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When to Consider a Custom Foam Insert?

Custom foam insert

Do you know what a box insert is? From the name itself, box insert is the material that is placed inside the box that will further protect any items inside a particular box from damages and other risks. However, this does not literally mean that a “box” insert should be made from a cardboard. Instead, the usual box insert is made from foam.

When do you really need to consider using a custom foam insert? The simplest answer would be when you are packaging or shipping a certain product or item that is fragile and you want to protect this from any damages and any other risks of defects. The custom foam insert is an ideal way to protect the item and prevent any destruction and disfigures because of the perfect fit.

What are these fragile and delicate products and items that need some custom foam insert before final packaging and shipping? Let us find out!

Glassware and Mirrors

The most obvious products and items that need the custom foam insert are glassware and mirrors. Since these products, including porcelains and any other items that are breakable, are very fragile, these need custom foam insert to be safely delivered from point A to point B without any breakage and damages. Aside from the costs of the product, broken glassware and similar products can also bring harm to the customers and people of the destination. Broken glasses can be a cause of serious wounds and injury.

Electronics and Appliances

Of course, electronics and appliances should always be packed with a custom foam insert to avoid any defect as a result of constant pressure and trauma during the packaging and shipping stage of the product. While not all appliances and electronics have screens and other parts made of glass and glass-like materials, all appliances should be handled with care because their parts are too valuable and complicated.

Furniture Needing Assembly

Aside from the appliances and electronics, furniture that needs assembly like cabinets and dining tables also require custom foam insert to avoid scratches that can decrease the quality of the item. A decreased quality will not only affect the item itself, but also the customer satisfaction. If a customer is not satisfied with the product they received, this dents and scratches will backfire to the company or brand, making them lose their customers; therefore, the brand will also experience a sudden decrease on sales.

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