boxes that are sufficiently strong to handle any type of shipment.  Protective packaging, tape, and good quality shipping labels are also important. As a business owner, you don’t want anything to go wrong while a product is being shipped to your client.

Packaging Impression

Avoid the cheap-looking packaging and shipment goods – you want your client to have a good impression of your business after all. Take advantage of every opportunity you get to promote your business. With the right manufacturer, you can also opt for your shipping boxes to be custom made with graphics in order for you to stand out from the crowd. This can definitely help increase your brand awareness and grow your business.

How Retail Packaging Helps Your Business

NEPTN folding carton, custom box
The right custom retail packaging can literally determine whether or not your product is sold. Most customers respond to the packaging design before they’ll even think about anything else. Remember, your products are going to be in stores full of other products, and these products are all going to seem very much the same to customers who are just browsing. Your products need to stand out among the rest and catch their eyes, or customers may not even notice it at all.

Quality Custom Retail Packages

An excellent product will often generate a following simply because of its quality, but people have to purchase it first. They may never get that far if the product is sold in dull packaging. The packaging that a product uses will often carry its logo and slogan, which are also very important parts of its marketing.

People may hear about a product or see mentions of it online, and they need to have identifying imagery in order to successful draw any sort of match between their memories and what they see in stores. Custom retail packaging plays on the way in which customers purchase goods and the way in which advertising works for customers.

Businesses that don’t use custom retail packaging are doing themselves a disservice – it’s that simple. With the right custom packaging manufacturer on your side, you’ll be well on your way to increasing your sales and growing your brand.

How Custom Box Manufacturers Can Help Your Business

wholesale boxes manufacturer

We’ve all heard of the cliché ‘don’t judge a book by its cover,’ but in the business world, you can’t deny that packaging is important. The box an item comes in is often just as important as the thing that goes inside it. From physical store displays to world of online shopping, unique packaging is the key to selling all kinds of merchandise.

The best way to get unique packaging for your items is to work with a custom box manufacturer. They will work with you to create a unique and personalized box that is perfectly suited to your business, providing a professional, eye-catching and safe way to package your goods.

An attractive customized box design will present your products in the way you want them to be presented – whether it’s in a slick professional way or a more down-to-earth feel. Whatever you’re going for, your packaging will give your company a recognizable brand and allow it to stand out from your competitors.

Custom Box Manufacturer Branding

Branding is crucial for any business because it is basically the first point of contact that any potential customers will have with your company, be it through word of mouth, advertising or otherwise. With that in mind, it makes perfect sense to include the design of your boxes in your branding strategy. We all have brands that we love and can rely on for quality, so cultivating your own brand with a custom box manufacturer is a great way to increase both sales and customer loyalty.

Custom Box Manufacturer-Good Home

As if the benefits of a good brand weren’t enough, it also makes good business sense to invest in customized boxes because they will guarantee your product is being shipped and stored in a suitable container. This will not only provide the best protection to keep your products safe and secure, but also give people the message that your product is important and that your brand is interested in providing the best possible service.

Partnering with a custom box manufacturer is essential for any business, and will help create a recognizable brand while keeping your products protected. With a custom box manufacturer like Cactus Containers on your side, your products will be packaged and presented in the best possible way – the way you want it.

Give us a call at 1-888-776-8000 and let’s get started!

The Advantages of Regular Slotted Cartons

full overlap carton
More companies than ever before are shipping products directly to consumers. E-commerce is at an all-time high and the increase of shipping products has made the packaging of the products more important. A basic box may seem like the right choice, but successful businesses are going to take that extra step. They are turning to regular slotted cartons to hold their products.

Regular Slotted Cartons Advantages

Businesses will give reasons why they do not bother with these boxes. Other business will talk about what these boxes offer for them and why they have become the right box to use for their products. It may help the businesses that are not using RSC boxes to find out what the advantages of these boxes are.

  • Easy to close – When trying to package up the products for shipping, it is important that time is not wasted getting the products in the boxes. These boxes close easily and securely. Once the flaps of the boxes are closed, the product is held securely in place
  • Custom sizes – Regular slotted cartons can be made to custom sizes and shapes. They can be designed to fit the products they are supposed to hold without wasting any space.
  • Easy to tape – It is simple to tape the boxes and to seal the points of the boxes. This can be done with the use of glue, tape or stitching depending on the needs of the shipper.
  • Strength – The boxes can be made as strong as needed for the product being shipped. Single, double and triple wall construction allows businesses to choose how strong a box will be.

Regular Slotted Cartons Construction

The construction of the box is only some of the advantages of these boxes. The ability to divide the boxes so they can hold different products without the contents of the box coming into contact with each other, is another possibility.

RSC boxes can come in standard shapes and sizes for a business to choose. It may work for many businesses to choose a basic box, but there is another option that may work better. Custom boxes allow the business to get the right size and shape box. It is also possible to add graphics to the boxes that are being used.

Graphics allow business to do many things, such as helping the business build their brand recognition. This type of marketing should never be underestimated. Successful businesses do not want to miss any opportunities to help their business grow. These boxes are just one of the opportunities that a business should take advantage of.

What Small Quantity Shipping Boxes Can Offer

Custom shipping regular slotted carton box

There are many businesses that choose the boxes they need for shipping based on what is readily available. They will take the boxes and make their products fit into the boxes instead of finding the boxes that fit the products they are shipping. There are many disadvantages to doing this. It would be better if a business took the time to learn about custom shipping boxes and what they offer.

Shipping boxes that are custom made means there is no wasted space. There is no extra cost associated with oversized shipping boxes. While a lower cost is nice, custom shipping boxes perform a much more important role. They offer more protection for whatever is inside of them. The number one thing that customers want when they have something shipped is for it to arrive at its destination undamaged. If a custom box is able to do that better, it is something worth considering.

Custom boxes can also have shapes that help identify what is inside. They can also include graphics that will help a business grow its brand. All of these advantages should make businesses that rely on shipping their products interested in these amazing custom made boxes.

Why They Don’t Do It

When you ask businesses why they do not use custom boxes, the most common reason given is the cost. They believe that in order to make this a cost effective option, the quantity of boxes ordered will have to be large. It is true that in business, the larger the size of your order, the lower the cost may be. There is also the cost of storing a large quantity of boxes. A small business may not have the space or desire to have a 5-year supply of boxes on hand.

The solution to this is small quantity shipping boxes. There are manufacturers that will make smaller quantities of the custom boxes used for shipping when they are asked. While the cost per unit may be slightly higher because it is a smaller order, it is better to look at what is saved through the use of these boxes.

As businesses compare the costs of the small quantity shipping boxes, they can consider the advertising they get from the boxes, the lower replacement costs for damaged product and the value of having the right box for the right job. In the end, a business will see that the cost of these custom boxes for shipping is not as high as they may have thought it was.

How to Find Custom Designed Mailing Tubes

custom mailing tubes
Finding a box for shipping is not a difficult thing to do. People that want to ship something out of their home will probably have a box lying around that they can use. Businesses may have a need for more boxes than an individual does, but they also can usually find the boxes they want. Mailing tubes are also used for shipping, but are not always as easy to find as a standard box, but they are not too hard to get either.

Mailing tubes can be used for many different things. They are often used to hold posters or large rolls of paper. In general, mailing tubes are perfectly designed to handle items that are long and thin. When most people think about mailing tubes, they assume that there is a one size fits all type of tube. Either the tubes are the brown cardboard color or they may have some other solid color that has been added to the tube, typically white. Not everyone realizes that it is possible to get custom designed mailing tubes, which can help a business in a variety of ways.


Custom designed mailing tubes can come in the size that is needed for what they are holding. Having the right sized tube means the products can fit inside properly. The contents of the tube will be less likely to shift around and will be able to protect the contents from damage better.


Litho laminate tubes allow a business to add graphics to the tubes. The graphic can be used to help a business build their brand. It can make the mailing tube more noticeable when it is in transit or after it has been delivered.

Getting the tubes

Businesses that realize how the litho laminate tubes can help their business will then wonder what they have to do to find them. Fortunately, there are manufacturers of these products. It is usually possible to find a manufacturer of the tubes in the same place that other more traditional boxes are made. A business should talk to these box manufacturers to find out how the tubes are designed and what it would take to get them made for the business.

It is best to look for companies that have experience making the mailing tubes. They should also be able to make large and small quantities of the tubes for the business. The downside of tubes to some is the storage of the tubes. They do require more space than boxes so smaller quantities may be an important factor in choosing the right supplier of the mailing tubes.

How Does Custom Box Manufacturing Work?

Businesses that make products and businesses that ship products to other businesses or consumers depend on boxes. They need to put their products into something that will allow them to get it from one place to another. The box may also be used to store the product until it is needed. The box is expected to keep the product from becoming damaged. It also may be needed to display the product. Boxes are important, but they are not all the same.

While many people believe that all boxes are the same, they typically assume that there are standard sizes and that the materials that are used are all the same, but that is not the truth. As more people and businesses learn about shipping products, many are turning to custom boxes that fit their needs. In order to determine whether getting a custom made box is the right choice, it would be a good idea to learn about how the custom box manufacturing process works.

Designing The Box

Custom boxes can come in all shapes and sizes. The first step is trying to figure out what the size and shape of the box needs to be. It could be a long and flat box or it may need to be a box that is known as a regular slotted carton. The right box will depend on what is being held in it, whether it is being shipped or not and how it will be used when the contents of the product are removed. All of these things can be taken into consideration as the box is being designed.

In addition to determining the size and the shape of the box, the material that is used can be chosen. Regular cardboard is a typical choice, but corrugated cardboard is also popular due to its added strength. Choosing single, double or triple wall construction is another decision that will be made.

Many businesses will add custom graphics to their boxes. The graphics can be used to build brand recognition or to provide other types of information. They can help make a box stand out to the consumer. It is a cheap marketing tool that should not be ignored.

When planning custom box manufacturing, the quantity of boxes that will be needed should be taken into account. The more that are made, the cheaper the cost per box will be. Fortunately, there are some companies that can handle both large and small quantity orders. They are ready to help anyone that decides having a custom-made box that is designed just for them is the right choice.

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