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Steps to Creating a Custom Made Box

Custom mailer Marquis

Many businesses are starting to realize the advantage of a custom made box. While some businesses may think that the added expense involved in using custom made boxes is not worth it, there are plenty of others ones that see the value that these boxes offer. In order to learn how to best use the custom made boxes, it is necessary to learn the steps involved in creating them.

Custom Made Box Steps

  • Start with the Product – One of the best things about custom boxes is their ability to properly fit the product they can hold. The boxes can be shaped into many different forms and can be opened or closed in a variety of ways. When the box is the right size and shape for a product it can offer more protections during shipping and storage and it will require less packing materials. That can often end up making the custom box more cost effective.
  • Think about the material – Custom boxes can use different materials to make them. Corrugated cardboard is more difficult to shape, but offers more protection and better durability. Chipboard boxes can easily be transformed into whatever shape is needed, but they do not always offer the strength of other materials.
  • Design the graphics – One of the most important advantages of the custom designed box is the ability to add custom graphics to the box. The graphics can accomplish anything that the business wants. They can help build brand recognition and they can provide information about the product or instructions about how it is to be used. Much of the time creating these boxes I spent designing the graphics for them.
  • Determine the quantity needed – One of the reasons that standard sized boxes are less expensive is because they are made in larger numbers. The ability to manufacture larger numbers can reduce the cost of the box. Some may worry that they will not be able to order a custom box if they do not order a sufficient quantity. They may worry that they will have to invest too much money in the inventory of boxes because they have to order a minimum amount. What they may not realize is that many manufacturers offer small quantity custom made boxes. This allows businesses to figure out what they need and not order more.

Custom Made Box for your Business

A custom made box may not be for every business, but it is something that is worth looking at. It may surprise many businesses to find out how effective they can be and that in the long run they may end up helping make more money for the business.

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