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Things to Consider with a Ballot Cardboard Box

Custom ballot box

We all know that a ballot cardboard box is a sealed container that is not just limited to election usage today. The corrugated ballot box is now used as comments or suggestions box, lotteries and raffles, and other commercial uses. But before it was used as a commercial and marketing tool, ballot cardboard box was first used in 1872 by the British. Also termed as “secret ballot”, the first ballot box was sealed in wax that is now being held at the Pontefract Museum after it was used under the Ballot Act 1872 during the election.

However, the ballot cardboard box is known to have been used during the first federal vote in Washington D.C. Today, the corrugated ballot box is being used not just during elections, because almost all of the countries are already using an automated voting system, but in a wide range of locations. Before getting a corrugated ballot box, always consider these things first to ensure that the ballot will be effective and efficient.

Security and Seal

Before purchasing a ballot box, always ensure that the seal is included in the feature. Security should always be the top priority to avoid damages and maintenance costs. One thing to consider is the material that the whole ballot box was made of. For the ballot cardboard box, look for the boxes that are made of corrugated cardboard, because this can ensure that the ballot box is sturdy enough to withstand some natural causes.

Also, consider the places to store the corrugated ballot box. Remember, although the ballot boxes are sturdy enough, it is always safe to store in an area that is dry and not frequented by wet weather or by people passing by.

Size of the Ballot Box

What is the use of the ballot box that you are getting? Is it for raffles, lotteries, suggestions, comments, or registration? After ensuring the safety and sturdiness of the ballot boxes, the next thing to consider is the size of the ballot box you are getting. It really depends on how many “entries” are you expecting. For example, if you need a comments or suggestions box, it is wise to get a small to medium size corrugated ballot box. On the other hand, if you need a ballot cardboard box for raffles and lotteries, you should consider the number of tickets and participants before getting a box.

Size of the Insertion Slot

The last thing to consider, but also important is the size of the insertion slot. The common guideline in determining the slot’s size is how large the “ballot” or the form is. If it’s big and foldable, then consider requesting for an insertion slot that is big enough, but not too big for the hands to invade the boxes.

Remember, the size and the quality of the ballot cardboard box should always be considered.

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