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Boxes and displays are MADE IN U.S.A.


What Can a Custom Box Manufacturer Offer

Custom Suitcase Boxes

If you add the word custom to anything, it is easy to assume that also means more expensive. If something is custom, it is designed for a special purpose and because of that it may cost extra to make. Businesses depend on boxes for many things. They use them to store products and to ship products. A business may wonder if a custom box is something they should consider. It is a good idea to talk to a custom box maker to find out about the costs and what a custom box can offer to a business.

Products are Not Always a Standard Size

When a person wants a box for their product, they may look at what are some standard sizes for boxes. These are boxes that are mass produced and because of that, may be sold at a lower price. The question a business needs to ask is how their product or products will fit inside of a standard size box. If the box is too large, it will require additional packing material to keep everything inside of it safe. If the box is too small, the products may have to be forced inside to fit. Either way, the standard size box may end up costing more because of the extra material or possible damage to the product. A custom box manufacturer can create boxes that fit the products inside of it properly to make sure they are protected during shipment and storage and do not require a lot of extra material inside of them.

Do Not Underestimate the Power of Graphics

A plain cardboard box does not say much. It may have the address of the person that it is being shipped to and it may contain information about what is inside, but it does not do much more than that. A custom box maker is able to add graphics that turn the box from something very plain into a powerful marketing tool for a business. The graphics can be used to provide more information about a product or they can be used to help a business build its brand and make its logo more recognizable. Because people reuse boxes and keep them for a long time, that message can be seen by many different people. For a relatively small cost a custom box manufacturer can create a powerful marketing tool for a business.

Instead of ignoring the positives of the custom box and claiming they are too expensive, it may be worth looking at the benefits and the things they can do for a business at a low cost.

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