Tag Archives: point of purchase displays

Key Benefits Of Investing In Point Of Purchase Displays

POP display box
Point of purchase displays or POP displays are a popular marketing tool used by brands to advertise products directly to shoppers in stores. They come in different designs like freestanding or endcap displays. No matter the setup, the goal is usually the same. To inform the customer about the product being promoted, provide helpful information, and encourage them to make a purchase. The cost of these displays is typically covered by the brand owners and depending on the design, can be quite a hefty expense. Here is why it is worth the investment.

Targeted campaigns

POP displays are a great way to better target prospective customers than more traditional forms of advertising, like TV or newspaper adverts. The displays appear in front of people that want to shop and can therefore be more easily persuaded into making that purchase.

Educating consumers

The most effective POP displays provide an opportunity to educate shoppers on why they should consider the product. These benefits could be in the form of product information on a poster or playing a running infomercial on a display screen. This added information that would be too much to include on product packaging can help sway opinion, and encourage a shopper to choose the brand over others.

Promote impulse buying

Because POP displays are set up in stores, there is more opportunity to encourage shoppers to impulse buy. They have money to spend, and if they need a particular type of product, it can be easy to entice them into choosing your product with such a display, especially if there is some discount offer or reward attached to the purchase.

Capture attention

Rather than just place the product on normal shelving in the store, alongside the offerings of competitors, using a POP display can be a big help in distinguishing a brand and capturing customer attention better. Even when people are in a hurry, it is still possible to capture their attention and interest if you have a well-designed display. Even for a point-of-purchase display corrugated designs can be integrated with graphics, lighting, and video technology that can more effectively capture attention.


A point of purchase display helps in merchandising products more effectively at the retail level. They help make your products stand apart from the crowd and encourage retailers to provide a dedicated space for the display. Otherwise, the product would just end up on the shelf, blending in with the rest.

Tips To Drawing Attention To Your Pop Displays

Custom Counter-Top Shipper Displays
Point of purchase or pop displays are a popular in-store form of promotion that can often be a hit or a miss. A lot of impulse buying is driven by how advantageously certain products are displayed. It could be a promotion that allows customers to take advantage of a discount or the marketing of a new product they have never seen before. Whatever the reason behind setting up these displays, here is how you can boost their visibility and impact.


When people are walking up and down aisles in a store, it is because they are mainly looking for specific items on their shopping list. They will hardly take time to look at information about an unfamiliar product they do not need. That is why point of purchase displays work best in areas where customers are forced to become a captive audience. And this is when queuing for checkout. Positioning your display near the counters will provide an opportunity for customers to examine the display as they wait their turn and be tempted to pick a sample.

Sample Sizes

To encourage sampling, the product should either be free or low cost. Creating sample sizes of your product is a good way to encourage people to buy as the cost is minimal to their wallets. And with a small size they will feel less worried about waste if they realize they do not like the product after all. For food items, you may want to consider supermarket display stands for food tasting.

Use Marketers

Having someone at the display to help encourage people to approach and try a product is ideal. Many will be unsure if the item is a free sample or is discounted. A staff standing right there can quickly clarify and engage the customer in further discussion that will encourage them to make a trial. Push selling has long proven highly effective in making people feel obligated to make a purchase because they took up the marketer’s time.

Make The Display Pop

A colorful eye-catching design can do much to appeal to buyers. Especially when the target audience is children. They will naturally be drawn to the pop displays and will often try and get their parent or guardian to make a purchase. Tailor your display to appeal to your target audience for the best results. You can even enhance the display with light fixtures, video screens, or interactive tablets. Whether it is a countertop or stand up display, you should take advantage of any exposed space to make a positive visual impact.

Point of Purchase Displays vs Point of Sale Displays: What’s the Difference?

Custom counter top display
POP or Point of Purchase refers to in-store areas where interaction between customers and products occur. It can be something like the shelf facings, promotional materials, or specialized Point of Purchase displays. POP is where a customer is considering buying a product. On the other hand, POS or Point of Purchase refers to interactions between customers and products in the area where the actual sale of products happens. These interactions occur near the checkout area in a retail store or the register. POS displays are found close to the checkout area.

POP Displays for Retail Stores

Retail stores have various sales strategies aimed at boosting sales of products. POP displays offer an intuitive way to place products directly into the path of shoppers in a retail store. Apart from the regular aisle shelf, you can add facings using these displays and shoppers will be more likely to select your products over those of competitors.

POP displays are designed for larger products or larger quantities of products. The products that feature in these displays are those already likely to be on the customers’ shopping list. They can also be used for temporary promotions and sales. In-store owners use POP displays to push different packaging options and raise brand awareness. The displays are versatile and ensure the mobility of the display.

POS Displays for Retail Stores

Retail stores use POS displays because they are placed in locations that almost guarantee the shoppers will see or encounter the product during their shopping since every shopper has to check out at the register or checkout counter. These displays are ideal for products that perhaps don’t appear on the shoppers’ shopping list. However, encountering the products can trigger a purchase.

POS displays work best for smaller products like bottled soft drinks, candy bars, and cosmetic products such as lip balms or even magazines, pens, and batteries. Brands may use the displays to push promotions. Point of Sale displays provoke impulse buys while also being able to raise brand awareness.

The Wrap Up

POP displays occupy floor spaces within a store, but they could also be found on walls and windows. They take the form of signs and are considered an ideal way to help brands raise awareness about new products, promotions, and specialty packaging, for example, a pack of six beverage bottles rather than a single bottle. When it comes to POS, they serve a similar purpose to POP – to draw the attention of shoppers to your product. Think of the magazine racks you find next to the counter or the confectionery displays that you pass by while completing your purchase at the cashier.

When deciding on what designs to use for your Point of Purchase display, you need to look at the branding, communication, color themes, location, and space. With corrugated POP displays, they are sturdy and can be customized to feature the design elements you want depending on the audience you are targeting and the products you are promoting or selling. An important thing to mention here is that you should make the design unique so that it stands out.

Make Your Point of Purchase Displays Stand Out

Custom Countertop Shipper Displays
Being competitive in every aspect of your marketing strategy is what needed to keep your business afloat and your products recognized easily. One of the most effective marketing campaigns you can utilize for your small items is to entice your prospective customers with display boxes. These are often those small boxes you can see on the pay counter or freestanding cardboard materials in the middle of the grocery and highlighting the stacked products.

In most cases where products are hard to sell, utilizing this type of advertisement is useful to keep people aware of the brand and lure them towards trying the product. And because they are highlighted inside the store, customers who are looking for things to buy are more likely to be drawn towards the visual display and presentation.

Consider Colors to Draw Attention to Buyers

One good way of drawing attention towards your point of purchase displays is to evoke strong emotion and perception through the use of colors. If your products have a specific color, create a powerful message by going against the backdrop to create a focal point that generates attention to your display boxes.

A good example is to use red or orange which is considered to be arousing colors, or perhaps use green or blue to evoke a calming effect on your intended audience. There is also a study that shoppers are particularly drawn to color more than anything else and they draw decisions within a minute and a half after being able to interact with what is being offered.

Make Your Display Boxes Appealing

If you have several products you want to include in your point of purchase displays, always make sure they are organized in a good way. Product grouping attracts customers and helps create a visual stimulus that draws their attention to the full. Use a color scheme or arranged them according to their use or item type can be neat to look at.

But on the side of it, you can also incorporate other elements to trigger their eyes and brains into looking twice at what you are offering. In many ways, capturing a prospective customer doesn’t have to come from being too organized. You can also create a perfect imbalance on your point of purchase displays so their brains are triggered into gazing at your display boxes. Whatever your strategy is, it is POP displays will always be a great marketing strategy.

Start Your Business with Cardboard Pop Displays

Counter top display box

Nothing beats a good cardboard pop display to hold your products in and get noticed by customers. If you are able to grab the attention of many with your artistic and creative display ideas, your business will greatly benefit from it as well.

There are considerations that you have to take in when choosing a design for your cardboard pop displays. And, being able to have one is a good step towards your business’ success and brand’s name. Here are a few things that you should consider before having the final design of your cardboard pop display

4 Things to Consider For Your Cardboard Pop Display

Before you buy your cardboard pop displays here are some of the things you should consider in order to avoid problems in the long run.


The first that you should consider before coming up with the designs is the area or location where your point of purchase displays will be displayed. Whether it will be displayed on a countertop, a shelf or an open area. By knowing where you’ll display, you can have a basis on how to strategize the design to make sure it can grab the attention of many.

In this factor, you should also include considering the display’s dimensions. Coming up with a perfect dimension will do the job in no time.

Choice of Materials

Needless to say, you should choose that are durable and sturdy so that your displays can last longer. Also, looking for the best combination of colors and looking for the best material to use this will make your displays stand out even more. Always remember that the brighter your display is, the more attention it can get.

Stick to Your Concept

Aside from planning how to make your displays look really good, we highly suggest you that you keep your brand’s concept. That way, you will be remembered by many through your display’s concepts. Consumers nowadays are more inclined to visuals, so the way to grab their attention is to leave them an impression that they will never forget.

2 Things to Look for in Your Display Provider

  • Shares Creative Ideas

    Instead of planning on your own, finding a good company to provide your displays that will lend you a hand and conceptualize your display is truly amazing. Once you found one, treat them like your business partner and listen to their ideas as well to help you come up with only the best concept and design.

  • Loyalty

    Make sure that after sharing your business concept with them, they are ethical enough not to share it with your competitors and leave you at a loss. Finding a good partner is something but finding a loyal one is even more amazing and perfect.

Leverage Point of Purchase Displays

specialty product display box
In a retail setting, first impressions do last and the use of great point of purchase displays would be. An ACEEE Study shows that CFL sales increased by as much as 706% in four Arizona stores when the point of purchase displays shows a great idea at a discounted price. This was further supported by a Harvard Business Article that shows great increases in revenue, specifically KODAK, Atari and even Ford Motors, and that their clever use of point of purchase displays have helped them reach their target market demographic at lesser cost.

Cardboard pop displays are also a great way to get the attention of your market. These eye-catching displays are also immensely cost-effective. This is because they help not only in advertising but also in selling your product. The judicious use of cardboard pop displays would not only serve as an educational tool to inform the potential buyers of your product. They also serve as a crucial sales brochure material that may convince your target market to buy your product.

However, just putting up cardboard pop displays will not guarantee sales. Point of purchase displays needs to be strategically designed in order for them to be effective. Here are a few useful tips to apply.

  • Combine the power of both your packaging and point of purchase displays with a theme. By designing your cardboard pop displays similar to your containers, you are not just imprinting the product and container in the minds of the customers but are also attracting potential costumers to go to your product’s display space and get a second look.
  • Point of purchase displays are loved by retailers since they make shopping less drab and more fun, and you can use this as a negotiation card when extending your product contract with the retailer. By adding a break of the monotone panorama of products and price tags, you give your product a marketing edge. This will also help convince retailers to continue getting more of your product as their inventory, further increasing your revenue. Use this information to convince retailers to adopt your product.
  • Point of purchase displays can be used to streamline your distribution channels. Distribution channels and we are not just talking about general retailers like grocery stores but also merchandisers and specialty shops will have an anchor for the industry or product area using your point of purchase displays. By marking your heavily-contested area with your displays, distribution channels will not need to use a lot of human resources to help people get to where your products are located. Your cardboard pop displays will also function as a shopping landmark.

By using creative point of purchase displays, you can be assured of a better marketing edge. This advantage can increase your market share, which will bring more revenue and profit for your business.

Better Custom Printed Display Boxes

Custom Countertop Shipper Displays

Packaging will play a substantial part in defining the quality of the items which are packaged using them. If a product’s packaging isn’t of the highest quality, it might pose a threat to the quality and safety of a product. Also, it may be a great reason for the poor look of the product when using point of purchase displays. The corrugated and custom printed display boxes include the most widely utilized packaging materials within industries. The quality of the packaging boxes have to be properly tested to offer the best strength and quality to the boxes so they could offer the best safety to the items. Also, alongside strength, the aesthetic look of the boxes has to be tested so that it might leave an enjoyable impression on the mind of the clients to influence his/her purchasing decision.

It’s important for the manufacturers of packaging boxes to test their boxes’ quality so that just the boxes that have best strength and quality are offered to the clients. It’ll assist the industries in making sure of the best safety and quality of the items.

Custom Printed Display Boxes Tester

Corrugated boxes are stored inside the warehouses by stacking that will exert a high quantity of compressive pressure upon the boxes. The compressive force may be extremely hazardous for the quality of the boxes as the force may significantly deform the boxes and threaten the safety of the item which is packaged inside. It’s important for the manufacturers to test out the compressive strength of the corrugated boxes so that it might be determined how much maximum force may be applied to a box without having to cause deformation of the box. It will help in the determination of the stacking capability of the boxes. A box compression tester is an effective and efficient testing device which is utilized for figuring out the compressive strength of a corrugated box. The test is done by putting the test sample underneath two jaws then a compressive force is applied to a box until the box is deformed. It’ll help to find the minimum quantity of force which is required to deform a box and help the designer in determining the factor of safety for a box. In that way, the box offered to the customers is of the correct strength and helps to provide the best safety to the items.

Point of Purchase Displays

You want to put your product out on display but you want to be really careful as to how it looks in people’s eyes. Anyone that sells anything can tell you that the key to buying is buying with the eyes. People eat with their eyes…people buy with them, too. Putting your product in a normal cardboard box doesn’t really give the impression that you’re trying to dazzle them with your products. This is why having point of purchase displays are important for any business or business owner. Displays are often neglected but display boxes help accentuate any product, big or small.

POP displays can be used for just about any occasion whether the items are being sold or not. There are plenty of reasons why these display boxes are so important.

  1. Professional Look – If you don’t know what you’re doing, you might as well look like you know what you’re doing. Because every product is different in size and scope, a professional looking box will suit the product well. It at least breaks away from the drab look of a cardboard box. The product will essentially sell itself.
  2. Customizable – Business owner or not, you can have your boxes customized to add that extra special piece of flare. Have contact information or simply have a cool look to it with lots of colors. In either case, you can’t do that with many display boxes.
  3. Ships Well – Shipping a product is key and important, too. When shipping to clients or even to friends and families, point of purchase display boxes are good options. It is especially important when it comes to shipping in bulk.

Regardless of what a person needs to display, various forms of boxes are needed. As a general practice, it’s good to break out of the mindset that a box is a box. Boxes do serve a particular purpose – not just for storing items or packing items away. If you are a business owner or need to adequately and successfully display items then you can order them online from a company like Cactus Containers. It is unlikely you will find a place at your local office store that will serve your purpose.

Buying these boxes are effective for you and your bottom line. Give them a try and see for yourself. A person withPOP displays will see at least a 20 percent gain in profit. That’s 20 percent better than 0.