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The Benefits of Custom Foam Inserts

If you find that your company or you ship fragile and delicate items quite frequently, you may want to seriously consider investing in custom foam inserts. Custom foam inserts offer a top level of protection for your delicate items that you cannot compare to anything else. Bubble wrap and newspaper may have gotten you this far, but now is the time to start taking advantage of the benefits that foam inserts have to offer.

A custom foam insert is made from packing supplies that are flexible and can be cut to perfectly form around the product being shipped. You no longer have to worry about an item breaking or arriving damaged. There will be no extra or wasted space within your corrugated package, you can think of foam inserts as an extra layer of protection. Die-cut foam inserts are wonderful for securing the sides of a particular product while case inserts will contain and surround an entire product. An added bonus to case inserts is that they can double up and be used to display a product as well. Depending on what type of item is being shipped out will help determine whether or not you would want to purchase an open cell (polyurethane) or closed cell (polyethylene) type of foam, both of which are antistatic.

Whichever route you decide to take, be comforted in the fact that your product along with custom inserts will offer top notch protection that you are seeking. There is no item too small or too large since these inserts are easily customizable. Why stress out over the shipping process? Allow us to properly contain your product for carefree shipping. No one can ever be one hundred percent sure about how rough the shipping process can be. Whether your items are traveling by air, land or sea – foam inserts will keep your fragile items stabilized within your corrugated packing supplies.

Cactus Corrugated will gladly guide you to choosing the proper foam insert for your specific needs. We do offer low and high density foam which can be utilized for light and heavy equipment. There may be a possibility that only a few items need to be contained in foam during shipping, whatever your particular needs may be – we will be able to accommodate. Allow us to help you properly package your goods because we have the expertise and equipment to meet and exceed your packaging needs.

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