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Why Printed Folding Cartons are Necessary

Sirius Specialty Box Folding-Carton

Decades ago, businesses only saw packaging boxes as something to contain and protect their products, which is why they barely had aesthetic value. But if you are a business owner nowadays who wants to compete and emerge as a leader in your market, you cannot hold the same business principles especially when it comes to packaging.

To give your brand an edge among its competitors, you cannot remain complacent and use generic folding cardboard boxes. Instead, you should be aware of the environment and the demands of the social media era. Here are the reasons why you need to customize printed folding cartons for your products to push your business forward in this day and age:

  • Consumers are inclined to share pictures of products that come in unique cardboard boxes packaging.

    It does not take a study or a survey to know that most people are connected to various media platforms. Majority of individuals spend countless hours posting and scrolling on their Facebook or Instagram accounts trying to see what netizens are posting and how their own posts compared with those. Consumers, in particular, are obsessed with posting “new finds” or products that come in pretty printed folding cartons. if your products come in interesting and one-of-a-kind folding cardboard boxes then you get free advertising once your patrons upload images of your products online.

  • Consumers seek an “unboxing experience”.

    There is an “unboxing” trend going on that customer no longer simply seek good products but a satisfying unboxing experience. Millions of people watch unboxing videos on YouTube and share them on other social media platforms. If you want your products to be noticed, it is not enough that its quality is top-notch, but it should also be a feast for the eyes as well. Get rid of your ordinary brown packaging and start customizing your folding cardboard boxes to suit the taste of your consumers.

  • Consumers subconsciously associate product packaging with gift-wrapped presents.

    Whether they realize it or not, consumers enjoy unwrapping packaging boxes because the act reminds them of gift-wrapped presents they used to anticipate and love as kids. So why not make the experience even more memorable by giving extra attention to your product’s cardboard boxes? Customizing your printed folding cartons will endear you to your customers and make them even more loyal to your brand.

Times are changing and businesses who can’t keep up with the trend will undoubtedly become obsolete. Keep up with the times and get ahead of the competition by simply choosing a unique and special packaging for your products.

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