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Using Chipboard Partitions Saves Time

Box Dividers

If your business manufactures multiple sizes of products, you already know that you cannot ship multiple items in the same box without taking some steps to ensure that the products are kept organized and separate. This is especially true if you are shipping products such as glassware, computer equipment, or ceramic containers, as these products can easily break if they come into contact with each other.

At the same time, it is often not economical to ship multiple boxes to the same customer. If your business followed this practice, you would have to deal with increased shipping costs, a greater chance of something becoming lost or broken, and confused phone calls from customers wondering why only part of their order was delivered.

For this reason, we provide chipboard partitions for use in your shipping boxes. Now you can use the same box to ship multiple items, and because the boxes can be divided by chipboard partitions or corrugated partitions you don’t have to worry about the products hitting up against each other and becoming damaged.

What’s more, the use of corrugated partitions can help your customers to better organize their order and understand what all has been included in the shipment. By using chipboard partitions, you realize the benefit of lower postage, lower breakage rate, and a more satisfied customer base: it’s a win-win-win situation all the way around!

Chipboard partitions are a very cost-effective way of managing your shipment options, too. Rather than pay for the entire cost of a new box, you can simply use an economical chipboard partition or corrugated partition in its place. This has the added benefit of being good for the environment: fewer boxes that you use mean fewer trees cut down to manufacture them, and less waste being shipped to the landfill.

Using corrugated partitions just makes sense for your business. Why pay more for shipping additional boxes? Why increase the chance that products will become lost or broken? Why deal with increased storage needs by using more boxes than you need to? Instead, use chipboard partitions to help manage and protect the products that you are selling, and keep things simple for both your employees as well as the customers they serve.

Finally, corrugated partitions and chipboard partitions are both cheap. Now, for a small fraction of the cost of another box, you can ensure that your product is properly shipped and protected.

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